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Chapter 593: Sticking with Zeraora

The scene in front of him was so real, but it also made Xia Chen feel a little dreamy.

This is an elf that looks like a cat that walks upright. It has all the advantages of a cat elf——

He has a handsome and strong figure, hair as white as snow, a face that is naturally cute to humans, a long ponytail-like hair extending from between his shoulders, and cute fleshy pads on his paws.

, and wary and uneasy eyes.

Even those with the most stringent aesthetics would not be able to find flaws in its appearance from a creature that was fabricated by Arceus himself.

If you were a trainer who controlled the appearance of elves, you would definitely fall for such an elf at a glance.

This is the charm of Zeraora. In Xia Chen's mind, she is the only being who can surpass the two super popular elves, Lucario and Koga Ninja, in terms of handsomeness.

He really didn't expect to encounter a Zeraora in this place, and it was an even rarer one, a heterochromatic Zeraora.

But then again, Zeraora is a fantasy Pokémon that appeared in the generation of Sun and Moon, so it is very reasonable for it to appear in the Alola region.

Sure enough, persisting in searching for the overlord elf here is the right thing to do.

Xia Chen sighed in his heart, Zeraora over there felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by this human being.

The look in his eyes is so strange...

Zeraora, who didn't quite know how to use words like "appreciation" and "scorching" to describe it, could only use the word "weird" to describe it.

"Ono [pronounced the same as rua]... (Human, you can tell your purpose.)"

Seeing that this human being still didn't speak, but just looked at her blankly, Zeraora couldn't stand it anymore, moved her body unnaturally, and then spoke.

"I'm sorry, I've never seen such a handsome elf like you before, so I'm a little bit out of sorts."

Xia Chen said sincerely: "Before I came here, I thought it would be an armored dragon or something. I didn't expect it would be you. I'm very happy."

This is not against his will. In terms of cuteness, beauty and elegance, Senbushanaido and the others are definitely Xia Chen's first choice, but when it comes to handsomeness, Zeraora is the real god.

Zeraora was stunned by such direct praise. It rarely came into contact with humans, and even if it did, it would only receive bad comments, and a strange emotion surged in its heart.

It couldn't be said that she was happy or sad, and she didn't reject it anyway. However, Zeraora, who didn't like to get along with humans because of the previous misunderstanding, forcibly hid this emotion.

He then responded in a cold tone: "Aono——(If you keep talking so glibly, I will... run away!)"

It originally wanted to say harsh words like "Kick you out", but after thinking about it, it was a person who showed kindness to itself after all, so saying this might hurt the other person's heart, so it temporarily changed its words, resulting in the entire threat

Collapse directly.

Xia Chen tried his best to hold back his smile. While thinking in his heart that this guy is really kind and cute, he raised his hands in surrender and said: "Okay, okay, I will keep saying this in my heart from now on. So, let's tell the truth about this matter."

, I will believe you."

Zeraora breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, and then spoke about the events from her own perspective with a complicated expression.


Zeraora's ability to express herself was not strong. After intermittent narration and several question-and-answer conversations, Xia Chen figured out the whole incident.

As it thought, the elf who committed the "arson" was not Zeraora, but a naughty Thunderbolt.

He is not a local elf in Alola, but was abandoned here after following his trainer.

The reason is that its trainer subdued an electric monster here, and it has overlapping attributes and is no longer needed.

"Oh, not to mention his character alone, that guy is also a failure as a trainer. There is no comparison between Naughty Thunder Bomb and Electric Shock Monster except for attributes. He doesn't understand the charm of high-speed elves at all..."

Xia Chen commented with surprise.

He interrupted casually and was glared at by Zeraora, so Xia Chen could only continue to listen attentively.

After that, of course, the abandoned and naughty Lei Dan began to hate humans. From the beginning, he bullied the young trainers in Feng Lai City, and then became more and more bad, and started to set fire to the residents' orchards.

This incident reached the ears of Zeraora on the mountain, and this kind-hearted overlord elf immediately decided to arrest the arsonist and educate it to be a good elf.

"Hey, why do you want to interfere with those human affairs? Anyway, the naughty thunder bombs didn't endanger the interests of your mountain elves, right?"

Xia Chen interrupted again.

Zeraora glanced at Xia Chen and replied reluctantly: "Ono - (right is right and wrong is wrong. It was abandoned by its trainer. What does it have to do with other people.)"

Xia Chen said again as if he was angry: "But those residents did that to you in the end."

Zeraora made a kitten-like face, and the fleshy pads on her palms jumped up and down, as if she was going to stretch out her claws in the next second.

It took several deep breaths to calm down, and snorted coldly: "Aono——(I said, right is right, wrong is wrong, there is no relationship between these two things!)"

Xia Chen gave it a thumbs up, "Three views are correct! The consciousness is much higher than that of most human beings!"

Zeraora turned her head with an arrogant expression that said, "Who needs your praise?" and said, "Aono! (Anyway, don't interrupt me again!)"

Xia Chen also knew that cats are very petty creatures, so teasing cats should be done in moderation. He nodded with a smile, "I understand, I won't do it next time."

In fact, the incident is almost over at this point.

Although Naughty Thunderbolt is fast, there is no way it can be faster than Zeraora. The first time it set fire, it was caught on the spot.

When Zeraora brought it back to the mountain, its back happened to be seen by a witness, and the first misunderstanding arose.

Although the educated naughty Lei Dan promised not to do it again, the last arson was so exciting that he could never forget it.

The naughty Lei Dan quickly ran away down the mountain and began his second crime.

This time it was not for revenge, but purely for the thrill of arson.

Elves are also intelligent beings, and this kind of pathological criminal psychology is common to all.

In short, Zeraora caught this naughty Thunderbolt several times, but was unable to do anything to it——

After all, it is the overlord elf of Fenglinhuoshan, not the mayor of Fenglai City, so it will always sit on the side of the wild elves.

Punishing an elf for human property is unjustifiable both emotionally and rationally.

In the end, the current situation was formed.


"So where is that naughty Thunderbolt now?"

Xia Chen asked.

Zeraora shook her head helplessly, "Ono... (escaped again...)"

Xia Chen touched his chin and thought: "In other words, there is a high probability that this guy will continue to commit his criminal behavior?"


Maomao's face looked a little depressed. Xia Chen patted its furry shoulder and comforted him: "It doesn't matter, you have done a good enough job."

Zeraora shivered when she was touched by the warm palm, and looked at Xia Chen who was about to press against her in horror.

When did this guy come to me?

Xia Chen knew how to take the initiative to distance himself again, warning himself that cats can't be petted in a day.

One day, I will make it meow!

"Anyway, I roughly understand the matter."

Xia Chen put away his thoughts and said seriously: "Leave this matter to me, I guarantee that your impression in everyone's eyes will be greatly improved!"

With a slight cough, he changed the subject, "Of course, this also requires your cooperation."

No one likes to be misunderstood, and the same applies to elves. Zeraora hesitated for a while and asked: "Ono? (How do you want me to cooperate?)"

Xia Chen chuckled and leaned into Zeraora's ear. The latter subconsciously pushed him away with a wary look on his face, "Aono? (What are you going to do?)"

Xia Chen said confidently, "Hey, this is my secret plan. You don't want others to know the secret, right?"

Zeraora's face was grim, and she reluctantly came over for a while.

Xia Chen whispered to it, "It's very simple. The next time a naughty thunder bomb sets fire, you come out later and wait until the citizens are almost here before taking action."

"Ono? (That's it?)"

Zeraora felt that she had been deceived. If the matter could be solved so easily, would she have been wronged for so long?

Xia Chen shrugged, "It's that simple. Let me tell you a truth, Zeraora. A good person will be hated by everyone if he does a bad thing. A bad person only needs one good deed to change people's minds."

"What's more, this is a misunderstanding in the first place. As long as the truth is shown as it is, it will be fine."

Zeraora was dubious and said: "Ono? (Even so, what kind of clever plan is this?)"

Of course, Xia Chen couldn't say that he said this deliberately just to chat with it. He could only pretend to be mysterious and said: "Well, there are some things that you will never know unless you are told. If I don't tell you, can you figure it out yourself? ?”

Zeraora thought for a long time with a cold face, and finally said in a weak voice: "Ono... (I know, thank you...)"

Xia Chen couldn't help but laugh and shook his head, this guy... is too innocent.

He coughed slightly and said: "Then I will stay in Fenglai City these days. By the way, do you want to come with me? If you are in the city, we can get to the scene faster."

Zeraora frowned and said in confusion, "Ono——(Didn't you say you would show up later, why is it faster now? I won't go down, it only takes a few minutes for me to go down anyway.)"

Xia Chen clicked his tongue, but unfortunately, there was no trick.

Forget it, stop teasing it, the future is long.

To conquer this kind of elves, you have to be patient.


It was nearly ten o'clock when we went down the mountain.

Because Naughty Thunderbolt always set fires at night and failed to abduct Zeraora, Xia Chen thought for a while and decided to go back to Haole City first. He had promised Gullton last night that he would go back to do something. A chili dinner.

It only takes more than half an hour to fly from the northeast corner of Melemele Island back to the southeast corner at the speed of Doron Baruto.

It was exactly 10:30 when I returned to my residence. I contacted the boss to deliver food and it was just in time to start cooking.

But before that, there was an episode, Lillie came over.

"Aloha, good morning, Teacher Xia Chen!"

The girl with a high ponytail said hello energetically.

Today, Lillie was wearing a simple dress, with a pure white suspender top covered with a thin gauze dress, and her lower body was a pure white sports skirt that looked like a tennis skirt.

It looks pure and beautiful.

Da Mucheng was also yawning behind him, looking like he was sleep deprived.

He waved to Xia Chen, "Ah, Xia Chen, you're back, then I'll leave Lillie to you, and I'll go back and catch up on some sleep."

Xia Chen nodded in agreement and took Lillie into the yard.

"If you want to come over, just call me. Why bother Principal Omu?"

Xia Chen asked curiously, "I remember I left you my phone number yesterday, right?"

Lillie giggled twice, "Because I'm afraid that Teacher Xia Chen hasn't gotten up yet and will disturb you..."

So you just bother your principal, right?

Xia Chen was amused and touched at the same time. Unexpectedly, he had just met and his status in Lillie's heart was already higher than that of Damuchi.

No, at this time, we should have a moment of silence for the principal...

"So, what's the matter with coming to see me so early?"

After withdrawing his thoughts, Xia Chen asked the girl following him.

Lillie replied: "Didn't I tell you yesterday that I wanted to ask you for knowledge on elf battles? I'm already older than the trainers who debuted at the same time, so I hope to improve myself as soon as possible."

Although this girl is a newcomer, she debuted relatively late due to personal reasons, and her actual age is only more than one year younger than Xia Chen.

"Is this so..."

Xia Chen was thinking about the best direction to teach, and asked: "Lilie, do you like spicy food?"


Xia Chen's jumping question made Lillie a little confused. Does fighting between elves... have anything to do with eating spicy food?

This is Xia Chen. Does this question have any profound meaning?

Can eating spicy food make you stronger?

Thinking like this, Lillie responded obediently: "I can't do it right now, but I will try my best to learn to eat spicy food!"

Xia Chen knew that Lillie might have misunderstood something, and his face looked a little strange.

Isn't this girl a crazy person?

He said helplessly: "I mean, the lunch dish may be a bit spicy. If you are not used to it, I will make something else."

Lillie's face turned red, she lowered her head and whispered: "Oh...ok, thank you, teacher."

Xia Chen had no idea how to guide Lillie, so Xia Chen chose to put it aside and wait until after dinner.

It's a good time to take advantage of this period to find out about this girl's current situation.

In the interval between ordering and delivery of the food, Xia Chen asked Lillie to release her three elves——

Ice Vulpix, Pipi, and Hua Huanhuan.

Although they all appear to be fairy elves and have a somewhat systematic appearance, in fact, the characteristics and abilities of these three elves do not form any complementary combinations, and there is not even a clear main attacker.

The support is sufficient, but the defensive and offensive capabilities are somewhat lacking.

Putting aside the overall strength of the elf lineup, individually speaking, the three elves showed no signs of exercise. They even had some overnutrition because they ate so well——

Commonly known as, fat.

For elves, there is a clear difference between being strong or puffy.

The fleshy Ice Vulpix is ​​indeed very cute, and it feels fleshy to the touch, but on the battlefield, the extra flesh is just a burden——

Unless you are an elf like Kirby or Iron Palm Rikishi.

"Teacher, what do you think of my elf?"

Lillie clasped her fingers nervously and asked expectantly.


Xia Chen didn't want the girl's expectations to be disillusioned, so he said tactfully: "Yes, there is plenty of room for improvement, great potential, and strong plasticity."

Lillie's expression froze, she was not an idiot, so she could naturally hear the deep meaning behind such words with high emotional intelligence.

Xia Chen quickly comforted him: "It's okay, you are still young and can easily change back."

After thinking for a while, he said: "Let's start changing from the most basic aspects of cultivation!"

This chapter has been completed!
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