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Chapter 5 How do you want me to lychee!

The crisp ringing of the doorbell interrupted Xia Chen's fantasy time. Just as he was about to get up and open the door, a brown figure flashed in front of his eyes.

Looking at Ibrahimovic who jumped up skillfully, put his forelimb on the door handle, and pressed down the door handle with his body weight to open the door, Xia Chen looked strange.

Why are you so skilled?

Although it's very worry-free, it's still a little strange...

This action was done so smoothly that it seemed like it had been done a thousand times, but Ibrahimovic just came to his house today...

Xia Chen could only attribute this to the wisdom of this Ibrahimovic being different from Changbu.

The door opened, and as expected, it was Mingyi and her vine snake who came to eat and work as a photographer.

As soon as Mingyi entered the door, she saw Xia Chen standing at the dining table in a daze. After saying hello, she also responded.

Xia Chen stood there, who opened the door for him?

Then he lowered his head and saw Ibrahimovic squatting obediently, staring at the snake with big eyes.

"Did she open the door?" Mingyi asked uncertainly.

Xia Chen shrugged, otherwise it would still be a ghost?

Mingyi changed into slippers and entered the door with the same strange expression, followed closely by Teng Teng Snake.

Mingyi was also a frequent visitor to Xia Chen's house. She had no intention of treating herself as an outsider. She washed her hands and prepared to help Xia Chen.

Xia Chen was indifferent to this childhood sweetheart who could only do harm to her, so he quickly stopped her.

"Stop, stop, stop, we're going to take a video today, you'd better resist the camera!"

Mingyi hummed unconvinced, but agreed obediently.


Because he was making a video, Xia Chen would recite the key points of some steps while cooking, and Mingyi would also ask questions from time to time.

Mingyi's tone was quite serious, as if she was really asking for advice seriously, but the words she asked were quite vulgar for someone who had cooked.

Such as...

"When the oil is 60% hot, you can add the green onions to the pot."

"How do you tell about 60% heat? Can you measure it with your hands?"

"Pour in the appropriate amount of light berries prepared in advance."

“What is the appropriate amount?”

"The soul of this dish lies in the small spoonful of sugar before serving."

"How do you tell the difference between sugar and salt?"

The two singing and harmonizing didn't look like a cooking video at all, but more like a cross talk.

Although Xia Chen was speechless, he still responded patiently every time, because he found that at this time in the video, the barrage would be particularly intensive.

Forget it... In order to earn milk powder money for Ibrahimovic, just answer idiot questions.

This is not because I deliberately look for the effects of the program, but because the effects of the program come to me on their own.


Xia Chen and Ming Yi were busy in the kitchen, and in the living room, Ibrahimovic and Teng Teng She were also communicating silently.

Vine Snake has an arrogant temperament and did not take the initiative to talk to her. In her eyes, this junior Eevee should have greeted her first.

And Ibrahimovic, for some reason that only she knew, just looked at Vine Snake with a loving look on her face.

Tengteng Snake felt that this Eevee was very strange, and gave him a vague feeling that "this sister looks very familiar, maybe she has seen it before".

As for why she feels this way, even the snake, who was just born and whose brain has not yet fully developed, doesn’t understand.

Maybe... the eyes?

By the way, it was the eyes. The way she looked at herself was just like the mother she had never met.

The Vine Snake didn't know if it was a Monarch Snake, a Variety Monster, or other elves?

In short, it couldn't be this Eevee that looked smaller than me.

Thinking about this, she suddenly felt that she was offended by this little Eevee.

What is your look!

I consider you my friend, but you want to be my mother?

Tengteng Snake was angry, and she felt that she must teach this junior a lesson!


The vertical pupils of the Vine Snake instantly became sharp, and invisible energy emitted from its wide-open eyes.

Elf move, stare!

Although it sounds a bit useless... in fact, this change type of move can lower the opponent's defense.

In the game, this type of move is reduced by a fixed level, which is one-third.

But in reality, it is obviously not that rigid. The degree of decline depends on the strength gap between the two elves, the resistance of the elves to such moves, and other factors.

Otherwise, you can't just make Arceus tremble with a glare from a newborn Rattata, right?

The same is true for other changing moves such as strengthening, intimidation, will-o'-wisp, and poison.

It stands to reason that facing an Eevee smaller than himself, the vine snake's glare should be able to exert its full effect.

But Ibrahimovic almost burst into tears, but Ibrahimovic still had a half-smiling expression.

Like saying again, "Little sister, what's the matter with you?"

In the eyes of the vine snake, this was a naked provocation. The arrogant snake quietly glanced into the kitchen.

The smell of fireworks is getting thick and it will definitely not end in a while. It’s enough to take care of this little Eevee.

Although Vine Snake is also an elf that came out of the breeding base, its aggressive nature imprinted deep in its genes will not change.

Today, she is going to teach this little Eevee to be an adult!


A vine quietly protruded from the yellow flower decoration on the neck of the vine snake, and without any warning, it greeted Ibrahimovic.

The two elves were not far apart to begin with, and the Vine Snake carried out a sneak attack without any sense of martial ethics.

No matter how you look at it, this ordinary little Eevee just born doesn't look like it can avoid this vine whip.

There was a proud look in Teng Teng Snake's eyes. The first thing my sister will teach you today is that your opponent will never notify you before attacking!

But she didn't notice that the moment the vine whip was withdrawn from his body, Ibrahimovic's slender ears twitched imperceptibly.

So, in the incredulous eyes of the Vine Snake, Ibrahimovic ducked his little head deftly, and was attacked by the whirring Vine Whip he was swinging, and failed!

How can this be!

Vine Snake was shocked. The distance between Ibrahimovic and him was definitely not more than half a meter, and his use of the vine whip was much more flexible and faster than his arms.

All these can be empty, is Ibrahimovic cheating?

After being stunned, Teng Teng Snake was suddenly startled, and then he remembered that he was already in a fighting state.

Damn it, Ibrahimovic, who is definitely a master, will never miss this opportunity, he is afraid that he will be beaten!

But something she didn't expect happened again. In her field of vision, Ibrahimovic casually raised his little jio and straightened his hair that had just been messed up by the strong wind brought by the vine whip. It seemed that he didn't seem to be affected by the attack of the vine snake just now.

Keep it in mind.

Teng Teng Snake didn't realize that at this moment, his mentality was gradually out of control.

Ibrahimovic's teasing and careless attitude made the proud snake whose self-esteem was humiliated completely filled with anger.

If you think rationally, all the above unusual things illustrate one thing -

Let’s not talk about hard power, just talking about combat awareness, Ibrahimovic is far away from me by a million miles!

But... lychee?

How do you want me to lychee!

The Vine Snake could no longer restrain its inner impulse and pounced towards Ibrahimovic in front of him.

This chapter has been completed!
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