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Chapter 628 Yu Jian, who is sick in middle school, also wants to save the world

Perhaps because he has been in a lonely environment for so many years, Paper Edgeworth's ability to express himself is not much better than that of Deoxys.

After asking for a long time, Xia Chen initially understood the relationship between "brilliant stone" and spiritual erosion from its mouth.

According to Zhi Yujian, it was originally just a Zhi Yujian that was no different from any other of its kind. It was affected by some kind of will erosion and spent an unknown number of years in a state of confusion.

In its expression, during the time when it was corroded by the black mist, its thoughts were violent and single-minded.

It's like a zombie, except that it's not interested in eating people, but hacking everything it can see.

It lived like this for thirty years, maybe more, until one day, it broke a hole and hit an indestructible stone, and the gears of fate began to turn.

The ultimate beast like the paper sword naturally likes to chop something, let alone after it is corroded by the black mist.

The more immovable the stone is, the more it tries to split it.

A drop of water can penetrate a stone. Under the persistent attack of Zhi Yujian, the stone that changed its fate finally broke through its skin, revealing its inner core, which Xia Chen deduced was a radiant stone.

The energy seeping out of the radiance stone entered the body of Zhi Yujian through the blade in contact with it.

That energy seemed to be in a natural confrontation with the black mist, and it gradually swallowed up the black mist lingering in Zhi Yujian's body.

Then, Zhi Yujian awakened.

Although it didn't understand the principle, it still felt that its own changes were related to this stone, so it called it a holy stone and chopped it day after day to clear its mind.

Before Xia Chen arrived, the black mist in its body had been basically swallowed up by the energy of this stone.

Zhi Yujian was thinking about how to use this stone to save all Zhi Yujian in the valley, but Xia Chen came over and broke the holy stone into pieces.

That's why it became so angry just after waking up.

Most of the above content is Zhi Yujian's expression, and a small part is Xia Chen's reasonable supplement. In short, the truth is almost like this.

"I see..."

Xia Chen pondered for a moment and said, "Then you should thank me for coming."

Zhi Yujian was stunned for a moment, then the flat four-pointed star on his face suddenly elongated, and he became angry.

In all his life, he has never seen such a shameless person.

Not only did he do something wrong, he also forcefully argued that he should thank him.

Listen, is this human language?

If it weren't for his physical limitations, Zhi Yujian would have wanted to kill him with one sword.

Xia Chen chuckled and said, "Don't worry, let me analyze it for you."

Gu Ledun, who was beside him, gave him a look of disdain, and continued to lie, why did he say it sounded so nice?


Xia Chen ignored the big lizard's eye attack and continued: "Let me ask you, how long did it take for you to wake up from that state?"

Zhi Yujian was stunned, shook his head, and said: "Tana... (I don't know...)"


After the Dark Age, no matter the day or night, without the reference of sunrise and sunset, who can still keep track of time?

Xia Chen also thought of this. He waved his hand and changed his question: "It took a long time anyway, right?"

There is nothing to deny this, Zhi Yujian nodded.

Xia Chen smiled with satisfaction and continued to fool... No, he analyzed: "It will take you so long to use a paper sword. How many paper swords are there in your valley?"

Zhi Yujian's expression froze, and just when he was about to refute, Xia Chen said again: "I know you want to say that you can do it one day, right?"

"So, have you considered other possibilities? For example, other paper swordsmen can't listen to you at all. You have been in that state, so you should understand, right?"

"Even if you bring them all here, are you so sure that the energy of the Holy Stone is infinite? Won't they break the Holy Stone into pieces?"

Every time Xia Chen asked a question, Zhi Yujian's momentum became weaker.

Because it knows that everything this annoying human says is right.

Zhi Yujian wanted to refute something, so it found the only flaw in Xia Chen's words, and said dullly: "What does that have to do with me wanting to thank you!"

Xia Chen smiled and said, "So do you agree with my previous opinions?"

Cunning humans!

Zhi Yujian thought bitterly, it didn't want to talk anymore.

Xia Chen saw that the temper of this sharp-edged guy was almost tempered, and he said leisurely: "The reason why you thank me is because your method doesn't work, but my method does."

Zhi Yujian looked disbelieving and said suspiciously: "Tana? (How? What can you do? Find more holy stones?)"

Xia Chen smiled and said, "It's smaller, the layout is smaller."

Zhi Yujian: "..."

This human being is saying something weird again.

"What I mean is, we have a longer-term goal."

Xia Chen spread his hands and drew a big cake, "If we restore the entire world to its original state, then can the paper swords in a valley be saved?"

Zhi Yujian: "..."

Save the world?

The blade of the paper sword trembled slightly, as if there was a trace of electricity running through it, but it made no statement.

How can I, the dignified Lord Zhi Yujian, believe your mere words as a human being?

Although Zhi Yujian's trembling was very slight, it was still noticed by Xia Chen, who was mentally strong.

Is this...an expression of excitement?

But he didn't speak, it seemed like he didn't believe himself...

Xia Chen remained calm on the surface and said in a sincere tone: "I know you don't believe I can do this. It doesn't matter. You can stay with me and supervise me."

Therefore, Leden continued to look at Xia Chen with disdain.

I thought how long your map could be, and with just a few words, the dagger was revealed?

In fact, Xia Chen's idea was much simpler than Gu Lerton imagined.

Where is this?

The ultimate world.

Who is Paper Edged Sword?

An ultimate alien beast that has never been subjected to the tricks of human trainers.

Speaking of the wild elves in the original world who were about to be snarled by trainers' various methods, they might even wonder if Xia Chen was after them, but the innocent Zhi Yujian probably wouldn't.



As expected, Zhi Yujian had no doubt that Xia Chen had other purposes. It wrinkled its tentacles and began to think seriously.

The holy stone has been broken and I have recovered from my hazy state. So is there any point in staying in the valley?

Do you play chopping rocks with those idiots every day?

Instead of doing this, why not go out with this human being and maybe find a way to save the world?

When he thought of "saving the world", Zhi Yujian began to tremble unconsciously, and an unspeakable excitement surged in his heart.

Xia Chen saw this, changed his mind, and decided to test this guy.

His expression suddenly became solemn, and he said loudly: "Zhi Yujian, do you think it is a coincidence that you can get the holy stone and restore your clarity? No, this is destiny!"

"Because you are the chosen one, the sword of destiny that saves the world!"

Zhi Yujian didn't speak, and the sword trembled even more.

It’s indeed a chuunibyou!

Xia Chen suppressed a smile in his heart and decided to add some more excitement to it.

He shouted loudly: "If you don't draw your sword, how can you be like the common people?"

Zhi Yujian only felt a fire burning in his heart.

Yes, this is my destiny and my responsibility!

Xia Chen's tone was slightly calmer and he recited a poem: "It takes ten years to sharpen a sword, but the frost blade has never been tested."


Zhi Yujian was so excited that the lying sword suddenly stood up.

Deoxys looked at it with a surprised look on his face and thought, could it be that the blow I just gave was not hard enough?

Xia Chen smiled slightly. Sure enough, to deal with the second disease, you have to use this method and deal with it directly!

Here, Zhi Yujian didn't realize at all that it had been controlled. It stared at Xia Chen with burning eyes... Well, although it had no eyes, its mood at the moment was roughly the same.

"Tana? (Where's down there?)"

Zhi Yujian asked.

Xia Chen spread his hands knowingly, "What's down there?"

Zhi Yujian asked eagerly: "What's behind this sentence?"

The illiterate man had no concept of poetry in his mind, so he asked this question.

Xia Chen chuckled, "Oh, you said this, it's called poetry, it's improvisation. I haven't figured out the second half yet, maybe I can figure it out later?"

The implication is obvious. If you want to know, come with me.

Zhi Yujian was still a little hesitant, but it wasn't really hesitant. It was closer to being reserved.

Xia Chen glanced at it and began to recite poems again, "If God had not given birth to me as a paper sword, the sword would be as long as the night!"

Zhi Yujian gritted his teeth, "Tana! (Stop reading, I'll just go with you!)"

Damn human beings, they recite poems when they recite them, and they only recite half of them. No matter how much they disagree, they don’t know how much they have to recite. They are definitely half of them!

I have to say that even though they have only known each other for a short time, Zhi Yujian has already touched the character of this doggy man.

When the dust settled, Xia Chen showed a satisfied smile.

"Then, let's just say it, let's save this lost world together."


Zhi Yujian naturally scored the ultimate ball in the end.

But when it comes to subjugation, Xia Chen doesn't think it counts.

He felt that subjugation was a very sacred thing and that the trainer and the elf must form a contract, even if it was only verbal.

Now his relationship with Zhi Yujian is more of a partnership with the same goal.

For Xia Chen, there is another level of despicable unilateral use.

After dealing with all this, Xia Chen planned to return to the metropolis. He did not plan to dig the vein of the suspected radiant stone now.

Even if he dug it, it would be useless, and he couldn't take it back. The storage ball was useful, but it was too weak to transport ore.

So, after asking Deoxys to use the healing wave to heal Paper Mitsurugi's injuries, he set off back to Metropolis.

Therefore, Luton's speed was still very fast, and he returned to the metropolis more than half an hour later.

Looking at the Metropolitan Tower, which was shining with brilliance that seemed to never go out, Xia Chen suddenly felt a little emotional.

In fact, with his current strength, he could stay in the wild for ten days and a half without any danger at all, but he still rushed back to the metropolis.

The attraction of light to human beings may have been engraved in the deepest part of our genes.

The Metropolitan Defense Force had just started working before leaving, so it was naturally very early for them to get off work when they came back.

Xia Chen went directly to the top of the Metropolis Tower to look for Cionilla. He wanted to use Metropolis's technological power to analyze the composition of the Brilliant Stone.

It would be great if we could study why it is resistant to black mist.

Xiongnila obviously didn't expect Xia Chen to come back so soon. He asked in surprise: "Have you done what you want to do?"

Xia Chen nodded and threw the ultimate ball containing the special paper sword.

White light flashed, and Zhi Yujian, a patient with severe chuunibyou disease, appeared in the room. Xiongnila was startled, and she almost didn't equip the mechanical exoskeleton on the side to prepare for resistance.

Xia Chen was speechless, "Why are you so nervous? Will I hurt you?"

As the top leader of the metropolis, Xiongnila's psychological quality is quite outstanding. After seeing Zhi Yujian coming out, he didn't make any unnecessary moves. Xia Chen on the side was also very calm. Only then did he let go of the heart hanging in his throat.

Go down.

He straightened his appearance and asked, "Xia Chen, what is going on?"

Xia Chen pursed his lips, "As you can see, a paper sword, well, a paper sword with clear thinking."

Xiongnila stared at the paper sword with eyes full of disbelief, and found that this ultimate beast was really different from other violent monsters.

He couldn't help but stand up and wanted to get closer to observe, but the paper sword suddenly activated.


Silver light burst out, and in a split second, the sword was drawn out and sheathed.

Xiongnila only felt something flashing in front of her eyes, and there was something cold on the top of her head.

He stretched out his hand to touch it, and his hair often fell like snow, which made the already poor situation on his head even worse.

Xia Chen laughed mercilessly: "Even if it is not polluted, it does not mean that it has no temper. Chairman Meng Lang."

Xiongnila looked sad and wanted to cry, "My beautiful hair..."

Xia Chen was a little curious, "With your medical level, it's easy to get a hair transplant, right?"

Cionila continued to misbehave, "In the metropolis, any waste of resources for unnecessary things is shameful. I must set an example."

Xia Chen thought for a while and couldn't help but said: "Why don't you just shave it all off?"

Xiongnila shook her head stubbornly, "There is still a difference between less and none."

Xia Chen: "..."

After a moment of silence for Xiongnila's heroic sacrifice of hair, Xia Chen brought the topic back.

He told the whole story about the paper sword, and then took out one of the broken pieces of radiance stone.

"...That's probably it. I think if this issue is researched, it might be helpful to your situation."

Xiongnila naturally understood this better. He carefully put away the radiance stone and solemnly said: "Of course, this will be the top priority of our next research."

He suddenly bowed deeply to Xia Chen and said sincerely: "Please allow me to express my gratitude to you again on behalf of all the residents of the metropolis! Although our current situation is precarious and we cannot give you more in return, I

I promise you that when we get through the dark era, we will definitely repay your kindness!"

Xia Chen waved his hand, "Don't draw such a big pie, just remember to help me create Storm Red."

This chapter has been completed!
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