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Chapter 640: The Elf Craze in Metropolis

In order to mine and bring back as much radiance stone as possible, the Ultimate Defense Team was accompanied by many people this time.

With Xia Chen and Sirona accompanying them, safety can be completely guaranteed. All the defense team needs to solve are logistical problems.

In order to ensure that the empty ultimate city behind would not be stolen by the tide of alien beasts, Xia Chen left behind Deoxys and Zeraora.

The two elves' combat prowess ranks among the top three among all the elves in Xia Chen, and they can run to valleys thousands of miles away at extremely fast speeds under extreme circumstances, which is perfect.

After everything was settled, the mining brigade composed of the Alliance Investigation Team and the Ultimate Defense Team officially set off.

Xia Chen, who had been to the Sword Valley once, led the way with ease, while Sirona, Cattleya and the others surrounded the Ultimate Defense Force in a protective formation, like an ancient bodyguard team.

Although there were unscrupulous sneak attacks by ultimate beasts from time to time along the way, the group of people still arrived at their destination without any danger, and no members were injured or injured.

This is a first for the Ultimate Defense Force. In the past, when conducting investigations outside the city, everyone started with a tragic mentality of no return, because the casualty rate of humans in the wilds of the Ultimate World was too high.

And this trip has further strengthened their desire to obtain assistance from the elf power.

Yujian Valley and Xia Chen had not changed much when they left last time. If anything, there were only a few of the most powerful paper Yujian missing.

The second paper sword is now devoted to the great liberation of the ultimate world with Xia Chen, while the other two paper swords, Xia Chen, is preparing to arrange for them to protect the ultimate city after curing the erosion of the dark matter.

The remaining paper swordsmen in the valley don't pose much of a threat, and their championship-level strength is really not enough under the luxurious lineup of several trainers.

Soon, the Yujian Valley, which had a reputation of being extremely dangerous, ceased to be the noisy "ping ping ping pong" of the past and transformed into a high-quality radiant stone mining field.

What Xionila said is indeed true. Mining and the Ultimate Defense Force are indeed professionals.

Positioning, exploration, blasting, mining, even though they didn't bring any large mining machines, they did it in a decent manner.

Soon, the mining work began to proceed in an orderly manner.

The hardness of the radiance stone is extremely strong, so strong that Guluton needs a concentrated move to blast it into pieces, but a certain high-energy electromagnetic laser weapon of the defense team can cut it extremely smooth and flat.

This certainly does not mean that Metropolis has weapons comparable to those of the legendary elves.

Therefore, Luton, or all elves...their strength lies not only in their ability to use energy to form moves, but their comprehensive abilities such as speed, defense, and combat awareness are the key to their strength.

In comparison, Metropolis people's weapons take a long time to prepare, consume a lot of energy, and are rigid and difficult to change. Although it is useful for mining or fixed-point strikes, its disadvantages will be infinitely magnified when used in actual combat.

Otherwise, they would not have been suffering from the intrusion of alien beasts all this time.


The mining time is expected to take five days. If it is prolonged any longer, there will not be enough energy and space to bring them back to the metropolis.

These five days are destined to be boring and tedious. Metropolis is a bustling city after all, not to mention there are so many black technologies that cannot be seen on earth.

The valley was so deserted and lonely that even Xia Chen found it boring.

A'Du was the first one to be unable to sit still, so he moved closer to Xia Chen during dinner on the first day.

"Hey, Achen, do you know where the poisonous baby or the four-jawed needle dragon lives nearby?"

Xia Chen turned to look at him and said, "Do you want to breed one?"

A'Du was a little depressed, "I guessed it right away...Is it so obvious?"

Xia Chen smiled and said: "It's okay, because I think you would be the kind of person who wants to conquer the ultimate beast."

A'Du touched his chin, "Are you praising me?"

Xia Chen nodded in affirmation, "Of course, you have an adventurous spirit."

A'Du simply did not dwell on this matter. He clapped his hands and said, "In short, I think the Four-jawed Acupuncture Dragon is the most suitable ultimate beast for me."

Xia Chen reminded: "Actually, the Evil Eater King is also a dragon, although he looks a bit different."

A'Du shook his head and said matter-of-factly: "I know it is of the dragon type, but there is no dragon in its name."

Xia Chen: "..."

It turns out that the criterion is whether it contains the word "dragon". Is this why you conquered the flying elves such as Charizard, Gyarados, and Fossil Pterosaur?

The chat between Xia Chen and A'Du also attracted the attention of several other people. Xin Li and Aselola both expressed their interest in the ultimate beast.

The former's target is an Iron Fire Kaguya, while the latter's target is a Bang-headed Clown.

Xia Chen complained: "What kind of weird aesthetic do you have? I don't want the handsome and capable paper sword here. Do you like those two?"

Zhi Yujian, the second grader, was standing nearby, and felt a little proud after hearing Xia Chen's praise.

Although this guy hasn't read a poem that makes his heart surge for a long time, but this kind of praise... it's okay if he can barely do it!

Everyone has their own aesthetics. Xia Chen can't force everyone to like Paper Edge Sword. After a few words of complaint, he didn't persuade them to change their decision.

But should I say it, the strength of these two ultimate beasts is pretty good, especially Kaguya the Iron Fire.

Not to mention anything else, just the attribute combination of Steel Flying would make many elves drool with envy.

With only two double weaknesses, it has ten resistances, two of which are even four times resistant, and two are direct immunity!

Although the racial value in the game is somewhat like a hexagonal warrior, the ultimate beast itself has a total racial value of up to 570.

Except for the speed, which is only 60, the other five abilities are all over 100, which is a pretty good distribution.

And if we really talk about the appearance, the Tetsuro Kaguya, which looks like a green rocket launcher, is pretty cool.

Not to mention, he goes well with Xin Li, a slender, cool and dashing girl.


The three of them all had the intention of taming the ultimate beasts, so Xia Chen decided to take them to search for the elves they wanted to tame nearby.

Although the largest number of elves in this area are paper swordsmen, it does not mean that there are no other types of ultimate beasts.

Xia Chen asked Sirona and Cattleya by the way if they wanted to consider cultivating an ultimate beast. Cattleya said that there was no super power type, so no. Sirona's reply was that she didn't force it, just let it happen, which was quite willful.

Two reasons.

The two champions were left to serve as doorkeepers in the valley, while Xia Chen and the three kings wandered around.

When you see those ultimate beasts, you fight. When you beat them down, you throw the ball. The main thing is to conquer them with violence.

The tender route? It doesn’t exist.

Even if they want to be affectionate, the ultimate beast is not in the mood to drink the chicken soup Adu Xinli gave him.

After all, under the influence of dark matter, the more powerful the elves are, the more severely they are corroded by the black mist.

The first person to achieve his goal was A'Du. He subdued a poisonous baby that was still in its infancy and not very strong.

Correspondingly, apart from being a little manic and depressed due to the erosion of the black mist, it is still quite sane.

From Xia Chen's aesthetic point of view, Little Poison Baby is the only one among all the ultimate beasts whose appearance is related to the word "cute".

With a big round head, an innocent expression when confused, and short and cute limbs, he looks like a cute little purple dragon.

After being fed by A'Du's Kuailong several times, it became obviously much closer to the fat dragon, often spinning upside down and circling around its much larger orange body.

This is Poison Baby's way of expressing closeness. If you want to get closer, you can use the needle on its head to spray venom and draw a smiley face graffiti.

Xia Chen gave Du Beibi a jade bracelet made of small grains of radiant stone and tied it to the poison needle on its head. The energy it continuously emitted could subtly cleanse the little black mist in Du Beibi's body.

The journey of Xin Li and Acerola's conquest will be much more bumpy.

The Poison Babe is a relatively common one among all the ultimate beasts, while the number of Iron Fire Kaguya and Bang-head Clown is much rarer, especially Iron Fire Kaguya.

The number of this guy is small to begin with, and it also likes to sleep. Who knows where it is buried.

In the ultimate world map of Rotom on mobile phones, there is a place called [Sleeping Place] where many Iron Fire Kaguyas are buried, but it is too far away from here and it is really inconvenient.

So the four of them had no choice but to wander around within a hundred kilometers of the Yujian Valley, hoping to see if a blind cat would encounter a dead mouse.

As a result, they actually bumped into each other.

The encounter was quite dramatic. It was smashed out by a shadow ball when Acerola's Mimikyu was fighting the Bang-headed Clown.

Then, naturally, they killed two birds with one stone, a double blessing. Xin Li and Acerola both conquered their favorite ultimate beasts.

The strength of these two ultimate beasts is above the king level. The difficulty of training must be more than one factor higher than that of Poison Beibi. They need to be brought back to the metropolis and locked in a small room, throwing a radiant stone and slowly boiling them.

Almost like an eagle.


It took three days to subdue the three ultimate beasts. When they returned to the valley, the Ultimate Guards had already begun the finishing work.

According to Mi Ling's report, a total of more than 3,000 tons of radiant stone were collected this time. It may not seem like too much, but considering the hardness of the radiant stone and the size of the mining team, this is already a large number.


You must know that the large piece of raw radiant stone that Xia Chen obtained last time was only less than ten tons.

After successfully completing the mining task, the group immediately set off back to the metropolis. Including the time on the road, it took ten days to go back and forth.

When they arrived in Metropolis, several of the pregnant elves brought from Earth had already given birth to elf eggs.

The people of Metropolis simply regard these elf eggs as treasures. They are not only equipped with dozens of nano-level medical robots for comprehensive care, but also live broadcast the situation in the breeding room 24 hours a day on the big screen of the most prosperous Metropolis Tower Square.

What’s even more outrageous is that every day thousands of metropolitan people squat in the square to watch, bringing their own chairs.

It stands to reason that advanced technology allows them to watch it at home, at work, in their dreams, and anywhere, but many people still choose to gather in the Metropolitan Tower Square.

There is no other reason, it is just an atmosphere.

While watching the live broadcast of the hatching of elf eggs in the square, they excitedly talked about everything related to elves, although the total amount of so-called "everything" was not much.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s been a long time since metropolitan people realized what “hope” is.

In this desperate dark era, hope is as precious as sunshine.

But now, they can feel it in these elf eggs that are full of vitality and vitality.

Not only were these elf eggs the mother that gave birth to them, but those various monsters with beady eyes were also promoted to the status of national heroes.

This grand occasion reminded Xia Chen of the treatment the national treasure panda received abroad in his previous life. No, it was far more exaggerated.

As the elf eggs continued to be born, Xia Chen and Sirona gradually became busy——

Busy giving elf incubation and cultivation classes to people in big cities.

As we all know, a top trainer must be an excellent breeder... not to mention excellent, at least qualified.

Not to mention the training level of these champions, Xia Chen is at the bottom among them.

There's no way around it, he's only been out for a few years, so there's a lot of difference in experience, and his elves are very... self-disciplined, and rarely let him worry.

But it is definitely more than enough to teach people in big cities.


Unknowingly, a month has passed since Xia Chen and the others arrived in the ultimate world.

Since returning from mining half a month ago, the six of them have been living a regular life of giving lectures, training, and going out to explore.

Xin Li and Acerola are even busier. They have to spend a lot of time every day to communicate with Iron Fire Kaguya and Bangtou Clown.

Facts have proven that locking the ultimate beast corroded by the black mist with the Radiance Stone in an empty room is very therapeutic.

The manic Ultimate Beast has nowhere to vent its nameless rage, so it can only attack the Shining Stone, and the energy emitted by the Shining Stone after being attacked reacts on the Ultimate Beast, healing their spirits.

Under positive feedback, the ultimate beast continues to attack...

After staying in a virtuous circle for half a month, the minds of Tiehuo Kaguya and Bangtou Clown have become normal and calm.

Xinli and Acerola, who went to visit and comfort them every day, also won their closeness and trust.

Xia Chen, who observed this phenomenon, called this process [purification].

So before the Z pure crystal was discovered, wouldn't the role of three thousand tons of radiance stone come here.

It is of course a fantasy to use the Shining Stone to purify all the ultimate alien beasts corroded by the black mist, but there is no problem in cultivating a legion of alien beasts with normal thinking to guard the metropolis.

Xionila decisively adopted Xia Chen's suggestion and decided to make the cultivation of elves and the purification of ultimate beasts the two top strategies of Metropolis, and carry them out simultaneously.

One focuses on the present and the other looks to the future.

At the same time, the ultimate metropolis has ushered in a larger and denser wave of alien beasts.

Although the elves were able to hold on with their strong strength, a trace of gloom emerged in Xia Chen's mind.

He understood that with the mining of radiance stone and the purification of the ultimate beasts, the dark matter that controls the will of the world has begun to move.

This chapter has been completed!
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