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Chapter 660: Coming

The venue for the battle between Xia Chen and Sirona is on the upper floor of the Metropolitan Tower.

Since [Comprehensive cultivation of elf trainers] became the "national policy" of the Ultimate Metropolis, places such as battlefields and elf training houses have sprung up on this land.

Walking on the streets now, you can see all the metropolitan people walking side by side with the elves. They look no different from the world over there.

The booming elf system also gave Sionila more confidence. Within three months, he led the Ultimate Defense Force to expand the "territory" of Metropolis twice.

Although this means that the places that need protection have increased proportionally, it is of extremely great significance to metropolitan people.

In a devastated world of darkness, every spread of the light of civilization that represents hope is extremely valuable.

In the process of rebuilding civilization, King Lei Guan also played an immeasurable role.

His magical power restored vitality to the dull land that was devoid of nutrients and full of impurities. Coupled with the small artificial sun developed by Metropolis, the people of Metropolis saw for the first time how plants grow outside the laboratory.

This vibrant green and bright light are equally inspiring.

In the new urban areas of the metropolis, city central parks, botanical gardens, and green belts have sprung up one after another, becoming the favorite places for metropolitans during this time.

Of course, King Lei Guan, who appeared as a saint in front of people, once again gained a group of loyal believers who were once superstitious in science.

Although the metropolitan area is small, the population density is extremely high, and the power of faith of nearly 100,000 people is already quite large, let alone one with relatively high fanaticism.

But the strange thing is that King Lei Guan's strength not only didn't improve much, but actually dropped a little.

King Lei Guan’s explanation for this is that the power of faith also has a step-by-step absorption process, but Xia Chen expressed doubts about this——

When he was in Dong Ning Village, King Leiguan jumped back to the legendary level from a level where he could be bullied by a few wild mahuola at will in just a few days.

Why is it different now?

Looking at King Lei Guan who was obviously hiding some secrets, Xia Chen was a little suspicious, but this guy repeatedly emphasized that he was fine, so he could only stop asking more questions and just assumed that it was because he had released too much energy and had a short-term impact on his strength.

Some losses within.

As the metropolis is developing so vigorously, the dark matter is certainly not completely unresponsive to it.

It's okay to say that the attacks of the ultimate beasts are more fierce. Once you get used to it, it's basically a formulaic defense.

What is even more worrying is that the ultimate investigation team exploring outside has repeatedly reported some strange phenomena——

Huge cracks that had never been discovered before suddenly appeared in the sky in many places. This crack was extremely attractive. The survey team who went to investigate was accidentally sucked into it after getting close and did not survive.

No matter in terms of appearance or characteristics, this crack is very different from the ultimate cave, and it is extremely dangerous. After receiving the news, Xia Chen did not dare to rush in to investigate.

But it is not difficult to speculate that the occurrence of this crack is highly likely to be closely related to dark matter.

Even from Xia Chen's own understanding of dark matter, its purpose is to make the world be swallowed up by nothingness. It is very likely that these cracks are connected to the realm of nothingness.

In short, the emergence of cracks undoubtedly indicates that the situation is further deteriorating.


Time has entered November unknowingly.

At the beginning of the month, the sirens signaling the coming of the orange-level alien beast disaster once again sounded throughout the metropolis.

Compared with the panic in the past few times, today's metropolitan residents have completely adapted to such "common food".

After the alarm sounded, they evacuated to the shelter in an orderly and calm manner under the command of the defense team.

However, no one could have expected that the situation this time would be completely different from all the previous waves of alien beasts.

Under the light of the Metropolitan Tower, the sky above the tower's spire is not bleak and dark, but an inky blue like the color of the deep sea.

But today's sky is completely different.

A deep, pure black that seemed to absorb all light shrouded the sky above the Metropolitan Tower, and the light emitted from the Metropolitan Tower was swallowed up like ice and snow melting under the sun.

No, it's even scarier than this scene.

After the ice and snow melt, they will at least turn into running water, and under this indescribable black mist, the light disappears as if it has never appeared in the world.

Darkness is a breeding ground for fear.

Although endless darkness is the norm in this world, most people in metropolitan areas have never stepped out of an urban area with full daylight in their entire lives.

Of course, the metropolis that suddenly fell into the night fell into panic in a very short time, and even the members of the Ultimate Defense Force were unavoidable.

At this moment, the defense headquarters on the top floor of the Metropolitan Tower is holding a secret meeting regarding this special incident.

Participants included several senior officials of the Metropolitan Defense Committee, Sionela, Mi Ling, Amamo, several other team captains, as well as Xia Chen, Sirona, and Cattleya.

The light of the metropolis was completely swallowed up, and the light source that illuminated the conference room came from Gu Lerton's body.

This guy's characteristic is that he can turn on the crimson pulsation in sunny weather, so it makes sense to temporarily act as a little sun.

Although there was light in the room, everyone's expressions were extremely gloomy.

They all had vague guesses as to what the indescribable thing that suddenly appeared in the sky was.

The characteristic of being able to swallow light is obvious enough. Besides the legendary God of Glory, who else can it be?

Everyone has expected its true form, but when that day actually comes, who can remain calm?

In the silent and solemn atmosphere, Theonila, the supreme commander of the metropolis, spoke first.

"Colleagues, I don't want to say such depressing words, but this is the fact. The survival of our world has reached a critical point of life and death."

Cionilla's first words set a heavy tone for the meeting.

But no one would say he was exaggerating.

The frequent waves of alien beasts that occurred in the past few months were the first signs of today's natural disaster. If there were still people who were lucky at that time, no one would question it now.

Xia Chen didn't answer, and his mood was even heavier.

Because he knew that Ultimate Necrozma was not the most terrifying thing, the dark matter behind it was the source of all fear.

But even if Xia Chen didn't speak, the focus of the audience was still on him.

The people of Metropolis rely on him, and Sirona and Cattleya trust him.

Everyone understands that he is the backbone and soul of the ultimate metropolis now.


Amid everyone's anxious, hopeful, or trusting eyes, Xia Chen, who tapped his fingers on the table unconsciously, finally said: "Don't worry, I won't leave."

With just a few words, the atmosphere in the conference room instantly melted.

The metropolitan people attending the meeting all cast grateful glances at him. If Xia Chen could also absorb the power of faith, he would now be more or less a champion-level elf.

Xiongnila stared at him deeply, bowed solemnly and said: "I know the word [thank you] is already a bit cheap, but please allow me to thank you again. No matter what the outcome of this war, you

Always the most respected person in the metropolis."

Xia Chen accepted it calmly. Although he had selfish motives for protecting the underlying roots of the ultimate world, he felt that he could bear the gratitude of Xionila and even the people of Metropolis.

"The situation is urgent. Next, the command is handed over to me, and I will designate the combat strategy."

Facing the respectful gazes of everyone, Xia Chen calmed down and said, "In the final analysis, this is your war, so I need your strength...even sacrifices when necessary."

Since he understood the dark matter's intentions three months ago, he has been thinking about and planning how to deal with this frighteningly powerful ultimate Necrozma.

As of today, Xia Chen already has a complete combat plan.

No one objected to these slightly cruel words, and Mi Ling even promised in a deep voice: "Every word you say will be the battle plan of our defense team."

Xia Chen nodded noncommittally and continued: "The most important thing is to use the Z move. At that time, I need you to organize enough elves to release the Z move at the right time and place, no matter what the situation is at that time."

The captains of the Ultimate Defense Team nodded in unison. They had become proficient in the use of Z-moves during this period of time.

And they are also the strongest trainers in the city itself. The main elves such as Mi Ling and Amama have king-level strength.

Of course they didn't cultivate it from elf eggs or cubs. It took more than half a year to cultivate a king-level elf from scratch, which even Xia Chenlai couldn't do.

Some of these elves were tamed when they went to Earth to study, and some were the ultimate beasts that restored their own thinking and will after being baptized by the Radiant Stone.

Although there is no deep relationship like Xia Chen and Xian Bu, the tacit understanding between them is also very sufficient.

There are many elves like this in the Ultimate Defense Force. After all, in the previous waves of alien beasts, Metropolis captured many powerful ultimate alien beasts.

Xia Chen's idea is very simple. Since Dark Matter is afraid of the power of Z-moves, theoretically it can burst out multiple times of restrained damage.

Although the difference in strength between ordinary elves and Ultimate Necrozma is too huge, the cumulative effect of a small amount of energy may still pose a threat to it.

This is not an unfounded guess. When Xia Chen returned to Earth, he conducted experiments on an ultimate alien beast controlled by the will of dark matter.

Multiple data have proven that when Z-move hits such an ultimate beast, it can cause huge damage five times higher than that of ordinary elves!

What kind of concept is this? In a normal battle, such an extreme situation would only occur when Paraster, who has dry skin, is attacked by fire-based attacks.

If he had to find a reason, Xia Chen thought it was the other "attribute" restraint of [light] on [dark].

It is worth mentioning that this has nothing to do with attribute restraint, because the crazy ultimate beast attacked by Z moves will also suffer the bonus of ordinary attribute restraint.

In other words, if the ultimate Necrozma with super and dragon attributes is hit by a fairy or evil Z-move, he will receive up to ten times the damage!

This is also one of Xia Chen's confidence in facing it and dark matter.



After absorbing the light of the metropolis, the indescribable thing as dark and deep as an abyss quietly unfolded its two pairs of huge wings, which exuded a faint dark red light.

With this faint light, Ultimate Necrozma's figure could be glimpsed.

Everyone in the war conference room could barely see clearly through the images captured by the microsatellites monitoring the metropolis.

This is a gigantic beast whose size is so exaggerated that it is almost the same size as the entire Ultimate City. It looks like a dim dragon-shaped monster.

Just one pair of its wings is so huge that it can cover the entire sky above the Metropolitan Tower.

No one doubts the devastating blow such a terrifying monster will cause to the metropolis.

"Tsk tsk, it's really spectacular. In terms of body shape, the Infinity Titanium is not that big, right?"

Slightly frivolous comments echoed in the conference room.

Xia Chen turned his head and glanced at the super powerful queen with a small body and a big heart, but he didn't notice a trace of panic in her facial expression.

I don’t know if it’s just an act or if it’s true.

But thanks to her, the tense and solemn atmosphere in the conference room relaxed a little.

Indeed, no matter how terrifying it looks on the outside, in the final analysis, this is just an elf.

Since it is an elf, there is a way to defeat it.

Xia Chen breathed out lightly, raised his head and said with a smile: "Everyone, I won't say any words of encouragement. This is the last beacon of the ultimate world, and it is also your home. Therefore, please give your all for the lights of the metropolis. Everything you have, even if you die, you will not give up."

It was obviously not a very exciting and high-pitched speech, but it had a surprisingly inspiring effect.

The members of the Ultimate Defense Force stood up together, blushed and shouted loudly: "Protect Metropolis, even to the death!"

The loud voice resounded through the conference room, deafening.

Xia Chen turned his head and looked at Sirona and Cattleya beside him, and said, "Let's go, it's time for us to set off."


Under the dome, a deathly silence filled the air.

Xia Chen had many experiences when the legendary elves awakened or appeared, such as Yveltal's death aura, the primitive return of Kyogre's violent wind and rain, Milerton's lightning and thunder, or Wuji Titana's Endless dark night...

These scenes are often natural disasters beyond human understanding. A little carelessness can lead to the death of thousands of people and elves.

But none of them, or the combination of these horrific scenes that would make ordinary elves frightened, could not compare to Xia Chen's current feelings.

As soon as he exited the Metropolitan Tower, there was a pressure that was so thick that it almost turned into substance. The pressure that made Xia Chen's breath stagnant hit him like a tsunami, squeezing his body from all directions without any gaps.

The most terrifying thing is that this is not the ultimate Necrozma targeting him, but a normal aura.

He raised his head and encountered a dark red light.

Xia Chen felt an instinctive fear in his heart for no reason.

That was Ultimate Necrozma's emotionless gaze from the abyss.

This chapter has been completed!
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