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Chapter 667

Unlike what outsiders imagined, the Alola region was not in panic at this time.

At first, the senior leaders of the Alola Alliance paid great attention to this sudden phenomenon and were prepared to prepare for it.

After all, the serious consequences of the last opening of the Ultimate Cave are still fresh in our minds. This Ultimate Cave is larger in scale, and who knows what can escape from it.

But here's the weird thing.

Just when the people of Alola were making the most complete preparations they could, they were surprised to find that these strange particles did not make any aggressive and unusual moves, but scattered in all directions.

And the direction of its movement is not regular at all, as if it is drifting away in the wind.

This scene immediately stunned the Alola trainers who entered combat mode.

I have all the elf balls ready, but you come up with this one for me?

Faced with such particles of unknown origin, unknown existence, and unknown purpose, the alliance's top leaders fell into heated discussions.

Some people think that doing more is worse than doing less. Anyway, these things don't seem to be destructive or hostile, so it's better to let them go freely.

But such guys are still in the minority after all, and most people believe that the nature and purpose of these particles need to be thoroughly investigated.

After all, this is a thing from the ultimate world, and it cannot be taken too seriously.

And just as the senior officials of the Alola Alliance were busy discussing the disposal of dark matter particles at the meeting, several inconspicuous figures emerged from the ultimate hole.

It was Xia Chen, Sirona, and Cattleya who followed the steps of the dark matter particles and returned to the elf world.

Compared with the extremely huge Ultimate Cave, their small figures as small as sand did not attract the attention of others.

When Xia Chen emerged from the Ultimate Cave, the dark matter particles scattered in all directions. He couldn't help but frown when he saw this scene.

He understands the characteristics of dark matter, and this guy can only appear in two forms: possessed form and aggregation form.

And now that it is scattered, if it is not escaping, there is only one possibility - it is trying to control the new legendary elves!

Xia Chen frowned and pondered this possibility.

All this time, he has been thinking about one thing——

Why did Dark Matter choose Yveltal and Ultimate Necrozma to possess instead of Xerneas?

There is a very high possibility and very common sense speculation, that is, the selected elves themselves have a bad temperament and are more easily eroded and affected by the negative energy of dark matter, and then controlled.

There are many arguments that can support this speculation. For example, Gullton and King Lei Guan were in front of me earlier. Why didn't the dark matter choose to control them?

One and the other ebbs and flows, and the few elves left by Xia Chen are simply not enough to fight.

Not to mention beating him, just letting them look at you a few more times is Dark Matter's mercy.

So based on this speculation, Xia Chen has a rough idea of ​​Dark Matter's target, most likely looking for legendary elves like Yveltal and Giratina who themselves belong to [Chaotic Evil].

No, looking at it broadly, except for the friendly ones like Ho-oh, Xerneas, Rayquaza, and the Sword and Shield Gods of Galar, other legendary elves have the possibility of being corroded by dark matter.

This idea is not groundless. At least in the Pokémon series that Xia Chen played in his previous life, Dark Lugia and Dark Dialga both appeared as villain bosses.


"That's really a bit troublesome."

After listening to Xia Chen's speculation and analysis, Sirona frowned, wondering: "We can't even determine the location of the legendary elves you mentioned, and we have no means to counter them."

Cattleya then continued: "But...are you sure that Dark Matter can control so many legendary elves?"

Xia Chen shook his head, "Not sure, but we can't rule out that the dark matter may have more abilities than we imagined. After all, it drives hundreds of millions of ultimate beasts into madness in the ultimate world."

Mentioning this "brilliant achievement" of Dark Matter, the faces of the three of them became increasingly serious.

"In short, there is no other way now. We can only try to find the legendary elves who have had contact with us first."

Xia Chen exhaled softly and turned to look at the two people beside him, "Let's rest in Alola for a while and let the elves replenish their health."

The previous high-intensity battle not only made the elves who were directly involved extremely exhausted, but also the trainers who directed and assisted the elves to use super evolution and the Z-move were also physically and mentally exhausted.

Xia Chen and Cattleya, the two superpowers, were okay, but Sirona couldn't stand it anymore. It was obvious that she was deeply tired from her face.

Zuo Zuo also lost his goal at this moment, and the other two agreed without hesitation.

The three Xia Chens who returned from the Ultimate World naturally received the highest level of courtesy from the Alola Alliance. Because they asked to rest first, Dr. Kukui, who originally wanted to talk to them in detail, did not bother them.

In the next few hours, champions from various alliances came to Alola. They all came for this huge ultimate hole.

Since the incident at the beginning of the year, the trend of integration of the ten major alliances has become more and more obvious. Everyone knows that the ultimate world is a treasure house containing countless opportunities, but at the same time, it also lurks huge crises.

This large and scary ultimate hole showed no sign of shrinking within a few hours after it was opened, so scared that the people of the Alola Alliance had to arrange for trainers to take turns guarding this airspace.

Simply after the dark matter dissipated, no other abnormal phenomena appeared in the Ultimate Cave, which also made the alliance executives heave a sigh of relief.

Xia Chen recovered quickly. After sleeping for more than two hours, he woke up at around 9 a.m. local time in Alola.

At this time, Dan Emperor Dawu and others were arriving one after another from other areas.

They came here prepared for a fierce battle, but it turned out to be unexpectedly calm, and they didn't know whether they were depressed or lucky.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, they also knew that things were far from as simple as they seemed, so they waited patiently for Xia Chen to wake up and inquire about the details.

The group of people are all partners who have explored the ultimate world side by side. After a brief exchange of greetings, they went directly to the topic——

What are those unknown particles scattered in all directions?

After Xia Chen pondered for a moment, he chose to tell the truth.

At this point, whether it is active or forced, Dark Matter has obviously chosen to open up the elven world as a new battlefield, and he can no longer choose to hide it.

Because this is more serious than the Gugai War and the Dark Night Incident. It is no exaggeration to say that it is even a major event related to the survival and safety of the entire elf world.

Regarding this point, the Champions of Heaven, who have just now learned the truth from Xia Chen, are convinced.


"Why did you just say it now?"

After hearing the whole story about the dark matter, the impatient Daye said without complaint.

I don’t know what the Sinnoh Alliance thought, but after Sirona and Xia Chen went to the ultimate world together, they actually appointed Daye as the acting champion.

Perhaps it is similar to the practice of "the head teacher appoints the naughtiest child in the class as a study committee member".

However, one thing is that since becoming the acting champion, Daye, a guy with a loose personality, has become much more reliable and has also taken on the responsibility of the champion.

In a way, she does a lot better than Sirona, who is obsessed with archeology.

It's just that impatience cannot be changed in a short time.

Just like this, without Xia Chen's reply, Adek, who was re-employed as the United Agent Champion, rolled his eyes, "Say it earlier? Say it earlier, what can you do? Defeat Ultimate Necrozma single-handedly?"

Daye blushed and realized that what he said was just out of his head.

Saying it earlier will do nothing but make them worry in vain.

Xia Chen waved his hand to smooth things over, and said with a wry smile: "It's not that I didn't want to say it on purpose, because I thought that no matter how noisy I was, I was still in the ultimate world, but now..."

Everyone is silent, what now?

Now it will have an immeasurable impact on the elf world, and Xia Chen has to say something.

After calming down, no one criticized Xia Chen's previous concealment.

In fact, even now, when they learned the truth about dark matter from Xia Chen, they still felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

Even an extremely pessimistic thought can't help but arise in my heart——

What can they do in the face of such a powerful being?

"There's a lot we can do."

Although no one directly mentioned this desperate idea, Xia Chen still saw it. He took a deep breath and said: "According to current speculation, Dark Matter is likely to prepare to control the legendary elves who tend to be violent in nature, so as to According to this speculation, the worst case scenario may cause riots in the ten major regions in a short period of time. We may not be able to defeat Ultimate Necrozma, but compared with these relatively ordinary legendary elves, we definitely have the ability to fight with them. The countervailing force.”

These words are not just words of encouragement.

In the past, when the elves were said to be inactive, humans always believed that these long-lived beings were completely different from ordinary elves.

But as more and more legendary elves came into view, people discovered that except for a few guys who controlled certain powerful functions, most legendary elves were not invincible.

I dare not say much else, but a senior champion will definitely be able to control the legendary elves like the Three Sacred Birds who have a tribe.

So Dark Matter chose the path of decentralized control, and Xia Chen really wasn't too worried unless it could create a darkened Arceus.

If things really come to this...

Then it would be really destroyed.

After some communication, this group of champion kings who stood at the pinnacle of human trainers finally emerged from the despair-filled atmosphere.

After discussing the general strategy, they each returned to the areas they were responsible for.

Time is running out, and no one knows when the latent dark matter will erupt. The enemy is clear and we are hidden. Humanity has too much to do.

Dark matter only needs to be destroyed, but what humans need to consider are the tens of billions of creatures living on this planet.


At the same time, Xia Chen is not idle either. He needs to bear greater responsibilities——

Communicate with known legendary elves and try your best to find legendary elves that are not yet active and may be controlled by dark matter.

This project is not a big one. Even with a "vehicle" of Guluton's level, Xia Chen only found four legendary elves in a week.

Among them, there are three gods of the lake who are packaged together, which are commonly known as the Three Holy Mushrooms - Emrido, Uxie and Aknom.

These three little ones can be regarded as typical legendary elves that are friendly to humans. After explaining the pros and cons, the three holy mushrooms promised to help when the dark matter causes chaos.

The last Thundercloud...this guy's attitude is much worse.

Xia Chen didn't show any mercy and simply subdued it, put it in a Poké Ball and brought it back to Yuanling Island, planning to release it after the incident was over.

The changes in dark matter officially began a week after Xia Chen returned to the elf world.

This time is neither too early nor too late.

Thanks to the effective propaganda of the top ten alliances, residents have become more vigilant, and most people have evacuated to safer metropolitan areas.

The original intention of this is to allow a more concentrated population to prevent the legendary elves controlled by the dark matter from going crazy and devastating the residents of small towns.

In fact, this prediction was very prescient. Just one day after the residents evacuated, many legendary elves appeared widely in various major areas——

Entei Raikou in the Kanto region, Lugia in the Johto Sea, Kyogre in the Hoenn Sea, Darkrai in the Sinnoh region...

In almost every region, there are legendary elves that suddenly awaken and become active.

Without exception, their state is no different from those of the ultimate beasts at the beginning of the year. They are manic, violent, and attack everything in sight indiscriminately.

And the same thing that happened in the ultimate world, every mutation of the legendary elves affected a large number of wild elves to coordinate riots——

There is no doubt that they have been affected by the dark matter that invaded the elven world.

The good news is that the alliance, which was on full alert at this time, was ready, and the elite trainers headed by the Champion of Heaven stopped these frenzied elves in time.

Of course, apart from Kyogre, there are beings like Lugia who are obviously much more powerful than ordinary legendary elves.

However, the area where these two elves are active is on the sea, and they do not cause much harm to human society. The unlucky ones are the countless ordinary elves living in the ocean.

However, the alliance's capabilities are limited. It has already tried its best to ensure that the densely populated metropolitan areas are not harmed, and there is really no time to take care of the rest.

And under the unswerving influence of dark matter, the situation is still getting worse.

Yveltal in the Kalos region, Tornado Cloud and Land Cloud in the Unova region, the four treasures of disaster in the Padia region...more and more legendary elves are rioting one after another.

The situation that was originally relatively controllable suddenly deteriorated to the point where almost fires broke out everywhere.

Xia Chen, who was flying around with the elves non-stop, was like a machine that kept spinning and could not stop. He tried his best to put out the fire everywhere, but he could never find the original body of the dark matter.

This chapter has been completed!
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