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Chapter 58 Damu Xuecheng

The plane flew through the clouds, and looking at the landscape on the ground that was getting smaller and farther away from him, Xia Chen felt a little empty in his heart.

I'll be separated from Ibrahimovic for a few days... I'm really not used to not having that noisy little guy around.

After stretching, Xia Chen decided to take a nap on the plane.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening when the plane took off. It takes more than two hours to travel from Zhijiang in the Donghuang region to Changqing City in the Kanto region, which is not a short time.

When I came to this world, this was my first time to go out so far.

Kanto region...the place where so many Pokémon dreams began. It's a pity that Eevee didn't come with her. She is so curious, so she will definitely be very happy when she travels far away.

Next time I must show this country bumpkin to the world...

Damn, why am I thinking about Zlatan Ibrahimovic?


After dispelling the messy thoughts in his mind, Xia Chen hugged the blanket handed over by the stewardess Gardevoir and fell asleep slowly.

I do not know how long it has been...

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at our destination safely. The plane has begun to descend. Please fasten your seat belts..."

A gentle female voice awakened Xia Chen from a light sleep.

The Kanto region has arrived.


Changqing Airport is located on the outskirts of Changqing City, next to the famous Tokiwa Forest.

The Tokiwa Forest was quiet and peaceful at night, and the cool evening breeze blew slowly, completely awakening Xia Chen who was still a little confused after just waking up.

Turning on his phone, Xia Chen first informed Mingyi and Ibrahimovic that they were safe, and then opened the chat box with Xiaogang.

Xia Chen: [Brother Gang, I got off the plane. Ibrahimovic wink.jpg]

Xiaogang might just be playing with his mobile phone, and he replied instantly: [Okay, I'll wait for you at the Pikachu convenience store here at the airport.]

Pikachu convenience store... Xia Chen looked around and saw a yellow neon light with the outline of Pikachu not far away.

Carrying his suitcase, he walked there quickly.

"Welcome, Pika~chu~"

Along with the music characteristic of the convenience store, the glass door automatically opens when it senses the presence of a customer.

Beside the long table where guests could rest and eat, a man with bronze skin, a spiky head and squinting eyes stood up and walked over to greet Xia Chen.

"Haha, you are [I am not a Cuckoo Pigeon]. When we first meet, I am [Iron Will]. You can just call me Xiaogang!"

The man had a hearty smile, like the strong sunshine on a 40-degree day, but Xia Chen couldn't resist it.


Is there someone who can reveal his and the other person's online names without changing his face during an interview...

Xia Chen, who was not afraid of society, couldn't stand it anymore. He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Xiao Gang... Hello, teacher, I am Xia Chen. Just call me A Chen."

Xiaogang is indeed a top breeder. He saw Xia Chen's reluctance at a glance, "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

Xia Chen coughed twice and found a reasonable reason, "Well...it's your first time traveling far away, so you're a little bit unaccustomed to the climate here, right?"

Xiaogang nodded suddenly, "I have also been to Jiangnan in the Donghuang area. It is a little different. Let's go to the hotel to rest first. The opening ceremony will be tomorrow morning. I will introduce it to you then..."

Xiaogang babbled while leading Xia Chen out.

As the saying goes, rely on your parents at home and rely on your friends when going out.

It’s my first time to travel far away and I met such a warm friend. It shouldn’t be a bad thing, right?

Xia Chen thought helplessly.


The next morning.

Xia Chen didn't know his bed, but he would wake up earlier every time he fell asleep in a strange place.

It was still dark outside, so Xia Chen yawned and walked into the bathroom to wash up.

"Morning, Ugly Fish, how did you sleep here last night?" he asked to the Ugly Fish swimming around in the bathtub.

The ugly fish spit out a string of uninteresting bubbles.

His evaluation is that it does not feel as comfortable as the aquarium at home.

There is no water circulation in the bathtub and it is a stagnant water. The surroundings are still white and annoyingly white tiles. When you are tired from practicing, you can't even look at the scenery to relieve your fatigue.

The most important thing is that no Chou Chou fish dares to train a water gun if it is not in their own home.

I don’t know if this place is expensive. What if Xia Chen is shot and can’t afford the compensation...

In short, the Ugly Fish is not comfortable anywhere in this new place. The only comfortable thing is that he can't see that stinky Eevee, right?

But speaking of comfort...it seems a little weird now that Ibrahimovic is gone?

As for the blame...it can't be the blame for missing her, right?

Huh...how could I have such strange thoughts in my mind?

"I'm going to attend a seminar later. Ugly Fish, do you want to go with me?"

Seminar? What is that?

But no matter what it is, it's better than staying in this broken bathtub, right?

The Chou Chou Fish thought so and nodded.


The seminar was held very close to the hotel, in the lobby of the largest hotel in Changqing City where Xia Chen stayed.

The World Breeders Association was very generous and directly booked a venue for the hotel.

After all, it was an academic seminar, and the entire venue was not arranged like a cocktail party, but rather an auditorium-style layout with relatively loose seats.

Xia Chen followed Xiaogang to the venue.

Xiaogang's outstanding popularity made almost everyone who met him stop and chat. Xia Chen could only greet people he didn't know politely along the way.

He didn't see many of the people he knew well in his past life memories. After all, in games and animations, most of the characters were trained.

With this thought in mind, a familiar person walked towards me.

The visitor's hair is half gray, and the wrinkles on his face also show that he is no longer young, but his upright posture and bulging muscles under his white robe make him look healthier than many young people. (The same is the special episode of Dr. Ohki.


"Ah, it's Xiaogang, long time no see. Why haven't you come to the institute to see me recently?"

Xiaogang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Dr. Omu, please don't call yourself an old man. What's the point of calling us an old man if you want to show off? I've been busy with the gym recently, so I haven't been there much. I'm sorry."

The person who came was none other than Omu Xuecheng, a well-known legend in the elf world.

A former champion of Kanto, a prestigious doctor of elfology, an authority in elf academia...

Dr. Ohki can be said to be both civil and military in the true sense.

After the two exchanged greetings, Xiaogang patted Xia Chen on the shoulder and said, "This is a friend I met recently, Xia Chen from the Donghuang area. He is about the same age as your grandson, but he has a very deep understanding of elf cultivation.


Xia Chen was ashamed, this braggadocio was beyond words... He also hurried forward to greet this academic leader.

"Hello, Dr. Omu, my name is Xia Chen. I am very happy to meet you, seniors."

Dr. Omu smiled and nodded in response, "Today's young people are running to become trainers. There are fewer and fewer people who can calm down and spend time on breeding research. Even Xiaogang, a guy with thick eyebrows and small eyes, has to

You are a part-time gym leader, boy, you have to work hard!"

Xiaogang was a little speechless, "You are a model of multi-tasking, right? If you take out your dragon, Kona will have a headache when he sees it."

Xia Chen looked at the two people who had no airs about each other and smiled slightly.

Even if there is nothing gained from this trip, just meeting these two people is a worthwhile trip.


Over in Kandu, Xia Chen was busy attending a seminar, and over in Donghuang, Ibrahimovic was not idle either.

Almost at the same time, the quarter-finals of the Bogaman Cup also kicked off in full swing.

This chapter has been completed!
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