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Chapter 83 Lalu Candy

[Hey! My favorite commander is back! Are you ready for a simulated world? 】

Hearing a familiar voice ringing in her mind, Lalulas breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the end of that simulation, Larulus has also used this "superpower stimulator", but she has not been able to enter the elf life simulator.

She even thought that the experience that day was just a dream. After all, except for memory, there was nothing else to prove it.

Fortunately, ten days later, this voice finally appeared.

Although the tone is still a little bit annoying as usual.

【Do you want to continue the last world journey? Yes/continue】


Lalulas calmly warned herself not to be angry.

[As you wish, let’s continue the journey into the incredible maze! What strategy will you choose this time? My friend. 】

The picture jumps from nothingness to the place where the story begins, the brilliant golden beach.

Seeing "Xia Chen" who had fallen down ten days ago appear in front of her again, La Lulas chuckled.

This time, let me protect you!


Having experienced her first simulation, La Lulasi successfully entered the cave where the gas bomb and the Crossed Bat were.

Just like last time, a sun coral blocked the entrance to the second level of the cave.

La Lulas took the initiative to challenge.

During these ten days, Lalulas made sufficient preparations and learned many basic fighting techniques from Ibrahimovic.

There is no teacher who can successfully master the power of mind.

It's a bit wrong to say that he is self-taught. The master who taught him the power of telekinesis was himself who exploded when Pikachu fell down in the simulated world.

In short, Lalu Lasi now is completely different from what it was ten days ago.

Reflected in the simulated world, she and Pikachu defeated the Sun Coral, which was not too powerful for her now, and entered the second level of the cave.

From this point on, it was a strange world for La Lulas.

However, compared with the first layer, there is only one more sun coral.

This didn't stop Lalulas from moving forward, but the addition of a Sun Coral also caused some injuries to her and Pikachu.

The blockers had been cleared, and Lalulas was about to continue to the next level when she discovered a green and vibrant light group hidden in the corner of the map.

La Lulas had an intuition, "Is that something that can restore Xia Chen and I's physical strength?"

[You can give it a try, I don’t guarantee whether it is real milk or poisonous milk.]

La Lulas had now somewhat figured out the system's speaking style, and she walked over without hesitation.

Sure enough, La Lulas could feel a burst of life energy injected into her slightly tired body.

【Excellent choice!】

La Lulas was speechless. What happened that all the good words tasted bad in the system's mouth?


[Oh ho! You have taken another big step forward! Your energy level has increased by one level. Congratulations on learning the move, hypnosis! 】

After solving a fossil helmet on the third floor, La Lulas suddenly heard such a new thing.

"Power level...increased?"

[In short, you have become stronger, keep fighting! 】

Lalulas walked into the cave on the next level suspiciously, and as expected, she encountered another sun coral.

This time, with just a thought, Sun Coral fell down with hatred.

Feeling the surging energy in her body just now, Larulas jumped for joy.

Is this what Xia Chen calls growth?

The attack power has increased, so what about the hypnosis technique that the system said it has learned?

La Lulas turned her head and stared at the other fossil helmet.

She was originally worried that she wouldn't be able to use it, but as soon as an idea came to her mind, her superpower was launched with a special energy wave, hitting the sun coral.

He is as skilled as if he has surpassed countless elves.

However, this was the first time in Lalulas' elf life that she had used hypnosis.

She carefully recalled and understood the energy movement that had just released the hypnotic spell in her mind.

The smart Lalu Lasi has already understood one of the great uses of this simulator.

Although the strength in the simulated world and the real world are not synchronized, after all, it is a move released by myself in the simulated world.

Back in the real world, as long as the understanding is good enough, there is still a chance to reproduce it.

This learning efficiency is much faster than learning with other elves.

It wasn't until she slept with the fossil helmet until it was dark, and realized that she could easily master hypnosis after going out, that Lalu Russ took Pikachu to the next floor with satisfaction.

On this floor, they finally met the two bad guys who stole the token, Crossed Bat and Gas Bomb.

The battle is about to break out.

However, the cross bat and gas bomb are much stronger than the sun coral and fossil helmet in the previous layers.

After less than a minute, La Lulas fell in front of the two elves.


【Every failure will make your mind stronger!】

[This world simulation is over, the system evaluation is B, please choose your simulation reward. 】

[Option 1: Energy Level 2 (Wow, it’s a whole level higher than the last reward!)]

[Option 2: Master the hypnosis technique (you don’t really want to choose this, do you? No, no, no?)]

[Option 3: Lalu Candy*3 (I tell you responsibly, this kind of good stuff is rare here!)]

Lalu Lasi Candy...there is a new thing.

"Can you tell me about the effects of Lalulas candies?" Lalulas asked curiously.

[As the name suggests, after eating a little lalulas like you, your all-round ability value can be slightly improved. 】

"Then I'll choose this."

Without much hesitation, Lalulas made a decision immediately.

Although I don't have the telepathy fragment I wanted, this one sounds good.

【If I were you, I would choose this too!】

[Moderate simulation is good for the brain, while addiction to simulation is harmful to the body. Arrange your time reasonably and enjoy a healthy life.]

[Countdown to next simulation start, 239:59:59]

Hey, wait, the rewards haven’t been distributed yet!

Before Lalulas could say this, she woke up again.

After removing the electrodes attached to her head, she suddenly felt something on her hands.

When I opened my palm, I found three blue triangular candies.

Undoubtedly, this is what the system calls Lalu Candy.

In her mind, this was Xia Chen's reward for the "elf birth simulator" and it would be harmless, so Lalulas ate it without hesitation.

The candy was very sweet, with a slight flavor of twigs and lychees that Lalu Lasi liked very much. The moment it entered her stomach, Lalu Lasi felt a warm current emanating from one point and then spreading to every corner of her body.

La Lulas tried to mobilize the energy in her body and found that the speed of superpower was indeed a little faster than before.

Although there were not many, the effect of the candies was far from over. The three candies that entered Lalu Lasi's body were like little suns, radiating to every cell in her body.


La Lulas was very excited and looked forward to the next simulation.

In these ten days, my strength will definitely improve to another level. If I defeat the gas bomb and the cross bat, I wonder what rewards I will get?

This chapter has been completed!
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