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Chapter One: Entering the Palace


Winter of the tenth year of Tianyuan

The snow is falling heavily and the chill is biting. This winter in Tianyu Kingdom is colder than ever. People are reluctant to go out due to the cold and stay at home. Even in the most prosperous and lively places, there are only a few people at this time.

The weather was so bad, but at the time of war, the enemy was invading, and the border was in a hurry. Mu Yunze, the general of the Tianyu Kingdom, was ordered to lead the army and fought fiercely for more than two months.

Mu Yunze's wife, Lin Yueyun, was nine months pregnant. The emperor was grateful for the general's bloodshed and killing the enemy on the front lines, so he ordered her to be taken into the care of the palace to keep her company with the pregnant concubine De.

Concubine De was close friends with Lin Yueyun before she entered the palace. Three years ago, Lin's father offended Tianyan and was sent to prison. Mu Yunze happened to be leading the army outside and was unable to take care of it. Thanks to Concubine De, who had just entered the palace, Shi

He was able to overcome the difficulties with help. Later, Mu Yunze used his military exploits to seek mercy from His Majesty and spare him from the death penalty.

The emperor specially ordered Lin Yueyun to live with Concubine De in Ciyun Palace. Lin Yueyun knew in her heart that His Majesty connected her to the palace as a gift, but in fact it was to threaten her husband with her and the lives of her children. Since three years ago, her husband has not hesitated to offend Long Yan.

He also wanted to marry her. Although the emperor said nothing on the surface, he was actually dissatisfied with her husband's disobedience to the holy will. It was only because of her husband's military exploits that he did not explicitly blame her. In the past few years, my husband has repeatedly made military exploits and served in the military.

His prestige in the army is also increasing day by day. Although the emperor is dissatisfied, he can't clearly blame him. The invasion of Yuan Dynasty is so fierce that my husband has not won the victory after two months of hard work. If my husband comes back victorious this time, he will definitely achieve great success.

Lord, according to your Majesty's character, they may not be compatible. The Yuan Dynasty is coming this time, and the weather is bad. If my husband is defeated, even if he comes back safely, your Majesty will definitely blame him for dereliction of duty, and I'm afraid she won't be able to

After walking out of the palace safely, Lin Yueyun felt worried while stroking the child in her belly.

This was Lin Yueyun's first day in the palace. The emperor placed her in the side hall of the Imperial Concubine's dormitory, and also sent some maids to the side hall. They called it to take care of her, but Lin Yueyun knew in her heart that this was the emperor's purpose.

to monitor and detain her.

Lin Yueyun was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, listening to the sound of raindrops outside the window. The rain had started to rain since the afternoon, and it had been raining non-stop. It was also because of the rain that Lin Yueyun could use this excuse to stay in the house.

In the side hall, there is no need to visit other palaces. The palace maids clean up the side hall. Although they are tidying up, there is nothing to clean up. Lin Yueyun only brought a few changes of clothes from home and nothing else. Raindrops fell on the ground.

Every sound struck her heart, making her breathless.

This night is destined to be sleepless.

Early the next morning, Lin Yueyun got up early, washed up under the service of all the palace maids, and went to the main hall of Ciyun Palace. Lin Yueyun did not bring any of the palace's personal maids with her when she entered the palace this time. She knew that entering the palace this time would bring fortune and misfortune.

, I don’t want to injure other people. Lin Yueyun wore a Yunyan fine cotton coat brought from home, and her jade-like blue silk was simply tied up with a magnolia flower hairpin, which was extremely elegant. Lin Yueyun himself was not bad in appearance, but he had an indifferent temperament and was a very person.

Modesty, the first thing people remember is her gentleness. Lin Yueyun looked at the sun that had just risen outside the window, stroking her belly with one hand, smiling, and her body had more of a maternal brilliance. When she went out, she wore a

Even though he was wearing a feather cloak, he couldn't help but shiver when he went out.

It rained most of the night, and there was a thin layer of ice outside the palace. Palace officials were cleaning it early in the morning. Lin Yueyun walked out of the palace. There were two or three eunuchs cleaning the floor outside. Not far away, a thinly dressed man

The little eunuch was cleaning up the sewage on the ground. Perhaps he was exhausted and his body was trembling. He was not steady for a moment. A basin of water was sprinkled in front of Lin Yueyun. The basin fell to the ground and made a crisp sound. The little eunuch originally looked a little confused.

, was so frightened by this sound that he suddenly came back to his senses and knelt down, "Madam, forgive me, I didn't mean it." The little eunuch knelt on the ground and kowtowed to apologize. He didn't know whether he was cold or frightened by this sudden situation.

, his voice was trembling, and his body was trembling.

Before Lin Yueyun could react, the palace maid on the side spoke first and shouted sternly, "How dare you, I bumped into Madam, you will have to pay for it with a few lives."

Lin Yueyun calmed down. She was in a bad mood just now and was really startled by this sound. She glanced at the little eunuch kneeling on the ground and saw that his hands were red from the cold. She didn't know whether it was fright or the fact that his body was shivering.

Shivering, she raised her hand to stop the palace maid who was about to continue questioning her, "It's okay, you should get up first." Her voice was soft, giving people a sense of warmth even in this cold weather.

The little eunuch couldn't believe his ears. He was used to being beaten and disciplined in the palace. Just now he thought that he might be beaten again, but he didn't expect that the noble man in front of him didn't hold him accountable for his fault. He couldn't help but raise his head and look.

Glancing at Lin Yueyun, he saw a slight smile on her face. He realized that he had been offended and hurriedly lowered his head, "I don't dare."

Lin Yueyun saw a scar on the little eunuch's wrist. The scar showed signs of inflammation. It seemed that no medicine had been applied. Moreover, the little eunuch's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. He was unsteady when walking just now. It seemed that he was ordered to work by others and did not even take a rest.

No. She was an unwelcome presence in the palace. Although the emperor sent palace servants and maids to serve her this time, these people did not really take care of her. It seems that other people bullied the little eunuch and made him work alone.

"It's okay. You should get up first. You don't need to clean here. Go back and rest first."

The little eunuch watched Lin Yueyun leave, then cleaned up the ground before going back.

Concubine De also got up and finished washing up under the attention of all the palace maids. Concubine De was wearing a Ruyi cloud-patterned shirt and a brocade coat with engraved gold and hundreds of butterflies. She had a golden silk and ruby ​​​​pin on her head. The palace maids had just combed her hair into a bun.

, the palace maid on the side came over and told Concubine De, "Your Majesty, Mrs. Mu is here."

Helped by the palace maid to stand up, Concubine De's Ciyun Palace was beautifully decorated. Although Lin Yueyun had been to Ciyun Palace before, she rarely went out since she became pregnant and had never been there. Moreover, the emperor had always been afraid of her.

Husband, if she has frequent contacts with the concubine, she may be a talkative person, so she will naturally not go to the palace unless she has anything to do, so as not to be criticized.

Concubine De was supported by the palace maid and stood up slowly. Concubine De was also more than nine months pregnant and her belly was round. When Lin Yueyun saw Concubine De, she saluted her and said, "Empress Jin An."

"Yueyun, what are you doing?" Concubine De said as she raised Lin Yueyun's arm with one hand. "Why are your hands so cold? The people below don't know how to get you a hand stove." Concubine De said.

While pulling Lin Yueyun towards the inside.

Concubine De pulled Lin Yueyun to the soft couch. There was a charcoal stove burning brightly next to her. Lin Yueyun had just walked outside and felt chills all over her body. She stretched her hand to the charcoal stove to warm it up a little. Concubine De ordered

The palace maid brought over a hand stove, and Concubine De put it in Lin Yueyun's hand, "You, you are never willing to trouble others. It's so cold, and you won't let them get a hand stove for you."

"It's okay, it's not cold anymore. Besides, I didn't feel cold when I first went out." Lin Yueyun spoke softly.

"You know how to think about others."

Concubine De ordered the others to go out, leaving only the two of them in the room, "Yueyun, if you need anything when you enter the palace this time, just tell me, and don't wrong yourself." Concubine De is the emperor's concubine after all.

, His Majesty allowed Lin Yueyun to enter the palace this time, and Concubine De knew more or less what the emperor was thinking.

The two of them had breakfast in Concubine De's bedroom. Concubine De looked worried. Lin Yueyun asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Concubine De couldn't help but feel sad, "My father was imprisoned by Your Majesty because of his poor performance. I went to plead for mercy, but Your Majesty always sent me away so that I could not be involved in politics in the harem. His Majesty allowed me to rest peacefully in the palace, just so that I would not bother him."


Lin Yueyun knew that Concubine De was worried about her uncle, so she said with relief, "My uncle is safe now because His Majesty cares about you. Not to mention that you are pregnant now, His Majesty still has you in his heart."

"Yueyun, you don't know that His Majesty has not been to my palace for a long time. You see how gorgeous the decoration in my palace is. I just want to use this method to tell other concubines that I am deeply loved by Your Majesty." Concubine De looked at it.

Looking at the treasures displayed in the palace, she laughed at herself, and only she knew the sadness in it.

"Don't think about this now. Give birth to the child with peace of mind first. If you are so sad, the child can feel it."

Concubine De heard the word "child" and stroked her belly. She didn't know what she thought of, which made her even more sad.

"Yueyun, I once secretly asked the imperial doctor whether the child in my belly was a prince or a princess."

"Then what does the imperial doctor say?"

"The imperial doctor didn't say clearly, but it is possible that she is a princess."

"Princesses are nice too, girls are more considerate." Lin Yueyun didn't know how to comfort Concubine De.

"Yueyun, you don't understand. The imperial doctor said that my body is weak. After giving birth to this child, the chance of getting pregnant later is very small. In this harem, without the prince by my side, I can't live without His Majesty's favor. Now

Your Majesty has no friendship with me anymore, and you still care a little about me because I am pregnant with a dragonborn. But if this child is a princess, not to mention Your Majesty, even the concubines who have a bad relationship with me will take the opportunity to make things difficult for me."

Lin Yueyun understood the situation of Concubine De, the most ruthless emperor's family, but she was helpless. Looking at the sad Concubine De, Lin Yueyun couldn't help but think of her own child. She hoped that her child could be a girl. After all, His Majesty was born

She is afraid of the General's Mansion. If she gives birth to a boy again, it will only intensify His Majesty's fear of the General's Mansion.

"The imperial doctor just said that it might be a princess, but it is also possible that she is a prince. Don't worry too much and hurt your health." Lin Yueyun knew in her heart that the imperial doctor should be very confident if he dared to reply like this, but he still comforted Concubine De and hoped that she would not be so sad.


Lin Yueyun and Concubine De chatted for a long time before going back. When they returned to the side hall, Lin Yueyun would find the medicine for injuries at home. Because the general was often injured before, Lin Yueyun had always prepared various medicines for injuries. This time she entered the palace.

Take some with you.

After Lin Yueyun left, Concubine De called for Concubine Su, who was Concubine De's nanny. Concubine De entered the palace, and Concubine Su followed her into the palace to take care of Concubine De. Concubine De's mother left early, and her father married a step-mother.

Although her stepmother never treated her harshly, she also did not give her maternal love. Aunt Su took care of Concubine De since she was a child and was the closest and most trusted person to Concubine De. "How are things going?"

Aunt Su had taken care of Concubine De for so many years and regarded Concubine De as her own daughter. Seeing Concubine De's sad look, she felt distressed and worried in her heart, "Don't worry, my lady, I have found three ladies outside the palace who are about to give birth.

As long as one of them gives birth to a boy, he will be brought into the palace when the queen gives birth. If the queen gives birth to a princess, the child outside the palace will be replaced. However, the queen is really willing to..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to give it up. My birth must be a prince. Now that my father is in prison, I have also lost His Majesty's favor. If I don't have a prince by my side, how will I survive in the palace in the future?"

"Okay, I'm tired." Concubine De closed her eyes and didn't want to think about these bad things anymore.

Aunt Su had no choice but to take care of Concubine De and take a nap first.

Lin Yueyun called the palace maid and asked the palace maid to deliver the medicine to the young eunuch in the morning. The palace maid took it to the young eunuch's residence and gave the medicine to the young eunuch. The young eunuch looked surprised. The palace maid handed the medicine to the young eunuch.

He left. The little eunuch looked at the medicine in his hand and couldn't calm down for a long time. There were countless little eunuchs like him in the palace, and no one would care about them. The masters in the palace beat and scolded them frequently, so who would care?

The life and death of a little eunuch. The injuries on his body were caused by the previous master in the palace, but a little eunuch like him is not qualified to go to the imperial hospital to get medicine. The little eunuch holds medicine in his hand. For him,

This is more precious than anything in the world.

This chapter has been completed!
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