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Chapter 107: The End of the Hero

In Da Sima's study, Tang Kuan faced Duke An Guo and sat on the table in a polite manner.

Tang Qiong, Duke of Anguo, sat on the couch with an expressionless expression, his left arm bent on the table, his left leg crossed, his right leg standing, his right arm resting on his knee, and his body leaning towards Tang Kuan.

Although An Guogong looked relaxed, he still exuded a strong aura of calmness and self-reliance, the kind of aura that brought life and death orders from the battlefield.

Tang Mei walked in with Su Ping.

The usually arrogant Princess Loulan changed her appearance when she saw her father. Although she still maintained her usual posture with her chest raised and her head held high, she lacked that domineering air and gave people a sense of well-behaved. She wanted to

Father Wanfu saluted, Su Ping stepped in to salute An Guogong, and then Su Ping followed Tang Mei and sat at the same table as Tang Kuan.

The air seemed to be frozen, and dozens of heartbeats passed, but the father and daughter did not speak. Instead, it was Tang Kuan who broke the ice and introduced Su Ping to Tang Qiong.

Tang Qiong knew that the Shence Army had robbed the Su family of 800,000 taels. However, he did not show any embarrassment. Instead, he said boldly that when the country was in crisis, it was really rare for the Su family to destroy the family to rescue them.

Only a good son from such a family is worthy of being my uncle.

Tang Kuan then said that Su Ping was quite talented in poetry and had won the first prize at the wedding reception of Princess Chengfeng a while ago. That poem is now widely sung in Luoyang. It is said that the emperor also read it and praised it greatly.

Tang Qiong lowered his eyebrows and gently stroked his beard, nodding slightly.

Tang Kuan also said that Su Ping went to the county to work as a police officer and made great achievements. He was soon transferred to the Criminal Department. He also made great achievements in the Criminal Department. He repeatedly solved major cases and was approved by the emperor to be in the eighth rank and given a special award.

Silverbait bag.

Tang Qiong looked at Su Ping with approval and nodded again.

Tang Kuan also said that during the trial marriage, Su Ping was idle at home and made some inventions that could change coarse salt into fine salt. The fine salt was of good quality. Tang Kuan was discussing with Shangshu Sheng Pu She about selling salt, but Pu She could not

If you dare to make the decision, you have to wait for the emperor's will.

Tang Qiong was very interested in this topic and decided to talk to the emperor in person.

I don’t know how Tang Qiong made Tang Mei mute back then, but she just didn’t speak. Could it be that she hadn’t done a good job of psychological construction? Could it be that she was waiting for her father to take the initiative to talk to her?

Su Ping secretly glanced at Tang Mei. She pressed her hands in front of her and pinched her hard.

Perhaps at this time Miss Six was trying to convince herself that when the study fell silent again, it would be her time to speak.

But then Tangning walked in.

The second person in the Tang family, Wu Dinghou, was the Minister of War. The conversation between him and Tang Qiong was probably inconvenient for others to hear. But Tang Qiong did not let everyone go out, and instead talked to Tang Ning as if they were having a normal conversation.

During the conversation, we learned that after the war, the commander-in-chief of the Western Expeditionary Army, Prince Junlong Zhao Guang, petitioned to be relieved of all military posts and to change his title to avoid being tabooed by the Bandung Emperor. The emperor allowed him to step down, but did not change his title.

Ban the title and continue to call him King Long.

Tang Ning didn't seem to have anything big to talk about when she came this time. Or maybe, seeing that Tang Qiong didn't turn away the others, Tang Ning swallowed back what she wanted to say. Not long after, he got up and left.

Tang Ning's arrival bought Tang Mei time to brew her emotions. Now she was full of emotions. As soon as Tang Ning left, she burst into tears and said that her daughter had not been filial to her father for not speaking to her for two years.

Hearing this, Tang Qiong laughed loudly, and the Fourth Young Master Tang Kuan also laughed.

"Dad has approved your father's title."

Tang Mei didn't mention this matter when they were in the study. Later, at the reception banquet, she sat next to Tang Qiong and whispered about it. At that time, Tang Qiong just nodded and said nothing else.

After the dinner, when we returned to the princess's mansion, the proud princess returned to her usual appearance, walked into the Plum Pavilion with her head held high, and sat on the couch.

Perhaps it was the towering bun on top of her head that gave people the illusion that she was holding her head high.

As soon as she said something, she relaxed her shoulders as if she were taking off a burden, and said proudly: "Dad won't handle such a small matter personally, and will probably let the fifth uncle do it. The fifth uncle handed over a note to the Ministry of Rites, recommending your father as the Baron. The Ministry of Rites will present the document to the emperor. I estimate that the emperor will approve it if he thinks your family has merit and is recommended by my Tang family."

After saying that, she looked at Su Ping as if taking credit and said, "Shouldn't you be grateful to me?"

Su Ping blinked: "I wonder how the princess would like me to thank you?"

Tang Meila frowned: "How can I say thank you? What's the point of that? Why don't you thank me for co-authoring it?"

Su Ping raised his eyebrows and said in a strange voice: "Thank you, I thank you so much. The princess is really a great kindness. How can I not be grateful for such a huge kindness? I have decided!"

"What have you decided?"

"Give you a sesame seed."

"Su Baoyu! Stop!"

Su Ping ran away, and the princess chased after her.

The princess's mansion was quite big. Su Ping trotted all the way and turned a few corners, thinking that Tang Mei would not catch up. But after taking a breath, he heard footsteps behind him. When he turned around, he saw the princess coming with gritted teeth. Less than two feet.

Su Ping was startled and ran into the small courtyard of the east wing from the north moon gate of the east wing, and then ran to the Mei Pavilion courtyard from the south moon door of the east wing. Tang Mei still refused to give up. Su Ping ran to the small courtyard of the west wing again. Ran past the wing, ran past the well, ran past the stable...

"You can't run away today! I've helped you a lot, and you just give me a sesame seed? How dare you play tricks on me!"

"I said I would give you a car, would you believe me?"

"Man, make money and buy it!"

"I want to sell salt, but you refuse to help me go through the warehouse procedures. Where can I make money?"

Looking upstairs, a swordsman holds his sword and looks at the two people chasing him downstairs.

Among the maids in the mansion, some were leaning against the windows, some were hiding at the moon gate, or they would gather in groups of three or two, pointing, whispering, and occasionally smiling.

The princess was a persistent person and would not give up easily. She kept chasing Su Ping unless he stopped, but suddenly, she found that Su Ping was gone.

"Su Baoyu, where have you been hiding? Come out!"

Su Ping hid on the roof and made a "hush" gesture to the swordsman at the watchtower. The swordsman was dumbfounded and simply pretended not to see it and looked around.

Tang Mei couldn't find anyone, so she rummaged through the haystacks in the stable, but to no avail. She muttered something and went back to the house angrily.

In Bei City, a basement is cold and damp. It is similar to a dungeon, but the only advantage is that there are no jailers.

The life of the people hiding here was not easy. Dugufeng changed into a set of inconspicuous clothes, secretly went to the street to buy some food, brought it back, and placed it on Long Tiangang's bed. Long Tiangang's face was pale and his lips were chapped. He lay there without saying a word.

Long Tiangang's internal organs were damaged by Su Ping's palm. Thanks to his profound skills, otherwise he would have handed over his life in Daozhengfang. Now Long Tiangang only hates himself for underestimating the enemy, and also complains a little. He blames Wang Shuangxi for being anxious. With his urging, Long Tiangang, who had not recovered his skills, took action that day.

You must know that the battle with Chen Qianshou caused Long Tiangang to lose at least three levels of skills, otherwise he would not have been so seriously injured.

After Long Tiangang was seriously injured, he was scolded by Wang Shuangxi and asked to return the deposit. Dugufeng was furious and pointed his sword at Wang Shuangxi. But there was a bald man beside Wang Shuangxi who had extraordinary force and stopped Dugufeng.

Long Tiangang took out the deposit and threw it back to Wang Shuangxi, only saying that he failed to complete the task and had no shame to accept the money. Wang Shuangxi took the money, spit out a mouthful of sticky phlegm, and left.

Since then, the brothers and sisters have been hiding in Bei City, just waiting for Long Tiangang to recover before making any further calculations.

Once, Long Tiangang had no intention of leaving Niutou Mountain. He thought he would make money and bring it back to the mountain to rebuild the Taoist temple for his master. But now that he is penniless and seriously injured, how can he have the nerve to go back?

"Brother Long, I remember that there are several lay disciples from Luoyang. How about I go find them. If they still remember Master's kindness, they will help us."

Dugufeng still had less than three hundred coins left in his pocket, which was really not enough for anything.

Of course Long Tiangang knew the current situation and nodded helplessly.

In Luoyang City, there are rivers and lakes teahouses in both the north and south cities. The rivers and lakes teahouse in the south city was founded by the "Sifanghui", while the rivers and lakes teahouse in the north city was founded by the "Silver Snake Gang", which is Tingfeng Pavilion.

Tingfeng Pavilion has a total of five floors, integrating teahouses, restaurants, and accommodation, and the business is booming. Dugufeng ran there to inquire about Jianghu affairs. But inquiring about things cost money, so she took out two hundred coins and put them on the counter.


Zhang Fakui looked at the two hundred coins in a depressed mood, looked up at Dugu Feng, and asked lazily: "What do you want to know about?"

Dugu Feng said: "I want to inquire about the people from Dugu Clan in Luoyang City."

Zhang Fakui asked: "What are you looking for them for?"

Dugu Feng said: "I am also a member of the Dugu sect. I...I lost my money bag, and I want to ask them for help."

Zhang Fakui snorted and put away the money: "As far as I know, there are indeed a few Dugu sect members in Luoyang City, but they are either not good at learning or have bad luck. Some were hacked to death, and some quit the world.

There is only one person who runs a martial arts school, and he was arrested by Jingzhao Mansion three years ago. His name is... Hey, third child, what is the name of the apprentice of Dugu Jian who was captured?


Zhang Fakui turned to ask Lao San who was squatting behind the counter sharpening a knife. Lao San shouted without looking back: "Fu Daotong!"

Zhang Fakui smiled a little ashamed, and said with a sudden look: "Oh, yes, yes, Fu Daotong." Then he looked at Dugu Feng lazily and said: "If you want to find a fellow disciple, go to Jingzhao Mansion.

Let’s look for it in prison.”

Dugu Feng felt that the two hundred coins were wasted, and the girl felt aggrieved and pursed her lips.

Although the girl has been living in the mountains, she has never experienced poverty since she was a child. Now that she has come down from the mountain, she is full of joy. She thought that with Brother Long's martial arts, she could show off her talents and live a better life, but now she is in such a miserable condition. She can't help but feel sad.

Come from the heart.

Zhang Fakui looked at the girl's face and then his hands: "Want to make money?"

This chapter has been completed!
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