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Chapter 106: The Duke Returns to Court

In the early morning, there was a gentle breeze and kingfishers were chirping in the Linglong Palace.

Princess Changxia sat on the couch, embroidering with her hands, her pink face was full of seriousness, and she was embroidering the mandarin ducks stitch by stitch. However, as she was embroidering, the princess's little mouth pursed, and she embroidered lightly without any emotion.

Fell on the couch.

She once told Hu Rong that she had been embroidering mandarin ducks all day long but had never seen one. Finally, Hu Rong found a pair for her, and she happily went to see them. After seeing them, the princess felt very sad and depressed, and most of her mood for embroidery disappeared.

In the princess's impression, male and female mandarin ducks should be the same. Now I know that mandarin ducks are male birds and ducks are female birds. Mandarin ducks have bright and dazzling wings, which is what the princess thinks of mandarin ducks. But the ducks are much inferior.

, like a teal.

"What is this? There is no distinction between male and female." The princess looked annoyed, pointing to the newly embroidered mandarin ducks, raised her head and said to Hu Rong: "Come on, those pairs I embroidered before were all male birds. Everyone.

They all deceived me, saying that my embroidery was good and right, and that it was better than that embroiderer Wang. I finally figured it out. You guys, old and young, all worked together to deceive me."

Princess Changxia has a gentle nature and speaks slowly. Even when she loses her temper, she looks like she is acting coquettishly.

Hu Rongyi smiled and said: "The princess doesn't know something. In the past, there were no women in the troupe, and Kun Jiao was also played by men. It seems that this mandarin duck also pays attention to this."

The princess chuckled and said, "You still treat me like a child and say some coaxing words."

Another little princess, Zhao Ying, who has not yet had a title, looks like seven or eight years old, wearing a brocade coat, standing on the ground with her arms bent on the couch, watching her sister embroidering mandarin ducks with interest.

Seeing her sister suddenly stop embroidering and talking to Hu Rong, she tilted her head and listened.

After Princess Changxia finished speaking, Zhao Ying pointed to the half-embroidered mandarin ducks and said, "The Queen Mother also embroidered them like this, but one has red wings and the other has blue wings."

Princess Changxia said: "Are you still running to Changqiu Palace now?"

Zhao Ying shook her head and said: "The queen won't let me go. I haven't been there for a long time."

Princess Changxia nodded and said: "Good boy Xiaoying, after my sister leaves, you can go to other sisters' rooms to play. Anyway, don't go to Changqiu Palace."

Zhao Ying grimaced, held her mouth, and looked like she was about to cry: "Why doesn't the Queen let people go to play in the Queen Mother's room? I miss the Queen Mother, wuwu."

Linglong Palace, where Princess Changxia lives, is only separated by a wall from Changqiu Palace.

The cry of the little girl came from the Linglong Palace, and soon after, the cry of the Queen Mother came from the Changqiu Palace.

Every once in a while, you can hear this scream-like cry, accompanied by some nonsense, such as: Emperor Tiande was strangled to death by me! I cut Emperor Tiande in half and hid it in the bed cabinet

Li! Yunyun.

The cries are shrill and horrifying, and the words are crazy and bloody, which can send chills down one's spine.

Hearing the Queen Mother's cry, Zhao Ying immediately stopped crying and got into her sister's arms with a look of horror on her face.

Not long after, she heard the curses of the young eunuch Lu Shi, and the Queen Mother's cries gradually stopped. Princess Changxia sighed, stood up, and looked towards the Changqiu Palace. She saw the Queen's maid, Queen Meng, striding in.

Feixiang Palace, I don’t know what I said to the Queen Mother.

It's like Wang Meng sent a panacea, and the Queen Mother has not cried much since then. I heard from the maid of Changqiu Palace that there are still some smiles on Queen Mother Han's face now, unlike before, where she was either crazy or crazy.

With a sad face.

Princess Changxia was a little curious as to how Wang Meng did it.

Until one day, Princess Xuan Changxia of the Tang Dynasty went to Anning Palace for lunch. At the table, she heard that Han Tingjun had submitted a letter to resign, and the emperor had approved it. Zhao Meng, the king of Feng, had recently done some ridiculous things. The emperor said that Zhao Meng was trying to please others and was unbearable. Since then, the Queen Mother's madness has improved.

Although Princess Changxia is still very young, she can already smell some secret fighting from these things.

"Dong An Guo will be back soon. I wonder how prepared the princess is?" Empress Tang said pleasantly.

Although the queen smiled, Princess Changxia was very embarrassed. She forced a smile with a stiff expression and said: "Everything is ready."

Just this morning, the Empress of the Tang Dynasty led a group of evil slaves and suddenly broke into the Qifeng Palace where Concubine Ximen was staying and scolded her loudly. She said that Ximen Xuanyue was shameless and went to bed last night, which caused the emperor to hurt his strength and made the emperor feel depressed in the morning. .If you don’t know how to restrain yourself and dare to do it again next time, I will whip you!

The severity of the Empress of the Tang Dynasty was unprecedented.

In the past, there were fierce fights in the palace, but at that time, the concubines fought secretly. For example, they would whisper in the emperor's ear; or they would use cryptic words to undermine each other during gatherings. But this Empress of the Tang Dynasty used her sword and spear openly. He scolded Ximen Xuanyue until she couldn't hold her head up. Ximen Xuanyue felt aggrieved and burst into tears.

"That's good." Tang Zhao pointed to a few boxes with open lids and said: "These are the dowry I prepared for you, no less than any princess's dowry. In addition, the Duke's Mansion has also made arrangements for the dowry. You built a new building."

After a slight pause, Tang Zhao asked: "Besides these items, if you need anything else, just tell me."

Princess Changxia said: "The queen is considerate, everything is complete, and there is nothing missing."

Tang Zhao nodded and said, "Do you want to take away any of the maids and eunuchs around you?"

Princess Changxia said: "Brother Huang has something to say first, take Hu Rong away."


Tang Qiong, Duke of Anguo, returned to the court victoriously.

After hearing the news of the victory, the people spontaneously flocked outside the city to welcome the veteran general with illustrious military exploits.

Although he is said to be old, he is actually not very old. At the age of forty-nine, there is not a single white hair on his head. He has thick eyebrows and tiger-like eyes, and is energetic. He wears a golden helmet, gold armor, and a red general's cloak. The general is sitting on a horse, majestic.

Hearing the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, Duke An Guo beamed with joy and waved to the people on both sides of the road.

This warm atmosphere extended from three miles outside the city to Qinghuafang. In order to welcome Duke An Guo, all the lords, sons, ladies and ladies of the Tang family went out collectively and lined up on both sides of the street outside the square.

When Tang Mei saw her father's majestic appearance, she couldn't help but become proud, with a smug look on her face, and glanced at Su Ping beside her. Su Ping was pulled by Tang Mei to see her father, and as usual, Su Ping was unhurried, smiling but not smiling.

Soon after, An Guogong entered the Sima Hall. The Tang family's senior officials had to hold a short meeting. After the meeting, An Guogong changed his clothes and met the guests in the study.

When An Guogong returned from a long journey, he did not see anyone else unless there was something very important. At this time, there were more than a dozen people sitting in the Sima Hall waiting to see the Duke. They were all members of the Tang clan. Tang Kuan had already entered, and the next person was Tang Kuan. Mei, Tang Mei looks a little nervous.

By the way, her father beat her up two years ago for contradicting her. The father and daughter have not spoken for so long. Today is an ice-breaking trip for Tang Mei.

The door opened, Tang Kuan took half a step out with a smile and waved outside.

It seems that Tang Kuan will not leave the study, because the following things are all related to the economy.

It was Tang Mei's turn, but as soon as Tang Mei stood up, she saw someone striding over and getting ahead of her.

At first glance, it was the Fifth Young Master Tang Jian.

It was really annoying. Just when Tang Mei was about to drink, she saw Tang Jian bowing to her and waving his hands, saying that he was in a hurry, little sister, please let me go in first. Tang Mei sat back angrily, holding her shoulders and sulking.

Tang Jian walked into the study and saluted respectfully: "Congratulations, father..."

Before Tang Jian finished speaking, Tang Qiong said: "Stop talking nonsense, just talk about the matter."

Tang Jian felt a little embarrassed, but had no time to think about it, so he said: "With the opening of the Hexi trade route, there will be an endless stream of merchants from the Western Regions. Some of them will settle in Chang'an, and some will come to Luoyang. I thought it would be better to send those merchants from the Western Regions who want to come to Luoyang

Stop them west of Tongguan. Our Tang family will pay to buy their goods, and then we will sell them to Luoyang."

What Tang Jian said was originally Zhang Hu's idea. He thought this method was good and was full of expectations, but Tang Qiong said: "Nonsense."

Tang Jian shrank and stood blankly on the spot.

Tang Qiong turned to Tang Kuan and asked: "Fourth, did he tell you about this idea?"

Tang Kuan immediately said as if he was eager to clear up the relationship: "That's unheard of."

Tang Qiong said to Tang Kuan: "You don't have to rush to say no, for fear of being implicated. Even in the army, as long as I haven't made a decision, I will allow the generals to speak freely and never block their speech. Although Lao Wu's idea is not a good one.

, but it is also for the consideration of the family, which is commendable."

Hearing this, Tang Jian bared his teeth and smiled as if he was relieved.

Tang Qiong stared at Tang Jian and said: "If you don't want to be idle at home, then go to the Western Regions. Tang Kun has captured Jiaohe City. He and Tang Ding have attacked from two directions and will continue to advance westward. You go to Jiaohe to prepare for the Anxi Protectorate

Government-related matters. Let me tell you, I don’t have much money, so use it well. If you dare to use it greedily, I will not spare you."

Feeling uneasy about letting Tang Jian go by himself, Tang Qiong asked Tang Kuan: "Where is Lin Tong?"

Tang Kuan immediately said: "I have returned to Wuwei."

Tang Qiong said: "I wrote an order to him to go to Jiaohe and serve as Lao Wu's deputy."

In the past, perhaps to take care of the relationship with King Qi, Tang Qiong did not allow Tang Jian to participate in the military. But this time, he sent Tang Jian to the Western Regions in one fell swoop.

I don’t know if An Guogong’s arrangement indicates that the situation has changed.

But no matter what the situation was, the Fifth Young Master was very happy now. He was fed up with staying at home and facing that tigress all day long. He walked out with a smile on his face, and when he passed by Tang Mei, he said with a smile: "Little sister, dad is in a good mood today.

Go talk to him quickly. Remember, you can't contradict him again this time, otherwise you will get a spanking."

"I want you to take care of it!" Tang Mei stood up and gave Tang Jian a big roll of his eyes: "I'm annoying you to death!"

Tang Jian left with a smile, but not long after, he heard a piece of news that was like bad news. Tang Qiong decided to ask the fifth young master's wife, Tang Zhao, to follow Tang Jian to Jiaohe City.

Of course, this was not the idea of ​​the husband to embarrass his daughter-in-law, but the eldest daughter of King Qi.

After hearing this, Tang Jian sat down on the ground...

This chapter has been completed!
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