Turn off the lights
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Chapter Ten Dead Person

Most people don't like rainy weather, just like most people are not used to using their left hands. But for some reason, Su Ping loves those messy weather. The wind in spring, the rain in summer, the thunder in autumn, and the snow in winter are all...

She is what he loves. He seems to regard the sky as a woman and feels that she should not be called "Master Tian" but "Miss Tian".

Sitting in Zhu Tao's small bedroom, listening to the sound of rain outside the window, he was not sleepy, but very energetic. He stayed up most of the night, lighting an oil lamp with a flame "as big as a pea grain", and in the dim environment

Play backgammon with Zhu Tao.

Suddenly she heard the dice clanging in the broken bowl, and suddenly heard the little maid's startled laughter. Zhu Tao was very happy because she won three copper coins, but she didn't know that Su Ping had lost to her on purpose. Otherwise, Su Ping lost to her on purpose.

At this time, the little maid who goes to bed early and gets up early can no longer hold back her sleepiness.

Zhu Tao said that this chess game originally belonged to the sixth lady, but once she played against the fifth young master, and the fifth young master lost the game and refused to pay. The sixth young lady threw the chessboard and walked away angrily.

The chess pieces fell everywhere, and the maids searched everywhere, but after searching for a long time, there was still one missing piece. It is worth mentioning that the listless young master with thick eyebrows seen at the wedding was the fifth master Tang Jian.

There was one black stone missing, so Wang Jin'er said to find a carpenter to carve another one, but the lady said, "When I see the chess piece, I can think of that annoying person," so she didn't want it anymore.

The chessboard was thrown in the corner and became a scratching board for the little raccoon to sharpen its claws. The chessboard was so scratched by the little raccoon that it looked ugly, so she planned to throw it away as rubbish. But Zhu Tao thought it would be a shame to throw it away, so she picked it up and put it in her house.

, sometimes playing with Feng Die and others.

The irritable Miss Sixth can raise a cat, which is really unexpected. It seems that she has more than just an irritable side.

While playing, Zhu Tao told Su Ping something about the sixth lady's marriage, and then mentioned the prince Zhao Tian. The more the little maid talked, she became a little confused and let Su Ping get a glimpse of some secrets.

"I see. No wonder she doesn't like me..." Su Ping smiled bitterly and said self-deprecatingly: "If you have a prince in your heart, how can you look down on a mediocre person like me?"

Zhu Tao pinched her throat and whispered: "But our young lady is not a loose woman. Although she has met the prince a few times, she is always well-behaved."

Su Ping smiled bitterly: "What's the use of telling me this? In a few days, I will leave here."

The little maid lowered her head, with a look of reluctance on her face.

The night was getting dark, so Su Ping left the maid's room and went outside to get some air. The rain had stopped, but the dark clouds had not completely dispersed, dividing the black and blue sky into pieces. The moon suddenly appeared and then disappeared into the black.

Yun. The road paved with stone slabs has been washed freshly by the rain. Although it is still a little wet, it does not hinder walking.

There was no one around, except for the guards standing on the high watchtower of the Duke's Mansion, holding crossbows and carrying horns. The guards were staring at Su Ping. Su Ping waved to the guards. From a little distance, look.

The guard's expression was unclear. He just stood there numbly and did not respond.

When she returned to her room, she found that rain had leaked and the sheets were wet. She should have called Zhu Tao to change the bedding. Seeing that the lights in the room next door had been turned off, Su Ping didn't bother her and just did it herself. But before doing so, she should go first

Repair the leaky areas initially. Otherwise, it will be even more troublesome if it rains again in the middle of the night.

Without using a ladder, Su Ping jumped up onto the wet roof. The tiles covering the roof were rough and would not slide down. He stabilized his body slightly and climbed to the leaky spot, where he found that a tile was broken. Su Ping

A frown.

Although the back room is in some disrepair, the tiles are not broken out of thin air. If you look closely, the breakage is a new injury, as if it was caused by being hit by a heavy object. But after a careful look around, there is no discovery.

Something heavy is flying over.

"Did someone step on it?"

Su Ping raised his head and looked at the watchtower again. This time the distance was closer, and he found the guard of the watchtower standing there stiffly.

Looks like a dead man.

Finding something wrong, Su Ping didn't say anything. He quickly took off the broken tile and replaced it with the eaves tile next door. He returned to the house, wrote a small note, and ran to the second room.

Entering the courtyard, he knocked on the window of Qinxiang Xiaozhu, and heard a maid in the room ask, "Who is there?" Su Ping broke open the window paper, threw the note in, and also threw a stone in.

Su Ping did not intend to get involved in the Tang family's affairs, but it was not Su Ping's character to ignore death. If the guard in charge of the lookout really died, it would not be a good sign. Maybe something more important would happen to someone else.

After throwing the note into Qinxiang Xiaozhu, it took a while before the lights came on. It is estimated that Tang Mei, Tang Wan, and Tang Ting were quite frightened by this rude guy who visited late at night.

Later, I heard a series of hurried footsteps. The footsteps were mixed with the sound of treading water. It must be a little maid running out to deliver a letter. As for where the letter could be delivered, Su Ping didn't care.

I knew that the note would cause an uproar and make the night uneasy. Not long after, Da Sima Guards broke into Dongyuan. The Fourth Young Master Tang Kuan personally led the guards, holding torches, and checked everywhere. Zhu Tao, who had just fallen asleep, quickly put on his clothes.

Come on, accompany Su Ping to watch the fun.

The guard on the watchtower was indeed dead. The dagger was stuck in his back. He was tied with a piece of wood and stood on top. I heard from the guard that no one came in, but someone went out. The man was wearing this outfit.

Wearing a raincoat, I couldn't see his face clearly, but I just said that the master of the house was suffering from an emergency and asked him to go out to buy medicine. Tang Kuan was furious and beat the two guards.

Tang Kuan suspected that the man who walked out was responsible for the death of the watchman, so he went from house to house to check, and found that there was one missing eunuch in the house of Tang Gui, Princess Anle.

Speaking of the princess in Anle, she is the sister of Tang Qiong, Duke of Anguo, and the aunt of Tang Mei. As for the three families of the Liang Dynasty, each generation would select a direct relative to accept the title of the queen mother or empress and become the princess. However, Zhu Tao has not yet

Su Ping had mentioned Tang Gui, but Su Ping didn't know much about it.

While watching the excitement, Zhu Taocai whispered to Su Ping, with a hint of disgust: Princess Anle had been a widow for many years, but she contracted the disease of flowers and willows.

Such a scandal cannot be told, and Princess Anle is sick. Her face, neck, hands, and other places that are usually exposed are covered with festering carbuncles, and she is afraid of being seen. So Su Ping and the others

No one was able to enter the princess's mansion, they just stood outside, waiting for news.

"Preliminary conclusion is that it was the eunuch of the princess's palace who did it." It didn't take long. Tang Kuan walked out with a stern face. He did not avoid everyone, but announced to everyone as if he was taking credit: "I also recognize that eunuch. He is already here.

He has been working in the mansion for many years. He seems to be doing his job well, so why did he suddenly want to kill the guard? Zhen Xiuwei, Shi Maosheng, you two quickly take people to the gate to have a look. If that person has already left the cell, go and ask the night watch

The Jinwu Guards. Do it quickly!"

"Here!" The second general took the order and went out to do something.

Tang Kuan walked out with both hands raised. Because he had just seen the miserable state of Princess Anle's face, he felt a little disgusted and had a look of disgust on his face. As soon as he walked out of the gate of Princess Anle's mansion, he bent down to fish some rainwater from the pool and washed his hands.

.Normally these pampered young men would never wash their hands like this, but today they acted like this. It seemed that they were really frightened by the disease.

Since the incident was very big and everyone knew about it, many people followed Tang Kuan everywhere to watch the fun. Tang Kuan didn't pay much attention to Su Ping's existence. Tang Kuan soon went to the Sixth Miss's house and walked into Qinxiang Elementary School.

Zhu asked about the source of the note. Of course Tang Mei couldn't tell Ziwu Maoyou, so she only told the truth, leaving the Fourth Young Master confused.

More and more people gathered in Miss Six's courtyard, as if someone had just died here.

But this group of people watching the excitement seemed to have seen the big world and were not panicked. Some of them were even chatting and laughing. Su Ping and Zhu Tao also watched the excitement in a good mood.

I don’t know what Tang Kuan and Tang Mei said in the building. Later, I saw Tang Wan wearing a "patchwork brocade jacket" running downstairs and running to the back room. I guess she might have gone to the backyard to find her uncle, Zhu Tao.

Call Logan.

Tang Wan turned around and saw Su Ping and Zhu Tao standing downstairs watching the fun. Tang Wan smiled bitterly, saluted Su Ping hastily, and took Zhu Tao away without saying anything.

Miss Six just wanted to find Zhu Tao and ask about her uncle. Zhu Tao said that his uncle had been in the backyard and hadn't gone anywhere.

It seemed that the Sixth Miss asked some other questions, but Zhu Tao kept it secret and did not tell her uncle. It was just the chessboard that I never saw again.

This chapter has been completed!
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