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Chapter 12 First Entering the Boudoir

So good, what kind of family law are you talking about?

This question lingers on the heads of Su Ping, Lin Tong, Zhu Tao and others.

Although he didn't know what was going on, the banquet ended with this. It was a good day with good wine and meat. Su Ping stood up to say thank you and bowed to say goodbye. Lin Tong returned the courtesy, respectfully sent Su Ping out, and said goodbye at the door.

Why did Sixth Miss Tang Mei suddenly want to talk about family law? This starts from this morning.

At about 3 o'clock in the morning, Tang Mei went to the Fourth Young Master's Mansion with her account books. The Fourth Young Master, Tang Kuan, had a wild night last night and got drunk with five of his friends. He was carried home by his slaves in the middle of the night, with a woman's underwear in his pocket.

*, his wife was so angry that she had a big quarrel with him. But Tang Kuan was so drunk that he fell asleep when he got home, only to hear his wife howling alone. It was midnight, the Fourth Young Master hadn't gotten up yet, and his wife was so angry that she couldn't come out to see anyone.

Tang Mei just sat in the main hall and waited for an hour.

As the Economic Governor's Office of Qinghuafang, there were many people who came to see the Fourth Young Master for business, and Tang Mei was just one of them. A group of people were sitting in the main hall talking buzzingly, which made Tang Mei feel bored for a while. Occasionally, she smelled the man's scent and felt

Disgusted, he held the incense silk handkerchief with his slender fingers and covered his mouth and nose. He frowned with a look of disgust on his face.

Miss Six is ​​extremely arrogant. If it weren't for the position of supervising these three warehouses, she would not have condescended to come to the crowd and let so many men admire her dignity.

Tang Kuan finally woke up, and Tang Mei walked directly into the fourth brother's bedroom. Tang Kuan was wearing a pure white lining, sitting in the imperial chair with his legs crossed, and a maid was combing his hair. Tang Kuan did not look at the account book, but asked Tang Mei: "The accounts


Tang Mei said: "The books are neat and the calculations are accurate."

Hearing this, Tang Kuan was disappointed.

It turns out that there is a problem with the books. And the problems that can be found in the books are already the most obvious problems. If Tang Mei can't even see this, how can she be the supervisor of the three warehouses?

However, Tang Kuan admired Tang Mei's character very much and knew that she could keep money, so he was reluctant to give up. Since Tang Mei had never participated in management, Tang Kuan reminded Tang Mei a few words and gave some so-called "tips" to help Tang Mei.

Take the account book home and look at it carefully. Three days later, come back to talk to Tang Kuan.

But when Tang Mei returned home, she still couldn't see the problem and stared blankly at the account book with her big eyes.

Although Tang Kuan didn't say it explicitly, Tang Mei was already feeling pressured by what he said. Miss Six was anxious, had a loss of appetite, and was getting more and more irritable.

Suddenly I saw a package on the couch, which was clothes and money that I was going to give to my husband-in-law. I thought, for a person like me who was supposed to be a princess, but now she has to support the common people and has to worry about being a warehouse supervisor, she is really down and out.

Suddenly, an evil fire arose in my heart, and I asked my maid Tang Wan, where has my uncle gone?

Tang Wan said truthfully: "When the young lady went to see the fourth young master, the uncle went to Lin Tong's house for a banquet."

Tang Mei said angrily: "Why did he go out of the house without reporting it to me? This country man is so ignorant of the rules, and he is guilty of the same crime, and he doesn't even know it. Call him back quickly, and I will teach him the family law in person."


Not long after, the tall and handsome son-in-law came back. As usual, he walked leisurely and smiled. Tang Mei, who was standing on the second floor looking down, had a tigerish face.

Su Ping raised her head and saw Miss Sixth. Miss Sixth's tigerish face suddenly became less tense and became less fierce. Seeing her turning slightly sideways, she said in a cold voice: "Come upstairs quickly, I have something to tell you."

She seemed to be muttering some other words bitterly, but the maids couldn't hear them clearly, but those words were clearly heard by the internal martial arts masters who had heard everything. Su Ping heard her say: A village man in the countryside can also put on a show.

Su Ping really didn't know where he was showing off. Could it be that smiling at others was just showing off? Was being invited to a banquet a show-off? It was really baffling.

"Uncle, please come inside."

Tang Wan, who was wearing an underskirt, had a polite smile on her face and bowed to invite her. This maid had a round face, fair skin, thick eyebrows and big eyes. Her smile was like a spring breeze, which warmed people's hearts. Su Ping liked her and treated her politely. Yes.

With a sound, he stepped through the door.

This was the first time that Su Ping walked into the wealthy lady's boudoir. The decoration in the room was quite elegant, and she also saw some cute things hidden by the girl. For example, rocking horses and stuffed dolls that only children can play with.

Climbing up to the second floor, I also saw an orange cat that was as round as a pig. The cat was not afraid of people. When Su Ping came up, it just glanced lazily and continued to lie on its back on Miss Sixth's couch.

, exposing his snow-white belly, closing his eyes to rest.

Miss Six sat on the couch with a sullen face, facing south, sitting upright. Su Ping sat on the mat, facing east.

During the Liang Dynasty, the people in the countryside had long given up on this posture of sitting cross-legged, and they would sit wherever they felt comfortable, but the noble women still maintained this sitting posture similar to kneeling. In fact, they were not really sitting on their heels, but

He is sitting on a small wooden stool in the shape of a "work" shape, with the wooden stool placed between his feet.

Today, Miss Six is ​​wearing a solemn black robe. The black robe is wide and the cuffs can be four feet wide, but it is tightly tied around her body, which fully shows off Miss Six's plump yet graceful curves. Her hands

Hold it elegantly in front of you, maintaining a noble look that makes you tired.

In fact, it is not easy to be a noble woman. They have many rules. Not to mention those public occasions, even at home, they have to dress up like an opera singer. Apply white foundation on their face, and apply pink on their eyes and cheeks.

, there are flowers on the forehead and temples, there are gold hairpins in the bun, and the flowers on the head are trembling.

Looking at her, it's like looking at a beautiful actress.

These are enough to look at, and the towering cloud bun on top of her head makes it even more abrupt.

In fact, it is a wig, made of horsehair or ponytail, which is shaped with swim bladder glue. People call it "a wig". Miss Six owns many wigs, which are placed next to the dressing table. Some of them look like hoes, and some of them look like sharp beaks.

Some of the crocodile's mouths are like scabbards, and some are like a pile of cow dung.

"Have you seen enough?" She narrowed her eyes and said coldly.

The husband-in-law smelled of alcohol, which made the sixth lady feel disgusted. She couldn't help raising her wide robe sleeves and fanned the tip of her tall nose with a look of disgust. Her hands were holding the sleeves, and the white-edged robe sleeves covered her hands.

It was tight, as if there was something missing in her hand, and she deliberately covered it so that no one could see it.

Su Ping withdrew his gaze and remained silent.

Seeing that Su Ping was ignoring anyone, Tang Mei glanced at the package that was held down by the big fat cat. The package was originally intended to be given to Su Ping, but now that the sixth lady was filled with evil fire, she didn't mention it. She took it back.

He raised his head and looked down at Su Ping sitting on the table.

In fact, her couch was not high, just over a foot high. But the mat Su Ping sat on was just a piece of felt close to the wooden floor. The two of them sitting like this certainly made Tang Mei look tall and tall.

The way she looks down at all living beings, especially her towering cloud bun, makes her even more majestic and towering. She looks like a giant Buddha, looking at the little earthworm who is only as tall as her feet.

There was a "bang" sound.

She pulled out a book as thick as a dictionary from the drawer and placed it heavily on the cases in front of her. This was "Tang Family Law".

It is said that the book contains the ancestral instructions left by successive princes, as well as the "Etiquette" and "Law" that belong exclusively to Qinghuafang. The Tang family has legislative, judicial and law enforcement powers within the scope of Qinghuafang.

It was also called the "Little Three Divisions". It was merged into one yamen called Qinghuafang Tang Family Zongzheng Mansion.

It is worth mentioning that the Meng family and the Ximen family also have their own Zongzheng Mansion. But being an official here is not an official in the imperial court.

However, in order to take care of the Zongzhengfu Supervisor and Co-organizer, each family would ask the emperor for a vacant position for them. For example, Tang Li, the Supervisor of the Zongzhengfu of the Tang family, was the fourth-rank inspector of Yushitai.

Once you have a good reputation, it will be easier to move around in society. When you go to the county to do business, the county magistrate will always be polite to Tang Li. When you go to Jingzhao Mansion to do business, you will not be without a seat.

"Do you know the words?"

The sixth lady of the Tang family had huge eyes, slightly squinting, like a pair of moons hanging on her face. She squinted her eyes and asked in a cold voice.

Su Ping sat calmly, raised his head and said, "I know the commonly used words."

"Okay, I ask you to memorize the Tang family law." Miss Six raised her finger and pointed at Su Ping, and asked seriously: "Tell me, how long will it take?"

Su Ping sneered and slowly turned his head...

This chapter has been completed!
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