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Chapter Sixteen Miss Six's Revenge (Part 1)

The boy in Tsing Yi is tall and good at boxing. If he fights alone, none of the three people facing him can be his opponent. But he seriously lacks actual combat experience, so he cannot withstand the siege of the three people.

The stick, the bench, and the fist were about to come out, and he was still cursing.

"How can a poor guy pretend to be a prince?"

"I ask you to pretend again! I tell you to pretend! Pretend!"

"Are you still pretending? Are you still pretending? I'll beat you to death!"

At this time, a slender, coquettish-looking female clerk ran out of the store, pointed at the boy on the ground and yelled, saying that the boy was teasing her, and so on.

Although the boy in green clothes was knocked to the ground, he refused to admit defeat. He leaned on the loess and kicked wildly, making monster-like screams from his mouth and nose. Occasionally, he would kick on the thugs' legs, causing them to stagger.

The more he resisted, the more vigorously the three thugs beat him. They continued to beat him in an unforgiving manner. The three thugs struck hard enough that the boy's body banged, especially when a bench hit him.

He hit the back of the head and beat the boy into a trance.


Su Ping couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward, kicked away the thug holding the bench, and shouted: "Even if this man is really rude, just give him a lesson, why can't he beat him to death?


At this time, Zhu Tao ran over, pinched her waist and said: "We are from the sixth lady's room in the Duke's mansion."

The people in the Liang Dynasty were very hierarchical. As soon as they heard the word "Guogongfu", the three thugs immediately felt weak in their legs. They looked up and down at the young man in brocade clothes.

They didn't know Su Ping, but they had met Zhu Tao, the maid of the Duke's palace. Seeing that this young master wanted to take care of something, three thugs hurried over to explain.

It took a long time to explain, but it was simply because the young man had no money in his pocket, but he wanted to buy the most expensive jewelry here. The female salesperson thought that this young man was here to cause trouble, so she called some thugs to escort him out.

Don't underestimate this group of shop assistants. Under the special system of Qinghuafang, they are all formal workers. In front of the neighbors, they are only five to six people, which makes them feel quite superior. Such work requires digging out doors and stealing.

It can only be obtained through a hole. It is said that the brother-in-law of the female clerk's third uncle is the cousin of the concubine of the fourth son Tang Kuan, and it was Tang Kuan who wrote a note to arrange the job.

Suddenly, someone recognized that this young man in gilded clothes was the son-in-law named Su who was shining brightly in the ring that day. Hearing the buzz on the street, the three thugs showed even more respect for Su Ping, nodding and bowing, and smiling in greeting.

Su Ping is afraid that others will be soft on him. As long as the other party is soft on him, everything can be discussed easily.

Seeing that the beaten boy was not seriously injured, Su Ping did not make it difficult for the three thugs, but just helped the boy up. The boy was so ashamed that he did not raise his head to see anyone. He just saluted Su Ping rather perfunctorily, and then

Raise your sleeves to cover your face and quickly leave the trouble.

Su Ping looked at the young boy carefully. He had a fair face and a good appearance, but he was a little messy after being beaten.

The boy left, Su Ping didn't think much about it, and continued shopping with Zhu Tao. People are afraid of being famous, so if Su Ping took Xiao Tao to buy cheap cloth shoes worth 20 yuan, people would definitely laugh at them. So Zhu Tao said, "Don't buy it."


Su Ping said, I'll give you the money and you go buy it yourself. Zhu Tao smiled shyly, took the money, and ran all the way to buy it. It was a pair of shoes made of coarse cloth with a little tiger's head embroidered on it. The little tiger's eyes were as big as beads.

It's quite childlike. She said that the shoes on her feet can still be worn after being repaired, and she can wear new shoes when they are completely broken.

Then the two of them strolled back, and when they approached the Duke's Mansion, they saw the young man in Tsing Yi squatting on the side of the road, rubbing his head in anger. He was still holding a jewel in his hand, looking to the left.

Look right.

At this time Su Ping came over and said with a smile: "This orb is not bad."

The young boy in green clothes looked up and saw that it was the person who had saved him just now. He stood up with a shameful smile, weighed the orb in his hand, and said with a bitter smile: "What a pity, those people are blind and don't know the treasure. They must say that I am a liar."

While he was talking, the boy threw the pearl in his hand to Su Ping: "This dear friend helped me today, but I can't repay you, so I will reward you with this pearl..." Feeling that the word "reward" was inappropriate, he immediately changed his words and said: "Give it to you.


After saying that, he turned around and walked away quickly.

He threw the bead over, and Su Ping caught it with one hand, holding it in his hand and playing with it. He looked up again and saw that the boy had already gone far, heading towards the alley north of the Duke's Mansion.

Listening to the tone of this young man's words, and looking at his appearance and demeanor, he doesn't look like a slave.

"Xiao Tao, have you seen him?"

"I haven't seen it before." Zhu Tao rubbed her nose: "It should be from Dongyuan."

Su Ping smiled bitterly and weighed the orb in his hand: "If I go to a jewelry store to buy this thing, it will cost at least one hundred taels of silver. But if I take it to a jewelry store to sell it, the jewelry store can give me thirty taels at most.


Zhu Tao tilted her head: "Do you want to sell it? Why don't you give it to the lady?"

Su Ping shook his head: "It's better to sell it for money."

The sixth lady, Tang Mei, had been sitting motionless on the couch for some time with her account book in her arms. Suddenly she dropped the account book in her hand heavily on the table.

In fact, she was not unable to meet the conditions proposed by her husband-in-law, but she just felt that she was too short-changed.

Speaking of which, there are many people who want to work in Okura, and even if they dig holes in the door, they may not be able to get in. It's obvious that I'm giving him a benefit, so it's just that he doesn't appreciate it, and he still puts forward so many conditions, really

Do you regard yourself as a treasure? Without you, I, Tang Mei, would not be able to be a supervisor?

The maid lit the oil lamp, and the side face of the Sixth Miss with a high nose and deep eyes was revealed under the lamp. The maid Tang Wan said softly that her uncle had just come back. Hearing this, the corners of Tang Mei's mouth twitched, not knowing what decision she had made.

There was no conversation that night, and at dawn the next day, the little maid Tang Ting stood at the door of her husband-in-law's house. Among the four maids, Tang Ting was the youngest, only eleven years old. Although she was handsome, she was thin and had no development at all.

It was as straight as a wooden stake. The skirt of her clothes was messy in the wind, making a popping sound. To avoid the wind, she hid at the base of the wall.

"It's really windy today." Zhu Tao woke up and pushed the door. Soon the door was blown back by the wind. Then she pushed the door open with difficulty. She squinted and saw Tang Ting standing close to the wall, so she ridiculed: "

Hey, why are you standing there without saying a word? It's a punishment for you to stand there?"

Tang Ting made a face at Zhu Tao, but said nothing.

Su Ping's hearing was sharp and she heard the maid's voice, so she rubbed her eyes and sat up, opened the window a crack, and saw Tang Ting. Seeing that her uncle was awake, Tang Ting invited Su Ping to have breakfast with the young lady, and said

The young lady has something important to discuss with her uncle.

Breakfast was not a rich one, it was just daily food. Tang Mei ate quickly, but Su Ping ate slowly, making her wait a little longer.

After breakfast, Tang Mei said with a straight face: "I have thought about it. I can go to my father and ask for a promotion to your father's title, but I can't guarantee that my father will agree."

Su Ping said: "I'm not in a hurry. It won't be too late to wait until the Duke comes back to talk."

Tang Mei frowned and said, "But I'm anxious. I have to give my fourth brother a reply in the next two days." While speaking, Tang Mei took out some more account books and pushed them forward: "Please help me look at these account books."

Before Su Ping could speak, Tang Mei hurriedly added: "Only if I firmly hold the post of Okura Supervisor and perform well, my father will value me more. And if you perform well, I can also tell my father about your family.

If not, why would my father help your father improve his title?"

Su Ping raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

Seeing that Su Ping remained silent, Tang Mei frowned even more tightly: "What else do you want?"

Su Ping said: "Miss Sixth's words are vague. You only mentioned my family's affairs, but you didn't say anything about me. I said that I want to become an official. I want to be an official. I will help you after this matter is implemented."

Look at the ledger."

Tang Mei said: "My Tang family can promote filial piety and honesty, but at least one should be a scholar. Are you a scholar?"

Su Ping shook his head.

Tang Mei sneered sarcastically: "Not at all, I still want to be an official. Stop wasting that official position. Just help me honestly. I will definitely treat you badly."

Su Ping said: "When I say that I want to become an official, I don't mean to be a high official. Even if I am just a junior official from the ninth grade, I can accept it. I think there is no need to bother the Duke with such a small matter. As far as I know,

Your fourth brother Tang Kuan knows many capable people."

Tang Mei gritted her teeth: "Would you rather be a clerk? That's fine, I can satisfy you, but what about my business?"

"I'll try my best to help you."

"Teach me your calculation method first."

"Don't worry, I will teach you when my appointment as official is confirmed."

It is very difficult to make a fool of Su Ping with nothing. Tang Mei asked him to quickly correct the new account book. Su Ping said there was no rush and he had to go to Beishi or Pingkangfang. Tang Mei asked him what he was going to do.

Su Ping said that he had no money and wanted to sell a pearl.

Tang Mei raised her eyebrows: "Do you have a treasure? Let me see it."

Su Ping took out the orb and handed it to the maid, who put it on the table of Tang Mei. The noble lady could tell at a glance that the orb was extraordinary. She thought about it and suddenly put the orb into the drawer, locked it, and said, "My son-in-law is here."

You should be like a son-in-law, and you should not hide valuables privately. Your things are mine too, so I will accept this orb."

"Hey, don't go too far."

"Why is it too much? This is the principle of marrying into a child. Go and ask around for people who understand. Which family is not like this? Since you choose to marry into a child, you need to know who the head of the family is."

While she was talking, she pulled out a package from behind and handed it to the maid. She asked the maid to put it in front of Su Ping. She pointed at the package and said: "There is a piece of clothing that I sewed by myself, and there are ten taels of silver. Didn't you mean

Are you short of money? I just gave it to you."

Su Ping looked coldly.

Tang Mei folded her hands and glanced aside, not looking at Su Ping. She shook her head slightly and said: "Although my Tang family has a great business, in these war years, my family is also frugal. I hope you can be like me and know


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