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Chapter 41: The Lady in the Robe

No wonder Bo Tangliu, the owner of Dongda Warehouse, didn't bring her anything. It turned out that she wanted twenty bolts of silk at a time, saying it was for her natal sister's dowry.

Tang Mei said that according to family rules, the young master’s wife’s maiden sister will be given ten taels of silver as a gift when she gets married. The money must be withdrawn from Tang Kuan. If you don’t want the silver, you can go to the warehouse to get supplies of equal value. They are all family members and will be given according to the cost.

Then take. Ten taels of silver can get ten bolts of silk. The fifth sister-in-law needs twenty bolts, which is equivalent to twice the amount.

The fifth young master said: "But I have promised these twenty pieces of silk to my sister. Do you want to see me break my promise and make a fool of myself?"

Tang Mei said, why don't the fifth sister-in-law give you some more money, and I can accommodate you? If you ask for it directly like this, and others will follow the example of the fifth sister-in-law, wouldn't that mess up the rules? The new rules have just been established, but they are not established at all.

The fifth young master’s wife said angrily: “Don’t you know how poor your fifth brother’s family is? Your fifth brother’s little bear’s egg thing, he knows how to eat and drink all day long, and he even raised a baby outside recently. His monthly salary is not even enough for him.

It’s my own fault. I have to pay for the maintenance of more than a dozen masters and slaves in my family, otherwise they would all be naked. Now I take some silk from your house, and you still want money from me? Look at what I’m doing

How much the clothes are worth, just leave it to you!"

Tang Mei smiled bitterly: "My good sister-in-law, don't be angry. Why don't you do this? I'll give you the twenty pieces of silk first, but later I will deduct the money from Fifth Brother's monthly salary."

The fifth young master's wife sighed and said: "That's more or less. At least I won't let my sister-in-law lose face in her parents' house. As for your brother's money, you can deduct it as much as you like. He won't spend it on me anyway."

While their sisters-in-law were talking, Su Ping had been sitting quietly aside. Only then did Su Ping realize that all the titles in the Tang family were empty titles.

The so-called empty title is a title without salary.

The reason is that the "Taiping Alliance" stipulates that the entire tax revenue of Chang'an Road (Longyou Road plus Gyeonggi Road in the Tang Dynasty) belongs to the Tang family. What kind of salary do you want?

The monthly salary of the Tang family's masters is paid by the Tang clan's Zongzhengfu. The Tang family's current financial situation is tight, and the monthly salary of these young masters is not much.

Just now, Su Ping said that Tang Mei was a salary earner. At that time, Tang Mei's big eyes were rolling around in her eye sockets, and the reason was found. She felt guilty.

Then Su Ping returned to her hut. At that time, the little maid Tang Ting was struggling to walk back with a basin. No wonder the concierge was empty, she was busy here.

The little maid is only eleven years old, not tall, and skinny. However, the little girl is very good-looking, with a small face and big eyes, which is very lovable.

Su Ping asked her why she was carrying so much water?

Tang Ting said, wash the sheets for my uncle.

Su Ping took out a piece of caramel and gave it to her, asking why she had to wash it so frequently.

Tang Ting said, this is a rule. In fact, Grandma Wang's rule has been halved. In the past, Grandma stipulated that the master's sheets should be changed and washed every day.

The little maid was sitting on a small bench washing the sheets, and Su Ping was sitting in the room thinking about the three people who blocked the way today.

Su Ping thought that this matter had something to do with Chengfeng Tea House. It was not a beauty trap set by Qi Yu. Do you want to give yourself some color?

Suddenly he thought of Mei Ran. Tonight she was going to meet a group of "heroes" as the leader of the Luoyang branch. As a little girl, could she be able to control the scene?

"They say they are heroes of the world, but in fact there are quite a few bandits among them..."

The more he thought about it, the more worried he became. Su Ping stood up and took out Mr. Yu's robe.

Seeing that the little maid had finished washing the sheets and left, Su Ping put on his shirt and walked out of the Duke's Mansion with a gold knife and a copper mask hidden in his sleeves.

The armored guard at the back door saw Su Ping and saw that he was dressed strangely. He asked him what he was doing.

Su Ping said, go to a friend’s house to perform rituals.

Jiawei didn't say much, he just reminded his uncle to return before the night ban.

After leaving the brightly lit Duke's Mansion, surrounded by darkness, Su Ping no longer hid his strength, jumped with Qinggong, and left quickly.

Pingkangfang is not far from Beishi, that is, it is separated by Sigongfang. Su Ping knows that the gathering place of Honghua Club is diagonally opposite Tingfengge Restaurant among several private houses. Su Ping put on a copper mask

, hiding in the tree crown and looking below.

In the courtyard, there were several torches tied up. Mei Ran had her hair tied in braids, a small red jacket on her upper body, green cotton trousers on her lower body, and a black rope tied around her waist. She looked like a little village girl. She was standing at two tables.

On the podium, he said something.

When the wind is blowing, you can actually hear some content and listen to her preaching the doctrine.

Let's just say that Su Ping doesn't like to join these sects. They are more or less nagging, and they are determined to become bigger and stronger. However, if they do this, they will make the court feel very uncomfortable.

When the number of people in the sect was small, the court was too lazy to pay attention to them. But when their number reached a certain level, it was just stroking the tiger's beard.

However, Su Ping felt that the teachings of the Red Flower Society were full of loopholes and even contradictory, so the teachings of the Red Flower Society should not be successful.

There are three types of people who can join such a sect. One type is extremely stupid people; the second type is speculators with no good intentions; and the third type is people who are just trying to make ends meet.

However, the Red Flower Society is now strapped for funds, and all the speculators have basically run away. As for the remaining group of people, Su Ping took a closer look and found that there were not many of them. Half of them were arrogant guys, and the other half were extremely poor.


Su Ping still doesn't quite understand what kind of organization the Red Flower Society is. Where does the money of this organization come from? Who is the leader? What is the purpose of establishing the sect? These questions even call themselves the Luoyang Branch of the Red Flower Society.

Even Mei Ran couldn't answer. Su Ping once asked Mei Ran, since he didn't understand these things, why did he participate in the Red Flower Club?

Mei Ran said that being a woman was too hard. She only had to serve men and take care of children and work. It was too boring. Unless... she did that for the man she liked. But the man she liked didn't like her, so she decided to make a career in the world, like

Men can do great things.

Su Ping asked her who the man she liked was, and she ran away angry.

Su Ping hid in a tree and listened to Mei Ran read out the teachings. As he listened, he found out that the teachings compiled by their Honghuahui leader were based on the "Fo Guang Dictionary" and "Tianzun Taishang Lingbao's Sutra on Treating Disasters".

I extracted some concepts from the book and kneaded them together to form "The Main Sutra of the Great Sect of the Honghuahui". It is such a thing that Buddha is not a Buddhist or a Taoist.

It is nothing more than some shallow but easy-to-spread brainwashing words that oppose darkness, pursue light, and light will eventually defeat darkness. Propaganda: "A great disaster is coming, the sky and the earth are dark, and the sun and the moon have no light."

"The yellow sky will die, the sky will live", "the world will change greatly", and finally depicts a beautiful world where heaven and earth are harmonious and there is no suffering in the world.

They also called on believers to consider the world as their home, regard the relationship between church members as brothers and sisters with the same parents, call on fellow believers to exchange property, help each other, and be equal between men and women. Obviously, these words are very important to those poor people and women.

Attractive. But for people like Su Ping, this was meaningless. I just felt that the great leader was on the verge of committing suicide.

The Great Hierarch is a person who has mastered the basic weaknesses of human nature. He is using human nature to control the believers to work for him. And these believers have gradually become his puppets, but these believers don't know. They think they are under the Great Hierarch's control.

Lead the people to chase the light, and one day, sooner or later, they will become citizens of that wonderful world and live a happy new life.

Obviously, there were discerning people in the imperial court who had already seen clearly their true purpose, so they proposed a concept called "Mojia" a while ago. Su Ping estimated that they would start taking action soon after the concept was proposed. But for some reason, the emperor suddenly became lazy

, ignore government affairs.

"Hey, you've been talking for a long time, don't you just know a few more words than us? But what's the use of just knowing the words? Mr. Li here was once a Gongsheng student, and he knows more words than you, so why is it?

Are you coming to be the sub-ruler? The Grand Hierarch came once before and said that sub-rudders are elected by election. Why are you suddenly asked to be the sub-ruler? Do you have any proof? Do you have a handwritten letter from the Grand Hierarch?"

There were not many people at this party, only about thirty people by visual inspection. Originally, they were all sitting on the floor, but suddenly a tall, ragged guy stood up, pointed at Mei Ran who was standing on the table, and said something


Mei Ran put the small religious book in his pocket into his pocket, pinched his waist and said: "I won't argue with you. If you don't accept it, just come up and let's have a fight. If you beat me, you will be the helmsman; if you can't beat me, you will be the helmsman."

Just listen to me honestly."

The tall man laughed and looked around.

It seemed that he was a small boss, with six or seven people around him all belonging to him. Perhaps, he had dreamed of being the leader of the Luoyang sub-rudder before. Judging from their arrogance, Su Ping initially judged that they were from a certain workshop in Luoyang.


The tall man rolled up his sleeves: "This is your challenge to me, so don't blame me for bullying women!"

Then the tall man was kicked to the ground by a whirlwind kick from Mei Ran. The whole process was smooth and smooth, with only a crackling sound heard. The tall man swayed left and right, and finally straightened up and passed out.

It can be said that Mei Ran gave him two hands.

Such a wonderful performance caused a burst of fierce applause in the courtyard. The tall man took a while before being helped to stand up. But he felt that he had lost all face and had no shame to stay here any longer and lead his people away.


There weren't many people there originally, but now there are only about twenty people left.

After the gangsters left, I felt that the sect was more like a sect. They had a common temperament: being honest and obedient, loyal to the doctrine, worshiping the great leader, and also worshiping the sub-ruler in front of them.

There was only one man in black robes, his face covered by his robe and cap. It was unclear whether he was a man or a woman. He was very thin and sat on the edge of the crowd without looking up. He didn't even take a second look at "him" during the fight just now. He looked very mysterious. Suddenly "

He "raised his head and stared straight into the tree crown, which was exactly the direction where Su Ping was hiding."

She was a woman with sharp eyes. In the dark night, her eyes seemed to be shining with stars, so bright that it made people panic.

"Who is so sneaky! Come out!"

Su Ping deliberately wanted people to find him, grabbing a bunch of twigs to attract people's attention. Of course, he mainly wanted to attract Mei Ran's attention.

"Don't panic, everyone." Miss Mei smiled happily and said, "We are one of our own."

That copper mask was given to Su Ping by Mei Ran.

But the woman wearing a robe and hat didn't seem to hear Mei Ran's words. She had already flown up the tree and headed straight for Su Ping.

This chapter has been completed!
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