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Chapter Forty-Eight

Huang Sanlang wanted to buy Tongtian Tower, but the owner of Tongtian Tower refused to sell it. Huang Sanlang led his people and threw the owner of Tongtian Tower from the seventh floor. He said that the boss committed suicide.

The magistrate of Ximen County knew the whole story. After the incident, Huang Sanlang found him through many connections. He accepted the money and helped suppress the case.

Although they destroyed the evidence and bribed witnesses, Su Ping produced new evidence and witnesses at this time.

Su Ping was not a detective, and it was impossible for him to find the evidence in such a short period of time. This was all thanks to Deputy Li. When the Ximen County Magistrate asked Deputy Li to destroy the evidence, it was actually hidden in Deputy Li's home.

Now it can be said that the facts are clear and the evidence is conclusive. In this case, a verdict can be made without trial. But Ximen Kan did not make a verdict. He asked the county magistrate to sit in the court for a slow trial, but he ran to Qinghuafang through the back door to find Tang Kuan


In the study room of the Fourth Young Master's Mansion, Ximen Kan sat in a chair angrily. The hand holding the teacup was shaking a little. He just took a sip of tea and put the teacup down heavily.

Tang Kuan, who had a straight nose, glanced sideways at him, pretending to be indignant and said: "This Su Ping is so outrageous! When he comes back, I will never let him go lightly!" The more he spoke, the angrier he got, and he stood up and said, "I'm the one begging.

Magistrate Ximen accepted him, and now he is rebelling. He is not only rebelling against Magistrate Ximen, he is also rebelling against me. If he doesn't stop, get out of Qinghuafang!"

In fact, Tang Kuan was also a little confused. He only asked Su Ping to keep an eye on Qi Yu, but did not let Su Ping go to Huang Sanlang. Tang Kuan's first reaction was that Su Ping wanted to make money, but judging from Ximen Kan's behavior

See, that's not the case.

Ximen Kan said: "I know that the Fourth Young Master is a sensible person. But in my opinion, this matter should be done quickly. Otherwise, he will bring this matter to the Yushitai."

Tang Kuan smiled: "Don't worry, Magistrate Ximen, it doesn't matter even if you get to the Yushitai. I will tell Tang Xing about this matter and let him leave it alone. Without the help of my Tang family, Su Ping can't do anything."

Ximen Kan nodded: "If that's the case, then I'm relieved. But after all, he is the uncle of the Duke's mansion, and I can't discipline him personally, so why bother the Fourth Young Master?"

"Easy to say, easy to say."

Tang Kuan ordered the boy to go to the county. The boy had a shrewd look on his face. He understood a few words and ran out quickly.

Seeing this, Ximen Kan felt slightly comforted, stood up, and planned to say goodbye.

Tang Kuan waved his hand and said, "Oh, Magistrate Ximen, don't leave in a hurry. I still have something to say."

Ximen Kan sat down again.

"Why do I feel that Su Ping is determined to make trouble?" Tang Kuan said with a smile: "I don't understand this."

Ximen Kanyi frowned: "I didn't understand it either. At first I thought it was Huang Sanlang who offended the Fourth Young Master."

Tang Kuan waved his hand: "Those like Huang Sanlang don't dare to provoke me."

Ximen Kan frowned even more tightly: "Is it because he wants to make money? But this is wrong. If he wants to make money, he should cooperate with me. Why are you still competing with me?"

Tang Kuan said: "Think about it again."

Let's just say that Tang Kuan has always done things like this. Even if the Tang family makes mistakes, he will take different countermeasures according to the priority of the matter. Maybe he admits his mistakes and takes the initiative to straighten things out; maybe he muddies the waters and smooths things over;

Maybe just don't admit it.

But even if he admits his mistake, he cannot be manipulated casually. For example, now, it is obvious that Su Ping was wrong in this matter, but before Su Ping could explain the reason, Tang Kuan asked the county magistrate to find the reason himself. This is a bit embarrassing.


Ximen Kan raised his eyes and looked at Tang Kuan, who looked like he was hiding a knife in his smile.

Ximen Kan said with a sad face: "I said Fourth Young Master, what do you mean?"

Tang Kuan stopped laughing: "You were right just now. He is our uncle's uncle after all. Of course, if he makes a mistake, even if he is my uncle, I will not protect him. Wrong is a mistake, it must be admitted, it must be

I apologize to Magistrate Ximen. But since I can’t understand this matter, I’m just wondering if my uncle is in some trouble?”

Ximen Kan said: "I can pat my chest and say that I have never felt sorry for him since he came to the county. As for how their Wu Yamen allocates areas, I don't interfere with it. That is all the business of Team Leader Chen."

If he has any dissatisfaction, he should go to Bantou Chen and tell him, and he should not be in trouble with me."

Tang Kuan crossed his legs, pressed his right arm on the armrest, nodded and said, "Think again."

Ximen Kan was anxious. He sat up straight and turned around to face Tang Kuan: "I said Fourth Young Master, do you think it was me who took the initiative to cause trouble? I provoked him first?"

Tang Kuanpi said with a smile: "Then let's think about it together. He Su Ping is just a stupid young man. He goes to your county office and keeps trying to reverse the case. He just wants to be in the limelight and let people know that he can do things well.


Ximen Kan stared at Tang Kuan and suddenly smiled bitterly: "The Fourth Young Master's words reminded me that Su Ping is very close to a female police officer in the Yamen. And I am planning to run away from that woman. Maybe he is

Is he trying to help that female detective to fight against the injustice? Of course, this is just my conjecture. Even if it is true, he has gone too far."

Tang Kuan seemed to be happy because something had succeeded. He smiled and nodded and said, "That's right, that's right."

Ximen Kan stood up and clasped his fists at Tang Kuan: "There is still something to do in the Yamen, I must go back. I have to disturb the Fourth Young Master."

"Uh, don't bother, don't bother. It's my brother-in-law who is ignorant and caused trouble to Magistrate Ximen."

This time Tang Kuan did not stop him, but sent him to the door. On the way, he asked how the female detective looked. Ximen Kan said that she was very good-looking, but she was too wild and did not understand any rules. Tang Kuan

Asked, how wild is it? Ximen Kan stopped, thought for a while and said: I am even worried that she can give me a mouth at any time. Tang Kuan was stunned, then suddenly laughed and said it was interesting.

Before the trial of Huang Sanlang's case was over, Wu Canjun came. After he came, he didn't propose anything. He just sat and chatted with Fang Cheng, waiting for Ximen Kan to come back. He and Ximen Kan sat in the secret room and chatted.

After talking for a while, Wu Canjun left. The criminal Huang Sanlang was temporarily detained pending trial.

During this period, a young man from Tang Kuan's family came to Su Ping and said that the Fourth Young Master wanted to see him. Su Ping rode his donkey and mule back to Qinghuafang unhurriedly and came to the Fourth Young Master's house.

"Baoyu, the commotion this time is quite big."

Tang Kuan has the habit of singing a few lines, and he also has to dress himself up. Now he drew himself a martial arts face, wearing a short bat to support him.

There were several beautiful concubines in his family who were born as concubines, and they were all dressed up and looked extremely handsome. It is said that just now Tang Kuan performed a hero's drama of saving a beauty in his own home, and after saving the beauty, he had a great time on the couch in this hall.

However, Tang Kuan can be regarded as a person who does things. Even when singing is the most important, he will stop to do things.

The beautiful concubine took a fur cloak and put it on Tang Kuan's shoulders. He shook his shoulders and sat in a chair, crossing his legs: "I heard from Ximen Kan that you broke into his room directly, grabbed his collar and pulled him out.

They grabbed me on the bed." Tang Kuan couldn't help but laugh a few times: "Is this true?"

Su Ping said: "That's about it."

Tang Kuan waved his hand to let the concubines go out, and waved his hand for Su Ping to sit down: "Then tell me, why do you do this?"

Su Ping sat down and said, "For the right path in the world."

Tang Kuan stopped laughing and looked at Su Ping with a strange look: "Sister-in-law, you don't really think so, do you? If you really think so, I admire you. I don't even have anything to say to you. This lawsuit is about to end. The emperor will also speak to you."

This was obviously an irony. Su Ping smiled and said, "To be honest with my fourth uncle, my son-in-law is also doing something for his fourth uncle."

"Oh? Why did you say that?"

"My fourth uncle asked me to handle Qi Yu's affairs. If I really catch Qi Yu, someone will definitely come to my fourth uncle to plead for mercy. Or, they can go to my fourth uncle (Yin Tangjiong of Jingzhao Prefecture). In In the officialdom, everyone has to be polite, and of course it's hard to refuse. But if you don't refuse, this matter still has to be done, and then I can only handle it. Now, I have created a "disregard your relatives, enforce the law impartially" With your reputation, no one will doubt you in the future."

Tang Kuan stared at Su Ping: "Did my little sister tell you these words?"

Su Ping shook his head: "She basically doesn't talk to me."

Tang Kuan nodded and said: "Yes, I understand my little sister's temperament. Since she didn't say it, it's really rare for my sister-in-law to consider this on his own. But brother-in-law, don't be sad. Even if you and my little sister part ways in the future, I I won't treat you badly. I will help you find a job in Chang'an. In Chang'an, our Tang family is the royal family, and I am the prince. The official I will arrange for you will definitely be higher than this ninth rank."

Later Tang Kuan said, since you want to gain fame, then you should do it boldly. But next time, don't be too harsh and drag the Ximen County Magistrate out of bed, then no one will be able to come to power.

For example, regarding the matter of Huang Sanlang, don't go to the Yushitai, because I have promised Ximen Kan that the Tang family will not help you at the Yushitai. Then, you can go to the Ministry of Punishment.

Nowadays, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Justice, the Lieutenant, and the Foreign Minister of the Ministry of Justice have all been replaced by the new emperor. And they are all young people with imperial examination background. They are all as hard-working and diligent as chicken blood. When unjust, false, and wrongly convicted cases are brought to them, they must be Can turn.

This chapter has been completed!
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