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Chapter 102 I want to be a troll too

When Emperor Wanlong was still the crown prince, he paid special attention to collecting intelligence and carried out many assassinations based on intelligence.

But most of the people who collected intelligence and carried out assassinations for him were from the Jianghu, and Emperor Wanlong was ashamed to tell his ministers about his mobilization of the Jianghu, so those people are still unknown to this day. For example, Ye Shi of the Red Flower Society

Sister, in order to cover up the Red Flower Club, he also said that those things were done by eunuchs.

In the past, when you were a prince, you would do intelligence and assassination in a secretive way. But now that you are an emperor, it seems that there is no need to be so secretive. While retaining the elite of the Red Flower Society, you must add an "open and aboveboard" intelligence team.

At that time, Zhao Tian focused on bad people.

Zhao Tian requested that bad people be removed from the Ministry of War.

The so-called "bad" literally means "bad". When the Tang Dynasty hired bad people, they also used some so-called "people with evil deeds". The same was true for the Liang Dynasty.

It's the same crime. Some criminals are hateful, while others are not hateful and may even be sympathized with.

For example, there was such a person in Tong Yin's team. He had been a soldier, and after he recovered, he cultivated the land and was a good citizen. Suddenly one year, he was ordered by the government to do corvee service. While he was doing corvee service, the captain of the militia asked everyone for money.

If not, they will be assigned to do the hardest and most tiring work.

Everyone had no choice but to give money to the militia captain, but he refused to give it. The militia captain targeted him, often insulted him, and punished him for working more and eating less. One time, he got angry after being scolded and gave the militia captain a meal.

Old punch, knocked out three teeth.

Is it okay to beat a Shangguan? Put him in jail. Zhao Tian would pick out such people and send them to the team of bad guys. And the person under Tong Yin was Cao Bao who lost his crossbow some time ago.

"Sure enough, the bad guys have been separated from the Ministry of War. From now on, we will directly take orders from the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Yin, a handsome boy from Nan City, came back from a meeting at the Ministry of War. He stood in the hall of the squad room, pinched his waist and said to everyone.

There are about a hundred delinquents in Nan City, but only thirty of them are of good rank. According to the rank of the Ministry of War, Tong Yin is only a thirty-year-old captain, eighth rank.

The low-level ranks of the Ministry of War would usually be gone if restored. But they were separated by the emperor and retained their ranks. For this, everyone was quite happy.

Cao Bao blinked and said, "Boss Tong, aren't all eunuchs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Cao Bao made a start, and everyone spoke one after another:

"Tongtou, can you talk to the superiors and change the yamen?"

"It's not nice to work for the chamberlain. Others think we are eunuchs."

"Oh, Mr. Tong, aren't we going to get stabbed too? Then I won't do it. I plan to redeem Xiaocaihua's life."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Tong Yin shouted: "Who told you that all the lieutenants were eunuchs? I asked you to buy a few more books to read, but you all threw your money into the brothels!"

"Hahaha" a group of people laughed shamelessly.

"Okay, everyone, stop laughing." Tong Yin waved his hands and said sternly: "The chamberlain supervisor said that he wants to choose one of me and Bao An to be the bad captain. That is a fifth-grade officer. Brothers, are you willing?

Will you help me?"

The rank of the Liang Dynasty was different from that of the Tang Dynasty. In the Tang Dynasty, each rank was divided into four levels, such as the upper level of the fifth level, the lower level of the fifth level, the upper level of the fifth level, and the lower level of the fifth level. However, in the Liang Dynasty, there were only two levels, the upper level and the lower level.

The officials of the Liang Dynasty were generally one level higher than those of the Tang Dynasty. For example, the rank of the Sixth Rank Minister of the Six Bureaus of the Tang Dynasty was the fourth rank, while the rank of the Sixth Rank Minister of the Sixth Bureau of the Liang Dynasty was the third rank.

An eighth-rank official like Tong Yin could usually lead a team of 200 people in the Tang Dynasty, but in the Liang Dynasty, he was a bit inflated and could only lead a team of thirty and some non-staff personnel.

There were many fictitious positions in the Tang Dynasty, and there were also many in the Liang Dynasty, such as "Captain of the Militia". It sounds like a big official, but in fact it is just a title. The focus is on the word "mingtuan".

As long as the word "military group" is listed, it is not a regular army. The captain of the militia group may be a ninth-grade squad leader, or he may be the deputy squad leader of the ninth rank, and is under the control of the local county magistrate.

"... Bao An, the bad guy from the North City, is my good friend. This time we compete with him. We have a gentleman's agreement not to use dirty tricks. In the face of the ten cases handed down by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, we have to rely on our strength.

If you really have the ability to do something, for one month, whoever does more will be the bad captain. And from the original team, one person will be selected to be the bad commander." Tong Yin said excitedly.

Cao Bao frowned and said, "Boss, do you really consider Bao An a friend?"

Tong Yin said with a straight face: "What is this word?"

Cao Bao stood up, looked at everyone, and then looked at Tong Yin: "If you ask me, since you are the Meng family's uncle, you should let your father-in-law find the eunuch from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and go through the back door."

"Yes, boss, you don't have to worry about it, what are you waiting for?"

Everyone made a fuss and asked Tong Yin to go through the back door.

Tong Yin said impatiently: "Go, go, don't lead me down the wrong path. Don't you still know who I am, Tong Yin? I am a bad person, just to achieve something, otherwise I will just go to Chengfu

Just be a good son-in-law."

It can be said that Su Ping is a restless person. Just after the first round of the trial marriage, he ran out and said he would not stay at home. In the past eight days, he tried to play with Princess Mei, and found that the princess was really

A sour-faced Chihuahua, no wonder she has no friends.

The kind who can't afford to lose at anything. If you lose in chess, you will lose face; if you lose in cards, you will lose face; if you lose in Cuju, you will lose face; if you lose in pinball, you will lose face; if you lose in cricket fighting, you will throw down the cricket cage.

, trampled flat.

In Su Ping's words: I can no longer play happily.

Although the princess also realized her mistakes and even tried to correct them, she could not persist for long before her true colors were revealed.

She found out that Su Ping deliberately gave in to her, and she became even more annoyed. She was not allowed to give in, and she lost in the end, so she continued to be annoyed.

She was annoyed by her clumsiness, but she didn't think that Su Ping was higher than ordinary people. But later she seemed to realize this, and she became happy again.

But when she regained her composure, Su Ping had already left on horseback to go to work in the Criminal Department.

"Baoyu, if you don't stay in the princess's palace for a trial marriage, why do you come to the Ministry of Justice? I have already considered it. When you marry the princess, you will become a second-rank princess. Although the title is not an official position, it is a rank after all.

Gao Ma. If you are still working under me, then when you come to see me in the future, will you listen to me or should I listen to you?" Xue Pang smiled slightly awkwardly: "So I decided, or

If you are relieved of your supervisory duties, you won’t have to work hard to handle cases in the future. Of course, your relationship is still with the Ministry of Punishment, and you still have the position of censor. It’s also good to concentrate on being a censor.”

Alas, the job is gone.

What kind of officials are censors? In Su Ping's view, they are just a group of trolls. Some censors are the clean stream of the officialdom, while others are mudslides. Moreover, they are protected by the "Daliang Law", which was approved by Emperor Gaozu Zhao Lue.

One of them: Don’t kill Yan Guan. As a result, these censors became even more arrogant.

If you don't like something, write a report to the emperor and criticize this or that. If you don't like the emperor, you should also criticize him. Of course, you have to bear the price for criticizing the emperor. If you don't kill you, it doesn't mean that you won't be beaten.

Su Ping once went to the Censor's Room, where the Censor's documents were stored. Every time there was a great dynasty, many Censors came to court. After the court, they would write articles and comment on what happened in the court that day.


In fact, many articles did not talk about the essence of things, but mostly vented their emotions. Their emotions would occasionally affect the emperor, and the emperor would issue orders to intervene. It really annoyed the officials on duty.

However, there are also capable people among the censors, who can discern the crux of the problem and do some serious work.

For example, if some officials are corrupt, the censors will collect evidence and report it directly to the emperor. Or if they discover some unhealthy trends in society, they will report it to the emperor. This is very positive.

Allowing the existence of the censors can be regarded as leaving a voice for the emperor. An enlightened emperor usually does not block the voice. Although these censors sometimes make the emperor so angry that smoke comes out of his nostrils.

"It's okay now, I will also be a troll from now on."

Su Ping muttered something and walked to the door of the swordsmen's squad room in a low mood. He saw a group of lazy, idle swordsmen, lying down or sideways, staying in the squad room.

Mei Ran did not join them. She lay alone at the window of the punishment department hall, watching the birds flying in the trees outside. Mei Ran whistled, and a yellow sparrow came over and landed on her hand.

"Hey, stop teasing the birds and come with me."

"Where to go?"

"As the supervisory censor of the Ministry of Punishment, I want to understand the specific circumstances of the case being investigated by the Ministry of Punishment."

Mei Ran stood up: "Do you have to do such a disgusting thing?"

Su Ping shrugged, pointed at the swordsman's squadron and said, "Otherwise? Just be idle like them?"

Su Ping's job now is a bit like that of a certain bureau inspector in later generations. He has the power to manage and take care of all problems, big or small, but he is not the kind of full-time bureau chief who can decide promotions and demotions. It is the most thankless type of work.

However, Su Ping is different from those censors who came from the imperial examination. He was originally a supervisor and had handled some major cases. When he went to check, the other supervisors did not treat him as a layman and even discussed the case.


Su Ping is not here to find trouble, he is here to "explore business opportunities."

If the case can make money, he will get involved. If it cannot make money, he will praise the inspector and say: You handled this case well, your work attitude is correct, and your working methods are clever.

, your work ability is excellent, then I will not participate.

Mei Ran, a small swordsman, followed Su Ping around all day long, and this day he wandered into Nanshi. Because Su Ping discovered a huge business opportunity.

The Ministry of Punishment is investigating an official who has been dismissed. Back then, he embezzled 7,000 taels and was arrested. However, because of his role in rescuing someone, Emperor Tiande exempted him from prison. But now the Ministry of Punishment is highly suspicious, saying

He was greedy for more than seven thousand taels.

This chapter has been completed!
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