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Chapter 64 Worthy of praise

The family members had left Luoyang early, and only Bai Zhongshi and Fang Cheng, surnamed Hong, stayed in the city to commit fraud.

Although they had discovered that the dead woman was not Little Cherry, they still persisted and sold the small wooden building at a low price while no one was in the building.

And Bai Zhongshi had no intention of giving any money to Su Ping.

If it hadn't been blocked by Su Ping, he would have taken away the two hundred taels of silver.

So when Su Ping suddenly appeared in front of him, he was stunned for a moment before going back to withdraw the money.

At that time, Fang Cheng, surnamed Hong, had already taken the remaining money and ran away in a donkey cart. But as soon as he ran out of the gate, he was intercepted and arrested by the Honghua Society commanded by Mei Ran, and sent to the Ministry of Punishment.

The reason why Su Ping wanted to mobilize the Red Flower Club instead of transferring people to the Ministry of Justice or the county was based on many considerations.

The government has always taken its time to do things. If the Vice Minister said a word, they would be nervous, but Su Ping, an eighth-grade official, could not calm them down. By the time they slowly came here, they would have run away.


Once the Red Flower Club completes this matter, Su Ping can also write down their deeds in the file. This is an opportunity for the Red Flower Club to record their merits. If they have more merit, they can go to Honglu Temple to apply for a sect.

It must be certified and become a sect recognized by the government. Otherwise, the Red Flower Society will be in bad luck if the government cracks down on the Mohists in the future.

"Xiao Su, you are very capable of doing things. In solving this case, you were the main planner or an undercover agent, and you also closed the net yourself. From beginning to end, you did it in one go, cleanly and heartily. You really impressed me."

Xue Pang, the Minister of Punishment, was full of praise for Su Ping. After praising Su Ping, he continued: "Very good, very good. You are a potential prospect that I have discovered since I became the Minister of Justice. Although you are not from the imperial examination,

But I still decided to focus on training you. But don’t be proud, you must realize your own shortcomings, learn more from those outstanding seniors, and always push yourself.”

Su Ping said: "Thanks to the wrong love of the Minister, I should work hard and not dare to slack off."

Xue Pang nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, very good, very good."

With this incident as a foreshadowing, the story of Su Ping missing the two groups of criminals was completely overturned.

In addition, because he helped Wang Shuangxi recover a thousand taels of silver, Wang Shuangxi also sent a silk banner. When he found out that the person handling the case was Su Ping, he looked embarrassed and had something in his heart. He avoided Su Ping and sent the silk banner to the minister.

In the adults' room.

He said to Xue Pang, "There are still two hundred taels of silver missing. I hope the Ministry of Punishment can help recover it."

Xue Pang said he would work hard, but as soon as Wang Shuangxi left, he handed the case over to Jingzhao Mansion.

The higher-level yamen have this advantage. I will do the easy things, and the thankless things will be left to you. If you can't do it well, I will scold you.

At this time, Su Ping has been recognized as a "capable person" by Xue Pang. Since he is a capable person, he cannot be kept at home, but should be allowed to go out and explore.

For this reason, Xue Pang specially summoned two doctors from the Xianxian Division and told them not to assign tasks to Su Ping. This person would be dispatched by me personally.

The Ministry of Punishment of the Liang Dynasty was similar to that of the Tang Dynasty. It had four divisions called "Xingdubimen", but the names were changed. For example, "Department of Punishment" was changed to "Division of Punishment". This change is good, otherwise the Ministry of Punishment would be subordinate to the Department of Punishment.

It sounds very awkward. The Criminal Constitution Department, which is under the Ministry of Punishment, sounds more pleasant to my ears.

In the Xingxian Division, there are two doctors, four Yuanwailang, 19 Lingshi, 38 Lingshi, and 10 Zhanggu;

Du Guan Si, one doctor, two Yuanwailang, nine Lingshi, 12 Lingshi, and four Zhanggu;

In the Bibu Division, there is one doctor, two yuanwailang, fourteen people who are responsible for making orders, twenty-seven people who are responsible for writing records, one person who is responsible for accounting, and four people who are responsible for holding orders;

In the Gate Control Department, there is one doctor, two assistant doctors, six officials and historians, thirteen people who write the official records, and four Zhanggu officials.

Most of them are on-duty officials, responsible for the review work related to criminal cases across the country, including subdivision of arrests, autumn trials, commutations, prison sentences, accounts and punishments, atonements and other messy things. The work is very busy. Without these guys, the Ministry of Punishments would be

It’s hard to play. But if these people are just working, how can the minister stand out?

Not to mention the Minister of Punishment, even Xiaofang Cheng, they also hope to maximize their power.

In order to exert power, you have to use some crooked ideas.

Take the fishing issue for example. Out of consideration for the appearance of the imperial capital and to ensure the safety of pleasure boats, people are not allowed to fish on the Luo River. The Fang Office has the responsibility of supervision and education, and also has the power to confiscate fishing gear and evict people.

If you do not change your ways despite repeated admonitions, you may be fined or even arrested.

Fang Cheng is not of high rank, but he is still an official. He cannot go out to catch fishermen all day long, so he needs some diligent, capable, and proactive subordinates to go to the river to confiscate fishing rods and fine them.


Some fishing rods are very exquisite, worth thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan. Some people are not willing to have their fishing rods confiscated, so they go to Fang Cheng to ask for them. And those who have been fined or arrested are the same.

If you can find a relative or friend with status to come and say a word, Fang Cheng can basically give you face.

What's the point of Fang Cheng doing this?

It can increase the chances of others asking for help, and thus doing favors.

Although the favor is not big, it is still favor, and this will allow Fang Cheng to exert his power.

Moreover, there are still some people who can't find any important relatives or friends to intercede in front of Fang Cheng, so I'm sorry and please pay a fine. This is an income of Fang Cheng.

Therefore, every prime minister has a few bastards who can get things done. The biggest characteristic of this group of people is that they look for trouble when they have nothing to do. They are the people on the streets who collect taxes under clever pretexts, smash pots and rob cars, and bully the people.


Their existence is what Fang Cheng wants to see. If Fang Cheng's subordinates are all honest, responsible, kind and friendly, or lazy, then Fang Cheng will be troubled. He always feels that his power cannot be exerted.

come out.

Xue Pang thought that Su Ping was such a bastard. Xue Pang felt that he had found a treasure, so he took more care of him. Now the entire criminal department knew that Su Ping was Xue Shilang's favorite general.

Emperor Wanlong appointed Su Ping as the eighth-rank chief, which was not a practical position. When he arrived at the Ministry of Punishment, he needed the assistant minister to arrange specific work. Xue Pang appointed Su Ping as the chief of the Supervisory Department of the Criminal and Constitutional Department.

Su Ping's rank is equivalent to that of a Zhanggu, but his power is second only to that of the fifth-rank Yuanwailang. As for Meiran's small swordsman, he is not ranked at all. The so-called swordsman is someone who does odd jobs and is an official.

You can take her away.

As for Mr. Su, there is only one Mei Ran under his command now. This was specially arranged by Xue Shilang. Otherwise, Mei Ran would have to report to the Criminal Division every day. I wonder what disturbing tasks the superior officials would arrange for her.

Xue Pang has a lot of messy cases in his hands. These are cases that he thinks will make him shine, or that are profitable, and he will hand them over to Su Ping. There are no special requirements, and there is no deadline to complete them. If a certain case

If there is any progress, please let him know.

At this time, Inspector Su was a free man. No, he left the Criminal Department with Mei Ran and went to choose a house.

This young man and woman were walking on the street, making people mistake them for a young couple planning to buy a house and settle down in the city.

Unfortunately, Su Ping didn't have much money at this time and couldn't afford a big house, let alone a house in a good location.

When it was time to get off work, Su Ping sent Mei Ran back to the Ministry of Punishment mansion and sat in Mei Ran's bedroom. Mei Ran took out the money bag she snatched from Bai Zhongshi and placed it on the small square table.

"I will give half of this dirty money to the poor." As he spoke, Mei Ran took out one hundred taels of silver.

Su Ping stared at Mei Ran with incredulous eyes: "You are also poor yourself, okay?"

"That won't work. I'm an upright disciple. I can only rob the rich and give to the poor. I can't use the money for personal use. And with your one hundred taels, you can buy a house. However, it needs to be used by this heroine. I usually help the rivers and lakes in emergencies.

This is a righteous act for those who are in trouble. If you don't agree, I will tell Master to go."

"You are really a good disciple of your master!"

"Why, aren't you?"

"Yes!!! Me too!!! Okay!"

Su Ping was not angry, but a performance. But his performance could not change Mei Nuxia's determination. She decided to go to Jiaofang tonight to help the poor.

In Su Ping's view, Mei Ran was just a little fool who was brainwashed by his master, a little nun who practiced on his behalf but was not familiar with Buddhism.

But she is not completely stupid, she just gives out the ill-gotten gains, and she has saved all her hard-earned money. And when she gives out the money, she does not give it out in one breath, but to find those who are suffering.

.She saves the suffering, not the lazy.

Although they are both poor, their karma is different.

In essence, she was eliminating karma according to Master's instructions. But Su Ping felt that she was doing it wrong.

To eliminate karma, one should follow the circumstances and eliminate them instead of actively seeking them out like she did.

This is like releasing animals. When you meet those in danger and help him (or it) get out of trouble, this is releasing animals. Buying three kilograms of river mussels and sending them back to the river is not releasing animals, but committing a sin.

Although Su Ping did not believe in Buddhism, it did not affect his understanding. Master often praised Su Ping for having more wisdom than Mei Ran, but it was a pity that Su Ping was too tied to the world and could not enter Buddhism.

Su Ping came home early today, just in time for dinner. Zhen Ping'er, the maid in Jinyi, was waiting for him at the moon gate with a smile, saying that he was invited by the princess to have dinner with him.

As soon as she heard about having dinner with the princess, Su Ping felt a little uncomfortable. She always felt that Tang Mei had evil intentions. After the sweet date, there must be a big stick. I didn't know what she was hiding.

"You were promoted, why didn't you tell me?"

After dinner, the princess sat on the couch and Su Ping sat on the banquet. The couch was one foot higher than the banquet.

"It's only eighth grade, what's the big deal?" Su Ping said in a low mood.

Tang Mei remained silent and squinted her big eyes.

Su Ping added: "The official of the Duke's Mansion still has a seventh-grade title in the Ministry of Etiquette, but after all, he is also your servant. I am not even as good as your servant, what else can I show off to?"

Hearing this, Tang Mei couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, looking quite satisfied: "Even so, don't belittle yourself. Others don't know, but I know that you handled the case based on your own ability, which is still worthy of praise. But don't be too proud.

, you have to know that the reason why the emperor promoted you is not only because of your merits in handling the case, but also because Tang Zhao spoke for you in front of the emperor, so this is an exceptional reward."

Now Su Ping heard two versions. Xue Pang said that it was because of his strong recommendation that the emperor gave him a special reward; now Tang Mei said that it was Tang Zhao who spoke kindly in front of the emperor, so he was given a special reward.

Which one is right?

Maybe both are right, or maybe neither is right.

Su Ping sat silently.

Seeing that Su Ping didn't speak, Tang Mei trembled with a long eyebrow: "Fourth brother said that you have offended both him and fourth uncle. Therefore, I want to drive you out."

This chapter has been completed!
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