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Chapter 83 Surprise

The annoying son-in-law has been expelled, and the sixth lady Tang Mei's house has returned to its former tranquility, as if that person had never appeared in the house.

From hearing about that person, to seeing that person, to when that person followed her into the house, Miss Six was very resistant in her heart.

Miss Six even thought of dozens of ways to kick him out. But I don’t know when, Miss Six stopped thinking about those methods.

Instead, I started to care about that person's every move.

He leaves early every day and comes home late every day, but walks slowly and leisurely, is kind to others, and seems to be willing to talk to every slave in the house, except for the one who flirts with Miss Six. Perhaps this is the reason why Miss Six finds trouble with him.

Miss Six still maintained a "hateful" attitude, saying that she did not welcome him to stay in the yard. But when the man really left, Miss Six was not used to it, and she always felt that something was missing in the yard.

She said she was worried that the fruits would become moldy after being stored for a long time, so Tang Mei asked Zhen Ping'er to send these fruits to the superintendent's office, giving some to Grandma Wang and some to the back room.

The word "back room", of course, refers to that person. But when Zhen Ping'er took the melons and fruits to the main hall of Sandaoyuan of the Governor's Mansion, she only saw Zhu Tao and Feng Die, not that person.

Of course they didn't know that the man was trudging in the underground culvert of Daoguangfang.

Two little maids were playing backgammon chess, and Zhu Tao was very pleased with herself because she had won two coins.

"You two are really free. Where is your master?" Zhen Ping'er put the fruits on the table.

Zhu Tao stood up and said, "Master Su received an order from the Ministry of Justice and went out to do something."

"Oh? Who called him?" Zhen Ping'er asked.

Zhu Tao shook her head: "Then we don't know."

Zhen Ping'er looked at them carefully: "I can tell you, even if you are serving Mr. Su here, you are still the slaves of the princess. You must distinguish the priorities of far and near, and know who is the one who decides whether you should stay or go.

You have also been with the princess for two years, and you know her temper. If she has something to hide..."

Feng Die rushed to speak: "Sister Ping'er, don't worry, we are not that confused."

Hearing this, Zhen Ping'er smiled happily.

Zhen Ping'er sat in the room and waited for a while, but Su Ping didn't come back, so she said: "When Mr. Su comes back, you can go to Qinxiang Xiaozhu and tell him. Remember, you only need to tell me, don't tell anyone else."

If Mr. Su comes back very late, don't tell him.

After that, Zhen Ping'er left the Supervisory Office, and no one went to tell Zhen Ping'er that night when Mr. Su came back.

Although the governor's house is not small, there is no bathroom here. The west wing is a small house, just like the back room in Miss Sixth's house, with four small single rooms side by side with windows facing east.

It was late at night, so Su Ping did not disturb the little maids. She hid in the northernmost hut and took a bath. She used cold water and relied solely on her internal strength to prevent herself from frostbite.

As for the set of coarse cloth clothes and shoes and socks that were soaked in fecal water, I simply didn’t want them. I threw them in the garbage truck when no one was around. Tomorrow morning, the maids will push the garbage truck outside. The Qinghua Fangfang Department will send

Large trucks collect garbage and transport it outside the city.

After Su Ping took a shower, he pushed the door open and suddenly saw an ugly old face under the moonlight outside. The face looked like a skeleton wrapped in a layer of dry skin. A pair of eyes with small pupils and large whites were staring at Su Ping.


"Master Su, do you need help?"

"Oh, Grandma Wang, please go back and rest. I've finished washing."

Early the next morning, Princess Loulan came to the Governor's Mansion and said that she would have all three meals at the Governor's Mansion. And the handsome maid Wu Xiaoxiao came to Mr. Su's room again and summoned Mr. Su to get up. This girl's hands were particularly cold.

, seeing that Su Ping refused to get up, she once again put her hand into Su Ping's neck.

"The Queen Mother went crazy, and Third Uncle resigned on his own initiative. As soon as the announcement of Third Uncle's resignation was sent to the palace, the Emperor approved it."

Han Fei frowned, fell into a private room in Tingfeng Pavilion in Beishi, and said something rather annoyed.

Sitting on the ground floor were three muscular guys with strong martial arts aura.

No one responded to Han Fei's words, and Han Fei added: "But, after the third uncle handed over the tiger talisman, the emperor named my eldest brother Han Yao as the doctor of the Ministry of Rites. Oh, the Ministry of Rites. That is really a place to raise idle people."

The three of them looked at each other. The oldest one among them, who looked to be about forty years old, named Zhang Falin, said: "Young Master Fei is serious. The doctor in the Ministry of Rites is not a young man."

Han Fei gave a wry smile and sneered: "No matter how useless it is? Can it be compared to the third-grade Zhonglang General? In the past, when my goods passed through Dagong Pass, it was just like going through the front door of my own house. But not now.

Well, you have to use your money to honor others."

The words seemed easy, but Han Fei kept frowning, as if he had something on his mind. The other three people quickly fell into silence. At this time, they heard a burst of urgent footsteps. When the footsteps approached, Han Fei

He sat up immediately.

The errand runner said that Zhang Fakui and the three of them were arrested by the Ministry of Punishment, and the specific circumstances were ominous. Upon hearing this, Zhang Falin slapped his thigh and lowered his head in annoyance. Han Fei sat sullenly on the couch, his face gloomy.

Han Fei really wanted to scold his mother, but because Zhang Falin was Zhang Fakui's biological brother, and the other two were Zhang Fakui's close brothers, Han Fei swallowed his words.

Han Fei was pacing around the room with his hands behind his back. He suddenly stopped, pointed at the errand boy and said, "Zhu Kun, you are responsible for this matter now. I will give you the money, and you go to the Criminal Department to take care of it. You must ask clearly before the case is heard.

To what extent. Let’s see if the three of them have confessed me. If they haven’t confessed yet, quickly use the money to fish them out. Even if they can’t be fished out, stop the case first!”

Zhu Kun was not very old, but he was a quick man. He went to do things as soon as he received the money.

Han Fei sat on the couch anxiously.

At this time, someone came to the building again, saying that Li Chengbiao, the younger brother of "Desert Wolf" Li Chengbang, had come to join Mr. Fei.

At that time, Han Fei was so upset that he just asked Zhang Falin to meet the man. If he felt that his martial arts skills were good, he would arrange a place for him to stay. If he felt that he was not good at martial arts, he would get out immediately.

In the dungeon of the Ministry of Punishment, in a remote cage, Su Ping squatted in front of the cage, handed a document to Zhang Fakui, and said: "If the three of you don't want to die, just sign the document first, and then I will deal with it for you.


Zhang Fakui looked at the document and saw that it was actually a confession. If he signed the confession, he would be dead. Zhang Fakui stared at Su Ping in confusion and said, "Do you think I am illiterate?"

Su Ping said: "I don't need to hand over the documents."

Lao Liu asked with great interest: "Brother Su, if you don't hand it over, do you want to keep it and threaten us? Do you want us to do things for you?"

Su Ping smiled and nodded, looking at the young boy nicknamed Lao Liu.

Lao Liu seems to be a very simple person, with a poor look on his face, outspoken and his heart is reflected in his words.

Zhang Fakui raised his hand and slapped Lao Liu, pinched Lao Liu's collar, threw him behind him, and said to Su Ping solemnly: "Of course we want to survive, but there is something I want to say beforehand."

"What words?"

"I won't betray my brothers."

Su Ping stared at Zhang Fakui with a wry smile, as if to say: Last night you told me that Han Fei sent you here.

Zhang Fakui patted Lao Wu next to him: "I'm not talking about anyone else, but the six of us brothers."

Just listen to half of what people like Zhang Fakui say, but don't believe them all. However, Su Ping feels that he is still a person with the potential to be a leader. At least he knows how to seize the moral high ground and use morality to beautify his personality.

As long as Su Ping is not involved in this kind of case, it will basically be tried in a cage, and the superiors will not deliberately ask questions. And everyone knows that Su Ping is Xue Shilang's favorite general. Whoever he arrests will be brought back, let alone


However, the interrogation process still had to go through. Su Ping reported to the Criminal Division Yuan Wai Lang that three people holding controlled knives were arrested last night. However, Su Ping did not say that the three of them were carrying crossbows. Because the crossbows were hidden privately.

It was a serious crime. The three of them had no chance of getting out of jail.

As for the crossbow, Su Ping said he picked it up in a culvert. Looking at the serial number on it, it seemed that it belonged to a bad person.

Su Ping once asked Zhang Fakui where the crossbow machine came from. Zhang Fakui said that a thief removed it from a drunken delinquent and used it to honor Han Fei.

Su Ping smiled.

At this moment, an accident happened. A young man named Zhu Kun was brought to Su Ping by Mei Ran. Zhu Kun announced his family name and said he was Han Fei's man. He gave Su Ping a hundred taels of silver and asked Su Ping to

Your Excellency raised your hand and let Zhang Fakui and three others go.

Su Ping felt that this smooth favor was simply too smooth.

Su Ping said to Zhu Kun, you are a young man who is very good at doing things. I will let the three of them go back tomorrow.

In fact, if Zhu Kun doesn't come, Su Ping plans to let Zhang Fakui and others go this afternoon.

Because Su Ping thought Han Fei had escaped.

Although Su Ping has collected the money, he will not close the case tomorrow. Instead, he will use those three people to cheat Han Fei again. In Sima Jing's words, if he doesn't scare Han Fei to the point of shitting his pants pockets, he will also scare him.

A shiver.

It's a pity that my friend Sima Jing is not around. If this guy is here, it will be easy to make money.

"You are greedy for money again!"

After everyone left, the junior sister Mei Ran pointed at Su Ping with a threatening expression on her face.

Su Ping said: "What do you know? I paid for this money with my life. And this is the surprise I want to give you."

"you're lying!"

"I'm not lying to you, just listen to what I have to say..."

Su Ping told Mei Ran what happened last night. Mei Ran complained to Su Ping why he didn't take her with him. Su Ping said, if you didn't go to the culvert, you should thank me. If you go there, I guarantee that you don't want to go there again in this life.


This chapter has been completed!
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