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Chapter 3 Competition in front of the palace (1)

The Khitan warrior with the money rat tail has a strong physique and a fist as big as a fight. When he swings his fists, it seems as if he was born with a pair of sledgehammers on his arms. The masters selected by the Tang family are already strong, but in front of him, they look...

Small and exquisite.

The drums sounded, and the Khitan warrior punched hard to the flesh and struck without mercy. Even if his opponent had been knocked down by him on the stage, he would still grab the opponent's neck and pick him up.

The masters selected by the Tang family were like hares that had been hammered into a daze. They were lifted into the air by their necks, kicked their legs as if they were dying, and then were thrown heavily off the stage by the Khitan warrior.

Yelvsong, the sixth Khitan prince with a shaved head and neat bangs, sat on a high platform, looking very proud. From time to time he glanced at the Han officials beside him. Then he turned back and smiled happily at his followers, chatting with people.

He couldn't understand the words. Sitting next to him was Yelu Hongji, the seventh prince of Khitan, with an awe-inspiring expression and an unsmiling look.

Perhaps Yelvsong's words had been heard by the translators of the Liang Dynasty, but no one translated them for the officials of the Liang Dynasty. The officials of the Liang Dynasty remained calm and had no intention of listening to what they were laughing at. It must have been

Not a nice thing to say.

Four masters of the Tang Dynasty entered the battle in a row, but all of them were defeated. The Khitan warrior laughed wildly and shouted that as long as he could withstand thirty of his moves, the Han would win.

The temporary competition platform was set up in front of the Sima Hall.

On the north side of the competition platform, there is a terraced stand specially prepared for the Tang family's lords, sons, ladies, and ladies. The nobles sit on it. Sitting at the top are the powerful men, the Khitan princes, and the court officials.

On the west side of the competition platform, there are a hundred large Sima cavalry guards in black robes and black armor, with full Shence Army standard equipment, in orderly formation, with flags fluttering; on the opposite side are a hundred Khitan cavalry wearing various animal skin robes and iron armor. To the south

, the men and women who gathered here were all idlers from Qinghuafang, at least three hundred in number.

Watching the masters of the Tang Dynasty defeated one by one, Tang Ning, the second master, who was sitting on the high platform, looked solemn. (Tang Ning, the second brother of An Guogong Tang Qiong, Wu Dinghou, was the Minister of the Ministry of War.)

The royal family sent ceremonial officers, including Hu Rong, the chief internal affairs officer, who sat next to Tang Ning with a thin old face and an expressionless expression.

This old Diao Si named Hu Rong is very famous in the martial arts world. There were rumors that he had a battle with Cheng Wanu, one of the four great masters, and since then, Cheng Wanu has disappeared.

At this time, another sigh came from the audience, and the fifth master of the Tang Dynasty was knocked off the stage.

Tang Ning felt resentful in her heart and muttered hoarsely: "If Lin Xuan and Zhang Yang were alone, they wouldn't have made this bastard so arrogant."

Lin Xuan and Zhang Yang were the personal bodyguards of An Guogong Tang Qiong, but they all followed Tang Qiong to Chang'an and were not in Luoyang.

After hearing what Tang Ning said, the two swordsmen behind him looked at each other. They were Tang Ning's personal guards, Mi Qing and Gao Zhun.

Gao Zhun stood up and saluted: "Please allow me to allow Gao Zhun to fight!"

Then Mi Qing agreed and wanted to fight.

Tang Ning turned her head slightly and when she saw them, she also saw Yelvsong squinting his eyes this way with a provocative look on his face.

Tang Ning said: "You are both masters of swordsmanship, but today's martial arts competition has its own rules. Can you two still be able to do it without using weapons? If not, you should go to Shunneryuan."

Gao Zhun said: "I'm afraid it's inappropriate to invite some reckless men to come out and invite the top master of the Tang family. Let me go and meet him later. If I can't get him, I'll ask you to come to the inner courtyard."

Tang Ning had a sullen expression. Of course he hoped that Gao Zhun would go up and defeat the Khitan warriors, but he was more afraid of losing. If his personal bodyguard also lost, it would not only lose the Tang family's face, but also Tang Ning's own face.

At this time, a Khitan warrior was heard shouting loudly on the stage. Tang Ning could not understand his words, but the Khitan prince Yelvsong acted as an interpreter and said that the Khitan warrior had lowered his standards again. As long as he could withstand twenty of his moves, he would

Give up and step down.

After hearing this, Gao Jun could not hold back and asked for challenge again.

Tangning took a deep breath, nodded slowly, and flew onto the stage.

Seeing the top master of Tang syndrome on stage, the spectators who had been dull for a long time became excited. They stood up and some even shouted loudly, asking Gao Zhun to beat the arrogant man hard.

Su Ping was also good at martial arts, so when he saw a master showdown, he would inevitably take a second look, and even become a little interested. At this time, Zhu Tao greeted him and said that there was still room on the stage, and he asked his uncle to sit on it.

Su Ping raised his head and saw a group of nobles from the Tang family sitting on top. There were indeed some empty seats, especially around the sixth lady Tang Mei.

I don’t know why there are so many vacancies there. Is it because she is not popular? Or maybe she has lost her status because she married a son-in-law?

Although Zhu Tao persuaded her twice in a row, Su Ping waved her hand and said that it would be fine if she stood in the audience.

I don’t know what the little maid was thinking, but she actually violated the rules and said anxiously: "Brother, you’d better go up. If you stand like this and are seen by the Tang family’s etiquette officer, it will be said that Xiao Tao doesn’t understand the rules, failed to persuade, and failed to do anything.

Please clarify the "Tang Family Law" to my uncle. If the official reports to the young lady, Zhu Tao will be beaten."

It turns out that this was the case. Seeing the anxious look of the little maid, Su Ping walked towards the high platform. The ceremony officer did not recognize Su Ping, so after Zhu Tao introduced him, Su Ping went up to the stand.

When he came to the stage, he had to sit next to Miss Sixth, but just as Su Ping was about to sit down, Tang Mei said coldly: "Who asked you to come up?"

Su Ping looked at Zhu Tao. Zhu Tao looked hesitant and a little shocked. The shock gradually became worse. She lowered her head as if she had made a big mistake. At this time, Su Ping said: "It was the ceremony officer who asked me to come up."


Hearing this, Tang Mei pointed to the corner and said, "Sit over there."

At this time, fighting had begun on the competition stage, and cheers and cheers could be heard from the audience, but Su Ping was not in the mood to watch the fighting.

Although Su Ping was kind to his servants, everyone had a temper. Being so left out made his mood fluctuate. He stood in the corner and looked at the stage with blank eyes.

Not long after, Gao Zhun, who was good at swordsmanship but not good at boxing, was also knocked off the stage.

It cannot be said that Gao Zhun's martial arts is not good, it is just that he abandons his strong points and takes advantage of his weak points. If he then confronts a master, he will inevitably miss and lose.

Su Ping believes that if the two hold swords, Gao Zhun, who is agile and agile, has a good chance of winning. But not everyone knows martial arts. They only know that the swordsman hired at a high price was defeated, causing their Tang family to lose face. Some people can't help but feel angry.

Cursed: Spending so much money to invite a bunch of trash!

Su Ping was slightly moved when he heard the word "trash". He felt uncomfortable watching Gao Zhun, who had collapsed on the ground, being carried away on a stretcher.

And the person who said that was none other than Sixth Miss Tang Mei.

Su Ping didn't look back, but Su Ping felt that when she said the word "trash", she was looking at Su Ping. Because those two words sounded very clear, and he could tell from the direction that they were facing him.

"Hahahaha!" Khitan Prince Yelvsong laughed loudly, waved his hand to Tangning and said, "Your warriors are not good. Compared with ours, the Khitan warriors are far behind."

Although Tang Ning was resentful in her heart, as a court official, she would not fall out because of a few words, and she even smiled with the grace of a great nation.

Seeing the Khitan warrior showing off his power on the stage, Mi Qing, the number one swordsman in the Hou Mansion, couldn't hold back. He took off his long sword and put it aside. Just as he was about to ask for a fight, he was caught by Tang Ning.

Although "war general" and "knight" are two different things, Tang Ning, who has been in the military for twenty years, knows martial arts. He knows why Gao Zhun lost. It was not that Gao Zhun was weak, but that he took advantage of others' strengths with his own shortcomings.

Big loss.

What may seem like a clumsy move in the eyes of ordinary people, martial arts practitioners can actually see a ball of Qi. The Qi is ever-changing, and may be as sharp as a knife, or as heavy as a hammer. Gao Qian can also shoot sword Qi with his bare hands, which is already very impressive.

not simple.

It's a pity that his sword energy is not strong enough to completely separate himself from the weapon. But in the world today, the only people who can "raise their hands like a sword", except for the four great masters of martial arts, are a few old monsters who are hidden deep in the imperial family and the family.

.And among the younger generation, very few people can reach such a state.

"People from the Central Plains, do you still dare to compete in martial arts? If you don't, then please marry Princess Changxia to our Sixth Prince of Daliao!"

The Khitan warrior on the stage did not speak Chinese, but he was able to say this sentence. It seemed that this was prepared in advance. If no one could defeat him, he would stand on the stage and say this sentence in full view of everyone.


Now that Princess Fan was very ill, she could barely sit up on the day when Miss Six was getting married. Princess Changxia was the royal family's designated concubine to Duke An Guo.

"No wonder this competition is arranged in Qinghuafang..."

This chapter has been completed!
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