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Chapter 92 Guarantee

"I read the sword while I was drunk, and I dreamed about the horn-blowing company..."

The dragon couch was two feet wide and long. Emperor Zhao Tian was leaning on the hidden bag, with a pile of poems in front of him. When he read the poem "Broken Time: No Regrets for White Hair", he couldn't help but beat the beat and lowered his voice.


After singing ten beats, he sighed: "I think of the Liang Dynasty, which emphasized martial arts and neglected literature. There were not as many literati and poets as there were in the Southern Jin Dynasty. To be able to write such words and sentences is already a masterpiece."

Tang Zhao sat aside and peeked at the poem post.

Zhao Tian turned the poem sticker over and refused to read it.

Tang Zhao squinted his eyes. His thick eyelashes were like two curtains. His eyes squinted behind the curtains: "Whose hand did it come from?"

Zhao Tianhui smiled slyly: "Anyway, my surname is not Tang."

Tang Zhao had a look of embarrassment on his face: "In the Jiangnan Puppet Dynasty, poetry was included in the imperial examination, so students would work extra hard on poetry. But poetry is just a low-level study, and it is just for fun. When it comes to governing the country, it is not

It's of no use. Just like Li Taibai and Du Zimei. Even though they have extraordinary poetic talents, they are not prime minister materials, but they always pretend that their talents are not appreciated and are full of complaints."

Zhao Tian nodded and said: "You should be like Yuan Zhen and Zheng Tian, ​​who have both the talent for governing the country and the talent for poetry."

Zhao Tian then looked through other poem posts, and when nothing caught his eye, he threw them aside.

Only then did Tang Zhao see that the author of "Broken Formation" was Su Ping.

No wonder Zhao Tian smiled so slyly just now, he did it on purpose. He knew that if Tang Zhao knew that it was the Tang family who came first in the poetry competition, Tang Zhao would say, "Your Majesty, this Su Baoyu is a versatile man in both civil and military affairs, but he is just

Words like "an eighth-grade petty official".

It seemed that the emperor had already thought of his own future, and Tang Zhao regretted his words that disparaged the poetic talent just now.

Feeling that he was being teased by the emperor, Tang Zhao raised his eyebrows: "Your Majesty does not like concubines recommending talents, but I can understand your Majesty's difficulties. In this case, it is better to set rules."

Zhao Tian blinked: "What are the rules?"

Tang Zhaodao: "There is an agreement in the "Taiping Alliance" that the three families of Tang, Meng and Ximen must have a noble concubine. The purpose of this move is to better implement the details of the alliance."

In fact, Tang Zhao should have said "supervision and execution", but she didn't say that. Zhao Tian didn't know what medicine she was selling, so he listened quietly.

Tang Zhao added: "As the head of the concubines, I should lead by example. I should not only share the emperor's worries, but also supervise and take care of the family. But in the final analysis, I am the emperor's servant now, so I must serve the emperor wholeheartedly. And the family

It's just a matter of affection there. After all, I have many close relatives over there. If I don't take care of them, it will be against the principle of filial piety and brotherhood."

Zhao Tian didn't believe what she said, but Tang Zhao suddenly spoke like this, and Zhao Tian couldn't understand what she was going to do. He just felt that the queen was setting a trap, waiting for the emperor to jump in. It seemed that she was just teasing her, and she was thinking

Revenge. Zhao Tian found it interesting, so he said: "What exactly does Zhao Bao want to say? You might as well say it bluntly."

Tang Zhao narrowed his eyes and smiled and said: "I can't recommend talents. In the future, Meng Ti, Ximen Xuanyue, and Feng Baochuan won't be able to recommend them either."

Zhao Tian asked: "What then?"

Tang Zhaodao: "If they don't abide by the rules, we, the queens, won't punish them severely. After all, this is not a major violation of morality. It's better to do this. They recommend one, and I will recommend another. But if they all do a good job

Okay, I will do better, just to set an example."

"There are three of them, and you are alone. If each of them recommends one, you recommend three. If they feel they are at a loss, they will give up the idea. Is this what you think?"

"The Emperor's Holy Ming."

Zhao Tian has no shortage of women, so he is not in a hurry to accept ordinary-looking women like Meng Ti and Ximen Xuanyue into the palace. After all, these wealthy ladies must do things for the family when they come to the palace. The emperor does not like them, but Due to the "Union of Peace", I had to marry.

Before the concubines entered the palace, Tang Zhao began to scheming with each other, which Zhao Tian found interesting.

Emperor Wanlong liked to watch other people's intrigues. This was the greatest pleasure in his life.

Zhao Tian blinked and pretended to have fallen into the trap. He nodded solemnly and said, "Of course, I am very pleased that Zhaobao is sensible. If you ask me, don't be polite to them. I have made a rule not to recommend. Even if I do, I will No need. If someone dares to break the rules, punish them. Otherwise, if there is no owner in the house, wouldn't it be chaos?"

Su Ping used the "finger chopping" method to beat five people in succession, and two of them were hit. Su Ping escorted them to the Criminal Department. Xue Shilang was overjoyed after hearing this, and tried the case himself. The suspect confessed and was thrown into jail. But this time Xue Pang did not rush to submit "ironclad evidence" to the emperor, but asked Su Ping to continue his efforts.

When faced with tasks assigned by superior bureaucrats, Su Ping generally does not pursue "overfulfillment". After all, he always says "doing more is better than doing it skillfully." If you are in a hurry and become a skinny donkey, your superiors will not let you idle. .If you are really idle, he will still feel unhappy with you and always want to find something for you to do. Especially in yamen like the Criminal Department, there are piles of suspicious cases. And some cases can be investigated or not.

It's better to do things more beautifully, with a better attitude, even if it's a little slower, and your superiors will be happy. On the contrary, if you do too much, you will inevitably make mistakes. And making one mistake may erase a hundred good things. So there are many The first criterion for being an official is "not seeking merit, but seeking no faults."

Of course, Su Ping is not that kind of person, he just doesn't want to be used as a livestock by Xue Pang.

Taking time out, Su Ping has to do some personal things, such as investing in real estate, and solving Zhao Lian's and Han Fei's problems.

"I almost forgot, I have to buy some gifts for Tang Mei, otherwise that girl will be upset again..."

After thinking about it, Su Ping shook his head again: "How can I buy a house if I give her the money? And the carriage she likes is estimated to cost 10,000 taels, and I can't afford it."

Su Ping planned to meet Qiao Dongcheng to discuss purchasing the two courtyards at the back.

Now that Su Ping doesn't have enough money, he wants to use favors to make up for it.

Qiao Dongcheng often comes to the teahouse to drink tea, and he also walks around like a boss and gives some suggestions to the teahouse. It seems that he really has feelings for the teahouse, but Su Ping once thought that he was just pretending to be so. That's a bit of looking down on people. Of course, no one is perfect, and no one feels right every time. Not to mention Su Ping, even those leaders who have left their names in history, they can't do it. List their mistakes in detail, There are also many, even fatal.

"Master Su suddenly called Qiao here, but it's about our in-laws?"

Su Ping asked Hua Qianxu to run errands and call Qiao Dongcheng. The little girl Hua Qianxu was only ten years old, but she often ran errands. Just because the little guy was smart, no one worried about her getting lost or finding someone. Qiao Dongcheng arrived Entering the private room of the teahouse, he spoke straight to the point, and put the golden knife on the table as he spoke.

In the past, every time Qiao Dongcheng saw Su Ping, he would inquire about the case, and he would always come empty-handed. He would either put a gold knife on the table, or put two gold ingots on the table. But if Su Ping didn't do anything, He took away the golden knife and the ingot.

Su Ping reached out and picked up the golden knife: "If there is any progress in the case, I can go and intercede with Mr. Xue on behalf of Mr. Qiao."

Qiao Dongcheng said happily: "If this is the case, then it will be troublesome for Mr. Su."

Su Ping waved his hand: "I have something to ask about Mr. Qiao."

"What's up?"

"I wonder if Second Master Qiao is willing to give in to the two courtyards behind? Oh, of course, I want to buy it at the market price."

Qiao Dongcheng frowned: "To be honest with Mr. Su, Qiao had no intention of selling the two back courtyards."

Su Ping remained silent.

Qiao Dongcheng clenched his fists: "But now that Mr. Su has opened his mouth, I can't refuse."

Su Ping said: "Please give me a price, Mr. Qiao."

Qiao Dongcheng said: "I have converted the Taoist temple at the end into a warehouse, and I have contacted the dealer to stock up on goods next month, so it cannot be sold. And the second Taoist temple costs at least

Five hundred taels. Mr. Su is a sensible person and should know that the price is not high. Although the house in the second courtyard is a bit dilapidated, the land in this Pingkangli is mainly valuable."

Su Ping nodded and said, "Second Master Qiao's price is fair."

Then Su Ping took the golden sword to the Ministry of Punishment to see Xue Pang.

"The lower official thinks that Tian Qun can be released on bail pending trial."

The "Tang Code" stipulates that "if you fail to confess after being tortured, you will be released on bail", and "if you confess, and the circumstances are minor, you will be released on bail". The "Daliang Code" also has such a provision.

Xue Pangyi frowned: "Why do you do this?"

Su Ping said: "Now there are more witnesses, and the two newly arrested are those with serious crimes. In contrast, Tian Qun has the best attitude to plead guilty, and the crime is the lightest. People like him who have a family business are banned.

Just stay at home, seize the property deed, and be summoned at any time."

While talking, Su Ping put the golden knife on Xue Pang's case: "This is a gift from Tian Qun's family to honor Mr. Xue. Please show your respect to Mr. Xue."

Xue Pang glanced at Jin Dao: "His crime is indeed minor. As long as Dali Temple takes some measures, he will be sentenced to a year and a half, or even serve outside prison (outside prison was implemented during the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty). He will not be punished.

If the She family runs away because of this matter, it would be a big crime. Well, then, go and get a guarantee for him and let him go home."

A gold knife is only worth 200 taels when used to offset the price. Can 200 taels be enough to bribe the Minister? Of course not. Xue Pang knew in his heart that this was Su Ping taking advantage of others and coming to intercede. In essence,

Xue Pang was giving Su Ping face.

An adult has a big face, and a villain has a small face. And Tian Qun is really reassuring. His house, property, and shop are worth more than 100,000 taels in total, and now his real estate deed is temporarily withheld, making it impossible for him to trade. He

He wouldn't run away with his whole family because of a small crime. In that case, he would never want to get back these hundreds of thousands taels, and he would become a wanted criminal.

The man thanked God for saving the farmland. At this time, Su Ping said to Qiao Dongcheng: The money to buy the hospital will have to wait for two days. Qiao Dongcheng said he was not in a hurry.

This chapter has been completed!
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