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Chapter 321 The real trump card

"It seems that you have a huge misunderstanding of me. Who told you that I only have three phantom beasts in my hand?"

Su Xiao smiled coldly and opened a light door casually.

Although no phantom beast has appeared from that light gate, for some reason, Su Yang now feels a great sense of uneasiness.

"You...what's going on with you? Is it possible that you have a more powerful phantom beast than the Black Soul Armored Beast?"

Su Yang said with disbelief.

In his opinion, Su Xiao's strongest phantom beast should be the Black Soul Armored Beast. There is no phantom beast stronger than it.

But now Su Xiao is so confident, and the aura coming from the light door makes Su Yang feel more and more uneasy.

Not only that, but so did the three referees present, with very solemn expressions.

The entire audience looked at the light door opened by Su Xiao to see what kind of fantasy beast he would summon.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, a golden light flew out from the light door and hovered in the air.

When everyone saw clearly what kind of phantom beast it was, everyone present, without exception, felt as if they had been struck by lightning. There was silence for a while, and no one spoke.

Everyone clearly saw that the phantom beast hovering in mid-air was none other than a golden dragon!


As the time and space golden dragon let out a dragon roar, everyone present recovered from the shock.

"Dragon! That's a real dragon fantasy beast!"

"Su Xiao's real trump card is not the Black Soul Armored Beast at all, but this golden dragon!"

"Does anyone know what kind of dragon fantasy beast this golden dragon is?"

"No matter what kind of dragon phantom it is, one thing we all know is that the dragon phantom is undoubtedly very powerful!"


The audience present burst into thunderous cheers with excitement the moment they saw the Golden Dragon of Time and Space appear.

Many excited spectators have even begun to search for the species of this golden dragon.

And everyone in the guest seats.

After seeing this scene happening, everyone stood up in shock.

Especially Su Yang's father Su Kong, his eyes were as wide as a bell at this moment, "How is this possible!"

"How did this kid Su Xiao get such a dragon phantom beast!"

At this moment, Su Kong understood why Su Xiao was so confident. It turned out that his trump card had never been the Black Soul Armored Beast.

This unknown golden dragon is Su Xiao’s real trump card!

Although the black-robed demon was very powerful, Su Kong knew very well that with Su Yang's power, there was no way to control it well.

There is no problem in dealing with ordinary fantasy beasts, but it is dangerous when facing such a powerful golden dragon.

Even though it is still unclear what kind of phantom this golden dragon is, dragon phantom beasts are indeed very powerful.

Fortunately, under careful observation, Su Kong found that the golden dragon seemed not to be fully grown yet, which made him relax a little.

Su Cheng, Su Ming and others on the other side were not expecting Su Xiao to summon the Golden Dragon of Time and Space at this moment.

"What's going on with this kid? Even if you conquer the Black Soul Armored Beast, what's going on with this golden dragon?"

"And this golden dragon has not yet fully grown up. It is obviously a purebred dragon phantom beast with an extremely powerful natural bloodline."

Su Cheng's current expression was both shocked and excited.

In this world, dragon phantom beasts are one of the most terrifying phantom beasts, and dragon phantom beasts with powerful bloodline from birth are even rarer.

In most cases, the dragon phantom beasts are python-like phantom beasts that evolve step by step, and most of them can only evolve into hybrid dragons, dragon turtles and other phantom beasts.

Su Xiao's golden dragon was something that not even the four major beast-controlling families in the Yan Kingdom had ever owned.

For a moment, all the major families and top leaders in the guest seats looked at the Su family with envy.

"Master Su's secrets are really deep. I didn't expect that your eldest son actually has a purebred dragon phantom beast."

"Looking at it from the looks of it, it should have been cultivated from a young age. The phantom beast raised in this way will be extremely loyal to its master."

"Originally, the existence of the black soul armored beast and the black-robed demon has shocked us enough, but compared to this golden dragon, those ancient fantasy beasts are nothing."


Most of the big shots in the guest seats were unaware of what happened to the Su family and thought this was the ace fantasy beast they had prepared for Su Xiao.

Of course.

Not everyone thinks so.

The members of the Jin family and the Yan family present all knew what happened to Su Xiao and the Su family.

They understood that the Black Soul Armored Beast owned by Su Xiao and the unknown Golden Dragon Phantom Beast were both obtained by Su Xiao through his own abilities.

It is really ridiculous that the Su Xiao family abandoned such an outstanding young master who had great opportunities.

Although even Su Cheng and Su Ming didn't know where Su Xiao and these phantom beasts came from, in the face of the adulation from everyone, Su Cheng, who had always had a good face, readily accepted it.

Anyway, after the game, I will get Su Xiao back at all costs.

As soon as Su Xiao comes back, these fantasy beasts of his will naturally belong to the Su family.

In the battle field.

Facing the golden dragon summoned by Su Xiao, Su Yang simply couldn't imagine it. He subconsciously rubbed his eyes, looking as shocked as possible.

Originally, Su Xiao's possession of the Black Soul Armored Beast was enough to shock Su Yang, and he planned how to snatch this phantom beast.

Unexpectedly, in Su Xiao's hands, there was actually a golden dragon!

At this moment, Su Yang's expression was not only shocked, but also greedy.

No matter what, after the game is over, he will kill Su Xiao and snatch all of Su Xiao's fantasy beasts.

In Su Yang's opinion, only he is qualified to own such a powerful fantasy beast!

"I don't accept it! I don't accept it!"

"You are obviously just an abandoned son of the Su family. How could you have these powerful fantasy beasts?"

"Give me all these fantasy beasts, and I promise to let you go!"

Su Yang roared at Su Xiao with a greedy expression.

"Idiot, if your brain is broken, you should go to the hospital quickly. Don't embarrass yourself here."

As soon as Su Jie's voice fell, he winked at the space-time golden dragon in mid-air.

[Don’t worry, don’t worry, I know that he has no chance of winning this game!]

The Golden Dragon of Time and Space let out a dragon's roar very proudly.

It can be clearly seen that the black-robed demon summoned by Su Yang subconsciously took two steps back.

Obviously, it can sense the terrifying aura on the Time and Space Golden Dragon, and the suppression from its bloodline makes such a powerful phantom beast feel nervous.

"What are you doing? If you dare to spare me, I will make sure you live and die!"

"Today, if you don't defeat this golden dragon, I will kill you without hesitation!"

Su Yang noticed the fear of the black-robed demon and immediately changed his mind angrily.


This chapter has been completed!
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