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Chapter 354 Heading to the Great Wasteland

"Does Senior Ye really want to go?"

Su Xiao pretended to be embarrassed and spoke slowly.

"Go! Of course I want to go!"

As soon as Ye Cang finished speaking, he hurried back to the cabin and started to pack up.

At this time, He Zeyu walked up to Su Xiao and said, "You kid, you are still as smart as ever."

"Hehe, although Senior Ye has hidden his cultivation, his actual cultivation must be that of a legendary beast master. If we have his company, we will definitely be able to come out smoothly this time."

"When the time comes, whether it's the evolution materials or the vitality spring I need, we can get them."

"You can also take Senior Ye back with you. It's like killing three birds with one stone!"

At this time.

After Ye Cang packed up his things, he immediately ran out of the wooden house, "Let's go, don't waste time, go early and come back early."

"Senior Ye, you are very familiar with the northwest wilderness, and you must also know where the vitality spring is."

The main purpose of this trip is this. Su Xiao must ask about the situation first.

"There is indeed a very special spring in the wilderness of the northwest, but even I don't know whether it is the legendary spring of vitality."

"The most important thing is that it is located in the deepest part of the Northwest Wilderness. It is very dangerous. When you enter the Northwest Wilderness later, be sure not to run around and follow me."

"When necessary, open the space crack and leave quickly."

Ye Cang often entered the wilderness of the northwest in the past and had a general understanding of the situation inside.

"Thank you, Senior Ye, for reminding me."

Su Xiao and He Zeyu nodded respectfully towards Ye Cang.

Afterwards, Su Xiao temporarily summoned the Space-Time Golden Dragon back, and the three of them walked together, leaving Huangsha Town and heading towards the northwest wilderness.

In the endless desert, without Ye Cang's guidance, Su Xiao and He Zeyu would definitely get lost. It's no wonder that Mo Feng Qian warned Wan last night to ask Su Xiao to find a local.

"The situation here is pretty good, it's just a desert."

"When you enter the northwest wilderness, you will know what absolute purgatory is."

When Ye Cang said this, a strong wind suddenly blew from the front, causing a sandstorm all over the sky.

"Get down!"

Under Ye Cang's command, the three of them immediately lay down on the ground until the sandstorm passed, then slowly got up.

Fortunately, the three of them are all beast masters and have the protection of beast masters, so they were not affected at all.

If it were an ordinary person, it would be dangerous.

"You've all seen it, here in this place, there are sandstorms like this from time to time."

"These sandstorms are actually blown from the wilderness of the northwest. As we get closer to there, the sandstorms will become more and more terrifying."

"In the wilderness, these sandstorms are like blades. Even powerful beast masters like us cannot bear it."

"For this reason, if you want to explore the wilderness of the northwest, you must have protective measures."

As soon as Ye Cang finished speaking, Su Xiao summoned the Black Soul Armored Beast, and completed the fusion with it, as if he was wearing a layer of indestructible armor.

Although He Zeyu does not have armor-type fantasy beasts, he also knows some of the conditions in the wilderness of the northwest and has been prepared for it long ago.

At this moment, He Zeyu quickly put on a layer of special sturdy leather clothing and wore a mask that could withstand sandstorms.

"There are even armored phantom beasts, and you impressed me again."

"Young man, what is your name? Are you from a big family?"

Ye Cang was particularly curious about Su Xiao and asked.


Su Xiao smiled slightly, "My name is Su Xiao. I am the champion of this year's Rookie Beast Master Competition. Due to good luck, I obtained some rare fantasy beasts. I am not from a big family."

Now Su Xiao has long given up his identity as the eldest son of the Su family, and naturally he will not mention it to others.

"You're not from a big family?"

Hearing this, Ye Cang's brows immediately wrinkled, "Then your luck as a kid must be a bit too good."

Although Ye Cang still doesn't know what the armored phantom beast possessing Su Xiao is, based on his knowledge, it is definitely not an ordinary armored phantom beast.

Since both Su Xiao and He Zeyu have protective measures, Ye Cang doesn't have any ink marks.

Such as Su Xiao's summons opened up the beast control space and summoned an equally special phantom beast.

It looks very similar to the Black Soul Armored Beast. It is an ice crystal armor whose whole body is crystal clear and exudes powerful ice energy!

There is no doubt that this is also an armored fantasy beast!

at the same time.

The beast-taming illustrated book in Su Xiao's mind immediately came into play, and it was clear that the information about the phantom beast should be informed to Su Xiao.

Like Su Xiao's Black Soul Armored Beast, it is an armored phantom beast that also belongs to the overlord-level lineage. It is called the Ice Crystal Armored Beast and has now reached the tenth level of the overlord level.

However, senior Ye Cang is a legendary beast master, and the phantom beasts he can control can be said to be terrifying phantom beasts with legendary bloodline.

The reason why this ice crystal armored beast can only be a tenth-level phantom beast of the Overlord is obviously because it cannot evolve.

But even so, the ice crystal armored beast of the tenth level of the Overlord is definitely a very powerful existence in Ye Cang's hands.

Su Xiao fully believed that there was a more terrifying fantasy beast in Ye Cang's hands, so it was really a wise choice to bring Ye Cang with him on this trip.

"Senior, this ice crystal beast is really powerful."

Seeing the ice crystal armored beast possessing Ye Cang's body, Su Xiao said.

"The one of yours is not bad either, don't think I didn't notice it."

Ye Cang really didn't know what Su Xiao's armored fantasy beast was, but he knew one thing very well, that is, the armored fantasy beast on Su Xiao's body must also be of Overlord-level bloodline.

Su Xiao didn't explain anything and smiled slightly.

"Okay, let's keep going."

Then, under the leadership of Ye Cang, the three of them continued to walk in the boundless desert.

Why not choose to ride on the fantasy beast? Ye Cang also told them the reason, that is, the situation here is too complicated, and there are sandstorms from time to time, making it difficult to identify the direction.

Walking on foot can also help you identify your direction and prevent you from getting lost in the desert.

If you are riding on a fantasy beast, you may accidentally miss it because of the speed.

The entrance to the Northwest Wilderness is a very hidden location in the desert.

In this way, after more than two hours of hiking, the three of them slowly stopped.

Directly in front of them was the famous Northwest Wilderness, an absolute forbidden area for humans.

At first glance, the front is still a desert, but in fact the front is very dangerous, blocked by an invisible barrier.

Powerful sandstorms would blow out from inside from time to time, but the three of them had protective measures so they didn't feel anything.

"Listen up, after you go in, you must always be alert to your surroundings. You can summon smaller phantom beasts first for reconnaissance."

"Do not directly summon overly large phantom beasts, otherwise it will attract a large number of terrifying wild phantom beasts."


This chapter has been completed!
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