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Chapter 7 Accidental Awakening

"nailed it."

"You can go and rest."

After collecting all the intermediate skills of the Blood Poison Python, Su Xiao was too lazy to deal with it.

The current blood poisonous python has mastered the skill of Wind Spirit Technique, and has mastered 50% of the training tasks.

All that's left is to increase the fire attribute resistance.

In the past, if the phantom beast trainer wanted to increase the attribute resistance of the phantom beast, in addition to swallowing special spiritual objects, the phantom beast would be placed in a specific space.

For example, if you want to improve the fire attribute resistance of the fantasy beast, then let the fantasy beast be in an environment such as volcanoes and magma for a long time.

This process will make the phantom beast very painful, but over time, the phantom beast's corresponding attribute resistance will naturally improve.

Those high-end fantasy beast shops usually have various environments to facilitate the cultivation and training of fantasy beasts.

For example, the Ten Thousand Beasts Pavilion in the Imperial Capital is really luxuriously decorated, with environments of various attributes.

In addition, with top phantom beast trainers on staff, there will be a steady stream of business.


Su Xiao's store has none of these.

Not only did there not be a corresponding environment, but there was also no money to buy special spiritual items to improve the blood poisonous python's fire attribute resistance.

But Su Xiao was not panicked. On the contrary, Su Xiao was very calm now.

"There is no environment and no special fire-type spiritual objects, so what?"

"I can just find a phantom beast that is in a burning state and copy its state. I'll be done with it, right?"

"If you are worried that being in a burning state for a long time will endanger the life of the phantom beast, I can also copy a healing state."

"Being in a burning state and a healing state at the same time, I'm so resourceful."

The reason why Su Xiao was so confident in agreeing to Chen Badao's request just now was because he had already planned to do so.

Relying on the power of the Beast Taming Illustrated Book, it is not easy to improve the fire attribute resistance of the phantom beasts.

However, Su Xiao is not in a hurry to find these states now. Anyway, if he wants to copy these states, he can just go to a fantasy animal hospital to get it.

What Su Xiao wants to do now is to open the old building in front of him and see what magical beasts are inside.

While talking, Su Xiao walked to the old building, looked at the locked door, and frowned slightly.

"You think if you lock the door, I won't be able to get in?"

"Are you kidding me?"

As soon as Su Xiao finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the blood poisonous python lying on the ground, "Big python, help me open this door!"

The blood poisonous python had just rested for a while before it crawled towards Su Xiao helplessly.

[Damn human being, can’t you let me have a good rest? 】


"Is it my imagination?"

When the blood poisonous python crawled in front of Su Xiao, I don't know whether it was Su Xiao's illusion or some other reason, but Su Xiao could actually hear the heartbeat of the blood poisonous python in front of him?

[What are you looking at? Do you want me to hit the door in front of you? 】

The blood poisonous python looked at Su Xiao with an unhappy expression.

As in the previous situation, Su Xiao once again heard the heartfelt voice of the blood poisonous python.

This time Su Xiao could no longer remain calm, her whole body started to tremble slightly, and her eyes were very excited.

As a member of the Su family, Su Xiao knows all about fantasy beasts and beast masters.

He knows very well that the ability to hear the voices of phantom beasts is an innate skill of a beast master!

It's called telepathy!

When all human beings awaken to become beast masters, in addition to gaining the ability to open up their own beast-control space, they can also awaken a beast-control talent.

Beast-controlling talents are mainly divided into enhanced types, elemental types, and special types.

Among them, the enhanced beast control talent is the most common.

As the name suggests, any beast-control talent that directly increases the fantasy beast is an enhanced talent, such as strength increase, speed increase, etc.

Beastmasters with elemental beast-controlling talents can improve the elemental attributes of phantom beasts, making their attribute skills more powerful, such as fire attribute increase, ice attribute increase, etc.

Except for the above two beast-controlling talents, all the remaining beast-controlling talents are classified into special types.

Special beast-controlling talents are often all kinds of strange. Some can increase the size of fantasy beasts, others can reduce the size of fantasy beasts, and there are even some more special beast-controlling talents that can directly weaken the opponent's fantasy beasts.


The telepathy that Su Xiao is showing now is a special type of beast-controlling talent.

This talent cannot give any increase to the phantom beast, nor can it weaken the opponent's phantom beast.

But he can understand the speech of any phantom beast.

To put it simply, with this ability, Su Xiao can communicate with any fantasy beast without any hindrance.

Beastmasters who awaken such talents are often powerful phantom beast trainers.

Because they can communicate well with phantom beasts, they are particularly easy to train.

However, what Su Xiao is excited about now is not communicating with the phantom beasts, but the awakening of his talent for controlling beasts!

"Isn't this possible? Don't I have the ability to control beasts?"

In this world, anyone over the age of sixteen can awaken under the arrangement of the local Beast Masters Association.

If you fail to awaken successfully at the age of sixteen, you will have two chances in the future, that is when you are seventeen or eighteen.

If you haven't awakened your beast-controlling talent at the age of eighteen, you have no chance of being a beast-controller and can only be an ordinary person.

The previous Su Xiao was kicked out of the family when it was confirmed that he could not awaken when he turned eighteen.

Su Xiao has used up three opportunities and still hasn't awakened.

But now he suddenly awakened to the talent of beast control?

“Is it possible that all this is the power of the system?”

Su Xiao became even more excited when she thought of this.

Regardless of whether it is because of the power of the system or not, Su Xiao has indeed awakened the talent of beast control now.

This also means that Su Xiao now not only has the ability to open up his own beast-taming space, but can also contract with fantasy beasts and become a true beast-tamer!

"This surprise comes too suddenly."


Extremely excited, Su Xiao couldn't help but dance while laughing.

[Um...Is this guy stupid? 】

The blood poisonous python on the side saw Su Xiao's unusual behavior at this time and complained secretly.

"What are you doing? Do you think I can't hear you when you secretly complain about me?"

"Be quick and open the door in front of me quickly."

Su Xiao once again heard the blood poisonous python's heartbeat, calmed down, and spoke to it.

[Here I go, this guy can telepathize. I can’t afford to offend him. I’d better listen to him and do what he says.]

The blood poisonous python didn't dare to complain anymore, and immediately slammed into the door of the old building in front of it.


With a loud noise, the door of the old building was successfully knocked open.

What comes into view is one special iron cage after another. You can see that various phantom beasts are kept in the iron cages.

They were all frightened when they saw the door being knocked open.

【Holy shit, shit, what's going on?】

[I was scared to death, why would the door be knocked open by a big python?]

[Did the old guy not bring the key? 】

【When will dinner be served? I'm so hungry...】


Before Su Xiao even stepped into the old building, he could already hear the voices of the phantom beasts in the iron cage.

This telepathic ability is really convenient.


This chapter has been completed!
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