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Chapter 70 The lowest level of training

The confused Dark Gold Black Bear stood there blankly, feeling the newly acquired skill.

You can see that the body of the dark gold black bear, which is more than three meters tall, begins to emit a faint green light, running back and forth in the courtyard at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, this dark gold black bear has completely got rid of its bulkiness and has become very dexterous by virtue of the skill of Wind Spirit Technique.

It seems that the attack power has not been improved, but relying on this wind spirit technique, the actual combat power of the Dark Gold Black Bear can be greatly improved.

A dark gold black bear with strong attack power is now extremely fast, which is simply terrifying.

In fact, when Su Xiao saw the content on the training list just now, he had thought about letting the Dark Gold Black Bear learn to flash.

But after thinking about it carefully, Su Xiao still thinks that wind spirit technique is more suitable.

After all, one is a long-term increase in speed, and the other is just a short burst. If an excellent beast master predicts the flash position, it will be troublesome.

Of course.

The best way would be to let the Dark Gold Black Bear learn these two skills at the same time, but that would be too shocking.

The most important thing is that the fees paid by the three of them are only 10,000 yuan. This price is the lowest level of training for Su Xiao.

When he was in charge of the Ten Thousand Beasts Pavilion, Su Xiao formulated three modes of training, namely low, medium and high. The corresponding training method was selected based on the fees paid by the guests or some other special circumstances.

Even the lowest level of training can greatly improve the phantom beast.

As long as the money paid by the customer is high enough, Su Xiao will adjust the training method appropriately and lengthen the training time, so that even if he learns a few more skills, he will not arouse suspicion from others.

After the Dark Gold Black Bear learned the wind spirit technique, Su Xiao ignored it and let it run around in the courtyard. Anyway, it would not harm the fantasy beasts here. Su Xiao immediately focused on other things.

On two phantom beasts.

The training requirements are pretty much the same, either to increase speed or increase attack power.

From Su Xiao's point of view, these were nothing at all. With the help of the Beast Control Manual, these needs were quickly met.

Among them, Su Xiao, the Swift Shadow Hunter, taught him how to bite fiercely, and Su Xiao, the Fire Mastiff, taught him how to flash.

In this way, the requirements on the training list are perfectly met.

The training fee of 30,000 yuan was easily earned.

Now that the guest's fantasy beasts have been trained, Su Xiao has to think about his own Explosive Monkey.

Thinking of this, Su Xiao immediately opened the beast control space and summoned the Explosive Monkey.

【Master! Where is my reward!】

As soon as the Explosive Monkey appeared, he ran around beside Su Xiao excitedly.

During this process, the phantom beasts in the courtyard, especially the phantom beasts of the three guests, all looked at the Explosive Monkey with doubtful expressions.

[What’s going on? This monkey is too fat.]

[This shouldn’t be the trainer’s phantom beast, right? It tastes quite strong.]

[With such a fat body, you don’t have much fighting ability at first glance.]

The three guests' phantom beasts began to communicate in low voices at this moment.

Although they were phantom beasts, Su Xiao, who had telepathy, could naturally understand them and couldn't help but frown.

"You heard it, your fat figure is too easy to attract their ridicule."

Su Xiao said to the excited Explosive Monkey beside him.

[Tch, I don’t care about them, I am indeed a little fatter, but my fighting ability is very strong, I am not inferior to them at all!]

[Master, what reward will you give me? I want a full meal!]

The Explosive Monkey was most concerned about the reward Su Xiao had just promised, and had no intention of paying attention to the taunts from the fantasy beasts around him.

"Don't worry, after you complete today's training mission, the reward will be given to you, and I will keep it to your satisfaction."

Su Xiao said, pointing to the wooden stake on the side, "Have you seen that wooden stake? After you complete the warm-up exercises, you can continue to attack the wooden stake. Use all skills a hundred times before you can


"If you dare to be lazy, then I will temporarily withhold your reward."

[Ah? Didn’t you say that after winning the battle, you would give me a reward? Master, you lied to me. 】

When the Explosive Monkey heard Su Xiao's words, the excitement on his face suddenly disappeared, he sat down on the ground and started to mess it up.

"I won't lie to you. Giving you a reward now will affect your subsequent training."

"As long as you complete your training, I will definitely give you the reward you deserve."

"Stop talking nonsense, get up and train me now!"

Seeing Su Xiao's serious expression, Explosive Monkey couldn't help but recall his strange state before. The hairs on his hair stood up involuntarily, and he began to sit up and do push-ups with a look of reluctance.

The warm-up action Su Xiao mentioned just now is to ask the Explosive Monkey to do push-ups, sit-ups and other actions.

It's just that instead of the previous two hundred times, it has now increased to three hundred times.

After all, the current Explosive Monkey is much stronger and stronger than before, so it is natural to increase the intensity of training.

Only under such high-intensity training can the Explosive Monkey improve faster.

No matter what, you have to get rid of all the fat on your body first!!

While the Explosive Monkey was sitting and doing warm-up exercises, Su Xiao sat aside and watched calmly, and would never allow the Explosive Monkey to be lazy.

At the same time, Su Xiao also began to look through the beast-taming illustrated book in his mind, and continued to select the skills for the Explosive Monkey to learn.

Being able to defeat the Ice Tiger today, apart from the Fire Monkey's own strength, was actually more or less due to luck.

If Liu Hu hadn't despised the Explosive Monkey, attacked with all his strength from the beginning, and activated his beast-control talent in time, there's really no telling who would win and who would lose.

Just like the head-to-head confrontation between the Ice-Cracking Tiger Claw and the Flame Punch, if Liu Hu lets the Ice Tiger avoid the frontal attack and wait for an opportunity to make a sneak attack, the Explosive Monkey will be in danger.

Although there are flash escape skills, the mid-level skills are also very expensive for the current Explosive Monkey, and they certainly cannot be used continuously.

Moreover, since they are skills with different attributes, the consumption will naturally be greater.

Often after performing it once, you need to rest for a while.

This is why Su Xiao ordered the Explosive Monkey to keep using its skills on the wooden stakes, in order to improve its endurance, physical strength, and skill proficiency.

In this way, you can better display the various skills you have learned in real battles.

For the current Explosive Monkey, the attack power is almost enough and the speed can keep up, so what is missing is defense.

But Su Xiaozai carefully looked through the Beast Control Illustrated Book, and found that none of the skills included in the current Beast Control Illustrated Book can increase defense at all.

Skills that can often increase defense are generally possessed by earth and steel fantasy beasts.

Among them, the steel type is a special attribute. Only the phantom beasts with steel and mechanical bodies can learn it, and there is definitely no way for the Explosive Monkey to learn it.

Therefore, it is naturally of little use to copy Chen Shi's Black Fist Beast skills.

It was at this time.

The slow-moving rock turtle silently crawled past Su Xiao's eyes.


Su Xiao glanced casually, and her eyes suddenly lit up the next moment.

"Oh, why am I so rigid? I only care about copying mid-level skills."

"I almost forgot, among the basic skills, there are also quite useful skills!"

After saying that, Su Xiao stood up excitedly and picked up the rock turtle in front of him.


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