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chapter Ten

When Fu Shuishui heard what Luo Xinxin said, she unconsciously looked at Xiao Man, who suddenly became cautious, and a playful smile appeared on her lips; "I didn't know that our Xiao Man was so capable now. We all started to worry about it.

Are we making money to support our family?”

Xiaoman's fair and lovely cheeks suddenly turned red from her ears, and she stamped her feet on the spot: "Xiao Shui!"

"I asked you not to call me little miss before, just call me by my name. You have never called me that..."

The redness behind the ears tends to become redder.

"I'm ignoring you."

Xiaoman hurriedly picked up the smashed plate on the floor and quickly disappeared into the room.

Luo Shuishui on the side covered her mouth and yawned when she saw this: "You would bully others like this. If it weren't for her, do you think you would be able to sleep in such a good bed when you wake up? We would have been living on the streets a long time ago. Maybe we would have been arrested by now.

Caught back."

There was a smile on Fu Shuishui's lips, but when she heard Luo Xinxin's words, her brows frowned slightly: "Did that female official make things difficult for you at that time? Now that we have been in the world for so long, we are afraid that there will be a turmoil in the family.


Luo Xinxin looked at Fu Shuishui and curled her lips slightly: "You just remembered to care about me now. I'm afraid that the female officer was not simple. You fainted at that time and gave us medicine, and told us not to stay long and leave there as soon as possible. I was

He and Xiaoman were also afraid of another trouble, so they hurriedly took you away. As for the family? You have been running around for so many years, and the family is probably used to it. It is estimated that they may not find out for a while, have you forgotten? It takes a day in the sky and a year in the world, I’m afraid it’s the same.

I didn’t find out so quickly.”

Luo Xin's words were concise and concise, and she did not say anything about her promise to the female officer.

Fu Shuishui nodded and asked again, "I'm afraid the female officer who helped us has her own estimation, that's all. Let's discuss this matter later. What are our plans now?"

Luo Xinxin spread her hands: "We spent a lot of effort to get to the human world. At that time, Xiaoman and I thought we would wait until you wake up, but now it's up to you. Anyway, since you were in coma, Xiaoman and I have

But I haven’t had much fun in this world yet... Xiaoman is busy with business in the store on weekdays, so he only comes back once every five or six days."

The corner of Fu Shuishui's mouth twitched, didn't this damn woman's line mean that she hadn't had fun yet, hadn't had enough, and didn't want to go back yet?

Thinking about it again, it is indeed the case. In order to come to the human world, he did not hesitate to hurt his origin. The two of them, especially Luo Xinxin, usually stay away from Yang Chun Shui at home. Now that they have taken care of themselves for so long, if they don't agree to her

If she doesn't have fun, I'll really feel sorry for her.

And Xiaoman.

One thing she firmly believes is that where she is, Xiaoman must be there.

Xiaoman is the daughter of her father's ex-wife and has been by her side as long as she can remember.

After so many years of companionship, Xiao Man once said that wherever Xiao Shui is from now on, Xiao Man will be there.

The face that was still young at that time was full of determination.

Luo Xinxin looked at Fu Shuishui's face that suddenly softened for no apparent reason, and said, "Please stretch out your hand, and I'll take a look at your current inner breath and see how you're recovering?"

a long time.

"Fu Shuishui, what kind of waste are you? Your inner breath is not as good as 40% of what it was before you were injured. Now that the rules of the world are lowered, you will not be able to maintain your human form. I saw the medicine that the female officer gave you, but the healing saint

Pin, where did you take advantage of the medicine?"


Fu Shuishui looked at Luo Xinxin who suddenly roared in confusion, with a look on her face like "What are you talking about, I can't understand you."

Luo Xinxin stretched out her hand and wiped her old face, forcing herself to calm down: "Listen carefully to every word I say to you. Although you are recovering from internal injuries, the medicine should also promote the recovery of your cultivation. But this

As for my lack of cultivation, I was half-dragon and half-human most of the time at home. I couldn't maintain my human form for a long time, which must be related to my innate nature. Now that I'm in the human world, my previously injured cultivation has not recovered yet, and my cultivation will be regulated by the rules of heaven and earth again.

Not to mention the cuts, you now have no way to maintain your human form at home."

Fu Shuishui's mouth turned into Type 0.

Luo Xinxin reached out and closed her mouth: "I don't understand now. Maybe the effect of the medicine hasn't worn off yet, and I'll see if it can recover later. Again, with your current situation, you shouldn't use magic much."

It seemed to be verifying Luo Xinxin's words.

The next day, early in the morning, a scream echoed through the sky.


There were several birds in the garden pecking each other's feathers for their mates. As soon as the cry was heard, the only feathers on the bodies of these leisurely birds stood on their bodies. The next moment, they slowly

He calmed down, shook his little head, couldn't bear to watch, flapped his wings and left with his partner.

This scream caused the other two people not far apart in the garden to wake up from their dreams.

Luo Xinxin put her head on the chicken coop, looked around the room with squinted sleepy eyes, and picked up the broom behind the door.

She was going to kill Fu Shuishui!

Wearing only her middle coat, she headed toward Fu Shuishui's room with murderous intent.

At that time, in order to facilitate the care of Fu Shuishui, the three of them each occupied a corner of the room, and they could only go back and forth for more than fifty steps.

Xiaoman, who was sleepy-eyed and with a face full of fear that had woken him up, came quickly towards this side.

After the two met, Xiaoman looked at Luo Xinxin with a murderous look on his face, and the corners of his lips twitched: "Cousin...cousin, why are you doing this?"

After coming to the human world, under Luo Xinxin's willful temptation, Xiaoman finally changed his mind.

"Come on, all soldiers, come with me and kill the bastard who disturbs people's dreams!"

Xiaoman ran quickly, but he couldn't catch up with Luo Xinxin, who was getting more murderous in front of him.

In fact, Xiaoman can more or less understand some of this move.

When at home, Luo Xinxin, like her own Xiaoshui, had difficulty getting up. What's more, Luo Xinxin had taken care of Xiaoshui for so long, and it was rare for her to have a good sleep. It was strange that she wasn't angry when she was woken up like this early in the morning.

She's not afraid of the two of them fighting, she's eager to watch the show, hehe.

Sometimes, my cousin is really good at handling Xiao Shui.

"Fu Shuishui, you'd better pray that you can survive...Holy shit? Ahhhh..."

Xiaoman followed Luo Xinxin's footsteps and ran slowly. When she saw Luo Xinxin reaching the door, she made a more frightened sound than before. She couldn't help but turn pale and ran over at a faster speed.

As soon as he stood still, he didn't have time to breathe, so he followed Luo Xinxin's line of sight and looked over. It didn't matter if he didn't look at it. He almost fainted after looking at it.

Who is this little Douding in front of me?

Her aqua blue eyes were filled with disbelief, and there seemed to be signs of shock hanging from the corners of her eyes.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...."

Then, crazy laughter suddenly burst out.

Xiaoman and Fu Shuishui looked at Luo Xinxin who was leaning against the corner and laughing so hard that she couldn't stand up straight.

"Fu Shuishui, hahahaha... I greeted you yesterday... Hahahaha, I didn't expect that you would look like this when you woke up today, hahahaha."

Fu Shuishui looked at a certain woman who was smiling crazily, with an expression that looked like she had eaten a fly.

Yes, that's right.

As soon as she woke up in the morning, she said something was wrong. She felt everything was normal when she woke up yesterday. But when she woke up today, she felt that the bed was much higher than yesterday.

At first glance, the chair and the door are much taller.

Not believing in evil, I ran to look in the mirror, but failed to climb up the dressing table. I could barely see myself transforming into the appearance of a five or six-year-old girl in this world, and finally let out that frightened cry.

Yesterday, Luo Xinxin said hello to her, but she didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

Although her dragon body is still under adulthood, her human form after incarnation looks at least fourteen or fifteen years old, at least not too ridiculous. Besides, she can adjust her appearance as needed after she comes to the human world.

But now, her cultivation has been completely lost and she can no longer maintain her original human form. How can she be lucky to be like this now?

She has turned into a five- or six-year-old little Douding, woo woo woo...

"You should be satisfied. At least you won't be transformed into your true form directly. Otherwise, you will be captured in minutes, hahahahaha..."

This chapter has been completed!
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