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Chapter Eighteen

"Boss, why don't you see your little girl today?"

"Yes, when you said that, I realized that I really didn't see her at the door."

Luo Xinxin, who was counting her money and looking happy, was chatting and laughing with the customers. Before she could react to what the two people who had just come in said, she heard a loud noise at the door.

"Where's the boss? Call me your boss. I must meet her today."

"Miss, please calm down first. If you have any questions, you can tell me first."

"What are you talking about? Who do you think you are? Do you know who I am? Huh, call your boss. Otherwise, I guarantee that your store will disappear in the capital tomorrow!"

Before Luo Xinxin went out, she heard a lively noise at the door. When she heard the arrogant words coming from the female guest's mouth, her pretty face turned cold.

Xiao Man, who was busy inside, also heard the commotion outside. She quickly said a few words to the pastry chef inside, wiped her hands quickly on her apron, then took a few steps in tandem and walked out quickly.

There was no time to ask Luo Xinxin what happened. Luo Xinxin saw Xiaoman coming and walked to her side in a few steps. With a serious face, she said to her: "Xiaoman, I'm afraid I kicked the iron plate today. Maybe Shui'er offended her."

, that girl sometimes speaks rudely. You go and evacuate the customers in the store, then go find Xiu Shui'er and Ah Heng, take them to the backyard room, and don't come out for now, I'll deal with it."

Xiao Man nodded hurriedly and walked back.

The morning rush hour has passed in the store now, and there are still a few scattered customers left. Xiaoman should be able to cope with it easily.

Luo Xinxin looked directly towards the two people who were still arguing.

"How dare you stop me? Do you know that no one in this capital dares to mess with this lady?"


A crisp slap.

"Miss, please stop, we don't allow you to go in and cause trouble in our store."

When Luo Xinxin came out slowly, she heard these words, and a flash of appreciation flashed in her watery eyes.

When she saw the clear slap marks on the face of the black-clothed guard, Luo Xinxin's watery eyes were full of coldness: "I don't know, who offended this lady and made you talk nonsense in front of my store?"

When the black-clothed guard heard Luo Xinxin's voice, he turned around and bowed his hands respectfully to Luo Xinxin, then disappeared instantly.

"Get back here, Miss. Who do you think you are? Are you so abusive to me? You'd better kneel down and beg for mercy now. Maybe I'll be in a good mood to let you go."

The girl had a arrogant look on her face, with one hand on her hips, her brows raised and her eyebrows raised coldly, and her watery eyes filled with fierceness.

When people passing by heard the argument, they all stopped to watch and pointed at the girl in twos and threes: "How could the owner of this shop offend her? I'm afraid this shop will not be able to continue operating."

"That's right, but if nothing else, the service attitude of this store and the food are really delicious. It's such a pity."

"Yes, yes, it's a pity."

The girl seemed to have heard the low conversation of those people, and the corners of her bright red lips curled up slightly: "Why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy from me!"

Luo Xinxin almost laughed out loud when she heard this. She is the daughter of the Dragon God. In front of her body, this mortal would probably be sprayed to death by her breath. Asking her to kneel down to her? Not afraid...

Suddenly, Luo Xinxin smiled evilly, and soon the smile was covered up, and she looked like a delicate woman: "My dear, it is not easy for me to open a shop. You are causing trouble for no reason, let me

How should a woman handle herself?"

After saying that, he raised his right hand slightly, and a plain handkerchief appeared in his hand, and he burst into tears: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.a.cn, the three sisters of the slave family, due to a sudden disaster at home, no eldest brother in the family, and the death of their parents for some reason, we came to the capital.

, it was not easy to find a place to stay. As the eldest sister, I have to take my two younger sisters to depend on each other. You can see every day that my younger sister has to make a living at such a young age. Brother, your family

When a child is so young, I'm afraid it's only in the arms of his parents that he can have fun..."

The passers-by who were watching heard this and nodded from time to time. They could see the little girl soliciting customers at the door every day. There has never been a male boss in this store. Indeed, a woman is still alone with two people.

It is indeed not easy for a younger sister to work hard.

Suddenly, everyone looked at Ji Yanyu with strong condemnation.

Seeing this, Luo Xinxin left a drop of crocodile tears in the corner of her eye, fearing that no one would see it. When the tear almost fell into her mouth, she took out her handkerchief and slowly wiped it away.

When all the men present saw this, they immediately felt even more distressed.

Luo Xinxin's appearance was already pretty, but now she is even more heart-wrenching due to her deliberate attempts to please her.

Ji Yanyu took a quick look and saw that her beautiful face turned dark. Why did these people change the situation just because of a few words from this damn woman?


She rolled her eyes and didn't see Fu Shuishui and the young master. She suddenly felt confident.

"You are the owner of this store, right? Your sister is very cruel. Not only did she insult me, she also insulted my ancestors!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's originally caring and loving eyes were still on Luo Xinxin. When they heard this, they all took a deep breath of cold air.

The sound of everyone breathing in unison made Luo Xinxin's heart skip a beat, giving her an ominous premonition.

"Girl, you'd better make amends to her. Maybe, you can still... You can't afford to offend her..."

There was an old voice in the crowd that was full of goodwill. The voice was not loud, but it was still heard by everyone present.

"Yes, girl, you still have to make a living in the capital after all. If you offend her, I won't be able to tolerate you in the future no matter what."

After saying this, someone answered.

Luo Xinxin frowned. Naturally, she didn't believe this nonsense about Shui'er insulting her ancestral woman. However, now that Shui'er hasn't come back yet, listening to people's words, she just thought that this woman's identity is not simple.

Ji Yanyu looked at Luo Xinxin, who was still looking like she was about to cry. She was standing there blankly at this moment. Her eyes suddenly lit up. Naturally, she would not say that she touched someone's face to see how handsome the young man was.

As a result, I was humiliated, but now I casually mentioned a reason, and it actually had such an effect.

Ji Yanyu raised her chin and spoke arrogantly: "Are you pleading guilty like this?"

When Luo Xinxin heard this, she raised her head and her eyes were astonishingly bright: "Confess a crime? Are you asking me to kneel down and plead guilty?"

Ji Yanyu was even more happy: "Yes! Kneel down and apologize! You will punish your brother and follow me back as a slave. Apologize!"

A sneer appeared on Luo Xinxin's lips. Is this the purpose of this woman?

Do you want Wen Shaoheng to go back and apologize?

She didn't even look at how old she was, but she didn't even let go of her children!

After hearing this, everyone around them felt that this punishment was the lightest. Some people shouted: "Yes, girl, that little boy is not your biological brother anyway. Now you apologize and send the little boy over to make amends."

, you can still gain a foothold in the capital."

A sharp scolding came from behind Ji Yanyu: "What? Your status as the princess of the current dynasty is not enough for you to kneel down and apologize?"

As soon as this sharp shout came out, everyone's body trembled, and no one dared to speak.

Luo Xinxin smiled half-heartedly: "Are you sure you want me to kneel down and apologize to you?"

"Nonsense! Are you deaf? Ouch~"

The man screamed miserably, and Ji Yanyu and everyone looked over at the sound, only to see the most proud guard given to her by her father, with a big slap mark on her face.



Along with a crisp slap, another slap mark appeared on the guard's face, which complemented the one on the left and was extremely symmetrical.

Everyone was watching helplessly, and it was clear that there was no one around the guard.

Ji Yanyu also looked around, with an ugly expression on her face: "Trash! Get out of there!"

The guard did not dare to say another word, covered his face and disappeared in embarrassment.

Luo Xinxin was picking at her nails with an innocent look on her face.

Ji Yanyu saw that her place was smashed again, and the slap in the face that no one was watching just made her a little scared. She turned to look at Luo Xinxin, who was watching no one in the field, and shouted: "Bitch! Why don't you kneel down!"

Luo Xinxin looked up at her again: "I'll ask one last time, are you sure?"

Ji Yanyu was about to burst out with bad words, but because so many people were present, she calmed down and said, "Kneel down! Otherwise, I will ask someone to seal this store tomorrow!"

Luo Xinxin didn't look at Ji Yanyu, didn't say anything, her knees softened, and she knelt down directly.

The people watching on the side looked at the field with wide eyes, fearing that their hearts would be exhausted if they took one more breath.

Seeing that the girl finally gave in, they finally let go of their little hearts that they had been holding on to.

Yes, this is right. In front of these powerful people, be soft when you should be soft. Don't be tough. You will easily suffer losses.

At the moment Luo Xinxin knelt down, her right hand hidden in her sleeve moved slightly, and a flash of blue-white light brewed on her fingertips.

The originally clear sky was covered by dark clouds, and a large dark cloud came from the sky, pressing towards Luo Xinxin.

When everyone saw it, they immediately realized that the ancient world had attached great importance to the theory of gods, but now they all panicked.

Ji Yanyu's beautiful face became extremely distorted in the gap between the dark clouds and the sun.

She opened her eyes wide, as if she didn't believe it.

Luo Xinxin was also panicked. She hadn't moved her hands yet. How could it be such a coincidence?


Fu Shuishui, who was still running wildly on the road, saw that he was almost home. He saw a large circle of people gathered in front of his store, and wondered what kind of delicious snacks Xiaoman had produced today, which attracted so many people to watch.

Unexpectedly, the suddenly darkening sky made her stunned.

This dark cloud covering the sun without any warning must mean something is happening in the upper world!

Fu Shuishui hurriedly quickened her pace and ran towards the store.

When we were still a few steps away from the store, there was a sudden explosion in the sky, and a purple and three-color thunder struck directly at the door of the "Hao Chi Lai" store.

Everyone's eyes were dazzled, and the rumbling sound was still ringing in their ears. Everyone touched their hearts in fear, which scared them to death.

What's going on in this clear sky and white sun? Could it be that even the gods couldn't stand it, so they sent down thunder to punish Ji Yanyu?

As soon as this idea came out, everyone immediately felt that it was indeed so right.

In an instant, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and soon the sun reappeared in front of everyone.

What is going on??

"Ah, look!"

A scream attracted everyone's attention.

Ji Yanyu's body was charred, her neat black hair was split into afros, and the original color of her expensive skirt could no longer be seen clearly.

When Ji Yu heard the voice, he twisted his neck, his eyes moved slightly in his dull eyes, he opened his mouth and blew out a stream of black smoke.


Ji Yanyu fell down.

"Princess Princess!"

The maid who came from nowhere climbed on top of the fallen Ji Yanyu and screamed loudly.

When Fu Shuishui rushed to Luo Xinxin, she saw Luo Xinxin looking at her solemnly.

Fu Shuishui looked at Luo Xinxin who was kneeling on the ground, then glanced at the charred woman not far away, and directly ordered to the void: "Ask the maid where she belongs, and send her back."

As soon as he finished speaking, a big man in black jumped out, picked up Ji Yanyu who was lying on the ground unconscious and left.

The maid originally wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth, but still didn't speak, and followed the big man.

The onlookers looked at it and saw that it was no longer lively. Although they still had a lot to say, they still looked at each other, and then looked at the two sisters in the field, and they still dispersed in twos and threes.

Wen Shaoheng, who finally caught up with Fu Shuishui, was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. Then he saw Ji Yanyu being carried away by the big man. A flash of light quickly flashed in his dark eyes, and then he quickly looked away and looked at the two sisters.

Fu Shuishui helped Luo Xinxin who was kneeling on the ground. When the two of them walked in, Fu Shuishui saw Wen Shaoheng standing there, looking at them. She blinked her eyes and said gently: "Aheng, the owner of the clothing store will be here later."

The ready-made clothes will be delivered to you. You go back to your room and rest first while I talk to sister about something."

Wen Shaoheng nodded, but stood still.

Luo Xinxin glanced at Wen Shaoheng, with a complicated look in her eyes: "Aheng, you go back first, I'll ask Shui'er to look for you later."

Wen Shaoheng moved his steps and walked directly past the two of them towards the mansion.

The small figure disappeared among the bricks and tiles of the eaves. Fu Shuishui was about to say something when he saw Xiao Man walking towards this side with a face filled with eagerness. After seeing Fu Shuishui, his face calmed down a little.

"Xiaoman, hurry up and follow me to sister's room."

The three of them hurried to Luo Xinxin's room. After entering, they closed the door and sat down. Fu Shuishui said nothing, waiting for Luo Xinxin to explain what had just happened.

Luo Xinxin looked at the two of them solemnly: "You two also saw what happened today. It was not my fault!"

Xiaoman and Fu Shuishui's expressions suddenly changed. Although they suspected that Luo Xinxin might not have done it, they were still shocked when she said it!

Luo Xinxin sighed: "I'm afraid the patrolling immortal officials above have discovered us. Today's thunder just happened to hit that unlucky woman."

Fu Shuishui said: "Now? Should we leave immediately to go back?"

Hearing this, Luo Xinxin smiled slightly: "It's not urgent, we can wait for a few days. Since the inspecting immortal official found out, the family must also know about it. The inspecting immortal official is very busy during the day, and he must have to treat the human world

At dusk every day, we can go home to report our whereabouts. We have taken care of this place in the past few days and may go back at any time."

Luo Xinxin paused and said to Fu Shuishui: "That child is destined to meet us, but after all, immortals and mortals are different. Try to put him in a good place these days. You go and see him first. Xiaoman and I still have something to say.


Fu Shuishui nodded, she knew that three people had put their efforts into this small shop, and she must have some arrangements.

After Fu Shuishui left, Luo Xinxin looked at Xiaoman: "Xiaoman, there is little chance that we two will be with you then. Let the store explain to the store before leaving, choose someone trustworthy, and let Shui'er come back then.

Take over, this is the only thing we can do for her. The money saved in the past two years, or when Xiaoshui comes back this time, the money will definitely be enough for her to do errands in the world."

Xiaoman nodded seriously: "Don't worry, cousin, I will definitely make arrangements."

Luo Xinxin sighed leisurely: "I'm afraid that this woman today will come to seek revenge in the next few days, huh? Xiaoman, do you smell anything strange?"

Luo Xinxin had a look of disgust on her face and looked Xiaoman up and down many times: "You can't poop in your pants, can you?"

Xiaoman's face flashed with embarrassment: "It's not me!"

Luo Xin didn't believe it, so he pulled Xiao Man directly and sniffed Xiao Man like a puppy. After a long time, the two of them looked miserable and roared in unison: "Fu! Water! Water!"

ps: I originally wanted to finish the chapter on childhood in this world tonight, but I didn’t finish it. I will definitely finish it tomorrow night haha..

This chapter has been completed!
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