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Chapter 706 With a speed of ten kilometers per hour and a load of twenty tons, this is a slow cow!

Dong Fangli and his wife worked a day shift at the passenger transport company and returned home from get off work together.

"Dad, don't we count as working in the government office now? The good days have only been over for a few days, and now we have changed owners." The passenger transport company has changed its nature after raising shares, and office workers like Dong Liu

, I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"It doesn't matter whether he works for the government or the employer, as long as he earns a lot of our wages. I asked Chen Guanren yesterday. The government doesn't completely ignore the passenger transport company. It will arrange people to keep an eye on it. At the same time, like us

Those who have signed the contract are not allowed to be fired by the employer who takes over, so what do we have to fear?"

"Working for the public is still different from working for private individuals. Didn't you notice that today's food is not as good as before? Today our kitchen people were ordered to reduce the amount of oil and water. In the past, when the officials were in charge, they were always

Find a way to make the food better." The kitchen is the most sensitive place for treatment. After businessmen take over, they naturally want to save more money. Lowering the quality of food is the easiest way to save money. Dong Liu's

Businessmen can clearly feel the change in the situation on the first day they take over the business.

"Those old moneymakers always want to save money by digging around. The same goes for the officials. Can't they keep looking after us? What we do is not a loss-making business. We have to transfer such a good business to the moneymakers." Dong Fangli was very happy.

I complained a few words helplessly, but there was nothing I could do. I was living under the roof, and my family had to rely on this salary to survive. I didn’t dare to quit my job other than complaining.

How to change the treatment of workers at the bottom? This is a very complex and systemic problem. It has not been solved well in later generations, let alone this era. The solution Zhu Youjian can think of is to standardize the management and treatment of uterine delivery

That’s all. But this thing only treats the symptoms, not the root cause, and cannot solve the fundamental problem. The treatment of the uterine delivery system is relatively good, and the protection is also in place. But there are more wolves and less meat, and it is not easy to enter the uterine delivery system. In order to enter the uterus

The phenomenon of property system, nepotism and back door is commonplace.

Opening up government-run industries may improve the wages of some workers in a short period of time, but over time, a bloated and complex system will inevitably breed a lot of corruption and gray space, bringing down the entire country. It will not last long.

and strategies to cure the root cause.

Perhaps full competition and sustained prosperity can solve the problem! There is a saying that development is the last word to solve all problems.

The Ming Dynasty must continue and accelerate its development. This is the only way to make people's lives better. In April of the 27th year of Chongzhen, a discussion about development was going on in the Forbidden City.

The content of the discussion is whether it is necessary to repair the railway from Xuzhou to Nanjing, or whether it is necessary to start it now.

North Korean and Chinese officials have a deep understanding of the value of railways. The problem is that there are better alternatives than railways for the section from Xuzhou to Nanjing, so whether it is necessary to repair it is worth discussing.

Due to the limitations of hydrological conditions, the current consensus is that the canal north of Xuzhou does not need to be restarted. The sedimentation phenomenon is serious and the water conditions are still unstable. If it is restarted, it will have to be cleared every year and a large number of trackers will be pulling fiber on the shore.

There is a long winter break in the year, and the accumulation of various conditions makes it really not as practical as the railway. However, south of Xuzhou, the conditions of the canal are much better. Most of the voyages can even be driven by sails, and the transportation capacity is

It is not comparable to current railways.

In terms of the current railway situation, the only advantage south of Xuzhou is reliability. There seems to be no advantage in other aspects.

If funds are abundant, there is no problem in building a railway to Nanjing. The key is that funds are not abundant. After liberation, money will be spent everywhere. There are so many important construction projects that one penny has to be broken into many pieces to spend.

No amount of money is enough. After the country is basically restored, the demand for money in the entire society has increased sharply. Money flooding is an inevitable trend. At this time, it is more important to have a plan for how to spend money, rather than just throwing money around. If the money is spent in the wrong place,

High inflation will appear, and a bad move will ruin a good situation.

"Prime Minister, let's stop arguing. Tomorrow, follow me to the Tiangong Bureau experimental site in the eastern suburbs. How about we take a look at something and then make a decision?" Zhu Youjian insists on building a railway in Nanjing, and many people see the wind.

The officials at the helm agreed. However, the hardcore faction headed by Zhu Dadian argued hard and firmly opposed starting the railway construction project from Xuzhou to Nanjing now. They believed that even if the railway from naturalization to Hexi was built, the railway to Nanjing should not be built.

Railway. Seeing that these people were well-founded, Zhu Youjian knew that it would be difficult to convince these guys without some practical information.

Fortunately, with the help of Song Yingxing, there has been a major breakthrough in the development of trains, and trains with practical value have been successfully tested. Therefore, Zhu Youjian plans to take the important ministers to see the technology and hard work of this era, so that they can have a good experience

A baptism of new technology.

More than a dozen carriages pulled a group of courtiers to the train testing plant in the western suburbs of the capital. On the rails of the testing site, something like a steam engine was whirring black smoke and heat. Four belts were dragged behind it.

Flatbed rail car with guardrail.

"Mr. Song, is the car hot?" When he arrived at the scene, Zhu Youjian didn't say any greetings and directly asked about business.

"It's already warmed up and ready to start."

"Okay, all the courtiers and follow me on the cart behind the front of the car. Remember to keep the guardrails in place." After answering Song Yingxing, Zhu Youjian helped the courtiers who came with him get on the car.

After more than 40 courtiers got on the bus, Zhu Youjian saw that the carriage was still quite empty, so he asked the accompanying guards and staff to get on the bus, and only after more than 80 courtiers did they give up.

After waiting for people to get on the bus, Zhu Youjian shouted loudly: "Let's start!"

With an order, the staff at the front of the train started to start the train under the command of Song Yingxing.

The piercing whistle sounded immediately, followed by boom, boom, and the train slowly began to move forward.

A group of guys who had never seen the world were so frightened that their faces changed when they saw the cart moving under their feet. Without cattle and horses pulling them in front, they really couldn't understand why the cart moved under their feet. They understood the track carriage.

They have also seen steam engines. But the combination of the two is beyond their imagination.

The train took a group of unseen people and circled the test depot twice before stopping.

"How long did it take for two laps?" As soon as the car stopped, Zhu Youjian ignored the bunch of bumpkins and quickly asked Song Yingxing for the specific technical indicators.

"Nearly half an hour."

"In half an hour, the track in the test plant is ten miles in circumference, and after two turns, it is twenty miles. In other words, it has reached a speed of twenty miles an hour. Has the load been tested?"

"The current locomotive can tow more than four carriages, and it can carry a load of 500 kilograms."

Five hundred stones? That’s more than twenty tons in total! The speed is ten kilometers per hour. The current train is really a slow cow!

This chapter has been completed!
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