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Chapter 102 Supervising Department Yamen!

Zhou Kui and his son came out of the palace and went straight to Xiyuan. They inquired in detail about the condition of the railway roadbed from the craftsmen guarding Xiyuan Road.

After some inquiries, they felt that they could do the job. The cost of labor and materials for one mile of single lane was less than 1,000 taels, and the cost for two lanes should be 2,000 taels. If it is built as a six-mile road, it seems that they can make money.

More than three thousand taels.

More than three thousand taels is not a small amount of money for the father and son. This is calculated based on the highest price. In actual construction, the labor cost is quite low these days, and it is estimated that they can save a lot.

"Dad, you can take this job! Not to mention whether it will make money or not, but there is work that can at least solve the problem of feeding the idle people in the mansion. If we can get fifty or sixty workers in the mansion, and hire some more people, it will be less than a year

You can earn three to five thousand taels of silver. It seems that the Holy Spirit is taking care of our family." After his brother-in-law Zhou Peihong returned home, he began to encourage his father to take over this project.

"We are a family after all! With such a good life, we can still think of real relatives like us." Zhou Kui was also moved. He felt that this was a rare policy of the emperor to take care of their family.

Taking care of the families of Zhou Kui and other noble concubines in the palace must have been one of Zhu Youjian's intentions. Later generations of officials all contracted out projects to their brothers-in-law. Isn't it okay for a dignified emperor to do this?

Of course, this is not the core intention! The core intention is to mobilize the nobles in the capital. In the past, through loans and factory sales, bureaucratic capital and eunuch capital were mobilized, and these nobles were the only major wealthy people in the capital.

Haven't moved yet.

When we contract the railway construction work to them, we first need to let them use the work to solve the employment problem of some of the remaining family members, and then gradually we have to find ways to get them to advance funds to participate in the project. This is not the biggest intention, the biggest

The purpose is to rely on these railway projects to complete the restructuring of the Beijing camp in the future. The generals in the Beijing camp have a close relationship with the nobles, and their leaders are these nobles. Let the nobles make the contractors smooth, and then restructure

Beijing camp will be easier.

The Jingying camp must no longer be used, but tens of thousands of people cannot be laid off directly, right? This would cause a huge crisis. When Chongzhen abolished some of the inns, it caused huge trouble. The Jingying camp has been in use for nearly three years.

Problems left over from a century-old history will definitely cause bigger problems if there is no solid plan. Since ancient times, all restructurings that affect large-scale interest groups are big troubles and should be treated with caution.

It is not reliable to let these useless nobles work on the project. Strong supervision measures must be taken. This time Zhu Youjian is not going to use the people from the inner palace anymore. For small things, use the inner palace.

People can still rely on majesty to suppress them. For such large projects as building new factories and repairing railways, Wang Chengen and his expert factory may not be able to cope with them. It is necessary to support a new interest group around these projects. Since it is a new start-up

groups, their dependence on the emperor will be stronger.

With this purpose, Zhu Youjian came to Meishan again.

"Recently, I am planning to build a new large factory in Miyun and spend a huge amount of money to build a railway from Miyun to Tongzhou. The problem now is that we have to spend so much money, but I am afraid that the people who work will line their own pockets and use these

The money cannot be put to practical use. Therefore, I am planning to establish a new Supervision Department Yamen. This Yamen will not be under the control of the inner palace, nor will it be under the control of the outer court. It will directly belong to my Zhonggong. The Yamen office will be located outside the inner palace, and the Supervision Department will be temporarily designated.

The Yamen has two departments, namely the Works Supervision Department and the Financial Supervision Department! All supervision department staff are recruited from the Engineering School and the Science School in Long live Mountain. Those who are interested can apply to Wang Chengen, the Prime Minister of the Neishitang, and I will appoint the best according to the list.

." In front of the gang of three students in Meishan, Zhu Youjian announced his plan.

As soon as this plan was announced, it caused a sensation among the Gongsheng students. Although they did not know what the grade of this yamen was, they were still very excited. Because this yamen was directly responsible to the emperor, and also had the real power to supervise palace projects, why?

It sounds like a good employment channel.

Since the beginning of this year, the recruitment of imperial examination students has improved. The establishment of the Customs Department has allowed many students who had no hope of taking the imperial examination to see the dawn of another employment channel. Although the Customs Department is only a temporary seventh-grade yamen, it is still eating from the state.

It's a job. If you work there, you can provide a job for at least a year. So everyone thinks that spending some money to get a place as a prisoner student seems to have some future. The total number of students in the two colleges now exceeds 1,000.

, it looks like a university.

After the emperor left, the excited prison students were tossing hard on the coal mountain! Their tossing attracted the attention of the people next door who were waiting to die while reviewing for the scientific examination.

What's going on today? What are these trash guys howling? When they were eating in the cafeteria in the evening, they probably heard clearly the reason for the excitement of the prison students.

The emperor has established a new Supervisory Office? This office is to supervise whether the money in the palace is spent in the right place? Why don't serious scholars like them be used for this kind of thing?

The imperial examination people who returned to their dormitory also started discussing.

"Brother Baishi, have you found out clearly what's going on with the Supervisory Office set up by the Supreme Lord?" Song Zhisheng, a candidate for the exam, asked another candidate, Chen Mingxia, who was in the same room, to see what was going on. Chen Mingxia

Luzi is relatively familiar with officials in Beijing, and he is a know-it-all kind of person.

"Brother Chai Xue, the officials in the capital don't know much about this. This is a matter decided by the Holy Emperor himself. There is no imperial decree or court discussion." Chen Mingxia ran out and inquired for a long time, but he didn't find out anything. Outside.

The officials knew nothing about this matter.

"Isn't this just a private official? Even worse than the powerful eunuchs in the inner palace, right?" Song Zhisheng asked his own question.

"They should be private officials, with no rank and no rank. I don't know how excited these people are! I really feel like I have become an official." Wu Zhenyu, another candidate in the same room, also came over to express his opinion.

"Although he is a low-ranking private official, this yamen is managed by a saint. For those lucky people, this is a coveted opportunity. It is normal for them to be excited." Song Zhisheng said to this group of people.

The mood is understandable, as they are not scholars with serious backgrounds.

It is true that such a low-level yamen has no appeal at all to promising candidates like Chen Mingxia, Song Zhisheng, and Wu Zhenyu. They only want to get names on the gold medal list and gain access to the palace. But they just set up a yamen privately for the emperor.

When they came out, they were still very jealous and had objections. Working beside the emperor and being the emperor's close ministers, how could it be the turn of an unnamed supervising student to do this job? Isn't this what serious scholars like them should do?

This chapter has been completed!
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