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Chapter 108 Establish a Supply and Marketing Cooperative!

Being an emperor is a job that cannot be done lazily, especially for such a subjugated emperor. Zhu Youjian feels that his whole life has been spinning in recent times. He not only has to discuss with Zhou Yanru and the others how to control the bandits, but also has to worry about the situation in the inner palace.

It's a big mess in full swing, and it's not enough for one person to divide it into half.

It seems that we need to create a serious office structure. Theoretically speaking, the Hanlin Academy, the Cabinet, and the Supervisor of Ceremonies are all the emperor's offices. But now these institutions have become serious administrative agencies and cannot be exercised.

The functions that an office secretary should have are the same as those that do not.

"Daban, has Yu Liancheng given you an answer? Is he willing to adjust his ministry?"

"Your Majesty, this old servant told Liancheng. He said that if His Majesty has any disciplinary action, he has no objection at all."

"Just agree. You arrange for someone to send a message to Yu Liancheng and ask him to come to see me. This errand must be told to him in person."

Julien Chen, who received the summons, ran and crawled into the palace. When he was presented with the gift, his face was flushed. He didn't know whether it was because he was running in a hurry or because he was excited.

Yu Liancheng, who was standing at the head of His Majesty's bedchamber, was so excited that he couldn't control his emotions at this time! He gambled on his luck and took over the job of running the sugar factory, and now it seems that he was right. The emperor said that he would arrange a new job for him.

, this must have caught the emperor's eye, and he must make great use of himself.

Although godfather Wang Chengen said that the salary for the newly arranged errand was not as high as in the sugar factory. But is it important? Compared with becoming someone close to the emperor, a high salary of one to twenty thousand silver is nothing. Who said that eunuchs are just like that?

No career expectations? It is true that they love money, but they also know that some things are more valuable than money.

"Yu Liancheng, I am going to integrate the shops currently set up by the palace in the city and set up a new department called the Supply and Marketing Cooperative. You will be in charge of this company, are you willing?"

"My servant has thanked the emperor for his cultivation, and is very willing to take over this job." The eunuchs are not like those people in the outer court, who will pretend to be polite and decline everything. They don't do this kind of thing, and they will naturally take over immediately if they have the opportunity. Although

I don’t know what the situation of this supply and marketing cooperative is like, but as long as it is an errand appointed by the emperor, it will definitely not be bad.

"After the supply and marketing cooperative is established, all the takeout items in the palace will be sold through the supply and marketing cooperative. You will be responsible for the factory affairs in the palace, as well as all the procurement and sales of items produced in the imperial village. In terms of manpower, you and

The royal palace will discuss the matter and make it final as soon as possible. In addition to taking over the current shops, you must also open shops in the palace, Xiyuan Military Camp, and the new camp on the west mountain as soon as possible. At the same time, you must also start setting up a purchasing organization to Huangzhuang.

, as well as the factory affairs, to find out what to sell in the shop, how much goods Huangzhuang can provide you with this year, and how to sell these goods as quickly as possible. "

All the products in the palace were handed over to the supply and marketing cooperative for purchase and sale? This job really did not disappoint him. Yu Liancheng suddenly had a clue in his heart. No matter whether he could get high wages, he would go to all the factories he could manage.

Wuhehuangzhuang's purchasing and marketing power is a big mistake.

"Of course, this is only the arrangement for this year. After next year, your supply and marketing cooperative will not be the only one to underwrite the products of Huangzhuang and various factories. It will adopt a direct-shooting model, allowing other private businesses to participate. You have to obtain the underwriting rights through bidding.

Big friend, in the future, the expenses in the palace will also have to be purchased through finger-shooting bidding. This matter will be supervised and verified by the palace supervisor and the supervision department. If any tricks are found, they will be severely punished. It will be implemented early next year together with the production items.

, when you’re done, you can discuss it with the other people in the Internal Affairs Hall and come up with a charter together.”

Now that there are more and more industries in the palace, there must be a large sales channel and system for sales. At the same time, through this sales channel, it can also open up a direct connection between the palace and the external market. The most important thing is that relying on this channel can also

It can control the material supply chain in a certain sense and directly connect the materials controlled by the palace with the people outside.

"Your Majesty, will the prices purchased by the supply and marketing cooperative be the same from now on? Will the shops set up in the palace also have the same price?"

"They all have a unified price. If the palace wants to purchase a large amount of goods from the factory, it will directly negotiate with the factory. The shop set up in the palace is mainly to facilitate the palace people to buy things by themselves. Of course, the things sold by the supply and marketing cooperative must be

In terms of supply, we should pay more attention to the palace and the military camp. Some goods that are in short supply will be given priority to ensure the supply of the palace and the military camp. However, we should not do this too much. We must allocate the proportion reasonably, otherwise these two places will become markets.

So that they don't have to worry about serious errands and spend all their time thinking about how to resell materials and make profits."

"This is a great savings, slave! In addition to the things produced in the palace, can the supply and marketing cooperative's shop also sell some outside goods?"

"Yes, as long as the goods are purchased according to normal procedures and are not taken by force, they can be sold. Your shop must be operated into a large place that can sell all the world's department stores, and it is impossible for the palace to produce them all. Having said that, if the palace

If the things produced in the palace are better than those produced outside, priority will be given to purchasing them from the palace."

"Your Majesty, are the prices of the things we sell based on the prices in the factory?"

"How can this be done? Sell it at the ex-factory price plus 10%. Your supply and marketing cooperative itself has to make a profit and is responsible for its own profits and losses. In addition, you have to make money for the palace. There are performance evaluation requirements. If you fail to complete the performance evaluation,

For substitutions, bonuses will be given proportionally if the performance is completed or exceeded."

It seems that Yu Liancheng has chosen the right person. These questions asked are very critical and are in line with the logic of the person in charge of a serious business organization.

Opening a supply and marketing cooperative shop in the palace is one aspect to facilitate the people in the palace to buy things, and the other is to collect the money from these working-class people. The money is collected through the circulation of goods, although the efficiency is not as high as other methods.

, but it is easy to win. In this era of material scarcity, high-quality materials can be sold without worrying about being unable to sell them. Unlike in later generations where everything is overcapacity, without a good sales model, it is difficult to sell something.

Yes. Setting up supply and marketing cooperatives in military camps has the same purpose! In addition to collecting money, setting up supply and marketing cooperatives in these two places also has other back-ups.

We must rely on the material support of the supply and marketing cooperatives to carry out currency reform. The monetary system of the Ming Dynasty caused the collapse of the old Zhu family, and the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes issued were like waste paper. If the monetary system was still controllable, the financial methods of the Ming Dynasty would not be as bad as

Now, there is no other way except to impose additional taxes. In the past, Zhu Youjian thought that the Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes were like waste paper and were caused by bad hair. Now he has figured out that this thing has devalued into waste paper and is no longer as good as bad hair.

It doesn't matter. The deceptive logic of Lao Zhu's family issuing treasure banknotes is purely for the convenience of making IOUs! Just send it without receiving it, just use the paper as real gold and silver. What's deceptive is that even the common people don't recognize its value.

There is no way to use this thing to pay taxes. This thing is really not as useful as a piece of white paper.

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