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Chapter 119

After stamping his fingerprints on the fold, Wang Er left the counter holding four silver coins, a pile of paper money and a paper fold.

After he left the bank lobby, he did not go far, but gathered in a small school next to the bank. There were bank employees there who explained how to use the newly issued money.

"Everyone can tell the difference between one tael of silver coins and half a tael of silver dollars by their size. I will tell you how to identify the authenticity. The simplest way is to hold the coins and pinch them gently with two fingers like I did.

, take a deep breath, then put it to your ear and listen, if there is a buzzing sound, it is basically real money.”

Wang Er followed the actions of the bank clerk and did it again, not to mention he actually heard a buzzing sound.

Then the clerk continued: "The most reliable way to identify it is to get the balance on our campus and put the silver coins into the mold. If the balance is level, it will be accurate and real money! Of course, put it on the balance.

The money on it must be clean, otherwise it will be inaccurate if it is stained with dirt. This silver coin is exactly one tael and half a tael, without any difference."

Hearing the clerk speak like this, Wang Er felt relieved. Now he didn't care much about the banknotes in his hands. As long as the big money was real money, the small change was not unacceptable even if it was waste paper. He would just take care of the emperor's worries.


"Next we will talk about military bills. The banknotes you hold in your hands are for military pay. The purple ones are one hundred cents, the red ones are fifty cents, the magenta ones are twenty cents, the cyan ones are ten cents, and the green ones are five cents.

, this hemp-colored white note is a penny. The paper used for this military note was made by the secret method in the palace. You can't find such good paper on the market. Do you think ordinary paper can withstand the rubbing like this?

?Can you have this feeling? Anyone who takes military stamps can use it as cash of equivalent value at the supply and marketing cooperatives in the military camp and the supply and marketing cooperatives outside. If you insist on using cash, you only need to scrape together five hundred coins or one thousand coins.

You can also take the banknotes to the bank to redeem them, and the bank will redeem them for everyone without any loss."

Can you still cash out silver coins from the bank after collecting enough round amounts? Wang Er suddenly tightened the military notes in his hand. If this is true, the banknotes are not waste paper. And according to this clerk, this thing is still

It can be used as real money in the supply and marketing cooperative. It seems that the emperor did not issue banknotes just to deprive us of money!

After listening to the vernacular words of the bank clerks on the campus for a while, Wang Er took some reassurance and returned to the military dormitory in a better mood.

Almost everyone else in the dormitory also lined up to receive the money. When they saw squad leader Wang Er coming back, a soldier came over. "Wang Tou, how many banknotes have you received?"

"Why are you asking?" It has always been a taboo to ask how much someone is paid. Especially for someone as big as Wang Er, who looks like a soldier, he is even more disgusted.

"Squad leader, don't get me wrong! That's it. A few of us discussed it. Since the bank can exchange silver yuan, we thought about making up the small change into whole money. Tomorrow afternoon, we will exchange the silver yuan from the bank and hold it in our hands.

Cash money is still safe.”

Hey, these guys are really smart. They can actually come up with such a way to turn banknotes into real silver. "The money that was exchanged was in whole coins. How can we distribute it to everyone? We can't cut such good silver coins into pieces."

Let’s divide it?”

"Boss, that's not necessarily the case. As long as the real silver is exchanged, whoever takes the real silver can give everyone the remaining money in big change, right?"

This was a solution. Wang Er immediately agreed to the proposal of the soldiers in the class. Then he organized everyone to take out all the military notes on hand and round them up into a round number. Tomorrow afternoon, they would go to the bank to queue up to exchange silver yuan.

Everyone took the money and counted it for a long time, and finally came up with an integer of 2,500 yuan, and then agreed that Wang Er would exchange the money tomorrow afternoon.

"First of all, when you exchange it tomorrow, you should exchange it into half a tael of silver dollars, so that you can make change easily when you come back." A clever soldier also gave Wang Er special advice, telling him not to exchange it into one tael of silver coins. The amount of money was too large.

Hard to get change.

Early on the next morning, Wang Er absentmindedly completed the training task. After lunch, he hurried to the bank entrance.

I looked over and saw that the number of people queuing up today was much smaller than yesterday. After a while, I entered the lobby.

"Take out the nameplate!" The clerk at the counter still said the same thing as yesterday.

"I'm not here to get paid today, I'm here to exchange money!"

"Exchange money?" The clerk looked at Wang Er as if he were looking at two million, and then asked back.

"Didn't you say that military notes can be exchanged for silver? Are you lying to us about what you said yesterday?"

"How much do you want to redeem? Take out the military coupons." The clerk impatiently asked Wang Er to pay quickly. He didn't bother to explain the two hundred and fifty.

After a while, Wang Er and the staff counted the money and completed the exchange procedures.

With the silver coins redeemed in his pocket, Wang Er left the bank hall with satisfaction. He was secretly happy. Fortunately, he was smart enough to question the bank accountant, otherwise he might not have cashed it to him.

He secretly rejoiced in his heart and hurried to the dormitory quickly. When he got back, he had to cash in the money for these guys. Just as he lowered his head and hurried on, a soldier from his squad ran over to him.

"Wang Tou, I have found you. Have you gone to the bank to exchange silver coins?"

"Hey! You kid, you're still in a hurry! I've already redeemed it!" Wang Er was very angry at the anxious soldier.

"It's broken! I'm still a step too late!"

"Why do you call it a step too late?"

"Squad leader, I came here to see you. I just want to tell you not to exchange silver coins for now. It won't make any difference!"

"Why can't the banknotes be exchanged for cash?"

"Monitor! You don't know, this banknote is easy to exchange for silver dollars, but it is very difficult to exchange it for banknotes again!"

“What’s the point of exchanging a perfectly good silver dollar into banknotes?”

"Squad leader, you don't know something. The supply and marketing cooperative in the camp issued an announcement today. In the future, if you want to buy valuable goods like enamel and sugar, you can buy them with silver coins. Everyone has to carry a name brand and there is a quantity limit. But paper

But you can buy as much banknote as you want. If you think about this kind of valuable goods, you can resell them after leaving the camp. In this way, wouldn't the banknotes be worth more than the silver coins?"

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"Ah? Is there such a thing? We really lost money."

When he returned to the dormitory, Wang Er was not in a hurry to exchange money for everyone. Instead, he went to find his comrades to inquire about the situation. The more he inquired, the more he regretted it. Don't you feel good about having good banknotes in your hands? You must use them to exchange for silver coins. Which one?

The bank clerk was also a treacherous person. He knew it was not worth it, but he insisted on changing it for him.

After a rough estimate, for the two thousand-plus banknotes exchanged, I and others lost at least about 500 cash. Spreading it out to everyone, they lost about 50 cash.

What is this? If you go to queue in such a hurry, you are going up a pole to give money to others. When the salary is paid next month, you can't do such stupid things again.

This chapter has been completed!
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