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Chapter 122 Package of New Industry Plans

To raise troops, you have to earn money. A few months after the industrial zone in Miyun was built, the iron-making furnaces and enamel furnaces began to come out of the kiln. However, large-scale production is not yet possible. It is expected that large-scale shipments will not be possible until August or September.

In other words, half of the year is over, and this year's money-making work will really start. If this continues, the enamel factory will make about the same amount this year as last year at most. The simple cement factory built also produces barely usable cement, but

It takes time to promote this thing, and right now it can only be used when the palace is doing its own infrastructure construction.

Zhu Youjian found himself in the same situation as last year. There was no suitable industry that could make money quickly. He couldn't always rely on the enamel industry, right? This industry is indeed a large industry with a market size of more than ten million taels, but

Now we have reached a bottleneck period, with great constraints on production capacity, and because of lack of money, we have personally supported a competitor.

The idea of ​​developing the industry must still be the same as that of the enamel industry found last year, focusing on daily necessities. It is best to work on food, clothing, housing and transportation. The key to food is raw food. The situation is not big! Housing? It will be difficult to make cement for a while.

Promotion. Okay? It doesn’t make much sense to get a four-wheeled carriage or something like that. You can’t make quick money. Clothes? Didn’t there some time travelers who traveled through time and started to develop the wool textile industry? And in this era, it seems that the textile revolution in Britain has begun to slowly develop.

Great. Didn’t the British Empire in later generations rely on the woolen textile industry to make its fortune? This industry seems to be very promising.

To the north of the capital is the grassland pastoral area. If the wool spinning industry is developed, it can strengthen its control over the grassland through economic means and compete with the Manchu and Qing Dynasties for dominance in the Mongolian region. In terms of control area, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties are no better than the Ming Dynasty.

Xiao. Huang Taiji used troops on the Mongolian grassland several times, which has made the entire Mongolia a vassal of the Manchu Qing Dynasty. If you want to fundamentally curb the development of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, you must first regain control of the Mongolian region. From this point of view,

It is even more necessary to develop the wool textile industry.

When spinning wool, the most critical process is degreasing. Zhu Youjian probably knows how to do this. The simplest way is to heat the wool with plant ash and lime water to clean the wool. If it is more complicated, you have to get caustic soda and prepare a degreasing reagent.

To make caustic soda, you must first make soda ash. There are natural soda ash mines in nature. They seem to be found in China, but they seem difficult to find! But it doesn’t matter. Zhu Youjian remembered a recipe that is the easiest to make soda ash. Add Glauber’s salt to limestone and coal.

Rough soda ash can be made by high-temperature calcination. Nowadays, Glauber's salt has been used on a large scale, and it is not difficult to find the source of the mineral.

With soda ash and caustic soda, can't we make glass and soap? Following this idea, Zhu Youjian found that there are many industries that can be done.

At night, while holding a lantern in his palace and writing an industrial development plan all night, he thought of another industry - kerosene! What he thought of was real kerosene, not the kerosene refined from petroleum in later generations. When the iron was scorched,

A large amount of coal tar will be produced. After distilling this stuff, lighter kerosene can be easily separated for daily use.

There is definitely a market for kerosene, and it is very big. Zhu Youjian remembers that the Kong family in later modern times made their fortune by selling kerosene. At that time, the kerosene their family sold to China was not used for industry, but mainly for daily use.


If we want to develop the kerosene industry, can we also develop the petroleum industry? After thinking about it for a while, I forgot about it. In my memory, there is the Huabei Oilfield near Beijing, but the well depth of that oilfield is more than two thousand meters, and the current mining conditions are definitely impossible.

Realized. There is indeed a relatively shallow oil field in the country, and the local Zhu Youjian also knows that it is in Yanchang County in northern Shaanxi. There are people digging for crude oil there. But Emperor Zhu currently does not have the ability and strength to dig for oil in northern Shaanxi.


I rushed to write an industrial development plan overnight, and then read it carefully. This thing is awesome. There are many industries to be engaged in, and there are even more fields involved. Let’s just talk about the wool industry! In addition to a large amount of

In addition to purchasing wool for degreasing, it is also necessary to develop corresponding spinning and weaving equipment. Although the machines currently used to make cotton and silk are similar in principle, they need to be improved accordingly to make them more useful. Moreover, Zhu Youjian

The current textile equipment that is mainly made of wood and manually driven is not satisfactory. It is best to develop more efficient textile equipment, which will have more cost and competitive advantages.

If the woolen textile industry mainly involves mechanical manufacturing processes, making glass, making soap, and refining kerosene are serious chemical industries. The chemical industry is actually not difficult to understand from the principle. It is not just about combining various things.

Put it in a reaction tower and heat it vigorously? At most, get some pipes and try to cool it quickly. When I was in school, there were quite a lot of chemical reactions. But it was only after he came into contact with a bunch of chemical plants that he discovered this thing.

The core is heating and pressurizing, and the most common chemical raw materials are extraction or distillation. Of course, it is simple to understand the principle, but it is not that easy to actually do it. The processes involved are so complicated that ordinary people are simply not competent. Including the current Meishan Mountain

It's okay for those craftsmen to do some specific work, but if it really involves the development of a package of industries and chemicals, they definitely can't do it.

It is necessary to find an unprecedented talent to take charge of this matter so that the industrial park development plan can be implemented quickly.

"Big companion, send someone to Miyun to bring Liu Dachang here. I have something important to entrust to him. After that, I will give oral instructions to the people at the Wansui Mountain Artisan Research Institute and ask them to mix plant ash, lime water and clean water to warm them.

, Boil and wash the wool twice, remember to use warm water, not boiling water. After washing, dry it and weave it into cloth as quickly as possible and bring it to me." The experiments on woolen products can still be done by these craftsmen first.

The samples were handed over to Liu Dachang and the work continued.

Liu Dachang rushed to the palace the next day after receiving the summons, but the samples from the craftsman's office had not yet been produced. Zhu Youjian asked him to wait for a few days and briefly told him what to do next.

For a moment.

"Dachang, after you go back, you will find a place where four or five large factories can be built and start building the factory first. At the same time, make a plan with the people from the supply and marketing cooperative. Your two departments must find a way to collect a large amount of wool from outside the country."

"Collecting wool? Your Majesty, what are we collecting for? It can't be to make felt, right?"

“Instead of making felt, we’re going to use wool to weave cloth!”

"The cloth woven from wool is hard, easy to get stiff, and smells bad. I'm afraid it won't be sold after weaving it." Nowadays, some people actually use wool to weave cloth, but because there is no degreasing, the cloth weaved is very unsuitable and can only be used by extremely poor people.

Only herdsmen wear it.

"There is a way in the palace to weave good cloth from wool. You can see it in two days. The key now is to collect more wool! How is the production at the Miyun factory recently?" I can't give it to you without seeing the real thing. Liu Dachang made it clear, so Zhu Youjian changed the topic and wanted to know about the current operation of the industrial park.

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"Your Majesty, the iron factory in the factory area can now make large quantities of iron embryos for enamel. With the iron embryos, the enamel factory can produce large quantities of porcelain. It is estimated that it will make a profit of one hundred thousand taels of silver next month. I estimate that by the end of the year , the enamel factory can earn at least 1.5 million taels of silver!"

"How can such a good profit be achieved? This factory can make half a year's profit even if it is fully calculated?"

"Your Majesty, our new factory has a large scale. The iron factory still uses a hydraulic press to make embryos, so naturally we can make more enamels. Now we don't have to worry about selling enamels. There are merchants from Tianjin who come to Miyun specifically. Discuss with me about purchasing goods!"

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