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Chapter 132

Because he was so disappointed with Zuo Liangyu, Zhu Youjian didn't even bother to mention him at this imperial military meeting.

"My dear friends, the situation between the country and the DPRK in front of you is extremely dangerous, but we cannot cause chaos out of urgency and must be determined. I believe that the current overall situation is stable, and the provinces that have been corrupted can be ignored for the time being. But it is still okay. A stable province must maintain stability and not allow it to erode further. At present, the Central Plains and Hubei are already in chaos, and there is also chaos in southern Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi. Hunan, Shandong, Shaanxi, and Shanxi are also unstable. These areas are governed by chaos. It is a top priority. I believe that the current chaos is to be cured rather than suppressed. To be cured is to get rid of the roots, and to suppress it is to cut the grass. If we don’t get rid of the roots, there will be a phenomenon that springs up again and again, which is just a waste of national power."

"What your Majesty said is true. The reason why the situation in the country is becoming more and more chaotic is that we only focus on suppression and not on governance. Veteran ministers also believe that the most important thing is to combat chaos and save the country." Zhou Yanru expressed his opinion along the pole. , he himself does not understand military affairs. If he blindly wants to use military means to solve civil strife, it will only make the Ministry of War more and more powerful. This is not what the cabinet expects. Nearly 90% of Ming Dynasty's finances were spent on military affairs. , this is definitely unhealthy, and it is also a phenomenon that other bureaucrats do not want to see.

"It is true that as the Grand Master said, governance should be the most important thing! But governance must also have a strategy. It cannot be carried out by grabbing eyebrows and beards. It must have key points. It is necessary to draw a basic plan. First, treat the key provinces, and then work steadily and steadily, and strive to It will take five to ten years to realize the resurgence of the Ming Dynasty. The two straight lines are the foundation of the country, and they are also the key to eradicating the paralysis and realizing the rejuvenation. With the two straight lines as the fulcrum and the canal as the axis, the paralysis must be eradicated within five years and the original state must be restored. Look. My plan is to take the lead in piloting the ZTE restructuring in Beizhili before the end of this year. I hope that all of you, dear friends, can fully support my restructuring plan. Once the restructuring in the Beizhili region has effects and experience, we will gradually implement it nationwide. "

Restructuring? We were originally discussing how to eliminate thieves and restore governance, but after talking for a long time, it was changed to restructuring? What exactly did the emperor mean by restructuring? The courtiers below felt a little uneasy.

Just kidding! How can we govern the country without restructuring? How can we restore national strength? Whether it is making dishes or mending pots, if we do not solve the big loopholes, we will be dragged to death by this thing. Before, Zhu Youjian did not dare to go to war. He was not afraid of the military. They are not afraid of the so-called gentry interest groups. These forces are just cancers attached to the Ming Dynasty itself. They look like that, but in fact they are just paper tigers. The gentry group looked at it in awe, and when Li Zicheng came over, they Why didn't they butt the ox? Why didn't they butt the ox when the Qing troops entered the Pass? The same principle applies to the military leaders, who look like they are strong on the outside but strong on the inside.

What he is really afraid of is that cleaning up this bureaucratic group will bring huge shocks, and he does not have the capital to quickly control this chaos. What is the core of quickly controlling the chaos? There are only two core things, food and basic talents.

The working group sent to Huangzhuang has received feedback recently, which gives Zhu Youjian confidence. This year, the amount of grains Huangzhuang can produce is likely to exceed one million dan. In addition to being self-sufficient, Zhu Youjian can also sell a lot of food for takeaway. In other words, the situation in Beizhili is not as bad as imagined. As long as the measures are taken properly, there is no problem in producing enough grain for self-use. From the data of Huangzhuang, it can be seen that the policies are in place and high-yielding grains are popularized in Beizhili. In addition to providing the daily necessities of the farming people, a province can also support about 60 to 70% of the daily necessities of the people in the capital. In this way, the capital will not be too dependent on grain input channels, including grain. Even selling grain can fill this hole.

As long as the food supply chain is not easy to be manipulated, restructuring can be implemented on a large scale. There is also the issue of talent. The gentry group controls the supply channel of talent. After a major restructuring, it is easy for them to draw salary from the bottom of the cauldron and engage in non-violent non-cooperation.

The phenomenon of large-scale resignations of officials can easily lead to the shutdown of local government. With the supervisors from Meishan, this problem is no longer a problem. These supervisors have also experienced the basic business training of the Huangzhuang working group. When

As a grassroots official, there is no big problem. If they dare to take salary cuts, Zhu Youjian will dare to replace him.

Aren't the supervisors also from the gentry group? Will they go on strike? From the understanding of the Chinese gentry group in later generations, this situation is impossible. Others' misfortune is their own opportunity, Zhu Youjian dares to guarantee that,

As long as we give the supervisors a chance to take the lead, if today the officials with imperial examination background go on strike, tomorrow the threshold of the supervision hospital in Meishan will be trampled to pieces by people who climb up the pole. It may be difficult to find a three-legged toad in the Ming Dynasty, but you can find someone to serve as a toad.

The officer doesn't have to worry at all.

Therefore, as long as the connection problem at the beginning of the reform can be solved, there is no need to worry about the supply of remaining talents. The number of people who benefited from the imperial examination is no more than 10% of the scholar class in the entire Ming Dynasty, and there are countless down-and-out scholars who failed the imperial examination waiting to fall from the sky.

What an opportunity.

The conditions for scraping bones and healing wounds are basically in place, so why are you waiting? Let’s give the important ministers here a break today, and when the grain harvest in Huangzhuang comes in September or October, we will officially start the major restructuring of the North Zhili area, and let the officials be ignored

Do they support it or not.

After briefly chatting with the important ministers about the current situation for a while, Chongzhen asked them to go back to their offices and do their own work. Anyway, the situation has reached this point, so you are worried.


I thought that the fall of Wuchang and Kaifeng would be suppressed like this. But I didn't expect that another accident would happen the next day. The Mingyan official system, including the Liuke Yanguan and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, actually went to the palace.

They asked for an audience outside the house to force the palace, and collectively impeached the cabinet and the Ministry of War for their inaction, which resulted in the fall of the important cities of Wuchang and Kaifeng.

Forget the official's attack, Luo Yangxing, who had been silent for a while, also jumped out. He sent an urgent memorial to the palace, which pointedly pointed at Chen Xinjia and Zhou Yanru for their inaction and corruption, especially during this period.

, the two of them did not realize that they had accepted Zuo Liangyu's bribe and promised Zuo Liangyu to excuse his dereliction of duty.

The memorial even listed the specific amount of bribes taken by the two people. It was obvious that this guy was well prepared and the evidence was conclusive. Luo Yangxing's memorial gave the officials the most urgently needed evidence support, which made them more emboldened.

They staged a sit-down protest outside the palace. Frankly speaking, if the emperor did not give an answer this time, they would sit and die outside the palace gate.

Chen Xinjia and Zhou Yanru are so unsatisfactory. Zuo Liangyu is so rotten. They still want to collect money from this guy. They are really greedy and daring.

The angry Zhu Youjian really wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to clean up these two reckless scumbags. Are they really so short of money that they are so hungry that they can't choose what to eat? They dare to accept any bad money!

This chapter has been completed!
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