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Chapter 141 Grass can also be sold for money?

"Sir, this is the clear oil evaporated from tar, and the tower used to evaporate the oil. Currently, this set of facilities is still a bit too crude. My idea is to set up a factory in Miyun first, and improve the process while evaporating the oil, so as to speed up the process as soon as possible.

Make it more practical." Zhu Youjian was taking Song Yingxing to inspect the tar distillation equipment at the Tianjin Bureau of Meishan.

After Mr. Song came over, Zhu Youjian stayed in the Xishan camp for a few days before returning to the palace. As an emperor, it was not a problem to stay in Xishan all the time. However, for the sake of safety after returning, he still made major adjustments to his security.

.Selected fifty students from the General School Hall as personal bodyguards, and sent the original bodyguards to the General School Hall for further study.

Zhu Youjian was extremely cautious and asked Wang Chengen to replace everyone in the imperial dining room just in case.

"This oil is indeed good for burning lamps. If it can be refined in large quantities, it can save a lot of people's consumption of fat. It is a good thing that benefits the country and the people." Song Yingxing carefully observed the quality of the kerosene, and even looked at it specifically.

He looked at the effects of burning kerosene lamps. What he was most interested in was the cost of kerosene. If the cost was low, the economic value would be immeasurable. At present, the mainstream lighting oils used by everyone are vegetable oil and animal oil, and then candles.

This method is extremely costly. If these can be replaced with kerosene, it will have a significant effect on improving people's living standards.

"Actually, tar can evaporate a lot of things, but the current technology is crude and cannot be refined. In the future, we need to slowly improve and experiment slowly. The residual oil residue left after the oil is evaporated cannot be wasted. Mix it with some sand and gravel.

It also works great on paved roads!”

"You can use residual oil to pave roads, which is a good use. After I'm done, I'll ask people to try to use residual oil to pave roads. If this can be done, it will be of great benefit to our Ming Dynasty. With good roads, it will be much more convenient for both troop deployment and civilian use."

The stone and mud made by His Majesty is also the best weapon. With this tool, it is much easier and cheaper to build a castle. The old man thinks that the castle can be built directly with gravel and stone mud. It will definitely be extremely strong and it will also be very strong.

It saves money, materials and labor than glutinous rice juice."

"Sir, I know that if we have a few more people in Ming Dynasty who have your knowledge, China's revival will be just around the corner."

A good person is a good person. The more they talked, the more congenial they became. They felt that there was no barrier to communication, which was much more convenient than dealing with those civil servants and eunuchs.

"Your Majesty, I am going to go to Miyun to see the conditions of the factory there. Woolen cloth is also a good product. I have to see if I can improve the weaving method a little or two to make it more fine. Your Majesty wants to use copper and iron to improve it.

I have already had the idea of ​​making weaving equipment, but I was delayed because of lack of money."

Although Lao Songtou's family is a landowner and he still has a little money, his family's savings will definitely not be able to support the improvement and development of large-scale industrial machinery and equipment. Now Zhu Youjian has given him a top-level platform, resources, talents, and funds that he has always dreamed of.

Everything is enough, so he naturally has to seize the time to realize his dream. Considering Song Yingxing's previous situation, it is a miracle that he can write such a large masterpiece. This thing is not about staying at home and making up random things with a pen.

It can be achieved through creation.

Song Yingxing, who felt like a fish in water when he first arrived in the capital, felt that he had encountered the best opportunity. And he was not the only one near the capital who felt the same way.

Liu Youfa, a farmer from Liujiaying Village on the bank of the Chaohe River in Miyun County, and his family have also had this idea recently. The address of the Miyun factory area is not far from his home. When construction originally started in April, Liu Youfa felt that it had nothing to do with his home, so it should be

This is another project carried out by the government that wastes people and money. As long as we are not exploited by them, we will be happy.

But soon he felt that his idea was wrong. When building the factory, in addition to using the people recruited from the capital by the palace, he also recruited some temporary workers from the local area to do odd jobs. He built roads, built kilns, and built houses.

Mining stones and coal required a lot of handymen. Liu Youfa and the local villagers took this opportunity to work hard for several months.

He could take care of two meals a day and receive a salary of twenty or thirty cents. After three or four months, Liu Youfa found that in addition to solving the problem of hunger, his family had also saved nearly two taels of silver.

This money is of great use to ordinary farmers. With cash, when paying taxes, they will not sell grain at low prices due to lack of cash. The tax reform of Zhang Juzheng's year was originally intended to

What was meant to reduce tax costs ended up being a bad policy for businessmen and gentry to exploit farmers, because in rural areas where the commodity economy is underdeveloped, it is very difficult for farmers to obtain cash. During the annual grain harvest, profiteers seize the needs of farmers.

The opportunity to pay taxes in large amounts of cash will drive down prices and shear farmers' wool.

"Second son, after we collect the grain into the house tomorrow, we will go to work in the factory for a few days. Our family still has enough money to collect this year's taxes. If we can make money in the factory, we will

Work harder to earn enough money so that you don't have to sell grain to collect taxes!" Liu Youfa counted the copper coins for a long time and found that the tax money was still a little short. He discussed with his son to work for a few more days to collect enough tax money.


"Dad, aren't we going to take out food this year? The price of food this year is much better than last year."

"Don't sell it yet! We'll wait until winter comes. When the autumn grain is harvested, the price of grain is at its lowest, and it will definitely rise after a while. In the city, around the New Year, one stone of grain can be sold for several taels of silver. Now,

We can only sell a stone for a few cents, so it’s really not worth it. Besides, we were attacked by the Tatars at the beginning of this year, so we planted grain late, so our family doesn’t harvest much grain, so we still have to save some money.”

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"Dad, I heard that some Huangzhuang planted a lot of sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes this year. They said the harvest was pretty good. Should we plant some next year?"

"Why do you grow so many grains? You can't always eat them." Liu Youfa sneered at his son's opinion. What can be grown these days to grow grains? If you grow more grains, wouldn't it taste good if you put it in the barn?

"The grains in their imperial village can be exchanged for money. I heard someone said that the palace will harvest a large amount of grains this year. The farmers in the imperial village made a lot of money buying potatoes and sweet potatoes."

"How can this family have the palace to take care of it? How can it be comparable to a family like ours? Our family shares the land of Mr. Yushan. I thought he would collect money this year like in previous years, but I didn't expect that they are also ruthless and look at the grain.

If the harvest is not good, let us hand over grain to others. Alas! If the income had not been higher this year, our life would have been difficult." Liu Youfa is a semi-owner farmer. He has some land, but it is dry land, so he still has to

Landowners can barely make ends meet by irrigating their own land. Landowners must find ways to exploit tenants. They collect money when the money is low and collect grain when the food is low. These are their common methods.

"Dad, why don't we sell some grass to the head office?" Liu Youfa's son lost his temper with his father's attitude of not selling it or not. He is a young man and always wants to have some cash in his hand, so he can give it to his father.

It’s also convenient to fill the house with other things. Unlike his father, he doesn’t spend money if he can, and he just makes do with it. The pots at home have holes in them, and they are filled with batter when cooking every day, but the old man

Dad still wants everyone to make do with it.

"Selling grass? Can grass be exchanged for money?"

"The factory is collecting a lot of them, and the price is not low!"

The factory in Miyun collects a large amount of straw, firstly to burn the ashes of vegetation to wash wool, and secondly because straw ropes made from wheat straw and grain straw are used to package enamel products. The straw ropes are used as cushions to prevent the porcelain from being bumped during transportation.


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