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Chapter 146 Li Zicheng was defeated and fled again

According to the weather in later generations, it should not have snowed yet in the Shaanxi and Henan areas in the middle of September of the lunar calendar, but now at this time, snow is falling in Tongguan City.

Most of the peasant soldiers in thin clothing huddled under the city. If the conditions were good, they could make a bonfire, but if the conditions were poor, they could only rely on their bodies to resist.

Watching the snow getting heavier and heavier, Li Zicheng was wearing felt clothes and sitting around a bonfire, but he was very worried. The most taboo thing for the peasant army when fighting was winter. In previous years, they should go south at this time, but not this year. For

To fight back home, in order to conquer the world, they must fight against Tongguan.

"Do the brothers in the old camp have winter clothes to wear?" Li Zicheng asked Gu Junen, who was in charge of food and logistics, to see if he had prepared materials to keep out the cold for the brothers in the old camp.

"Don't worry, General, we won't be able to freeze our brothers from the old camp. I took good care of all the winter supplies we got in Xiangyang City last year. This year, I also kept a close eye on all the items we got from breaking through the city that can survive the winter. I didn't think about it at that time.

Go down, everything will come in handy this time! Many of the guys in the old camp can wear fur clothes. They are very warm. By the way, General, I still have a nice mink that I captured from Prince Fu's Mansion.

The clothes are all white and look very rare. My subordinates feel that if they are worn by the general, they will definitely be very powerful and can enhance the power of our army."

"It's better to feel comfortable wearing this felt coat. Let's give the fur coats to the soldiers fighting on the front line. Although the brothers in the old camp are not short of winter clothes, countless brothers in the rebel army still pass on single clothes and don't even have to wear felt clothes. The world is uncertain.

The army is still fighting hard under the ice and snow, how can I enjoy it?"

No one can succeed casually. Being able to endure hardship and not be greedy for enjoyment is Li Zicheng's usual style. In this regard, he does better than other rebel generals with mud-legged backgrounds. He wears a Fanyang hat all year round and a felt jacket in winter.

, Wearing casual commoners in summer was Li Zicheng's lifestyle. Most of the rebel generals who started their careers were extravagant and lustful. Like Luo Rucai, who was killed by Li Zicheng, there were never any shortage of beauties in the camp.

Zhang Xianzhong was notorious for his cruelty and lust, and he was even more famous in later generations.

Among all the rogue bandit leaders, Li Zicheng was considered one of the most self-controlled. However, for some unknown reason, both he and Zhang Xianzhong, the two leaders of the peasant army, died.

The snow continued to fall the next day. When Li Zicheng got up in the morning and inspected the military camp, he found that more than a thousand civilian soldiers had frozen to death around the camp in just one night.

"Hurry up and arrange meals. Today we will arrange meals for all the soldiers attacking the city. We must work harder to conquer Tongguan City as soon as possible." Li Zicheng looked at the frozen corpses of the rebels who were being carried out of the camp and thrown into mass graves.

He issued military orders without changing his expression.

Over the years since joining the army, he has seen countless lives and deaths. He has no sympathy or sadness for the militiamen who freeze to death. The only thing that worries him is that such bad weather will affect the combat effectiveness of the sergeants.

"The auspicious snow heralds a good year, this snow is good! The bandits outside the city have been arrogant for a long enough time. Zuo Xing, I'm afraid it will be five days before Niu Chenghu's troops go to Ruicheng in Jiezhou, right?" Standing in Tongguan

On the city tower, looking at the heavy snow in the sky and the endless rebel troops outside the city, Sun Chuanting asked his subordinates with the same expression as usual.

"Dutai, it has indeed been five days."

"Five days! That's enough time! He should have crossed the Yellow River and started to send troops to Lingbao County. Zuo Ming, I order you, Zheng Jiadong, and Xiao Shending to lead the train battalion out of Guancheng and directly attack the Liuqi army. I also order Gao Jie to lead the headquarters.

Soldiers and horses formed behind them to harvest the defeated bandits. Remember, drive straight in and pursue along the official road. Don't stop under any circumstances."

"In this humble position, I respectfully respect the command of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief Jun!"

Shortly after Sun Chuanting issued the military order, the military drums on Tongguan City suddenly started to beat loudly, and then the city gate opened wide. Immediately afterwards, wagons loaded with mules and horses rushed straight out of the pass.

This carriage is not just any wooden carriage. The body and the mules and horses pulling it are equipped with iron armor. There are also artillery and various firearms on the carriage. It is a so-called train specially developed by Sun Chuanting to solve the problem of lack of mobility and firepower.

If Zhu Youjian were in Tongguan City at this time and saw such equipment, he would definitely exclaim that it is awesome! Isn't this the concept of armored vehicles? A good person is a good person, and he can always create things that ordinary people can't think of.

The officers and soldiers suddenly came out of the city, and they used new tactics that they had never seen before. The rebels outside the city soon couldn't withstand it and began to collapse.

"Pass the military order, let Liu Zongmin lead the brothers from the old camp to resist the officers' dogs that rush out. Let Li Guo lead the men to suppress the formation quickly, and don't let the team be in chaos." Li Zicheng saw that the team was collapsing, and quickly adjusted the formation to stop the collapse.


However, Li Zicheng's arrangement did not work. Liu Zongmin's troops who went to stop the enemy were also disrupted after a while and had to retreat.

As soon as Liu Zongmin's old camp withdrew, the rebel army was completely in chaos. Countless rebels turned their heads and ran eastward.

The situation was over. When Li Zicheng saw this, he did not hesitate, quickly mounted his horse and fled eastward under the protection of his own troops.

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There is an important reason why rogue bandits in northern Shaanxi and other places became popular in the late Ming Dynasty. People from this place had some riding skills. Unlike farmers in other inland areas, some of them had never even seen a horse.

Because of their riding skills, they had the advantage of mobility and were able to escape all the sieges. Before time travel, Wang Siming once read this sentence in a huge book on the Internet, "All the powerful armies in the world will run away."

Fast. This word is suitable for Li Zicheng and his men. Let’s not talk about whether they can fight or not, but when it comes to running fast, they are no worse than any strong army.

Fleeing all the way, a few hours later, Li Zicheng and his old battalion team fled to the vicinity of Lingbao County. At this time, the pursuing army behind him had been far away, and Li Zicheng was about to take up his position and collect the defeated troops. Suddenly, a rapid sound sounded in front of him.

Horse hoof body!

I saw a general wearing the uniform of a Ming Dynasty general, leading thousands of cavalry, rushing towards the rebel army.

"Intruder! Your Grandpa Niu has been waiting for you for a long time. Today, I just ended the life of you, a traitor, and achieved a full victory." The general came roaring towards this direction while uttering arrogant words with great momentum.

It’s broken! The old thief Sun Chuanting was tricked! This old thief actually arranged an ambush in advance and was waiting to stop him halfway.

Now that there is a blocker in front and a pursuer in the back, the situation is not good. Li Zicheng is not a free man, so he knows that he cannot hesitate at this time. He directly drew out his sword, raised it forward, and said to the people around him: "Brothers, today

We can only fight to the death, and the big guys will follow and fight their way out."

After saying that, he charged towards the oncoming Niu Chenghu. In an instant, the two armies rushed together and fell into a chaotic battle.

After charging for a while, Li Zicheng saw that there was an empty road in front of him, and without greeting anyone else, he rushed straight out of the formation and fled.

After running wildly for a while, Li Zicheng had time to turn around. When he turned around, his heart dropped a lot. The brothers from the old camp around him were in disarray, and only a few hundred people were still following him. At this time, there were 300,000 troops around him.

With only a few hundred personal guards left, this battle is extremely bleak!

This chapter has been completed!
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