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Chapter 149 Editor-in-Chief Ruan: Articles must be to the point!

Wuchang was not so much recovered as it was abandoned by Zhang Xianzhong. However, Zhu Youjian felt that Huang Taiji's death should be a good thing for him now.

According to the historical knowledge in my memory, the political situation in the Qing Dynasty after Huang Taiji's death will not be harmonious. Huang Taiji's eldest sons, Hauge and Dorgon, will engage in a power struggle.

In the end, Dorgon controlled the highest authority of the Qing Dynasty by supporting the young emperor Fulin and became the regent of his uncle. Compared with Huang Taiji, who was good at long-term planning and acted relatively steadily, Dorgon was much more radical. In the long run, Dorgon was much more radical.

, dealing with this kind of lunatic is more troublesome. But for Zhu Youjian, who needs time the most, as long as they still spend time rectifying the internal situation, it is good news.

By the end of this year, the New Army will have two divisions, and by the middle of next year, it will be best to have four divisions. With a New Army that has four divisions, it doesn’t matter whether it is Leng Touqing or Lao Mouzi.

.The total strength of the fourth division of the new army can reach 60,000. The 60,000 new army is enough to fight the Qing hard steel.

After the situation stabilized, Zhu Youjian felt that it was time to prepare for some big moves. It has been more than a year since time travel, and the basic stock is almost accumulated. Anyway, as long as he makes big moves, he will conflict with the die-hards. This is inconsistent with

It doesn't matter sooner or later, this will happen sooner or later.

"Come here, go to the attendant's room and ask why Ruan Dacheng hasn't come to the capital yet? As soon as he comes to the capital, he will be summoned to the palace immediately so that he can come to see me." Ask the little eunuch next to him to go to the attendant's room to explain, and call the summoning of Ruan Dacheng a close call.

Looking forward to catching up on key issues.

Before making big moves, you must first set up a publicity platform for public opinion. Otherwise, the die-hards will take advantage of other people's public opinion to stir up trouble before things are clear, which will make things extremely passive.

At this time, Ruan Dacheng was entering the capital gate. Comrade Ruan looked at the familiar but unfamiliar south gate of the capital. He almost shed tears. It had been more than ten years since he received an imperial decree and returned to the capital. Although this time he received an imperial decree.

The imperial edict was not a serious imperial edict, but Lao Ruan still entered Beijing with great ambitions. As long as the emperor still had a figure like him in his heart, everything would still be possible.

In the past ten years, Ruan Dacheng has lived a very miserable life. To say who the Donglin Party hates the most now, it must be Ruan Dacheng. This old boy, after the fall of Wei Zhongxian, did something that the Donglin Party cannot forgive

He wrote a memorial directly saying that the Donglin Party and the Eunuch Party were the same thing, and they were both clinging to the power of the Eunuch Party and causing harm to the country.

Needless to say, his statement seems to be correct. But Chongzhen at that time did not have this insight. He still wanted to rely on the Donglin Party to govern the country! So from then on, Ruan Dacheng had no chance of recovery. As long as Donglin

The party still has the right to speak, and Ruan Dacheng cannot resurrect, because his memorial is directly copying the roots of the Donglin Party. If such a guy is allowed to stand on the stage again, the Donglin Party will never have peace again.

Ruan Dacheng was very unwilling to be denied his official career. Over the years, he thought of countless ways, but all in vain. He tried to start a new political group, but it did not take shape. He also asked the Donglin Party

He surrendered and wanted to be readmitted by them, but the Donglin Party did not give him a chance as a traitor. In the end, he even helped Zhou Yanru succeed in returning to the prime minister through the relationship with the restoration society. As a result, when the pork was divided in the end, Donglin

The party only has one thing. You, Ruan Dacheng, don’t even want to re-enter the officialdom. The sponsorship money will not be wasted on you. You can recommend someone to take the pork on your behalf. In this case, Ma Shiying was recommended by Ruan Dacheng to become the governor of Lufeng.


After all his efforts failed, Ruan Dacheng almost gave up on himself and prepared to completely stop getting involved in political affairs. Under such circumstances, God actually sent unexpected good news. In Nanjing City, he met the Jin Yiwei who came to summon him.

Later, Ruan Dacheng almost thought these people were liars.

After entering the capital, before he could settle down, the Jin Yiwei took him straight to the palace, saying that word from the attendants' room had told him that the emperor would immediately enter the palace to meet the emperor after he entered the capital!

"Jane is in the emperor's heart!" When Ruan Dacheng entered the palace, this was what he was thinking about. If Jane was not in the emperor's heart, how could the emperor summon him so eagerly? It seems that the emperor is disappointed with the mediocre people in the current court.

, so I can think of a person like me who is truly capable of governing the country. Can he join the cabinet if things go wrong this time?

After arriving at the palace and seeing the ceremony, Zhu Youjian looked at this legendary figure carefully. This guy looks quite similar, no wonder there are some sexy stories happening. "Come to think of it, I am summoning you this time.

You are here to entrust me with an important task that no one else can do. I wonder if you would be willing to help me?"

"Your Majesty, I should go to great lengths to repay the divine grace, and I will never live up to the grace of Long Live Jianjia."

"With Mr. Jizhi's attitude, I can safely entrust you with the important task. The task entrusted to you cannot be undertaken unless you are a great person, a person with extraordinary insights, and a promising person."

The innocent heart of the country and the people cannot be worried." The atmosphere was created first, and we had to find a way to whet this old guy's appetite first.

銆愯よ瑑鍗丸镄勮佷ggong鍙嬬粰鴴戞帹 drilling愮殑杩玩综合app锛屽挭鍜阒呰合洒鐪熺壣涔韚ソ鐢锛屽狠汨汨洽銇engraved


What position does the emperor want to give me? According to his description, only the chief minister of the cabinet can meet this condition. But the chief minister of the cabinet is not qualified to serve now? Could it be that His Majesty will insist on forcing himself into the cabinet to replace Zhou Yanru

Being the chief assistant? Is this possible?

Just when Zhou Yanru was being deceived, Zhu Youjian said: "I am going to ask Mr. Ji Zhi to come forward and form a Xinmin newspaper and a Xinmin theater troupe. Mr. Ji will serve as the editor-in-chief of the newspaper and the director of the theater troupe to serve me and the Ming Dynasty."

Some serious business."

Xinmin Newspaper and Xinmin Theater Troupe? What is this? After hearing the emperor's words, Ruan Dacheng felt all kinds of emotions in his heart. After working on it for a long time, it was all over? Disappointment and confusion appeared on his face!

"Mr. Ji Zhi, you may not understand what the Xinmin Newspaper Club and the theater troupe leader do. Let me briefly explain to you first. This organization does not belong to the imperial court, nor the inner palace, nor even to me. I am just a newspaper club and theater troupe.

Sponsor! The specific matters will be handled by Mr. Wang. On the surface, it is not a yamen, neither official nor civil, neither internal nor external. But in fact, it is directly responsible to me. I want Mr. to take on the responsibility of the hidden minister of the world.


Can we make it clearer? Zhou Yanru almost jumped up and cursed after hearing this. He said a lot, which became more and more mysterious, but he still didn't understand what he was trying to do.

"As the name suggests, the newspaper is similar to the imperial newspaper, but this is a newspaper run in the name of Mr.. It specializes in publishing important news on current affairs, commenting on the gains and losses of current affairs, and publishing poems and essays by talented people in the world, as well as major events happening among the people!

After its establishment, it will be published every five days, with a tentative plan to print 5,000 copies of each issue. As editor-in-chief, Mr. will be responsible for the selection and compilation of all content of the newspaper. At the same time, the newspaper will also set aside space to publish the editor-in-chief's pertinent comments on major national affairs.

"Remember, the editor's review article must be based on pertinence. Sir, do you know what pertinence is?"

This chapter has been completed!
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