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Chapter 183 Three Thousand Supervisors Enter Beizhi

"Your Majesty, the government is tax-exempt for the livelihood of the people. It is to sympathize with the officials, use the land to support the people, and to collect taxes for the people. However, the government has been disrupted by the government. As a result, the officials, gentry and nobles have lost the foundation of their livelihood.

I'm afraid the country will be in chaos first, so I ask your Majesty to take back your order." Zhou Yanru, as the head of a hundred officials, naturally had to be the first to stand up and object. The taxation of the people and the people involved the vital interests of a huge class, so he would not stand up to oppose it.


"There can be no chaos! The world is already in chaos, why am I still afraid of chaos caused by some evil gentry and evil officials? For the sake of the people of the world, the livelihood of the people, the honorable nobles, and the clans, it is imperative to unify the tax, and I have made up my mind. Of course, I also

We should not be too harsh on scholars, clan members, nobles, especially officials and generals who have contributed to the country. After the unified tax system is implemented, the country still needs to introduce corresponding policies to benefit these people."

Having said this, Zhu Youjian paused intentionally. He wanted to see the reactions of the officials below.

Including Zhou Yanru, many officials looked confused and hopeful. They were indeed a little curious about what this preferential treatment was? Could there be a more attractive policy than tax exemption?

"First build a normal university in the capital, and all talented and talented people will be exempted from taking the entrance exam. At the same time, 2,000 children who have been educated in the North Zhili area will be admitted every year. Scholars will study for one year, and children will study for two years. After completing their studies,

They were assigned to teachers in various prefectures and counties."

"The prefectures and counties of Beizhizhi will establish Kaimeng County schools within three years, called primary schools and middle schools. The primary schools are tentatively equipped with 200 teachers, and the middle schools are tentatively equipped with 100 teachers. The teachers assigned to the county schools have the privilege of being a ninth-grade official.

Remuneration. After serving for five years, you can join the official position with the same remuneration as a Imperial College Supervisor!"

"Taiyuan College will also be restructured and divided into two colleges: science and engineering. Each year, the two colleges will recruit 2,000 students who have obtained the title of scholar and graduated from the county. They will be official after two years of study. The engineering college will start from the eighth grade.

, the eighth rank of the Faculty of Science will start as an official. Those who have obtained the title of Juren are exempted from the examination. They can take the graduation examination after one year of study, and others can take the graduation examination after two years. In addition, each of the two colleges of Taixue recruits 500 self-financed civilian supervisor Junxiu every year. "

"For the royal family members and nobles, the Ming Dynasty Royal Academy will be opened. Every year, two thousand children will be admitted to the school. They will teach all kinds of professions. After three years of study, they will take the graduation exam. The palace will find ways to solve the job gap, and the treatment will be based on the eighth grade."

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"In Taiyuan University, graduates of the Royal Academy and Normal University who have served for five years are equally regarded as supervisors. After that, supervisors and candidates will first enter the official position and then take the imperial examination. Jinshi will be selected from among the officials. If the candidates are promoted to officials, they can complete their studies after one year as supervisors.


"The above are benefits for students. In the future, except for civilians who are in prison, all official education will be free. Private elementary schools can also be run. The government will provide subsidies to private operators based on the number of students admitted to the county high school each year. The specific subsidies are

The amount will be discussed later. The benefits for officials are that after reaching the ninth rank and becoming official, they can enjoy the salary of the previous position. I call it retirement salary. You work hard for the country, and the country takes care of you until you are old.

The salary will be suspended three years after his death. Officials who died before taking office will be issued a retirement salary of six years by the court. Those who have corrupted the law and are dismissed from their official posts are not included in this list."

Zhu Youjian talked dryly for a long time before he finished talking about the general preferential treatment policy after the restructuring. Generally speaking, there are two aspects. One is that the imperial court has established official schools and opened up official paths to lower personal standards.

Education expenditures lower the threshold for officials to enter the system. The other is to pay retirement salaries to officials so that they can still have income when they are no longer officials. At least they will not be too short of money while they are alive.

The purpose of opening up the official system is to reduce the resistance to restructuring. Reform is inevitable, but it cannot be done recklessly. It is still necessary to win over a large part of the community of interests. There are many beneficiaries of the imperial examination, but even among the scholar group, they are only a small minority.

That's all.

For scholars, only a small number can receive money directly, and most of them still cannot get rid of their jobs. Juren can indeed get out of their jobs, but it is not easy for them to enter the officialdom, even as a minor official of the seventh or eighth grade. Zhu Youjian

The policy is to let talented people out of work and break down the barriers to recruiting people into official positions, so that some people can become vested interests and form an interest alliance in a short period of time.

"Your Majesty, even if this is a unified tax for all people, the extra taxes won't be able to pay for the sudden increase in official salaries!" Cabinet Minister Wu Di first reacted and told the essence of the problem.

"What Scholar Wu said is absolutely true. However, if you don't do this, you can't prevent traitors! The problem of the country is not that the treasury is empty, or that there are too many tax-free fields. It is that there are traitors who have taken advantage of the loopholes in the imperial court's national policy, and the imperial court is exempt from punishment.

One acre of grain can hide ten acres of grain. Under the harm of these traitors, the fields for paying taxes are getting smaller and smaller, the people have no intention of farming, and those who pay the grain honestly are getting more and more disadvantaged! In this case, then

It is inevitable. This loophole has been plugged. As for the possibility of being unable to make ends meet, scholars should not worry. The former Song Dynasty could support 200,000 bureaucrats and nearly a million soldiers. How could the Ming Dynasty not be able to support the same land? Taizu Dinglueben

In order to raise taxes to support the people, but now the people are hungry and in chaos, bandits are everywhere, and the benefits of the Ming Dynasty have been stolen by too many traitors, I can't let the common people shoulder the burden anymore."

"Your Majesty, I have a question. After the candidates and supervisors become officials, I am afraid that they will not be good enough in the Jinshi examination." Seeing that the emperor was still patiently explaining the policy, Wu Di asked the question in his heart. He was still somewhat inclined to this restructuring.

, Ming Dynasty’s problems are clearly seen by sensible people.

"The purpose of the scientific examination is to select talented people to enter the court and govern the world. Why not select talented people from among the officials who govern the world? In the future, all candidates, supervisors, and Jinshi will be able to enter the court and become important ministers. Those who become officials will be promoted once every three years.

Performance appraisal is divided into four grades: good or bad. Those who are rated as good are promoted, those who are rated as good are promoted, those who are rated as fair are demoted, and those who are rated as bad are demoted. The difference between Jinshi and other officials is that Jinshi, regardless of their position, are determined by the Ministry of Civil Affairs

For other officials who are below the fifth rank, they will be evaluated by the provinces, and for those who are above the fifth rank, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will make the evaluation. From Jinshi to seventh rank, the actual salary will remain unchanged."

The Jinshi system cannot be adopted, otherwise the central government will lose control over the local area, and it will be difficult to promote young officials to rapid promotions. The court cannot all be filled with old people in their fifties and sixties. Jinshi is the reserve of future important ministers, and this channel must be preserved.

The court meeting has finally ended, and the officials participating in the meeting still have to digest the specific content of this restructuring before they can respond accurately.

Since Shi Kefa was labeled as the spokesperson for the interests of profiteers during the court meeting, if they raised objections in court, wouldn't they be labeled as the spokesperson for the interests of the evil gentry? Anyway, if such a big thing is to be implemented, there are still many procedures to go through. Even if

If it is implemented, it will be piloted in Beizhili first. Even if there is opposition, there will still be opportunities.

After the meeting, Zhou Yanru and others wanted to hold a small meeting after the emperor, but Zhu Youjian refused, and asked them to digest it and discuss it in detail tomorrow. Then they hurried to the Supervisory School of Meishan.

More than 3,000 supervising students are the key to the successful completion of this restructuring.

More than 3,000 supervisors were selected to form a working group that went deep into all prefectures and counties in Zhili to carry out a thorough cleaning, thorough investigation, and rectification of Zhili. At the same time, the policies were widely popularized and publicized, so that the restructuring could be truly implemented.

This chapter has been completed!
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