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Chapter 13 The world is so big, but a capital city!

After listening to the speech of the emperor on the dragon throne, the ministers were silent for a while and then began to express their objections.

However, unlike what was expected, there were not as many people who opposed it as expected. First of all, the officials who were supposed to be the most aggressive came out, but a few representatives came out and talked a lot of nonsense, and then they fell silent. Then the six-part

Only some of the ministers came out to express their opposition. When it came to the level of ministers in the cabinet of the Six Ministers, they were quite active and basically opposed it. In particular, the two imperial censors and Li Zunxian, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, were the most fiercely opposed.

Li Zunxian is a veteran minister, and he is almost merciless when trolling people. Moreover, he is also the minister who has stayed in the position of Shangshu for the longest time among the current ministers. Of course, he is qualified to troll people.

The Ministry of Industry was originally responsible for the construction and maintenance of palaces, and Li Zunxian's objection was not without purpose. The Nanjing Imperial Palace has been unused for a long time and has become dilapidated. How can so many people live there now? If they want to live in it, they must be repaired. Where will the money for repairs come from?

Come on? The Ministry of Industry has no money in its treasury! So we can’t do such a wasteful thing.

"Young Master said that there is no money in the Ministry of Industry's treasury, which is true, but we can't let the Nanjing palace continue to decline, right? This is the ancestral family property, and it has been ruined in my hands. How can I explain it to the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty?

?Well, the taxes from Southern Zhili will no longer be transported to the north in the next few years. They will be used directly for the maintenance of the palace in Nanjing. Two or three years will be enough! Since the young master is worried about the maintenance of the palace in the south, then this

The second young master will serve as an assistant minister accompanying the prince when he goes south, and he will go south with the prince."

It's hard for Zhu Youjian to judge Li Zunxian's abilities, but he has been serving as minister of the Ministry of Industry for a long time and is old, which means that he at least knows how to be an official and work, so let him accompany him.

The prince should be more careful when he goes south, at least he won't behave like a young man who behaves mischievously as soon as he goes south!

"Since we are talking about the auxiliary ministers who accompany the prince to the south, this is my plan. I will imitate the Wenyuange cabinet and set up a supervisory council for the prince's government office. Before the prince comes of age, he will be in charge of the affairs of Nanjing. Supervisory Council

The Political Yuan is under the management of the cabinet in the capital. The first and second assistants of the cabinet also supervise the prime minister and deputy prime minister of the Council of State. Since the cabinet is in the north and the Council of State is in the south, there is a prime minister for daily general affairs to take charge of the daily affairs of the Council of State.

General affairs, this time Li Shaofu went south and became the general affairs prime minister of the Council of State, presiding over the daily affairs of the Council of State. In addition, since the Council of State was managed by the cabinet, Li Shaofu had to take the title of cabinet minister, except for Li Shaofu who was the cabinet minister.

In addition to the ministers' names going south to the Privy Council, the cabinet will arrange for another minister to go south to co-manage the Council. In addition to these two people, the cabinet will select three officials from the northern and southern capitals who can hold important positions to supplement the council.

We will jointly assist the prince to go south to supervise the country. By the way, the cabinet in Beijing will be a little short of people. You can discuss a replacement for the cabinet together."

Everyone was originally discussing whether this matter could be done, but after listening to a circle of trolls' suggestions, the emperor actually turned the topic to the personnel arrangements for the prince's move south, and even created a small cabinet. Don't mention it, this small cabinet

It also sounds like that. Three very valuable positions have been vacated. They serve the prince, but they are serving the future. This position can be competed for. In other words, in addition to the seats in the Council of Ministers,

In addition, isn't there a vacant seat in the cabinet? Hey, anyway, there is still a chance to grab pork today. So everyone unconsciously began to talk about these seats, but no one paid attention to the prince anymore.

Is it possible to go south to supervise the country?

Not everyone is so short-sighted. Zhou Yanru, the chief minister of the cabinet, was not tempted by these things. Although the setting of the Council was very concerned with the mood of the cabinet. Except for the day-to-day prime minister, who was appointed by the emperor, all other positions were

Let the cabinet organize discussions and arrangements. Moreover, the two heads of the cabinet naturally serve as the heads of the Council of Ministers, and there are two other positions that are also cabinet members. This means that if one day the cabinet goes to the south, it will be smooth.

He took over the power of the Council. But after all, it was a small cabinet in the south, which always made people unhappy.

"Your Majesty, the palace in Nanjing is dilapidated. It is indeed necessary to arrange for someone to take care of it, but we can't be so worried and let most of the family members in the palace go south, right? Dragons and phoenixes have always lived in the same nest. How can it be that your Majesty and the Queen are in two places for a long time?


Zhou Yanru changed his mind. Although there were many reasons to prevent the prince from going south, there were not many that could be said to his face. The Ming Dynasty had already had such a precedent, and if he strongly opposed it, he would offend the prince.

And a group of officials. Since this objection is from the perspective of the queen, you send the whole family to Nanjing, and you are the only one left in Bauhinia City? What is the truth? As long as the queen is prevented from going south, the prince will

At such a young age, even if he went to Nanjing, he would not be able to take care of the affairs of the inner palace. Didn't this indirectly prevent this matter?

"What the Grand Master said makes sense, let's do this! Let the Queen Mother and the Emperor's Wife accompany the Prince and several princes to go south first, and the Queen will stay in the capital to take care of the palace. After going south, the Emperor's Wife will temporarily take charge of the internal affairs of the South Palace until the Prince gets married.

We’ll make a decision later.”

You have Zhang Liang's plan and I have Guohe Ladder. Didn't you say that the emperor and the empress must live in the same nest? Why don't you just leave the empress here first? Isn't that okay? At this time, the Ming Dynasty not only had backup in the court, but also in the palace.

Backup. Zhu Youjian's brother Zhu Youxiao's queen Zhang Yan is also there, and she has been presiding over the harem work with Queen Zhou. There is nothing inappropriate in taking the prince south this time.

After chatting with the ministers for a long time in the Jianji Palace, the matter was almost settled. Chongzhen cleared his throat, asked the eunuch to announce his resignation, and then returned to the harem. The so-called court discussion was not required.

If you want to vote by a show of hands, you can also go through the motions like this. Today's court meeting is actually just calling everyone over to inform you.

Strictly speaking, how to arrange the prince and the harem is a family matter of the emperor, and the foreign ministers do not have much rights to participate. And this thing can be done without going through the foreign ministers. There are also a bunch of eunuchs in the southern palace.

Taking care of it, as long as the person is sent there safely, there will be no problem. The escort used to send the person is not an outsider, but a member of the emperor's direct armed forces, the Yongwei Battalion. Zhou Yuji is a real one of his own, and military expenses and other expenses are all paid in-house.

There is no need to worry about the outer court at all, and people can be moved with just one piece of paper.

After leaving the court, Zhu Youjian returned to the steps of the palace and looked at the scene in the palace with a desolate expression. The plan for the Ming Dynasty has now come to an end. Judging from the performance of the courtiers today, they are no longer monolithic.

, will unanimously constrain themselves. In this case, there is basically no big problem with the prince's move south. No matter how reluctant the cabinet is, they will eventually discuss the members of the Council of Ministers who will accompany the prince south and let them make the trip. If they don't do this,

If you do, the officials below will not be kind.

"My dear friend, it wasn't until today that I discovered that the world is only one capital city. The quality of the Ming Dynasty is not in its outer borders, but in this capital city in front of us. Tomorrow you will accompany me to Long Live Mountain. I want to see

Let’s see what the Ming Dynasty’s capital looks like.”

Wansui Mountain is Meishan, the place where he finally died in history. Where the terrain is high, you can see the whole city of Beijing. Chongzhen went there, firstly, he wanted to see what the current Beijing city looks like, and secondly, he wanted to see what the city of Beijing looks like now.

All the crooked neck trees have been cut down. To change the desperate situation, start by cutting down the trees!

This chapter has been completed!
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