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Chapter 188 Blood Lines Are Natural Moats

On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month of the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, early in the morning, an engineer regiment and the first division cavalry regiment of the Yongwei Camp New Army, led by Song Yingxing, pulled dozens of carts of iron wire and wooden stakes out of the headquarters and marched towards a group of people.

Drive between the camps of the Third Brigade of the Second Division and the Second Brigade of the Second Division.

An hour and a half had passed when they arrived at the predetermined position. At this time, the Qing army was attacking the Ming army camps. Although they paid attention to the troops and horses moving on the battlefield, they did not pay much attention to them.

Such Ming army transport teams often appeared on the battlefield. Since they usually carried a large number of grenades and bow guns, the Qing army could not do anything. Therefore, they could only try to block one or two, and would not concentrate heavy troops for containment and concentration.

It was idle to get up. Now the Qing army's idea is a war of attrition. They don't believe that the Ming army's firearms and ammunition can last forever. With the current fierce fighting situation, no matter how much the Ming army can make gunpowder and grenades, they will run out.


The Ming Army's transport team was also strange today. They did not drive directly into the camp, but stopped between the two camps, and then many people came down to drive wooden piles.

Could it be that they want to build another camp in the middle? This is a good thing! It shows that the Ming army is concentrating. In fact, under the current situation, it is a good thing that the Ming army is concentrated. In this way, even if the Qing army cannot deal with this Ming army, there will be more

With a large space, it will be more convenient to do other things.

The war has reached this point, and everyone in the Qing army realizes that it is unlikely to encircle and annihilate this Ming army. It is best to find other ways to gain benefits.

"Quick, split up and drive the stakes. Commander Lu, send a horse to draw a straight line of about ten miles with lime along the stakes that have been driven. As long as the person with free hands quickly drives a stake two feet along the line, hit the logs first.

Pile. I led people to pull the wire on the wooden pile. "Time is life, time is the opportunity. Song Yingxing felt that he had lived for sixty years, and today was the most nervous.

More than 800 people hurriedly set up barbed wire defense lines, while cavalry regiments galloped back and forth to protect them.

At first, the Qing soldiers surrounded some cavalry and harassed them. After being repulsed for a few waves, they stopped paying attention to the strange actions of these people.

If they had some experience and knew what these people were doing, they probably wouldn't be so calm. To deal with the exposed engineers, a wave of archers could solve the problem.

After standing on the carriage and wiping his sweat, Song Yingxing felt that his heartbeat was a little slower. Half of the barbed wire fence had been laid and the wooden piles were basically driven. According to this progress, it would not take long to finish the work.

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The most worrying thing at the moment is not to let the Qing army discover the combat intention here. If they discover it, all their efforts will be in vain.

"Mr. Song, how long will it take to finish laying it? I see that there are many detectives from the Qing army checking the wire lines we have laid. If they discover our purpose, I am afraid there will be problems."

"There are still one or two miles of ground that can be paved, Commander Lu will do it later."

"The fighter plane must not be missed, sir. I'd better send out a signal flare and let the troops on both wings begin to encircle. By the time they complete the encirclement, they will probably be able to lay out one or two miles!"

Song Yingxing was stunned for a moment, patted his forehead, and said quickly: "What Commander Lu said is absolutely true. Hurry up and send out flares to let the two wings encircle you. I almost missed something important."

After all, he was not a soldier and was not sensitive to war information. Song Yingxing only reacted after the cavalry commander reminded him.

A dense number of signal flares sounded on the battlefield. Since it was daytime and the visibility of the signal flares was low, the dense sound had to be used to alert friendly forces.

After seeing the signal flare go off, the two nearby Ming troops came out from the front of the position and pressed forward from both wings.

The Ming army suddenly pressed forward, which made the Qing army on the battlefield a little overwhelmed, and they all retreated to the center. They felt wrong retreating, and they also realized that the Ming army seemed to be deliberately compressing the battlefield space. The Qing army saw the opportunity earlier.

Quickly push out from both sides.

"Major General Tang, your troops are very crucial to whether we can surround the prisoners in the urn in this battle. We must not lose weight on the battlefield. If your troops fight bravely in this battle, you will have a future in the new army. If you leave without permission,

On the battlefield, I will never see you as Tang Tong's son and spare you lightly." Cao Ruohai, who personally led the cavalry to block the attack, warned Tang Hanfu in a serious tone, and then gave an order, and three thousand cavalry rushed to the battlefield.

The situation on the battlefield suddenly changed, and Azig, who was far away in the Qing army camp, also felt it, but he did not think that the Ming army could take advantage of this attack. The cavalry responsible for the guerrillas were mainly Mongolian cavalry. These people may not be able to fight hard, but

There should be no problem in evacuating the battlefield safely.

Azig knew how many cavalrymen there were in the Ming army. They could only be four thousand at most. The battlefield was twenty miles wide and it was impossible for them to surround them.

The Qing troops who retreated to both sides quickly discovered the seriousness of the problem. On one side, there were Ming cavalry blocking them. Although there were fewer Ming cavalry on one side, there was a barbed wire pulling them. The Qing cavalry rushing at the front even directly collided with them.

When they reached the barbed wire fence, the war horses were knocked down, and the cavalrymen on the horses fell off and were killed or injured.

When the cavalrymen behind saw this, they knew they couldn't rush through. Some dismounted and tried to think of a way, while others sat on their horses and circled the battlefield.

The Ming Army cavalry regiment and engineer regiment outside the barbed wire fence were not idle either, firing guns and throwing grenades inside the fence.

They couldn't get through here. After struggling for a while, the Qing cavalry finally figured out the problem and began to turn back and think of other ways out.

However, at this time, the battlefield space was further compressed, the infantry on both sides kept pressing forward, and the Ming cavalry in the other passage almost blocked the road. Many Qing troops even turned back from there.

That is to say, half an hour after the Ming army launched the attack, the original 20-mile wide front was compressed to only seven or eight miles in depth. Nearly 3,000 Qing troops were blocked inside. The Qing troops riding on horses felt like

The battlefield suddenly became narrower.

From which direction should we break out? There were thousands of Ming cavalry on one side, and there seemed to be fewer Ming troops on the other side. Out of instinct, the Qing generals who were trapped in the encirclement almost unanimously chose the direction where the Ming troops were relatively small, and they led people to rush towards the barbed wire defense line.


A seemingly fragile barbed wire fence became a nightmare for the Qing army. It was constantly slashed with swords and could not be crossed by horseback. It was also difficult to push back with people. What was terrible was that the Ming army outside kept throwing thunder into it.

The nearby barbed wire fence was dyed into a bloody line, but it was still as insurmountable as a natural chasm.

The battlefield was compressed to a depth of less than three miles. At this time, the Qing army had no hope of breaking out. It was surrounded by the Ming army on all sides. They could only get wings.

Azig did not realize the seriousness of the problem until this happened, and quickly mobilized his army to come for reinforcements. However, it was too late. The Mongolian cavalry who were trapped in the encirclement chose to dismount and surrender in despair. They were not Manchus and did not fight to the end.

of courage.

From the beginning to the end, this battle lasted less than two hours. The number of Qing troops in the battle was nearly 2,000. It can be said that they suffered heavy losses in this local battle.

This chapter has been completed!
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