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Chapter 198 Zhang Xianzhong's team ceiling is higher than Li Zicheng's!

They were both wandering thieves, but their situations were different. Unlike Li Zicheng who went wherever he wanted, Zhang Xianzhong, who was living in Qianjiang, Hubei Province, was a little down and out because he seemed to have nowhere to go.

Li Zicheng had the choice of going north, east, or south, but Comrade Lao Zhang was blocked wherever he went. He was followed by Zuo Liangyu, a dragster, and Ma Shiying led Huang Degong and others to the east to block him. Sun Chuanting and Sichuan Governor Chen Shiqi led him to the west.

We have people stationed in the Guangyuan area and are waiting. Going north is my old friend Li Zicheng, and he will definitely not be able to go.

The biggest difference between Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng at this time is that he has no city in his hands. Li Zicheng has several big cities in the Central Plains and northern Hubei, but Zhang Xianzhong only seizes them today and loses them tomorrow, which is not good at all.

Sometimes he even felt that he was doing good deeds for Zuo Liangyu. As soon as he took over the city, he turned around and attacked. Then the people in the city were unlucky, and they were robbed by Lao Zhang first.

, and then was robbed by a left thief. The cooperation between these old partners is quite tacit and experienced.

But now, Zhang Xianzhong is becoming more and more disgusted with this kind of cooperative relationship. He wants to find a place where he can get rid of his partners and calm down.

"Children, where do you think our men should go? Where is the best place in the world to recharge our batteries?" Zhang Xianzhong summoned his dog-headed military advisor and several adopted sons to the big tent to ask everyone to come up with ideas.

, looking for a place where he can cultivate and expand his strength. In the past two years, his strength with Li Zicheng has grown stronger and stronger. If this continues, he can only follow his former little brothers.

"Father, as a place for self-cultivation, military training and concentration, and to plan for the world, the first choice is Guanzhong, and the second choice is Sichuan and Shu. If you get these two places, you will have the foundation to plan for the world." Sun Kewang, the eldest brother among the adopted sons, was the first to speak. Sun Kewang

He is the leading general in Zhang Xianzhong's team, known as a wall, and he is also very resourceful. He can be regarded as the person Comrade Lao Zhang relies on and trusts the most.

"Guanzhong and Sichuan are now in the hands of old thief Sun. I'm afraid we men can't do anything about it." In fact, Lao Zhang had already tried sneaking into Sichuan, but was blocked back. He then entered Sichuan, or

When he went to Guanzhong, he felt even more unsure. Sun Chuanting was not Zuo Liangyu, he was really ruthless and had the ability to deal with him.

"Since these two places are temporarily unavailable, I think we will march to the southwest. If possible, we will occupy Changsha and Hunan. If the official forces are too tight, we will go straight to Guizhou, control Yunnan and Guizhou, gather troops and cultivate our strength, and wait for the strength to grow.

Then he plans to plot the world."

"Yungui? I'm afraid it's a little too far south." After hearing that his adopted son had carried him and others to the southwest, Zhang Xianzhong would have cursed him if he hadn't taken Sun Kewang's face into consideration.

We don’t have many good places to choose from, but we won’t have a bunch of northwest guys go to the southwest to start construction, right?

"Father, Yunnan-Guizhou is a little far away, but it is a good place that can serve as the basis for striving for world hegemony. As the old saying goes, to fight for the world, you should first plan from the four corners and then plan for the inner circle. Yunnan-Guizhou is one of the four corners. Where is the place?

The land is narrow and the people are poor, but it is easy to defend but difficult to attack. I heard that there are still indigenous people in rebellion, which is a good opportunity for us to take advantage of it. With Yunnan and Guizhou under control, whether it is to enter Sichuan or to plot in Guangdong and Guangxi, Hunan will be extremely convenient.

, at that time it was only us who beat others, and no one else beat us."

Where can I occupy such a big advantage? Zhang Xianzhong heard Sun Kewang say for a while that he had no intention of going there at first, but now he is a little tempted. "We should start from the four corners of the world to fight for the world? What do you mean by this?"

"Because if you plan for the four corners, you can advance and defend. The current camp looks very beautiful, but in fact, in the place of the four battles, it is a rootless tree. If you encounter a slight setback, it will be like an avalanche, and it is very likely that everything will be destroyed.

They all lost. Since ancient times, there have been few people who have tried to conquer the world from the Central Plains."

"My son's plan is indeed long-term! Think about it a little more as a father, and then make a decision." Zhang Xianzhong was quite brainwashed by the bright future described by Sun Kewang. According to his idea, it seems that going to Yunnan and Guizhou is really a good choice.

After sending the others away, Zhang Xianzhong calmly thought about the problem alone. It was really too far to go to Yunnan and Guizhou. If he hadn't taken this into consideration, he would have made a decision on the spot.

Faced with the long distance on one hand and the temptation to conquer the world on the other, Lao Zhang couldn't make a decision even in the middle of the night, so he had to call Sun Kewang to the tent and listen to his analysis of the situation.

"Boss, if we go to Yunnan and Guizhou, can it really happen?"

"Father, there is no guarantee whether the child will succeed or not, but at least he will not do anything bad. At the very least, my father is also a prince, and can split the land and seal the territory."

"It seems like we have to go to Yunnan and Guizhou for a while. But when we go to Yunnan and Guizhou, the old dog Zuo Liangyu won't follow us there, right?"

"No, Yunnan and Guizhou are very mountainous, and official dogs would not dare to enter easily. If they want to follow them in regardless of life and death, we have to entertain them well."

"Can we get a foothold when we get to Yunnan and Guizhou?"

"My father's idea is to go to Hunan first, deal with Zuo Liangyu and other officers and soldiers, and then send a team of troops to Guizhou to take control of it. In this way, we can return to Guizhou when we retreat, and we can control Hunan's rich land when we advance.

In this land, the army has no shortage of food and pay.”

"My son is indeed wise, my father has decided! From now on, we will allocate our camp to cross the river and go to the south to pursue a great cause. Let the north be left to the generals to torment them. When they are done with the tossing, we will start the northern expedition again.

Determine the world in one fell swoop!"

Zhang Xianzhong finally decided to follow Sun Kewang's suggestion, go to the southwest if you go there, first have a base, and then your strength can be steadily improved. Unlike now, there are eight thousand today, hundreds of thousands tomorrow, and maybe even a bare pole the day after tomorrow.

This can't continue like this. Lao Zhang has been wandering for most of his life, and now he really wants to find a home.


In history, Zhang Xianzhong entered Sichuan because he was stimulated by Li Zicheng. He wanted to find a stable base, save some capital, and then strive for world hegemony.

To be honest, among the forces in the late Ming Dynasty, Zhang Xianzhong’s team had the highest ceiling. I don’t know how he got so lucky that he had so many adopted sons. Li Dingguo was definitely the most powerful in this time and space in the late Ming Dynasty.

One of the generals who can fight. Sun Kewang is also very capable. His internal affairs ability should be among the top three among the figures in the late Ming Dynasty. The abilities of Liu Wenxiu and others are also pretty good.

If Zhang Xianzhong had a little bit of strategic vision and found a base to settle down for a period of time, he would actually be more powerful than Li Zicheng to aspire to the world. Li Zicheng's team is really bad. He wants famous generals but no famous generals, and he wants famous ministers but no famous ministers. The people under him

, there is no real leader. People like Niu Jinxing and Song Xiance can become the face of Li Zicheng, so you can imagine how bad his fundamentals are!

This chapter has been completed!
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