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Chapter 202 Li Zicheng proclaims emperor in Taiyuan

Taiyuan City is a large city in Jinzhong and the capital of Jin Dynasty. Li Zicheng never expected that he would conquer this famous city in three or four days. Judging from the situation, it seems that it is not that difficult to conquer a fortified city? Not everything in the world is

All cities were as difficult to fight as Kaifeng. After fighting for so many years, only one city in Kaifeng had caused him countless hardships.

After occupying Taiyuan City, Li Zicheng suddenly became angry. For some reason, he suddenly had the urge to go further.

"It is said that two military advisors from Song Niu have arrived at the palace. I have something to ask them."

Song Xiance and Niu Jinxing are Li Zicheng's military advisors, but these two so-called military advisors are very important. Strictly speaking, they are just Li Zicheng's administrative secretaries, responsible for some paperwork. They have no status in the strategic decision-making level of the entire camp.


"Two military advisors, I have heard that there is dragon energy in Taiyuan City. I wonder if this is true?"

Dragon Qi? Song Xiance and Niu Jinxing looked at each other after listening to Li Zicheng's question, and the two of them tacitly communicated. It was obvious that Li Zicheng had made further plans. Since the establishment of Xiangyang, there have been many people in the camp.

People urged Li Zicheng to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor more than once.

The results were all rejected by Li Zicheng, mainly because he was not satisfied with the cities he currently controlled and felt that becoming emperor would affect his destiny. His most ideal base for ascending to the throne was Chang'an City, where he believed he could aspire to dominate the world if he ascended the throne.

However, from the second half of last year to this year, he failed twice in Tongguan, and Li Zicheng's wish to proclaim himself emperor in Chang'an City came to nothing. At the same time, he also had doubts about whether Chang'an City was the blessed place he was destined for. This time, he successfully entered Taiyuan City.

He was suddenly moved, mainly because Taiyuan City was known as Dragon City, and Li Zicheng felt vaguely that this place seemed to be a more suitable place to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor than Chang'an.

"General, Taiyuan is also known as Dragon City. Since ancient times, it has had the aura of kings and dominators. Countless emperors came from here. Li Yuan of the Tang Dynasty raised his troops from Taiyuan and became the king of the world."

"I am ready to proclaim myself emperor and establish a country in Taiyuan. What do the two military advisors think?"

"Your Majesty is wise. I am your Majesty and congratulate our rebel army." Niu Jinxing and Song Xiance were both smart. As soon as Li Zicheng revealed something, they changed their words and knelt on the ground to congratulate Li Zicheng.

Seeing that these two people were so successful, Li Zicheng was very satisfied. He quickly asked them to get up and went to discuss the matter of proclaiming himself emperor and establishing a country.

If the boss of the family wants to make progress, the people below him are even more excited than the boss. If the boss becomes emperor and establishes a country, won’t they officially become princes and generals?

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The fiery generals who broke into the camp did this very quickly, and the important matter was decided in a military meeting. The country was named Dashun, and its capital was Taiyuan. They finalized the date of the emperor's accession to the throne that day, and even the old brothers' rewards were decided.

It's settled.

On March 25, the 17th year of Chongzhen, Li Zicheng officially proclaimed himself emperor and established the Dashun Kingdom in Taiyuan, awarded various generals, and held a grand enthronement ceremony.

Li Zicheng, who proclaimed himself emperor, did not lose himself in the joy of becoming emperor. He held a court meeting that day and night to convene the generals to discuss the next development direction of the Dashun regime.

"Everyone, our brothers have been fighting all over the world for many years, and now we have established our capital in Taiyuan City! However, the big thing has not yet been decided. Next, where we are going to fight, let's discuss and make a charter." Li Zicheng said straight to the point.

People discuss a strategic direction. As an entrepreneur, he has always been a person who is not easily satisfied, and he has no pretentiousness about getting rich and settling down.

"Your Majesty, let's fight all the way north until we reach the capital and seize the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. We are the only ones who are safe in this world."

"When we reach Beijing City, let's go to the Jinluan Palace in Beijing City and have fun."

Everyone was talking at once, and soon started clamoring to continue the Northern Expedition to fight in Beijing. Li Zicheng listened to the opinions of his old friends, and his heart jumped up. Taiyuan City is so easy to fight, is Beijing City also easy to fight?

Originally, his plan was to capture Shaanxi first, and then go north to the capital to officially start the battle for the world. Now he feels that his plan is a bit conservative? In fact, it seems that it is a good choice to invade Beijing and then pacify other places.

As long as the Great Tomorrow is brought down, it will become less difficult to defeat other forces.

"I have decided that the army will set off northward in three days. We will attack Ningwuguan first, and then divide our troops into two groups to attack Huanglong."

"My Emperor is wise, this Northern Expedition to Dashun will be an immediate success and we will rule the world." In the cheers of the generals and officials below, the newly born Dashun regime determined its strategic direction.

Three days later, outside Taiyuan City, Li Zicheng offered sacrifices to heaven, issued a proclamation to the Ming Dynasty, and led an army of 400,000 to Ningwuguan, officially launching the Northern Expedition.

It was already early April when Zhu Youjian, who was in the capital, received the Tangbao. Looking at the movements of Li Zicheng's army and the petition for enlightenment reported in the Tangbao, Zhu Youjian was a little hard to understand. At this time, Li Zicheng had no foundation for the Northern Expedition.

He barely managed to control two provinces, and there were powerful enemies like Sun Chuanting on his side. In this case, he still wants to fight north? Is he following Huang Chao's example? Even if he attacks Beijing,

There is a high probability that it is also a flash in the pan. Li Zicheng, who has been fighting for so many years, should be able to understand it.

The current situation is quite different from the real history. In real history, when Li Zicheng went on the Northern Expedition, he had already formed a trend that swept the world. If it were not for the unexpected factor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, his strategy of conquering the world would not have been as great in general.

No problem. But right now, he has to force it on without any conditions.

Facing Li Zicheng, who wanted to attack him head-on, Zhu Youjian did not want to change his strategic plan. The 80,000 troops prepared to deal with Li Zicheng were still gathering, so there was no need to compete with a guy who wanted to act recklessly.

Even if Ningwuguan and the Datong line were lost, it would not have much impact on the overall situation. Although these gates were strong gates, they were of little significance in Li Zicheng's hands. Compared with these strong gates, Taiyuan City actually played a vital role in expanding Li Zicheng's strength.

The help is greater. There are not many people nearby a military fortress like Ningwuguan, so the number of people he can coerce is limited. Taiyuan City has given up, so why bother with these places? The further north he advances, the wider the battle line will be.

The longer it is, the more advantageous it is to give him a one-hit kill.

"The decree is passed that the First Division of the New Army enters Xuanhua first, preparing to enter Shanxi to suppress the bandits. The decree is passed that the governor of Shanxi, Chen Qiyu, and the general of Taiyuan, Li Guofu, if the battle at Ningwuguan is unfavorable, they can lead their troops and horses to retreat to the northwest. They must not give up.

The intruders fled back to the Yansui front line. An order was sent to Jiang Xiang, the commander-in-chief of Datong, to fight to the death and defend Datong Town, waiting for the imperial court to send troops from the Jin Dynasty."

Ningwuguan may not be able to be defended, but Datong is a serious border defense town. Facing Li Zicheng's army without heavy artillery, Jiang Xiang should not have a problem holding it for more than ten days. As long as he holds on for more than ten days, the army in Xuanhua area can complete it.

Assemble and the time is ripe for a decisive battle.

In the current situation, Zhu Youjian felt that he could only be the commander-in-chief of the battle. None of his subordinates could be responsible for such a large battle situation, and they could not afford this responsibility. Besides, there was really no one available. Originally, if the Minister of War had given him

With a little effort, he could still take on a share of this matter, but Chen Xinjia's ability was really too low. After two years of dealing with him, Zhu Youjian became more and more disappointed with his ability.

This chapter has been completed!
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