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Chapter 17 Starting from Coal Mountain

The emperor and the officials were in a very tense situation this time, and it felt like both sides wanted to fight each other on the spot.

However, when they walked out of the palace gate, the ministers were particularly excited. Through compromise and coercion, they completely gained the right to initiate the court meeting. From then on, the only power the emperor had on major national affairs was the veto power.

Moreover, the emperor also stated verbally that he was not very good at exercising the power of veto. Wenyuan Pavilion needed to open an office, and the eunuch who held the seal would be working here for a long time. Matters approved by the cabinet could be directly addressed to him for sealing, unless they decided

If something cannot be resolved, come to the Holy Judgment. The ministers in the cabinet feel that there is nothing they cannot resolve? In the future, it is better to avoid trouble with this traitorous leader.

Of all the departments in the capital, the ones that suffered the most after this negotiation were the Ministry of War and the Sixth Section. The Ministry of War was already de facto independent of the cabinet, and now they have to return to the control of the cabinet. Nominally, the Sixth Section has no

No matter what the loss, the power of the cabinet has actually been strengthened. If they find trouble, they will feel like they have no one to support them. There is also a departmental inspectorate, which has some influence this time.

But after all, they are a small force, and their arms cannot twist their thighs. Strengthening the power of the cabinet strengthens the power of all civil servants. This is a big interest. Compared with this, the small interests of their own department are a bit out of the question.

They have to make concessions for the greater good.

Of course, this step is not easy to give in. For example, this time the Ministry of War allocated 500,000 yuan from the 1.5 million yuan fund. This is a compromise that the cabinet must make. The Sixth Section and the Inspectorate cannot get the money, but they can divide it.

When it comes to political interests, the new ministers to the cabinet will be appointed by people from the Supervisory Yuan. The members of the Consultative Yuan to be established in Nanjing will be recommended by the cabinet, the Metropolitan Supervisory Yuan, and each of the six departments.

Generally speaking, through this major negotiation, all the forces have basically gained something, and it can be said that everyone is happy. This is what a real court negotiation should be like! Looking at it now, it is not a bad thing that the emperor's temperament has changed drastically during this period.

Chongzhen in the palace has no time to calculate the gains and losses of this negotiation. His own life has reached the countdown stage. Who has the mood to argue with you guys about whether the share of pork is reasonable?

As soon as he finished talking to the officials, he quickly packed up his things and went to Meishan with a group of eunuchs. Since the end of his life might be here, he would start from here to change his destiny.

"Du Daban, three academic palaces are to be built here in Long Live Mountain. We must pay close attention to this matter. In less than a month, the first batch of students and generals will move in, so no matter what, you must stay here.

A batch of houses will be driven out in one month. The houses do not need to be built too well. Use the existing buildings on the mountain if they can be used without any consideration." While instructing Du Xun, another eunuch with Bingbi, to be responsible for the construction of Meishan School,

Chongzhen was thinking about what to do in the upcoming work.

"Your Majesty, how many rooms do we need to build in one month? We won't really build it on a scale of 3,000 people, right?" With the construction efficiency of this era, even if it is all roofed with yellow mud houses,

It was impossible to build a room for three thousand people. Du Xun was very worried about this task. The emperor said that he would monitor the progress of the project every day, but he was really not sure of completing the task.

"It is definitely impossible to build enough houses for 3,000 people in one month. Besides, it is impossible for the outer court to gather enough houses for so many people in such a short period of time. This project will be completed in the next one or two years.

However, within one month, you will find a way to build a house for four hundred people, and you will also find a way to get some tents and huts for temporary use. Before the freeze this year, you can build enough for eight people.

A room for 900 people will suffice. Don't worry too much about the long-term quality of the project. It will be completed in about one or two years. Of course, you can't be too busy. There can't be any problems within one or two years.

If the country loses its pillars because the room you built is not strong, you and your disciples will be executed."

How could a university be built in one go? When later generations Wang Siming went to school, he was still studying in his freshman year, and in his senior year. Even when he was a graduate student, the school was still under construction. It felt like he had never attended a completely built school in his previous life.

Passed school.

Now Du Xun is presiding over the construction of the Ming Dynasty version of the university to be built by Zhu Youjian. The first batch of students were the imperial tribute students sent from the school camp, the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Rites.

Jian Gongsheng, to put it bluntly, is a self-funded student who sells his or her academic qualifications. I don’t know why, but there was not one department in the Ming Dynasty that could sell the status of Jian Gongsheng. As the Ministry of Rites is in charge of education, selling academic qualifications is naturally its business counterpart.

It’s a bit confusing that the Ministry of Industry can actually sell academic qualifications. But this is fine, it just suits Zhu Youjian’s appetite at this time. You don’t have to think of a reason for the name. It’s just called Daming Guozi Supervisory Engineering College.

, the Ming Dynasty Imperial College (Science), one article and one engineering school is the most useful. In the future, the engineering college will be transformed into a serious engineering university, won't it be smooth?

Can Zhu Youjian make a name for himself by relying on this group of students who spent money to enter the university? Zhu Youjian thinks that there is no problem. Anyway, he doesn’t want to choose some experienced people, he just wants to find some people who can do specific things.

Just come out as ordinary bureaucrats. The requirements are not very high. They just need to be able to write and calculate, have a flexible mind, and be professional. Although these people came in through money and connections, they still have basic cultural knowledge. At least they are literate and understand arithmetic.

There is no problem at all if you study and become an official. Chinese people may not be able to do well if you ask them to do other things, but when it comes to becoming an official, even a fool can do it.

Supervising the Gongsheng students is reserved for the future, and the school hall is to solve the most critical issue at the moment. In the next one or two years, he must build a capable and reliable armed force that is completely under his control. In the past, it belonged to him.

The Yongwei Battalion was dragged down by the war and could not be drawn out. It was not enough, so we had to get another one.

To build an army, you must first build generals. Recruiting a group of young people from all over the country who are interested in military affairs is the most convenient and feasible solution. My predecessor had paid great attention to military affairs in the past, but the path he took was a bit crooked and he emphasized too much.

In terms of personal martial prowess, I don’t know what qualities Ming Dynasty’s officers lack the most. During the last martial arts examination, there was a joke that only two people were selected to be able to wield a hundred-jin sword. There must be something fishy in this.

So much so that when the martial arts examination was opened last year, not even a single person signed up. This is purely nonsense. The military examination is for warriors, and the military examination is for officers, right?

A strong general must start from the ranks of soldiers. This does not mean that a strong general must be a strong soldier, but that an officer must start from the grassroots level and take charge of soldiers. This requires a lot of actual combat to train and sharpen. You cannot make people become generals as soon as they come out.

Only those who have good working experience as a company and platoon leader will do well. The purpose of setting up a general camp is to train junior company and platoon leaders. With excellent and professional junior company and platoon leaders as the backbone, it will not be a big problem to build an army that can fight.

The current Zhu Youxiao has naturally never been a soldier and does not know how to build a military academy. However, he believes that with his ability as an amateur military fan in later generations, setting up a crash course military academy is not a big test. It only requires some snacks.

If the situation cannot be solved, it depends on whether the principal's job is successful this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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