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Chapter 231 Who Should Repay the National Debt Borrowed?

The situation over Shizhu is still unclear, but it is not a big problem for Qin Liangyu to send people to pick up his family members. With the combat power of Shizhu soldiers, they can move sideways to the capital. This time when he came to King Qin, Qin Liangyu passed through many enemies.

occupy the area and the territory controlled by Zuo Liangyu.

"Your Majesty, what regulations did Taipu Temple use to organize the construction team? And how to pay for the labor and expenses of building the railway?" Chen Xinjia focused his attention on money again.

"It is best for Taipu Temple to mix the Chuangying and Jingying into a construction team, and then organize them into four to five large construction bureaus. Under the construction bureau, they are further divided into small teams of various sizes. The smallest

There are about ten people in the team. Each construction bureau is financially independent and is responsible for its own profits and losses, directly under the supervision of Taipu Temple and the Ministry of War! As for funds, each construction bureau participates in the railway construction guidance organized by the cabinet. In terms of cost settlement, it is closely related to other participating guidance

At the same time, more than half of this railway construction project should be reserved for Taipu Temple! 10% of the net profit earned by the Taipu Temple construction team should be paid to the national tax, and the Ministry of War will discuss the rest among yourselves.

The remaining percent will be used for military expenses, and a few percent will be left to the construction bureau to strengthen its strength and maintain operations. The Supervision Department will supervise the project funds and construction quality throughout the entire process, and will deal with any violations of national laws."

According to the emperor, this matter seems interesting? Chen Xinjia calculated it in his mind for a long time and smiled. The construction bureau of Taipu Temple earns the same money as other private construction bureaus, but in terms of expenses, tens of thousands of people are temporarily

There is no need to pay a salary, and the cost of coming and going is much smaller than other contractors.

"Your Majesty, what should we do with these people after the railway is built?" For the time being, there is no problem making money, but in the long run there seems to be a problem? Chen Xinjia, who is good at calculation, asked his question again.

"In the future, there will be no need for labor in building cities and roads. There will be a lot of such work! Also, after the railway is repaired, people will have to be used to maintain it, and there will be a lot of people. At the same time, the construction bureau can participate in the construction of workshops in the factory area.

For those who are engaged in mining, there is plenty of work to do and money to be made!"

Is it possible to take on the job of mining? Anyway, the thieves and prisoners don't have to worry about life and death, they just need to work hard! And this kind of work can be continued forever, Chen Xinjia has given up on his mental arithmetic.

"Your Majesty, with so many projects to be carried out, how should the Ministry of Revenue and the Ministry of Works budget? Isn't this work likely to be completed in a year?" Fu Shuxun, Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, waited for a long time and finally got a chance to speak.

"Plan it as a whole and advance it year by year! The total expenditure for these projects this year is between four and six million silver dollars, and next year it will be calculated as six million silver dollars. The completion after next year will be budgeted based on the actual situation. These projects will take about three years.

The time is completed. When the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Works do survey, planning and budgeting, you can ask the Supervision Department Yamen to assist. The final results must be reviewed by the Supervision Department Yamen and reported to me for approval. The overall funds will eventually be allocated to your three Yamen.

, the three of you will give them as bonuses to the officials who participated in this project, which is regarded as their hard-earned money. Apart from this, you can’t extend your hands for project funds. If you extend your hands again, including the chief officials of the Yamen, it will be under the law of the country."

After Zhu Youjian's explanation, everyone who came to the meeting was happy. Spending money, and spending a lot of money, wouldn't make people happy? Even this amount of money is just more than everyone else's.

With your own hands, it does not rule out that there is oil and water above the water surface that can be fished out. If the supervision is strict, it does not mean that there is no benefit if the oil and water cannot be fished out. At least during this period, people in the various lines below will regard themselves as their masters to provide for them.


After basically talking about it, Zhou Yanru and others were ready to break up the meeting and go work on the detailed implementation details.

Looking at the courtiers who wanted to retreat, Zhu Youjian hurriedly said: "Grand Master, aren't you going to say something?"

What do you want to say? Zhou Yanru was confused when he was asked. "Your Majesty, what I want to say has been pretty much said by the others. It's just some trivial things that I haven't quite figured out yet. When I'm done, I'll go back and talk to the courtiers."

After a detailed discussion, I will come back to ask the Holy One."

"My Grand Master! Didn't you realize that there is still a big problem that has not been solved? The money for the project was all borrowed. Who will repay it when the time comes?"

When asked by the emperor, Zhou Yanru became excited. Yes, a large budget of over ten million taels of silver dollars has to be spent, but who will pay back the money has not yet been decided. Especially for this money, where is the interest to be paid back?

"Your Majesty, the imperial court cannot afford such a large foreign debt. I have no idea how much tax we can collect this year. Even if all the taxes collected are used to repay the debt, I probably won't be able to pay it back!"

The imperial court still has more than two million taels of foreign debt that has not yet been paid off."

"If you can borrow it, you must be able to repay it, otherwise Ming Dynasty will become a deadbeat! Since the Grand Master has no idea of ​​repaying the money, I will come up with an idea. I will ask the palace and the Royal Bank to find a way to repair the money for the railway.

The money in the capital is borrowed from the Royal Bank by the imperial court. The amount borrowed is repaid, and the interest is paid by me. When the imperial court is responsible for repairing official roads and water conservancy accounts, I bear half of the interest for the imperial court."

"Your Majesty, even if this is the case, the imperial court may not be able to afford it, right?"

"Why can't the imperial court bear everything and leave it to the palace? The palace now enjoys no national benefits, so it still provides money for the imperial court! Since ancient times, I'm afraid there haven't been many emperors like me, right?

In this way, the imperial court recognizes the accounts for official roads, water conservancy, and the renovation of the capital. After the expiration date, the imperial court has no money, so I will find a way to pay it back first. I will pay it back when the imperial court has money! However, the imperial court must pay the money to the court every year.

Isn't that the head office's responsibility to return the interest paid to the Royal Bank?"

"Logically speaking, Your Majesty is already considerate enough, but what I'm afraid of is that the court may not be able to pay back even the money." Zhou Yanru really didn't say this just because he didn't want to admit his debt, but because he really had it.

Worry in this regard. He used to be the chief assistant of the entire Ming Dynasty, but now he is the chief assistant of the Northern Zhili. He has no idea how much tax he can collect this year.

"Let's settle the account first! When the court is short of money, it can borrow money from the Royal Bank to fill the holes. The interest rate is the same as for repairing official roads and water conservancy. This method can also be used to solve the foreign debts that need to be repaid this year. I originally wanted to discuss it.

Regarding the matter of military expenditure, looking at the situation now, there is no way to discuss it. I will try to find a way to solve it first. It is ridiculous to say that the huge Ming Dynasty cannot solve the matter of military expenditure."

Before the courtiers left, they listened to the emperor's complaints. They now admired the emperor a little. No matter what method he used, he could solve the problem of lack of money, otherwise he would be the emperor. It's for his sake.

The Ming Dynasty couldn't change its emperor. How could another emperor take on such a huge foreign debt?

Looking at the important ministers walking out, Zhu Youjian couldn't help but want to laugh. What a bunch of ignorant people, still thinking about not shouldering this foreign debt, when you get up on the pole to beg for debt recognition. In this era of railways, it can

It’s not about losing money. When they realize the value of the railway, that’s when they cry and beg to bear the national debt.

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