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Chapter 247 The difference between temples and grasslands!

After chatting with the port manager of Hengyuan Trading Company for a while, Fan Yiwei left the exchange and went to the supply and marketing cooperative at the port.

Tianjin Port Supply and Marketing Cooperative has now expanded in scale, and the bulk cargo and individual customer areas are completely separated from the large customer area. Customers like Fan Yiwei must go to the large customer area.

When we arrived at the place, Manager Wen saw that he was an acquaintance and led him to the tea area, meaning that he could discuss business while drinking tea.

"Steward Wen, it's still the same as before. My ship only takes in kerosene this time and no other goods."

"Dong Fan, I'm afraid I won't be able to fill your boat with kerosene this time. You'd better buy some other goods."

"Steward, we have had so many interactions, why can't we get the goods this time?"

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. Fan. It's not that I can't get in the goods. It's that I really don't have much kerosene quota in my hand. I have no choice but to spread it out for you, but I really can't fill your boat."

"Steward, why is the kerosene in your hand suddenly missing?"

"It's not that I'm short. In fact, the kerosene quota in my hand is increasing month by month, but there are more and more sellers. The increased quota can't keep up with the trip. The people who come to ask for goods are like Fan Dongjia, and one wants a big ship.

, I simply can’t afford that much quota! In the kerosene business, I only do business for about ten days a month. There is still some quantity at the beginning of the month, but by the middle of the month, it is out of stock. They are all old acquaintances, who are they?

All business has to be done.”

"Oh! The kerosene business was going smoothly, but something like this happened."

"It's not just the output of the factory area, let alone the output. Now almost every household in Beizhili uses this kind of lighting. What's the demand? There is also a market in the north of Tianjin Port, and this thing is also sold in large quantities. The factory area

They are trying so hard to expand production but they still can't keep up. In order to compete for the share of kerosene, managers like us quarrel several times every time we have meetings, and everyone is afraid of getting less."

Once the market for bulk consumables is opened, the increase in demand is quite terrifying. Every household uses them, and they are also consumables. The most important thing is that they are much cheaper than traditional lighting raw materials, and their performance is good, so there is no reason not to explode.

Unless the current price of this thing is higher than the price of vegetable oil, the emperor specifically requires that all kerosene sold in Beizhili must be cheaper than vegetable oil.

The role of kerosene is to replace vegetable oil and leave precious vegetable oil resources to the people to supplement nutrition. In an era of lack of nutrition, using vegetable oil for lighting is really wasteful. In later generations, fats and oils were deeply hated by healthy people, but in this era of heavy manual labor

In this era of domination, freedom from fat is really not that easy to achieve.

"So, is there no other way?"

Manager Wen looked at the disappointed Fan Yiwei and lowered his voice and said, "To be honest this time, Mr. Fan's family has no other option. If Mr. Fan's family wants to continue doing the kerosene business, I can give you an idea."

"Manager, please tell me, Fan has no idea!"

"The idea is quite simple. Fan Dongjia is looking for a large warehouse outside Tianjin Port. During the winter, I will be stationed at Tianjin Port for a long time. I can sell most of the quota for the two months of winter to Fan Dongjia. I can even introduce colleagues to Fan Dongjia.

Selling goods. The only trouble with this is that it takes two months to store goods, and the cost will be slightly higher. But after two months, it is estimated that Fan Dong’s ship will be enough to transport goods south for a year.”

The salesman from the supply and marketing cooperative gave Fan Yiwei this idea because he also wanted to make money. The freeze period of the past two months has left the port with no business. He just waited to see his colleagues in other places selling goods and getting commissions.

I definitely feel bad about it. I encouraged Fan Yiwei to stock up on goods in winter to prepare for business after the opening of Hong Kong. What’s wrong with that?

"Manager Wen, do you still have quotas even if the port is closed?"

"Of course there is a quota, it's just that no one comes to sell the goods, so we have to go to work as usual."

"Okay! Great! Steward Wen's idea is very clever. In the evening, I will invite Steward Wen and the stewards who are familiar with you to have dinner at Yutai Restaurant outside the port, and we will discuss the winter business. This matter is a big deal.

It's too small for one person to do it. After I arrive in Songjiang this time, I still need to find some partners to do this. If we want to do it, let's go bigger." Fan Yiwei's businessman's sense and courage suddenly emerged. Kerosene is a thing

It is hard currency, it can be stored for a long time, and no one wants it. Now that supply and demand are unbalanced, stocking up is definitely profitable. Most people don't have the conditions to stock up, so this manager named Wen

I reminded myself, otherwise who would have thought that we could stock up on goods during the Hong Kong lockdown period?

In business, like life, you have to encounter opportunities and seize them. The changes that are taking place in Beizhili, Ming Dynasty, have given rise to countless opportunities, and these opportunities are coming to countless people who are prepared.

Young Li Yuting had just finished working in the shop of the supply and marketing cooperative. He got off work a little early today, and it was still dark. Carrying a chicken and a bottle of soy sauce he bought from the cooperative, he quickly walked towards the house rented by his family.


"Yuting is off work? He left in such a hurry and didn't even say hello to your brother Gouzi." Li Yuting, who was walking with his head down, was suddenly stopped by someone. When he looked up, he saw that it was Hong Gouzi.

"Brother Gouzi? I lowered my head and walked and didn't see you. Please forgive me. I don't know why Brother Gouzi is here today, but he has to do something important?"

"Brother, I came here specially to wait for you. Come, let's take a moment to talk." Hong Gouzi pulled Li Yuting to the street very warmly and started chatting.

The reason why Hong Gouzi was waiting for Li Yuting was that he really had something to discuss with Li Yuting. "Yuting, my brother's business is about to be closed. Today, Eunuch Cao officially informed me that after the New Year, the palace will officially stop collection.

The urine business. In other words, my brother's business will officially have no work to do. I can still survive without this job, but the nearly a hundred young people who have followed me to make a living have also lost their way of making money.

You are now working as an errand in a supply and marketing cooperative and have a lot of experience. I came here to ask you to help me think about how we brothers can make a living in the future."

Hong Gouzi is experiencing the first crisis since his debut. Since Song Yingxing has produced radium mercury and can produce it on a large scale, Zhu Youjian is ready to stop collecting urine and extracting phosphorus. This thing is a fire hazard.

The cost is too high. Once the urine collection work stops, Hong Gouzi and his friends will lose their jobs.

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"Brother Gouzi, I really don't have any ideas for a while. So, let me think about it and see if I can come up with any good ideas."

"Brother, I'm just waiting for your letter. For the sake of the brothers' livelihood, Yuting, you have to help me sincerely."

After the two talked for a while, Hong Gouzi said goodbye and left. Looking at Hong Gouzi walking away, Li Yuting sighed. More than half a year ago, he was still a little follower who made a living under him. In just half a year, the two of them

People's status has changed. This may be the difference between the temple and the wilderness. Although he is not considered to be in the temple, he is working for the official family after all, and his future is getting more and more promising, but Hong Gouzi is because of the official family.

If there is a policy adjustment, we have to think of various ways to find a new way to survive.

This chapter has been completed!
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