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Chapter 250 The Imperial Palace is a Waste of Space

Eunuch Cao was very fast in doing things. After agreeing, he said that he would go to an acquaintance that night and ask, and he would be able to give me a letter early the next morning.

That night, when Li Yuting returned home, he found that Hong Gouzi's helpers were very efficient. They had already prepared everything that needed to be prepared, including the meat and vegetables for the next day. They only had to wait for the next day. When it's sunny, turn on the fire and stir-fry.

The next day, Li Zhang and several neighborhood women started cooking early in the morning. Li Yuting and several neighbors who came to help set up a table in the courtyard to clear away the odds and ends.

The purpose of Mrs. Li Zhang's hosting of this banquet was not only to let people know that her son had passed the exam and had a promising future, but also to announce to her neighbors that her son would officially be the head of the household. Although Li Yuting was only ten years old, he Once you have an identity, you are an adult. After you graduate from school, anyone with a lower status in the inner palace system than him, regardless of age, will have to be called an adult.

When it was almost noon, Hong Gouzi suddenly brought someone over and brought a bunch of food and wine. What does this mean?

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"Yuting, I want to discuss something with you. Eunuch Cao just asked me to come over to talk. What we talked about has basically been completed. Let me bring a few people over tomorrow to the main store of the supply and marketing cooperative to listen and drink. We will try it out for a few days. Okay, your supply and marketing cooperative will outsource all the small delivery orders to our brothers. The problem now is that Eunuch Cao asked me to hold a ceremony today to officially become my godfather. I am thinking about your family. There is a banquet on the side, so I will bring my godfather and my parents over, and let the brothers and neighbors bear witness. I will take advantage of your occasion to place my branches as well. Don’t worry, I have already brought the extra food and wine. "

After listening to Hong Gouzi's words, Li Yuting felt a little confused. Isn't the efficiency of these people a little too high? They just started planning yesterday, and today they have to ask their godfather and borrow their own place.

"Brother Gouzi, I have to ask my mother about this."

"Yes, you should go and ask the master's wife. From now on, we brothers will have to rely on the master's wife for literacy." Hong Gouzi himself did not study in Li Zhang's night school, but he also followed others and called Li Zhang's master's wife .If the work of the supply and marketing cooperative goes well this time, he will also prepare to go to school with Li Zhang.

After Li Yuting ran over and told Li Zhang about the matter, Li Zhang did not make a decision but said: "Ting'er, you are old too, you can make your own decision on this matter."

How else could he make up his mind? Hong Gouzi came here with people and food, so he couldn't refuse, right? Li Yuting had no choice but to reply to Hong Gouzi and settle the matter.

The courtyard was already crowded, but after Hong Gouzi's group came, it became even more crowded. But the people who came to eat were not hindered, and they were very happy. Even people like Eunuch Cao , did not dislike the environment of the large courtyard, but looked at the crowded and lively courtyard with a smile.

"The human relations here are so good! It's not like in the palace, where there is always something between people." Eunuch Cao sighed while looking at the people in the courtyard.

After the banquet began, Liu Dazhuang's father first announced to everyone the reason for the banquet on behalf of the host family. The reason was of course that Li Yuting was admitted to the Inner Palace Industrial and Commercial Management Training Department, and after completing the course, he would become an eighth-grade steward. In addition to this reason, there is also a ceremony for local neighbor Hong Youzhi to pay homage to his godfather and place branches. Please bear witness to this ceremony.

After Li Yuting waited for Liu Dazhuang to finish speaking, he stood up and toasted his neighbors with a round of wine at each table. Then came Hong Gouzi's godfather ceremony. After Hong Gouzi knelt down and served tea to Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao stood up from his seat, held the wine glass and said: "Today, through the happy event of Yuting's nephew, I have adopted my adopted son Youzhi, which is considered a blessing, and I am even more happy. I would like to offer you a glass of thin wine,

First, I would like to thank you all for your testimony, and second, I would like to congratulate my nephew Yu Ting on his promising future. Maybe my neighbors are not familiar with the fact that my nephew Yu Ting has entered the Department of Business and Administration. Let me put it this way, if you catch up with this future, you will be successful.

Almost, Long Live Master is very concerned about it, and I heard that he will personally teach Yuting and others. Today I saw that all the young people from my neighbors are here, so I would like to give you a few words of encouragement. You are really caught up in a good time now. With Yuting,

If they are willing to take the lead, they can not only make a living, but also make progress, but they must be determined to do things and work hard for their own future. I was also born in poverty, and I know how difficult it is for poor people to make a living. Opportunities like this are rare."

After all, he is a person who has seen the world. After Eunuch Cao’s explanation, the people eating the banquet became more energetic.

After eating for nearly an hour, the neighbors started to leave and help pack away the food after the meal was clean.

Hong Gouzi took this opportunity to talk to Mrs. Li Zhang. First, he wanted to say that he wanted to come to her to learn literacy. Second, he wanted Li Zhang to expand the scale of the night school. It would be best to combine the current ones.

Recruit all the friends.

Mrs. Li Zhang had no problem with Hong Gouzi coming to school and expanding the scale of the night school. The problem was that she had no school space! She lived in a large courtyard and could not accommodate so many people to come to school. Hong Gouzi was also very embarrassed about this.

He also didn't have such a big place. Just when they were feeling embarrassed, Eunuch Cao, who hadn't gone back yet, came over. "The Za family has a yard not far from here. I was planning to rent it out and rent it to earn some money. Since you guys

Let’s get down to business, so I’ll let you use it first.”

Eunuch Cao used his unused courtyard to support Li Zhang and others in running night schools, out of the desire to support Hong Gouzi and others in doing business. Eunuch Cao was not the only one who dedicated his courtyard to doing business. Zhu Youjian in the palace recently

I had this idea for a few days.

There are not many people living in the palace now. A weaving factory and an armor sewing factory were established at the beginning of the year. After moving a large number of palace ladies to Miyun, there were not many people left in the palace. When there were fewer people, the palace seemed empty. So

The large courtyard houses Zhu Youjian, the queen, a few concubines and a small number of service staff, which is too wasteful. Zhu Youjian plans to re-plan the functions of the palace, leaving a small amount of space for his own home and other places.

Do something more meaningful.

It is definitely not suitable to use the palace to run a factory. It would be too busy to run a university. After much deliberation, we finally decided to free up most of the palace for the National Library, National Museum and National Archives.

In addition to avoiding waste and saving land, reducing the scale of personal use also reduces security costs. Such a large palace is simply not enough without thousands of security personnel. After reducing the scale, the security force can also be reduced accordingly. Eight or nine hundred people can solve the problem at best.

Okay. Anyway, the security force is not to prevent riots, but mainly to prevent assassinations and other accidents. After the scale is reduced, it will be more compact.

Before formally adjusting the functions of the palace, Zhu Youjian took Wang Chengen and others to tour the entire palace. When planning this way, he had a clear idea in mind. Until now, he has never really gone around the palace once.

This chapter has been completed!
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