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Chapter 257 Can Changing the Calendar Reduce Disasters?

Inspired by Ruan Dacheng, Zhu Youjian hurriedly summoned Yizhi and Tang Ruowang to the dormitory to discuss the compilation of nature textbooks.

Fang Yizhi was serving in the Hanlin Academy at this time, and he was born as a shujishi. According to the practice of the Ming Dynasty officialdom, he could be said to be a properly trained young cadre. However, his life has not been easy recently, and he was stabbed by the Donglin Party.

, became a traitor among the people of Donglin. And because of ideological issues, he did not have much dealing with the current group of powerful people. As a result, he became a loner without any partisans. Suddenly summoned by the emperor, he

I was a little surprised.

"Mizhi, Mr. Tang, I have called you here because I want to entrust you two as chief editors to compile a set of textbooks on natural subjects. I hope you can help me complete this matter."

Textbooks for natural subjects? When Fang Yizhi and Tang Ruowang heard this term for the first time, they were a little confused. They stared at each other for a long time with two pairs of ignorant eyes. Finally, Fang Yizhi asked for advice: "Your Majesty, what content does natural subjects involve?


"Simply speaking, it is common sense about all things in the world, such as how many seasons there are in a year, and what solar terms there are. For example, when do all things grow and when are they harvested? Are there differences in different places? Why are there differences? Another example is the same thing.

Why can it be moved with a crowbar but cannot be moved with both hands? Does the length of the crowbar and the supporting point have an impact on this? Does it affect geometry? This subject initially allows students to understand the knowledge of all things. In depth, it is to explore the operation of all things.


"I understand what kind of book your Majesty is going to compile! It should be a book on physics. I actually have the same idea. In terms of physics knowledge, the West where Mr. Tang lives actually has a lot of knowledge in this area, and many of them can be

After all, he was someone who had accumulated experience in this field. Although he probably hadn’t officially compiled this book at this time, after the emperor’s prompting, Fang Yizhi immediately knew what book the emperor was going to compile. He reacted

Fang Yizhi's expression was very excited, and he had a vague feeling that he had found a confidant. Who would have thought that the emperor of the current dynasty would actually be his confidant.

Physics? Zhu Youjian glanced at Fang Yizhi with interest, but he still brought up this word. "As Mi Zhi said, if you study this subject deeply, it is the principle of all things, the way of nature, and if it is shallow, it is the truth of nature."

It's common sense. Does Mr. Tang understand my appeal?"

When Tang Ruo saw that the Ming Emperor suddenly called his name, he quickly stepped forward and said in poor Mandarin: "Foreign Minister Xu understands His Majesty's request. It is indeed as His Majesty said. There are some knowledge related to it in the West, such as levers."

principles, principles of buoyancy, etc. Foreign Minister can translate all these into plain text. Your Majesty, Foreign Minister, in recent years, combined with Western calendars, I have revised and recompiled a new Ming calendar, and I would like to present it to Your Majesty."

"Mr. Tang has finished giving the newly compiled calendar to the Ministry of Rites! I will ask the Ministry of Rites to examine it. If there are no errors, Mr. Tang's newly compiled calendar will be used next year."

Tang Ruowang had already compiled the new calendar and named it the Chongzhen New Calendar. Over the years, he had been looking for opportunities to promote it, but it never received attention. In real history, Tang Ruowang changed this calendar when the Qing Dynasty entered the country.

I gave it to Dorgon, who promoted it without saying a word.

The reason why Zhu Youjian so happily accepted the new calendar recommended by Tang Ruowang was not because he had understood that this calendar was more scientific than the current calendar. It was a decision made based on the common sense of a time traveler. There is a fact that his own

After the Manchu and Qing Dynasties adopted the new calendar, there were much fewer extreme disasters than during the Chongzhen period. So is it possible? The errors in the old calendar will lead to people's inaccurate judgment of the seasons, which is also one of the reasons for the occurrence of major disasters.

1. It’s better to believe that something exists than something that doesn’t exist. Anyway, changing a calendar doesn’t cost much.

"Your Majesty, should the natural science textbooks be compiled into one book or several books?" Fang Yizhi was very unhappy when the conversation was interrupted by Tang Ruowang's presentation of the calendar. Seeing the right opportunity, he intervened.

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"I was about to say this! It's definitely not possible to compile a textbook. My idea is that in the future, middle schools will be divided into county middle schools and Fuzhong schools, with two years each! Each of these four years of middle school must have a corresponding nature textbook, starting with shallower ones. Go deeper and systematically teach the existing natural principles to middle school students from the outside to the inside. When they get to university, the principles taught will be deeper. However, the conditions are not mature now, so in the next year, you and Mr. Tang will work together We mainly do two things, one is to compile a set of natural subject textbooks suitable for college students, and the second is to compile two simple textbooks suitable for middle school students to learn. First, we will set up the framework of natural subjects, and then slowly enrich them."

"It's just the two of us, I'm afraid it won't be enough."

"You two are the chief editors, and you can also recommend people who are involved in this field to join the editorial team. At the same time, you have priority for all Taipei students and normal students admitted this time, and the students selected by you will enter the natural sciences study unconditionally. Natural science is divided into two levels: junior college and undergraduate. Junior college students only need one year to teach in middle schools. They mainly want to popularize natural science courses first. Undergraduate students need to study intensively for two to three years. In the future, we will work with you to compile natural textbooks. , explore the principles of nature. Natural science undergraduates should select the best among the best, and receive a salary after admission. After graduation, they will be given priority to stay in school as teaching positions with preferential salaries. For the time being, natural sciences should be set up in normal universities first, and Taixue will also set up in the future. Natural science. If the conditions are ripe, we can set up a doctoral degree on top of the undergraduate degree to specialize in the study of nature. This science is the serious path of the world, and I attach great importance to it!"

Frankly speaking, several universities today are training courses, and the students are mature groups. The purpose of enrolling them is to train their professional qualities. There is not much success in teaching subject knowledge. In terms of time, one or two years is not enough. To truly complete the transformation of the teaching system, it is simply impossible without bottom-up changes in one or two decades.

The troublesome thing is that not only are universities short of teachers, but the shortage of teachers in these newly opened subjects in primary and secondary schools is even more terrible. History teachers are easy to find, arithmetic can barely get some people, and geometry and nature in primary and secondary schools have no one at all. Solution The only way to solve the problem is to set up only two courses, Chinese language and mathematics, in junior primary schools, to set up history, Chinese literature, and mathematics in high primary schools, and to set up the remaining subjects in middle schools. At the same time, we should first train some 250-year-old students in normal universities. Teachers, let them teach in middle schools, instill earphones in students, and do some basic popularization work. After a few years, the talent pool will be enriched, and then we can start education in a formal way.

Relatively professional subject education can only be done in universities at present. First, make the universities formal and then move on. If the basic quality of students is not good, can things be done well in universities? How can I say this! This kind of thing can only be done People like Song Yingxing and Fang Yizhi, who are able to compete with their talents, didn’t have any professional scientific education when they were young. Didn’t they become abnormal when they grew up? No, they should have mutated!

This chapter has been completed!
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