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Chapter 267 The Seventh Security Office of Huairou

On the official road leading to Beizhi, Gao Zengnuo and his eldest brother pushed his mother in a wheelbarrow, while the younger sister followed the refugee team with difficulty.

"After traveling such a long way to Beizhili, I think you, my second son, are sick. Our family should have followed Emperor Chuang to conquer the world." Gao Zengguang, the eldest son of the Gao family, scolded his second son all the way.

There is a reason why Gao Zengguang complained about his second son. They were from the guards. When Li Zicheng entered Shanxi, most of the guards defected to Dashun. But Gao Zengnuo didn't go, and he didn't even drag his boss with him.

Go. In the winter, there was a large-scale famine phenomenon in the entire Shan region. Naturally, the Gao family was not immune and had to follow the fleeing army to Beizhi. In Gao Zengguang's view, his family's current situation was entirely due to the wrong decision of the second son.


"Stop gossiping. Is it so good to follow the thieves to conquer the world? Isn't it the same as running away with your family now?"

"Can it be the same? At least we can have food when we get there. Now we have fled to Beizhili and have nowhere to go."

"That's not necessarily the case. I've heard from Beizhi that a lot of good governance has come out of the imperial court this year. Maybe we'll get the benefit of the doubt when we get there."

"Hmph, when have we ever had the honor of the imperial court? The last time you worked hard for the emperor, didn't you end up with a rice bowl and a pound of sugar?"

"What's wrong with me getting a rice jar? We relied on this rice jar to cook something hot during our escape."

Just as the two brothers were arguing, the front of the refugee team suddenly became agitated. The Gao family was a little flustered by this unexpected situation, and they didn't know what was going on.

"The court has set up a shelter in front of us. Let's go quickly. I heard that we will take care of the food when we get there." Someone in the crowd started to shout. After hearing this, the refugees ran forward in confusion.

The Gao family also followed the team and ran forward. After running for about two miles, Gao Zengnuo saw the so-called Anminshe. On a large desert beach, several large straw huts were built, with a large row of

Office desks and many officials and soldiers.

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After the refugees passed, officials came over to ask about the situation, and then brought them to the table to do things. Gao Zengnuo also met an official and was brought to the table in a daze. The official sitting on the table asked: "From Jin

Where did it come from?"

"Guardian, we are from Yangquan."

"How many people from the whole family came here? How many strong laborers? How many women, children, old and young?"

"There are four people in my family. My brother and I are the strong laborers, and my mother and sister are the women, children, and children."

"Where is the home of strong laborers? What is your name?"

"My name is Gao Zengnuo."

"This is your family's nameplate. Take it! Then go to the shed at the back to drink porridge. Someone will call your name later. You take your family and follow the person who called you. They will group you into groups and then tell you about your placement.

Location and resettlement policy." The official handed Gao Zengnuo a wooden sign and explained the next steps.

Until he arrived at the hut and drank gruel from the broken bowl and rice jar he brought with him, Gao Zennuo didn't understand what was going on.

"Second brother, what's going on? The court won't arrest us to become young men, right?"

"Drink the porridge first and then talk about it. As long as you have food to eat, what's wrong with being a strong man?" Gao Zengnuo has no temper at all for this arrogant old man in his family. He looks big and round, but except in front of his family

He shows off his prestige but has no hope at all. When others ask questions, his words are not accurate.

The porridge cooked in the porridge shed was not very tasty, but it was very viscous. After drinking a bowl, Gao Zennuo felt full in his stomach and energetic. After waiting for a while, several officials came and took the

The list began to read names. After Gao Zengnuo heard his name, he stood up and answered.

"Master, please stand by me first. I will take your family to the wasteland over there later and I will tell you about the court's settlement." A young official said to Gao Zengnuo and continued to read his name.


After reading about twenty names, the official asked these people to take their families and follow him.

When they arrived at the deserted land with few people, the official said: "Fellow fellows from Jin region, on behalf of the Jin region Refugee Resettlement Office, I would like to announce to you the policy of relocating the people. You will be incorporated into Huairou Guard, the seventh resettlement office tomorrow.

, I will take you with me to report. On the way there, the imperial court will take care of everyone's meals for free. In the first three days after arriving at the place, they will also take care of meals for free. After that, the resettlement office will use money and food to hire everyone to open up wasteland. As long as

Anyone who is willing to work will be hired by the resettlement center. The daily wage for strong laborers is thirty cents, and the daily wage for women, children, and children who can work is fifteen cents. At first, it will be converted into food and distributed to everyone every day.

You can find money after you stabilize. In short, as long as you work, you will not worry about hunger. The court will not care about the lazy people. When everyone becomes stable, their wages will be increased according to the quality of the work. After working in the resettlement center for three years, the court will

You will be granted land to everyone for your labor and work share. You only need to pay 15% of the land rent every year for the land granted. After twenty years, the land deed will be yours."

Gao Zengnuo listened carefully to the policy announced by the officials. After all, the imperial court has nothing to say about the imperial court's resettlement policy. As long as he works a day, he can get money and food, like his own family can earn ninety penny a day. As long as this money can be obtained,

My family can survive. If I work for three years, I can get a share of land. If this is the case, my family can definitely survive in Beizhi. Fortunately, I didn't become a thief, because being a thief doesn't provide such good treatment.

That night the family had another meal of porridge. After finishing the porridge at noon the next day, an official came over and called the head of the family's name and took them to Huairou. It took three days and more than a hundred people.

Arrived at destination.

The destination is a piece of wasteland. It seems that it was planted in the past, but it was abandoned long ago. Now there are a few simple straw sheds built on it, but otherwise it is deserted.

Several officials came out from the thatched hut. When they arrived in front of everyone, a man who looked like a leader stood in front and said: "Fellow folks, I am the director of the No. 7 Resettlement Center in Huairou. From now on, everyone will be under my leadership.

, to open up wasteland here. You may see this place as desolate, but don’t worry, the court has allocated money and food. This year we will not only open up fields here, but also build water canals. From now on, this will be irrigated land, and it will definitely become a good place.

Fertile farmland. Let’s huddle in the thatched hut today, and tomorrow we’ll start building some shacks to live in, so that everyone doesn’t have to suffer the cold.”

That night, Gao Zengnuo and his family finally had a dry meal, and then slept in a hut for the night. Although the hut was simple, it had a stove and was actually warmer than sleeping in the wild during the escape.

Early the next morning, officials from the resettlement center came over and said they were looking for laborers to build shacks and other laborers. Anyone who worked would be given wages on the same day. Gao Zengnuo quickly took his eldest brother to apply, and the two were

They were assigned to the team building shacks to work. At noon, the people in the resettlement house organized a group of women and children to cook for everyone. After the meal, they worked all afternoon. In the evening, they continued to take care of the meals.

Gao Zengnuo and his eldest brother also received the day's work rations. The two of them added up to nearly eight kilograms of mixed noodles.

After putting the working grain into the food bag that his family brought with them when they fled, Gao Zengnuo suddenly felt at ease. As long as he could receive food like today, his family would not have to worry about losing their livelihood. Eight kilograms of food a day is enough.

The family ate it.

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