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Chapter 273 Are all the children born to women with small feet in the nest?

Zhu Youjian launched the New Style Movement because he wanted to carry out a major transformation from top to bottom, from thought to action, so that the people on the Beizhi side could better unite under the banner of the Ming Dynasty. To achieve this, in addition to the above In addition to measures, there must be a starting point that all people need to participate in.

When the courtiers asked about the launch of the New Wind Movement in the main hall, after the discussion was almost complete, Zhu Youjian continued to speak: "In addition to the above measures, the New Wind Movement also has another important measure. After the movement begins, all women are not allowed to bind their feet. They have already bound their feet." The government officials at all levels will supervise the execution. Anyone who binds a woman's feet will be punished by her parents and sentenced to three years of hard labor."

Not allowed to bind feet? Is this a national policy? The ministers all found it incredible.

"Your Majesty, it has been common practice to bind girls' feet since ancient times. This is a folk custom. How can it be changed by forceful decree?" Zhou Yanru had to stand up and object. If you fix it, you will fix it. Why should you have trouble with women's feet?

"Grand Master, this has been around since ancient times. Where did it come from? I checked the classics and found that there was no custom of binding women's feet before the mid-Tang Dynasty."

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"This is probably a habit that has been in existence since the late Tang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty, right? In any case, this has been a custom among the people for hundreds of years. How can it be changed so easily?"

"Precisely because it was a trend that only started from the late Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, I think it is a bad trend and I want to get rid of it."

"I find it difficult for you to understand, so I would like to ask Your Majesty to clarify your confusion."

"Before the late Tang Dynasty, the Chinese people still had the ability to drive across the desert and conquer the barbarians. After the late Tang Dynasty, only Taizu and Chengzu of this dynasty had such feats. They suppressed the northern captives and attacked the eastern captives, right?"

"This is true evidence, but what does it have to do with the practice of binding women's feet?"

"Queen Ma of this dynasty has big feet!"

As soon as he said these words, the hall suddenly became quiet. Zhu Youjian, who was sitting on the dragon throne, felt that he could hear the heartbeats of the courtiers.

The scientific reason why women are not allowed to bind their feet cannot be clearly explained to these ignorant people. So Zhu Youjian is going to do the opposite and use semi-superstitious means to exaggerate the matter.

After waiting for a long time, Zhou Yanru said: "Your Majesty, does women's foot binding really affect the destiny of the country? I am very scared when I think about it carefully. As long as the Song Dynasty, it is true that there are few victories against the enemy in the north!"

"I recently discovered this truth after searching ancient books. If I think about it carefully, it is indeed related to the destiny of the country. As the saying goes, the sky is the top of the head and the feet are the ground. The sky is yang and the earth is yin. If the natural feet are artificially made smaller, then the If a woman cannot receive the earth's energy, she will give birth. If the child born with insufficient earth's energy is born with an imbalance of yin and yang, wouldn't it mean that the foundation is unstable? If so, she will not be able to go far, and will only be trapped in a nest."

"Your Majesty, I understand! No wonder everyone can fight at a distance. If it weren't for Your Majesty's sage, ministers who are related to the fate of the country would not be aware of it." Zhou Yanru was brainwashed by Zhu Youjian's nonsense and stood there. People dancing and dancing in the main hall became a "like party".

"Yes, if God had not taken pity on us Han people and sent down Queen Ma, we Han people would not be able to survive. I regret very much why I only discovered such a big thing now." Zhu Youjian looked heartbroken on the dragon throne, The acting skills are very good.

"Your Majesty, I am very happy! Good news has come from heaven, and the country is happy!" Some people have better acting skills. In the main hall, Chen Yan, the deputy minister of the cabinet, stood up with an exaggerated expression to congratulate him.

This person loves to steal the show too much, right? Is it so exaggerated?

"Bachelor, we have just discovered this matter now. We still have a long way to go to eradicate this shortcoming. Isn't it a little premature to congratulate you now?"

"Your Majesty, this is not what I wish to congratulate, but the fact that the power of building a captive army will not last long."

"Can't the power of building a captive army last? This has nothing to do with not binding feet, right?"

"Your Majesty, we only paid attention to the feet, not the head. Our Ming Dynasty women have small feet, and the problem of the Jianlu is the head. I see that the Jianlu all shave their hair and leave a rat tail. They are sucking the yang energy.

It is not enough, and it will not last long. I see that their national destiny has been on a downward trend in recent years, and the thieves and chieftains are all short-lived. Therefore, I feel that the luck of building captives has come to an end, and this is a happy event sent from heaven."

Do you have a smarter brain than mine? Zhu Youjian was dumbfounded after hearing Chen Yan's fallacies. He made up a lie in order to promote the falsehood. Unexpectedly, Chen Yan took advantage of the situation and made up an even more outrageous lie. He is also a talent.

"That's right. In fact, all the northern barbarians have the custom of shaving their heads, so their national destiny is not long-term. Your Majesty, today's court meeting must be strictly prohibited from leaking. Such matters related to the national destiny, if the thieves know about it, and

Changing this custom will be a big disaster." The fallacies are not terrible, the key is that some people believe them to be true. As soon as Chen Yan said this set of fallacies, it affected Zhou Yanru and he quickly followed it to process it.

There's something wrong with this trend! What topic is this being discussed by the dignified Central Committee of the Country?

"Let's do this. Regarding the matter of foot-binding, we can let the newspapers publish it. Otherwise, we won't be able to persuade the people to change the custom, and other things will not be published. Also, after you go down, check the classics to see if this is bad for the country.

How did the incident start? Those bad guys contributed to this incident? These historical sinners must be found out!" It is better to use less nonsense. Zhu Youjian thinks that only his own version can be circulated, adding fuel and jealousy.

The version is limited to this.

Women's foot binding in the Ming Dynasty was not as perverted as it was in the Manchu period, but it was already very serious. Zhu Youjian promoted foot binding. In addition to being aesthetically unacceptable, there was also a fundamental need, which was to liberate the labor force. Women with deformed feet did it

Heavy physical work is very disadvantageous, and a lot of work in the fields cannot be done without men. After enough work is done, the work in the fields will not rely so much on male labor, so that men will have more time to work, and they will only be busy farming for a certain period of time a year.

However, if we develop industry, we will have more labor force, and the productivity of the whole society will increase a lot.

Moreover, after women are fully relaxed, more people will flow into the handicraft processing industry, and there will be more available labor force. At present, Beijing has no shortage of labor force, but it may not be short of labor force as it continues to industrialize. It cannot absorb all the labor force.

Come to industrial production! Western countries are small and can industrialize without any scruples, because their food can be supplied through robbery and slave plantations. But the Ming Dynasty cannot. If the Ming Dynasty was short of food in general, with the current productivity of the world, it would be impossible to rob the entire city.

There is no place to grab it.

Grain production must be self-sufficient. This is the bottom line for the development of the Ming Dynasty. It is also the root problem why ancient China did not make great strides towards industrialization. When industrialization first began, industry was unable to feed back agriculture. Without improving the efficiency of labor use, it would not solve the problem of food

production capacity, industrialization is laying a minefield. All the surplus grain in the Ming Dynasty is gathered together, which can only support the two megacities of Beijing and Nanjing. Releasing the female labor force is what must be done if we want to industrialize. From today onwards, the dynasty

Judging from the reactions of the important officials in the hall, Zhu Youjian felt that the lie he had made up should be of great use.

Chapter 273: Are all the children born to women with small feet arrogant?

This chapter has been completed!
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