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Chapter 276 The strategic planning of Manchu Qing from both wings!

Dengzhou Port is located in the northern part of the Jiaodong Peninsula, also called Denglai Port. It is relatively close to Yantai Port, a major port in later generations. It is now one of the two major ports in the north of the Ming Dynasty. But its geographical location is more important than Tianjin Port.

It is said that Dengzhou Port was the most important port in the Ming Dynasty, especially in recent years, its importance has been extraordinary.

There are three reasons why Dengzhou Port is important. First, it controls the outlet of the Bohai Sea. Second, it rarely has ice periods, unlike Tianjin which is unusable for dozens of days a year. Third, it is quite close to the Dalian Peninsula.

.For a long time, Denglai was an important logistics base for the Liaodong battlefield.

We must find a way to capture Dengzhou Port, which is one of the nodes that will vitalize the overall situation.

"My idea is to first build a naval division with 5,000 men and hundreds of warships in Tianjin, and then let the army cooperate to capture Dengzhou in the first half of this year. The expansion of the naval division cannot be stopped, and it must be completed before the end of the year.

The recovery of Jinzhou and Fuzhou from the sea will be carried out in the past year or two with a force of the size of an army division. Building a strong naval division is very important both now and in the future to restore Liao and Pingnan!


"Recover by sea, Jin, recover? Your Majesty, there is a problem with this matter. It is very difficult to defend in winter, and it is very difficult to support by sea. It will be isolated and helpless like what happened on the Liaodong battlefield before, and supplies will be hard to come by."

"There are difficulties, but they are not insurmountable. Jinzhou is closed to the sea for only two months. As long as you prepare properly and build a fortress with stone and mud, it is not difficult to hold it with a small number of troops. The problem in Liaodong before was that the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were like rabbits.

Like wolves, we can only huddle in the fortress, unable to cause damage or threat to the enemy. Of course, the more we defend, the more passive we become. But it is different now. We have the power to fight back. Jin in Liaodong is a sacred land for Jianlu to occupy.

Absolutely not."

"If Jin and Fu are to be used as the main battlefield of Fu Liao, will the layout outside the gate need to be adjusted?"

"Obviously, we need to pay more attention to it. Our strategy for restoring Liao this time is to let go of the Ning-Jin Road, cut its wings from both sides, and make Jianlu a trapped beast. As long as Daning and Jin are restored,

The army is like a pliers, which can pinch Jianlu to death from both sides. Sooner or later, the Jianlu will be destroyed. The abandonment of Daning is one of the main reasons for the expansion of Jianlu. Even the Liao rebellion in the past century is related to it. Daning is

It is an important place that cuts off the passage between the northern and eastern captives. Without this connection point, the two captives would not be able to help each other."

Chifeng is an important node in the grassland corridor, and its strategic location is very important. Abandoning this strategic location is definitely a strategic failure. Liaodong has been corrupted for more than a hundred years. The Liaodong rebellion did not start with the Manchus. Before that, the place was already

The powder keg of the Ming Dynasty, otherwise how could Li Chengliang be granted the title of uncle? In the Li Chengliang era, the Qing Dynasty had not yet emerged. The earlier Chenghua Liting was difficult to control because of the Liao rebellion? The last famous general of the Ming Dynasty, Li Rusong, did not die during the Manchu and Qing Dynasties.


"Rebuilding Daning Guard? Your Majesty, is it difficult? It will cost countless money and food. Can the imperial court support it?"

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"The reason for the abandonment of Daning is that the guard can't sustain it. Feeding its troops with its own land is the key to the maintenance of the guard. However, it is difficult for Daning to feed its troops with its land. This is even the case in the entire nine border towns.

.That’s why salt was introduced. The imperial court wanted to use salt merchants to transport grain to the border areas to subsidize their lack of land, which led to the rise of Qin merchants and Shanxi merchants. The idea of ​​using commerce to raise troops was right, but the direction was not right.

The border areas do not produce salt, and transportation is difficult. Using salt from the southeast to feed the soldiers in the northwest will not last long. However, the way of heaven is more than enough to make up for the damage. It is not that there is no production in the border areas. Not to mention other places, Daning has

Really good production, Daning is rich in gold, copper, coal, iron and other minerals. It is not difficult to open the mines in this place to raise soldiers and people! Coal is difficult to transport, and refining kerosene is not profitable?


"Your Majesty, is there really gold or copper mine in Daning? Is the quantity large?"

"Of course there is, and the reserves are definitely quite large. I checked the old secret history of the royal family. Taizu and Chengzu knew it a long time ago, but they didn't have time to lay it out. Later, the secret history was interrupted and was lost. Fortunately, I accidentally found it in the palace.

While wandering around, I discovered it in a secret place. Otherwise, how could I know all about the minerals in various places?"

This bullshit secret history of the royal family is all from the memories of later generations. Zhu Youjian made it up in order to make things sound, so he thought he could fool him.

"The secret history is lost, which is really a misfortune for the country. It seems that this mistake happened during the civil war. Fortunately, your majesty found this treasure. If there are these mines, it will not be difficult to rebuild Daning. Your majesty cut off the hatchback

The strategy of building captives is a great strategy for the permanent consolidation of the country, and this strategy is of great benefit."

Although Chen Xinjia praised Zhu Youjian, he felt in his heart that such a good strategy probably came from the hands of talented people like Lao Zhu and Zhu Laosi! No wonder the emperor has gained strategic determination and a great acting style in recent years.

The change must be closely related to the secret history. The inheritance of the Ming Dynasty royal family is incredible. No wonder the emperor is not panic at all about the prince's enthronement in Nanjing. Without the bonus of the secret history, how could the prince be the opponent of the emperor who has become a spirit?

Of course, Zhu Youjian didn't know what Chen Xinjia was thinking about at this time. He had already changed the chat partner and was going to chat with Ma Shiying for a while.

"Yao Cao, I sent you here from Xuanhua to accompany me on a tour of Tianjin. Naturally, there is a purpose."

Ma Shiying was actually quite puzzled as to why the emperor would let him accompany him on a trip to Tianjin? He was now faced with a huge problem of refugee resettlement. From the twelfth lunar month to now, more than 200,000 refugees had been admitted. During this period, they came to

The number of people has not decreased, and it is really possible to reach the half million people estimated before. It is scary to think about how to accommodate so many people. At this time, he really doesn't want to accompany the emperor to wander around.

It's a rare opportunity, but if you mess up your job, it's really not a good thing.

"The imperial court has only allocated three million taels of resettlement funds. I estimate that the money will be almost spent by August at most. What will you do in the remaining months? This is the first one, and the second one is the imperial court's funds next year.

It will decrease, and your life here will be even more difficult. I asked you to come to Tianjin this time to find a way out for you. According to my estimate, if the income from opening fields this year is converted into silver dollars, there will be hundreds of thousands of taels.

, the situation may be better next year, but with only one to two million taels, it will take at least three years for Kaitian to break even, which is why I have set up the refugee resettlement matter for three years."

"Your Majesty is wise, it is difficult for ministers to take care of matters. The money and food allocated by the imperial court will indeed be difficult to meet in August or September. I wonder what I should do next? I hope your Majesty can give me some advice."

"The way out lies in fishing, industry, and mining. There is a time for farming, but the sea has no cover, and the mines can be opened at any time, and money can be exchanged at any time. It may be difficult for the refugees in Shanxi to fish, but some fish canneries can be built to bring the fishermen to

The caught fish can be made into cans. It will take a month or two to build a factory and start making money. The canned fish can be stored for two to three months, which is considered a relatively long-lasting food. It is needed by the army and the people in the capital.

Worried about not having any money to make. Zunhua is about to open a factory area. It is a time when a large number of workers, workers and mines are needed. The refugees will have labor to provide. Isn’t this killing two birds with one stone? If through fishing, industry and mining, three or four people can be resettled.

With 100,000 people, you can bring about 100,000 dependents without worrying about their livelihood. It is not difficult to meet the food expenses of 200,000 people with the money earned by your resettlement agency. In this way, it will be much easier to get through this year.


Chapter 276 The strategic plan to seize the Qing Dynasty from both wings! get/g/190/190977/m/1.0host:x-forwarded-for:


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