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Chapter 296 Urban Street Fighting!

"Tell the men! Let's speed up the march. As long as we get to Miyun, we will earn enough for entering the pass this time!" Wu Sangui rode on his horse and marched quickly while urging his men to speed up the march.

Naturally, Wu Sangui, a wealthy man from the Miyun Factory District, had heard of it, so he decided to make his first robbery here after crossing the border.

Just kidding, if he succeeded in robbing the factory area, he wouldn't have to change places to rob, he could just go back to Daning. That would be enough for this year.

With the dream of getting rich, Guan Ningjun almost ran towards the factory area.

Just one day after entering the customs, Guan Ningjun had already appeared in the factory area.

At this time, the 12th Army, which was rushing along the railway to the factory area, was still on the way. There was only one security brigade and a factory protection team composed of craftsmen and laborers in the factory area.

After listening to the investigator's report that Guan Ning's army was about to approach the city with a serious face, Fang Yizhi said: "There is only one brigade of troops in the factory area now, and the Wu thieves have already arrived. Facing such a large force,

We can only focus on defending the stalls, and other places in the factory area can only be defended by the factory protection teams of their respective factories. Fortunately, there are more than 3,000 new guns in the factory here, and there are still several more in the newly opened grenade assembly factory.

Tens of thousands of mines are available. I think that if we make good use of these weapons, we should be able to hold on for about a day. If we have this time, a large group of people will kill us."

"Your Majesty, the biggest trouble in our factory area is that each factory area is in such chaos that they can only fight on their own. I'm afraid it will be difficult to defend." Li Zongwei, the security brigade commander stationed in the factory area, expressed his worries.

He was a traditional soldier and had never defended a city without city walls, so he was even more worried about the situation in front of him. If there was a city wall with more than 3,000 people, he felt that it would not be a big deal to hold on for half a day, but this was not the case.

The city has no walls, so it feels like there is nothing to hold on to.

"Brigadier Li, the city can be defended like this. You ask your soldiers to gather all the commuting rail cars available in the factory area. After the Wu thieves enter the factory area, you can rely on these rail cars to provide support to each factory area.

I, along with flags and soldiers, will observe the battle situation in the entire war zone on top of the office building in the factory area and issue military orders to you."

"That's it! I will use all the cavalry together to support the most critical places."

The military and political leaders in the factory area quickly discussed a general battle plan. Facing a battlefield that had never been fought before, everyone could only cross the river by feeling the stones and try to see if it would work.

The defender didn't know how to defend. As the attacker, Wu Sangui was dumbfounded when he arrived at the battlefield. Why is there no city wall in this place? It's a good thing that there is no city wall, but the key point is that the city in front of him is a bit too big, right?

In his imagination, this place was just a county town at most, but after arriving, he discovered that this place was bigger than Ningyuan City. Bigness is not a problem, the problem is that the roads inside are densely packed, and he still can't figure out the core of the city.

The place is there!

"Your Majesty, how should we fight? Where should we fight? It shouldn't be difficult to enter the city, but where should we fight after entering?" His generals had no idea than Lao Wu, so they ran up to him and asked about the strategy of fighting.

"Let the two generals Xia and Hu lead their troops into the city from the north and south wings. I will lead the Chinese army to attack along this road. We will meet at the tall building in the middle." Wu Sangui stood on the high side and observed the battlefield.

While simply assigning combat tasks to his generals, he prepared to enter the city. Facing a city without peripheral defense facilities, Lao Wu felt that entering the city would not be difficult.

As soon as the commander raised his flag, tens of thousands of Guan Ning's troops marched straight into the city. Lao Wu took the lead and charged fiercely along the road.

As a result, not long after the charge, the road ahead was blocked. The defenders placed a row of four-wheel rail cars on the road that were used to pull goods from the factory, and then people hid behind them and used guns and grenades to block the attack.

As soon as Wu's front troops rushed over, they were beaten up, and they were so beaten that they had to retreat.

"Your Majesty, we can't rush through this road. They blocked the entrance with firearms from the street. There are also musketeers and grenades in the buildings on both sides. If we rush into this road, we will be attacked on three sides. The terrain is too unfavorable for us.

"Forward officer Ma Bao quickly reported the situation to Lao Wu.

Old Wu glanced at the blocking position on the avenue from a distance and found that what Ma Bao said was indeed correct. The defensive position was set up really cleverly, with three or two-story buildings on both sides blocking the approach. As long as he rushed into this

In a blocking position, as many people as possible can be exposed to firearm coverage.

"This road is blocked, let's choose another road! Will the people who defend the city fail to fortify everything? There are roads leading to the middle building everywhere in the city, why should we stick to this road?"

When observing the factory area from a high place, Wu Sangui discovered the characteristics of the factory area. Roads extend in all directions. The reason why he chose to advance from the main road is because the main road is the widest. Now that it is inconvenient to advance from the main road, why not use other roads?

As we walked along, I still didn’t believe they could set up defenses everywhere.

With a large group of troops, they retreated for a certain distance and then chose a fork in the road. Wu Sangui and his men continued to advance toward the central tower.

After walking for a while, the previous situation reappeared, and the road ahead was blocked again. "Grandma! Let's continue to go around! Leave some people here to contain the defenders, and the others will find a way with me and continue to kill.


He led the people to continue the detour, and after seven or eight detours, Lao Wu found that there were no people blocking the road ahead, but the situation did not get better, because there was no road ahead, and they reached the river! "Turn back and choose another road!"

There are a lot of roads in this ghost place, but why is it so chaotic?"

After leading the army into the city for two hours, Lao Wu still failed to realize his strategic intention of storming into the central tower. Instead, he became confused in the road network extending in all directions in the factory area. In the process, his soldiers and horses also lost their way.

The soldiers were scattered on various roads. It looked like there were his soldiers everywhere, but in fact everyone was running aimlessly. The strange thing was that he also encountered two other groups of skirmishers!

In a city built along a river, it is impossible to have neat roads. The situation in the factory area is pretty good. At least two main roads are neat.

"No! If we continue like this, we will continue to fight headlessly, and our energy will be gone. We will suffer from the unfamiliar terrain. If we try to find a way to get some cannons into the city, we still have to get back to the main road and rush forward.

"After realizing that the terrain was unfavorable to him, Wu Sangui had to adjust his tactics. Taking a detour would definitely not work, as even going around would stun him.

After changing his tactics and returning to the main road to advance, Wu Sangui still did not achieve the results he wanted. This time when he entered the customs, he definitely could not bring heavy artillery, but only some light artillery. The light artillery and the security brigade guarding the main road were

The artillery ratio has no advantage at all, and they can't open up the situation at all.

"Your Majesty, we can't advance in such a large group. They can block us with a small number of soldiers and horses. The general thought that our army should be divided into small groups and rush into the city. The soldiers and horses guarding the city will definitely not be as many as us. As time goes by,

You will be beaten into a sieve by us." The young general Xia Guoxiang explained his method of attacking the city.

"Let's divide our troops and advance! I still don't believe it. With such a ruined city, I, Guan Ning, have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, but I can't do anything to him."

Chapter 296 Urban street fighting!

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